Date: August 16th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: I would like you all to imagine what TV news coverage would be like had there been a situation where Arab settlers were being evicted from land that they illegally occupied in Israel. I would also like you to try to imagine rhetoric coming from the media had Americans been asked to finance their relocation. I am making no assertions here but I want you all to think hard and deep what the coverage would be like, what the rhetoric would be like and what your attitude would be had the situation been reversed. Personally I think it would make a great study in hypocrisy. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Japan party to pull Iraq troops - Japan's main opposition party has announced plans to pull troops out of Iraq and slash government spending if it wins the upcoming election.

· Afghan crash kills Spanish troops - Defence officials in Madrid initially said that 17 Spanish soldiers had been killed, but this is yet to be confirmed by Nato.

· So we're going to bolt from Iraq. Where are the cries of complaint? - You may have noticed, too, that our own Government is talking about massive British troop reductions in southern Iraq, possibly for “redeployment” to Afghanistan (“or tsunami relief, or Oxfam, or anywhere”, gulps Tony Blair into his shaving mirror). - We were expecting an angry chorus from a particular quarter. So why the silence? You could hear a pin drop. Why don’t they sing out, the armchair warriors of Fleet Street? George W. Bush and his friends are preparing to scuttle Iraq, and nobody’s complaining.





· Nominee Roberts, in '84, called equal pay for women 'radical' - As a Reagan White House attorney in 1984, John G. Roberts criticized three Republican congresswomen for supporting the "radical" idea of "comparable worth" to create pay equality between men and women.

· Bush's priorities - talk to Phil Mickelson but not to Cindy - Bush doesn't have 5 minutes to meet a grieving mother who lost a son in a war based on lies but he has plenty of time to talk to a winner of a golf tournment?





· By Any Measure, The "Jobs Recovery" Stinks - While single macro-numbers paint a rosy picture, the various components of those numbers are far from rosy. Furthermore, Democrats are not the only people who have noticed this. Three separate reports from the New York Federal Reserve, the Boston Federal Reserve and the Congressional Budget Office all confirm the weak underlying trends in the current employment situation.



9/11 News :


· 9/11 Panel Dismissed Key Evidence Before - But before skeptics pull the plug on further inquiries over what the Commissioners knew about Mohamed Atta and when they knew it, it's worth remembering that the 9/11 Commission turned its back at least once before on inconvenient evidence.

· 'I Provided 9/11 Attackers with Passports' - Al Qaeda Militant Luai Sakra, arrested for organizing the double bomb attacks in Istanbul on 15-23 November, has claimed to have played a role in the September 11 attacks to World Trade Center (WTI) in New York.






· Hastert’s Turkish Allies Tied to Bin Laden - However, the recent coverage has not addressed why Sibel Edmonds’ information regarding Speaker Hastert’s dealings with the Turks necessitated an in-depth investigation by the September 11th Commission.

· An Unlikely Conversation With The Cowards in Congress - Suppose you were an idiot... And suppose you were a member of Congress...But I repeat myself. -- Mark Twain





· No Child Left Behind stirring up formal resistance in several states - The report found that legislative challenges to President Bush's far-reaching education reform law have already taken place in three states, Colorado, Connecticut and Utah. Colorado eased penalties for schools; Connecticut authorized a lawsuit and Utah authorized officials to ignore rules that conflict with its own policies.

· Hundreds of Videos Not Given to Justice - The Justice Department's inspector general said Monday a federal prison center in Brooklyn, N.Y., failed to turn over hundreds of videotapes to investigators probing the treatment of detainees taken into custody after the Sept. 11 attacks.

· Coverage of Big Awards for Plaintiffs Helps Distort View of Legal System - In most such cases, the verdicts are either later rejected or the amounts are severely lowered.

· Executed US maid to be pardoned - A woman sent to the electric chair in the US state of Georgia 60 years ago is to receive a posthumous pardon.





· From permafrost to permatan, Alaska basks in record heat - There are serious ecological and engineering implications.

· Fuel Economy Plan Is Seen Omitting Rule for Big S.U.V.'s - The Bush administration is expected to abandon a proposal to extend fuel economy regulations to include Hummer H2's and other huge sport utility vehicles, auto industry and other officials say.





· Chavez threatens to cut off oil exports to US - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has threatened to cut off oil exports to the United States if Washington does not stop the 'aggressions' against his leftist government, Agence France-Presse reported.

· Niger way of life 'under threat' - Niger's nomadic groups are facing extreme hardship as a result of the food crisis, says a report by international charity Oxfam.





· Three GIs based in Germany charged in crime spree - Three Baumholder-based soldiers — at least two of whom are AWOL — have been charged in a mini-crime wave that resulted in about 1 million euros in damages.





· Picture the Holy Crusades with nuclear weapons - The Christian fundies are already convinced that they are going to get a free ride into heaven if they just help Israel blow up the whole world first.

· Jefferson Would Have Stood With Cindy Sheehan - "This is not new," Jefferson said. "It is the old practice of despots; to use a part of the people to keep the rest in order. And those who have once got an ascendancy and possessed themselves of all the resources of the nation, their revenues and offices, have immense means for retaining their advantage.





· Roger Ailes to Take Over Fox TV Stations - Roger Ailes, the chairman of Fox News Channel, has been named chairman of News Corp.'s group of television stations, a post recently vacated by the sudden departure last month of Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch's eldest son.

· 'Wash Post' Guild Leaders Want Paper Out Of Sept. 11 'Freedom Walk' - "Basically, the guild is calling for the Post to reconsider and drop sponsorship," said Rick Weiss, a Post reporter and co-chair of the Washington Post unit of the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild Local 32035. "As a matter of maintaining its appearance of neutrality on polarizing issues of policy."

· 'What Fox News Channel would have done to Rosa Parks' - This grieving mom has been characterized as a flip-flopper, accused of putting on a public circus, lambasted as a publicity seeking grandstander and criticized for not truly speaking for her family since an aunt and a godmother Matt Drudge found somewhere in the Sheehan family disagrees with her. The conservative attack machine is in high gear in the efforts to tear this woman down.- That made me think of how it would have been in the Civil Rights era if Fox News Channel, Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge and the rest of the gang were around back then.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
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· New claims of Iraq prisoner abuse - Two brothers claim they were beaten and denied water and sleep after they were arrested in Basra and taken to a camp, weeks after military action began.





· American Coup to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism? - The new underground reported to Lehrman that “the imminent Northcom nuclear terror exercise based in Charleston, S.C, where a nuclear warhead is smuggled off a ship and detonated, was originally intended to 'go live' - as in the drill would be used as the cover for a real false flag staged attack.”

· Is Bush Out of Control? - In fact, George W. Bush’s mood swings have become so drastic that White House emails often contain “weather reports” to warn of the President’s demeanor. “Calm seas” means Bush is calm while “tornado alert” is a warning that he is pissed at the world.



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