Date: August 14th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Let me ask you something…if you are moseying along a city street and you came across a few blocks where every living creature was dead, would it concern you? Why? Well then ask yourself this, why is it of no concern when a similar thing happens in our oceans? Dead zones, where no oxygen based life exists have been increasing and now mass unexplained sea life deaths are being reported. Don’t you think that is kind of newsworthy? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: We added 11 DVD titles on Friday. You can see them listed here:

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· Al Muthanna violence 'escalating' - A senior Japanese Defence Agency official has expressed concern that recent violent demonstrations in the southern Iraqi city of Samawa, where Australian troops are based, "are escalating".

· U.S. Lowers Sights On What Can Be Achieved in Iraq - The United States no longer expects to see a model new democracy, a self-supporting oil industry or a society in which the majority of people are free from serious security or economic challenges, U.S. officials say.
TVNL Comment: In other words the invasion of Iraq has been a complete PNAC failure that cost over 1800 American lives and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi lives.

· No 10 refuses to reveal Iraq war e-mails - DOWNING STREET is refusing to release e-mails from a senior official relating to the attorney-general’s legal advice in the run-up to the Iraq war, raising suspicions that No 10 intervened at a crucial time.

· War Messages That Don't Quite Match - "The president has now twice in effect overruled or corrected" the Pentagon, said Bill Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard. "I think the president realizes how much damage was being done by the appearance coming out of the Pentagon of seeking urgently to get out" of Iraq.
TVNL Comment: Bill Kristol is the chairman of PNAC.





· PNAC Statement on Iran - According to the paper, Israeli intelligence is now saying, “Iran will probably have a nuclear bomb by 2012, but could have the capability as early as 2008.” - Third, lest we forget, one reason the Bush administration promulgated the possibility of military preemption in its strategic doctrine was the fact that, in this day and age, one could not count on timely warning of when states or terrorist groups might be on the verge of obtaining a devastating capability that puts America and its allies in serious danger.

· 21 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak - The cast of administration characters with known connections to the outing of an undercover CIA agent:





· Mortgage Defaults Expected to Grow - In another sign that California's real estate boom may be peaking, the state's foreclosure activity has bottomed and is expected to rise, new data suggest.

· U.S. brands have an image problem - Global consumers have spoken: They're not feeling any love for American brands.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush/PNAC legacy!



9/11 News :


· Army Intel Unit Exposes Massive FBI 9.11 Cover-Up - The FBI has been telling a massive lie to the 9.11 Commission and the American people, a lie whose result has been to halt in its tracks, as a Commission spokesman freely admitted on Thursday, the investigation into the murder of almost 3000 people.

· Congressman Wants Another Look at 9/11 Commission Probe - Congressman Weldon says he wants a congressional investigation to determine who prevented the information from being shared and why the independent commission probing the attacks did not include the episode in its final report last year.

· C-SPAN will be broadcasting the entirety of the McKinney congressional briefing on 9/11 - The event included leading victims' family members, former government and intelligence workers, academics and authors speaking on the flaws and weaknesses of the 9/11 Commission's investigation, assumptions, omissions, conclusions and recommendations. It was filmed in entirety by C-SPAN.

· Another 9/11 Smoking Gun Ignored by the Media! - We know who one of the people who financed Mohamed Atta and yet we do nothing to investigate this person. Perhaps this is because the money trail leads to the CIA, as does the options trading that took place prior to 9/11 that indicated foreknowledge of the events.











· CIA ceremony for ex-spymasters sparks puzzlement - The CIA will honour nine former spymasters who served in the now-defunct position of director of central intelligence at a closed-door ceremony that has sparked puzzlement and surprise among some ex-spies.

· Homeland Security Dept. Loses Labor Rules Fight - A federal court has struck down personnel rules adopted by the Department of Homeland Security, saying they violate the rights and protections given to employees by Congress.

· Conspiracy Charges in GOP Voter Fraud Case - The Republican Party says it still has a zero-tolerance policy for tampering with voters even as it pays the legal bills for a former Bush campaign official charged with conspiring to thwart Democrats from voting in New Hampshire.
TVNL Comment: Sure, they will become vocal once other discover the crimes; but until OTHERS prove crimes were taking place they cross their fingers and hope nobody notices.

· Election Fraud Continues in the US - New research compiled by Dr. Dennis Loo with the University of Cal Poly Pomona now shows that extensive manipulation of non-paper-trail voting machines occurred in several states during the 2004 election.

· National Summit to Save Our Elections - Come and learn how corporate influence and profiteering have compromised American elections, and what We the People can do to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

· Richardson declares border emergency to free up funds - Gov. Bill Richardson on Friday declared an emergency in four New Mexico counties along the border, an action that lets him free up money to be spent on everything from fighting drug smuggling to fencing a livestock yard.

· Oregon Mother to Join Sheehan Vigil - The mother of a fallen soldier camped outside of President Bush's Texas ranch will soon be getting visitors from Oregon.

