Date: August 15th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: If you do nothing else today please click on the link posted in our Of Interest section entitled Conspiracy Confessions. Watch it closely and you will no doubt understand the conspiracy theory community. The most notable quote you will see relates to the press, most notably the NY Times, Washington Post and Time Magazine and their cooperation in NOT reporting to the public what has been going on behind the scenes.

I hope that link inspires everyone to explore the history of our world that is not represented in our mainstream history books. As I said before, there are 2 worlds, the one that we live in and the one that is presented to us by our media. What world do you live in? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

Special note to my Mom: I want to wish my mother the happiest of birthdays today. Mom, your guidance in life has helped to make me a person that I am proud to be. I hope I am at least half as good a son to you as you are a mother to me. Happy Birthday! Love Jesse

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Bush's economic invasion of Iraq - The Bush administration has succeeded in maintaining a stranglehold on issues such as public versus private ownership of resources, foreign access to Iraqi oil and U.S. control of the reconstruction effort — all of which are still governed by administration policies put into place immediately after the invasion. The Bush economic agenda favors foreign interests — American interests — over Iraqi self-determination.

· Senior official of Iraq Central Bank abducted - Unknown gunmen abducted a senior official of Iraq's Central Bank as he left home in central Baghdad Sunday morning, police said.

· TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER FOUND DEAD - A Task Force Baghdad Soldier died Aug. 12 from a gunshot wound.

· How can the US ever win, when Iraqi children die like this? - "I told the American officer: ’You have killed the innocent and such things will lead the people to destroy you and the people will make a revolution against you. You said you had come to liberate us from the previous regime. But you are destroying our walls and doors.’"

· The War for Oil - The advocates of war insist it's not about oil. But global oil production is on the brink of terminal decline and when the West begins to run short of supplies - Iraq could be a lifeline





· Debating the Power of the Presidency - Some say John Roberts' biggest impact on the high court could come in cases on wartime executive authority -- not a right to abortion.

· What Now, Karl? - Rove and Ashcroft face new allegations in the Valerie Plame affair

· Christopher Walken for president? - The big question, of course: Is "Walken for President" for real? According to one source, the entire campaign, including registration of multiple Web domain names, is an elaborate hoax being perpetrated by members of the General Mayhem forums, one of the largest message boards on the Internet.

· The War Party - Panorama investigates the "neo-conservatives", the small and unelected group of right-wingers, who critics claim have hijacked the White House








9/11 News :


· How Did They Know? - On September 11th, none of the New York firefighters thought the twin towers would collapse. And no engineer in the country, including the designers of the world trade centers, thought they would collapse. Indeed, "experts said no building like it, a modern, steel-reinforced high-rise, had ever collapsed because of an uncontrolled fire" (full article is pay-per-view), and the twin towers were designed to survive airplane strikes. - And yet, somehow, on 9/11, Mayor Rudy Giuliani knew in advance that the world trade center was going to collapse.











· U.S. losing leadership in engineering to Asia - "We are being out-produced in engineering graduates — both undergraduate and graduate level — by Pacific Rim countries, and the comparison will be more extreme as the years go by," said Richard Heckel, founder of Engineering Trends, a research consultancy. "From an engineering standpoint, the future leaders of the world are going to come from the Pacific Rim."

· U.S. minorities are becoming the majority - Non-Hispanic whites now make up two-thirds of the total U.S. population, the bureau said, but that proportion will dip to one-half by 2050, according to the agency's latest projections.

· Abramoff: More Trouble Ahead? - Another possible reason for the Feds' stance: to pressure Abramoff to cooperate in a broader, D.C.-based probe that could touch members of Congress and Bush administration officials.










· US paid for Japanese human germ warfare data - The United States gave money and other benefits to former members of a Japanese germ warfare unit two years after the end of World War II to obtain data on human experiments the unit conducted in China.

· Koizumi Apologizes for Past Colonization - Koizumi, in a written statement marking his second apology for the war to Asian neighbors this year, recognized the suffering his nation inflicted. ''Our country has caused great damages and pain to people in many countries, especially our Asian neighbors, through colonization and invasion.''

· Venezuelan Anti-Imperialist 'court' Issues Guilty Verdict Against Bush - Witnesses at the trial held in a Caracas stadium pointed to the war in Iraq, Washington's financial support for the Colombian government's fight against Marxist rebels and U.S. economic policies that often leave many developing nations in poverty as evidence of crimes committed by Bush.

· Chinese, Russian Militaries to Hold First Joint Drills - The two countries also will do a little business on the side as Russia shops its hardware, including nuclear-capable strategic bombers, to its military-industrial complex's best customer, Russian and Chinese defense analysts said.

· Responding to Bush, Iran says has more war options than U.S. - Iran notched up the rhetorical battle with the United States on Sunday, declaring its options, if attacked by Washington, far exceeded those of the Americans.





· Decorated Marine opened fire on noisy crowd - A Lawrence man who was named "Marine of the Year" last month is charged with firing a shotgun at a crowd of revelers outside his second-floor apartment, wounding two people.





· A True American Patriot - Cindy Sheehan - How far we have fallen as a people and a society that emotionalist sycophants and apologists, blinded by dollar-driven petty motives and arrangements, and who earn zillions of dollars by merely appearing cute and knowledgeable in front of a FOXNews TV camera, or an ABC "golden microphone," are so revered by so many of the ignorant masses, while those that bravely stand and bleed on the battlefield of truth are demonized and vilified.





· Russia to launch English-language news channel - It will offer a mixture of international news "from a Russian perspective" as well as domestic Russian news.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· Portugal honours U2 for humanitarian work - Portugal's President Jorge Sampaio has awarded Irish rock band U2 one of the nation's highest honours in recognition of their humanitarian efforts on African poverty and human rights issues.

· U.S. Lutherans Condemn Israeli Barrier - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America denounced the security barrier Israel is building along the West Bank, saying Saturday that Israeli policy throughout the territories has brought "extreme hardship" to Palestinians.





· Conspiracy Confessions - TVNL Comment: Must see video.

· TRIMMING THE BUSHES - Family Business at the Watergate - For more than 20 years the Bush family has had extensive business ties to Middle East geopolitics. Among other connections, during the 1990s certain suites at the Watergate office building in Washington, rented by the embassies of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, were also home to a Bush-linked private investment firm.



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