· Law Abiding Ohio Resident And Korean War Veteran Has Authorities Illegally Swarm On His Property Just Hours After He Called President Bush A Liar On A Local AM Radio Station - After hovering over his property with a helicopter, officers then swarmed on his land, looked at some shrubbery and then left without any explanation.





· Scientists Measure Red Tide Outbreak - Since the beginning of August, the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in St. Petersburg has received reports of mass destruction of sea life in areas ranging from southern Hernando County to northern Sarasota County.
TVNL Comment: This is the kind of issue that we should be paying close attention to!

· Experimental hybrid cars get up to 250 mpg - University of California, Davis engineering professor Andy Frank built a plug-in hybrid from the ground up in 1972 and has since built seven others, one of which gets up to 250 mpg. They were converted from non-hybrids, including a Ford Taurus and Chevrolet Suburban.

· Judge Reluctant to Rule on Global Warming - "Why should I do something that Congress and the president have decided they don't want to do as a matter of policy?" Judge Loretta Preska asked lawyers for the states.





· Iran warns Bush against attack - Iran has warned US President George W Bush that he would be making a mistake to use force against the Islamic republic over its nuclear program.

· UN nuclear watchdog rebuts claims that Iran is trying to make A-bomb - The new information, which strengthens Iran's case after last week's contentious IAEA board meeting in Vienna, will be a central part of the next report to the board by Mohamed ElBaradei, the IAEA chief. "The biggest single issue of the past two years has now fallen in their [the Iranians'] favour," the diplomat said. The meeting of the 35-nation board, which ended last Thursday, urged Iran to suspend the uranium-related activity at its Isfahan plant, which many fear will be the first step towards building a nuclear weapon.

· London bombings: the truth emerges - An investigation into the four suicide bombers from the first attacks and the people alleged to be behind the July 21 plot has found no evidence of any al-Qa'ida "mastermind" or senior organiser.

· U.S. VP Cheney to tour Alberta oilsands - "There's just a tremendous amount of interest now in seeking that secure and reliable supply of oil and gas — and of course they're looking to Canada and in particular Alberta," Klein said.

· Germany attacks US on Iran threat - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has warned the US to back away from the possibility of military action against Iran over its nuclear programme.





· Pentagon devising scenarios for martial law in US - According to a report published Monday by the Washington Post, the Pentagon has developed its first ever war plans for operations within the continental United States, in which terrorist attacks would be used as the justification for imposing martial law on cities, regions or the entire country.

· U.S. commander is dressed down - Bush administration officials have privately rebuked a top U.S. commander in Iraq for publicly discussing troop reductions, The Sunday Telegraph reported.

· Army ads encourage parents to let their children sign up - A new series of television ads aims to get parents to "Help them find their strength" and not stand in the way of their children signing up. One such commercial begins with a teenager telling his mother he's found a way to pay for his college education.





· Someone Tell the President the War Is Over - LIKE the Japanese soldier marooned on an island for years after V-J Day, President Bush may be the last person in the country to learn that for Americans, if not Iraqis, the war in Iraq is over. "We will stay the course," he insistently tells us from his Texas ranch. What do you mean we, white man?

· The flag won't protect you; it's in the wrong hands - We live in dangerous times. And the danger is state-grown, here at home. Under the cover of our flag.

· "Thank You for Your Sympathy"? - After my office was destroyed on September 11, 2001, the people of Tehran, Iran left their offices and homes. They gathered in the streets holding candles to demonstrate condolence, sympathy and goodwill towards us, the people of New York, and indeed, all of America. I remember the film footage from Tehran at the time and will never forget. - Now, the Bushling and his puppet-masters plan to bomb them.






· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· New dark age for Iraqi women - The principal of equality that existed in what was once one of the Middle East's most secular countries, and guaranteed women's rights even in the midst of Saddam's atrocities, is now under threat in the negotiation of the very constitution that many hoped would guarantee equality. Ironically, it is with the tacit agreement of millions of largely poorly educated Iraqi women.





· Nuclear Terror Drill To Go Live? Let's Hope Not - The sheer number of warnings and events, subtle hints and overt threats is now too much to ignore. More background and warning signs, especially as regards Israel and Iran can be found in my article at entitled Israel, Iran, Mossad and a Nuclear False Flag Attack. - Americans should alert friends and family members and active citizens should inform their neighbors and local authorities.

· WHAT ARE YOU DOING? - “The killing done by the United States since George Bush has been in charge is incredible,” observes Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D. (biometrics). And yet, for the most part, there is only silence and acquiescence from Americans: denial in response to a death event of epic proportions. Notes Sr. Bertell, “If you really deal with it at a deep level, it’s painful. It’s very painful. But that’s where you’re also most effective. If you’re willing to accept the reality as it is and say, ‘Yeah, this is my world. This is what we have done. This is what we have to live with. And this is what we have to try and make better.’ Then I think you’re healthier. I think you’re dealing with it.”



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