Date: August 17th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: This weekend CNN will launch a full frontal assault on the truth with their expose on the “intelligence failure” that led the US to believe that Iraq had WMD. There will be no mention of the overwhelming majority of the global intelligence community who knew Iraq posed no threat. There will be no mention of the Office of Special Plans set up to re-evaluate the findings of the US intelligence community. There will be no mention of the cherry picking or the ignoring all opinions that did not support findings that would indicate Iraq was a threat. There will be no mention on how Scott Ritter, Hans Blix & every single anti-war Bush hater liberal, was 100% correct about Iraq not being a threat. There will be no mention of the PNAC plan to invade Iraq and about their New Pearl Harbor comments that gave them their free ticket to proceed with their insane plan. And last but not least there will be no mention of how the Plame leak sent a loud clear message to the intelligence community, indicating that anyone who dared tell a truth that may counter the PNAC administrations lies, will feel the wrath of the administration, and how that virtually castrated the intelligence community. You will only see scabs who will take the blame for the administration in order to make it seem as if there were actually people who felt Iraq was a real threat.

Mark down the names of everyone you see spilling their guts in this special. Then watch our news page over the next year or so as we report every promotion, bonus or appointment of the people who participate in this propaganda piece.

I have not seen this show and I have not read anything about it. I simply saw a 20 second promo for it on CNN. I do however have a very strong feeling that I will be correct in every one of my predictions. As a matter of fact I’d bet on it! Wouldn’t you? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Triple Baghdad blasts kill dozens - At least 42 people have died and 80 were hurt in three car bombings in the centre of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

· Tom Laughlin (Billy Jack) Will Be Holding a National Press Conference to Unveil a Brand-New, Never-Before-Seen Exit Strategy to End the War in Iraq - "Enough is enough!" said Delores Taylor, alongside her husband, Tom Laughlin (Billy Jack). The quintessential activist heroine and hero of the 1970's are back with a vengeance. They are determined to end the war in Iraq, by restoring America to her moral purpose, before subway terrorists possess nuclear weapons in suitcases.

· 26 Iraqi workers wounded as US troops mistake them for rebels - A group of Iraqi workers in Baghdad came under fire from US troops who mistook them for insurgents.





· Library Missing Roberts File - A file folder containing papers from Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr.'s work on affirmative action more than 20 years ago disappeared from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library after its review by two lawyers from the White House and the Justice Department in July, according to officials at the library and the National Archives and Records Administration.

· U.S. Policy on 'Axis of Evil' Suffers Spate Of Setbacks - First, multilateral talks orchestrated by the United States to pressure North Korea to give up nuclear weapons adjourned last week after 13 days without agreement. Then Iran restarted its program to convert uranium, in defiance of the United States and Europe. Finally, negotiators in Iraq failed to draft a new constitution by Monday's deadline amid an unrelenting guerrilla war against U.S. forces.

· Leahy Lambastes Roberts' 'Radical' Stands - Sen. Patrick Leahy (news, bio, voting record) says Supreme Court nominee John Roberts holds "radical" views and has been an "eager, aggressive advocate" for policies of the far right.





· Economy Shows Signs of Strain From Oil Prices - After absorbing the burden of oil at $40 a barrel, then at $50 and beyond, consumers have started to react as prices have risen above $60 in recent weeks.



9/11 News :








· CREW Files FEC Complaint Requesting Investigation Into Foreign Donations to Hastert's Campaign - Earlier today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) requesting an investigation into whether Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert's campaign committee illegally accepted campaign contributions from foreign nationals in 2000 and 2001.





· Indicted G.O.P. Moneyman Jack Abramoff Tied To Phony "Voting Rights" Group! - As most of you should know by now, the ACVR is crawling with Republican operatives, many of whom have strong links to indicted sleazoid Jack Abramoff.

· U.S. anti-war group won't pay Iraq sanctions fine - U.S. peace activists faced with a $20,000 fine for violating U.S. sanctions against Iraq seven years ago for delivering medical supplies said on Tuesday they will go to jail before paying the fine.
TVNL Comment: The Bush administration is fining people for providing humanitarian services. What would Jesus say about that?

· JP Morgan pays $1bn in Enron deal - Enron has previously asserted that 10 banks aided and abetted in its collapse, but the settlement is the first with a US bank.

· The GOP is setting the table for the next round of voter fraud with...allegations of voter fraud. - There's a laundry list of suspicions and allegations (much of which, if true, seem to benefit Republicans), the most laughable of which -- in the "you've got to be joking" sort of way -- is the fact that Bush's campaign chairman in Ohio, Kenneth Blackwell, also happened to be the Secretary of State of Ohio who, as it happens, oversees voting for that state.





· 250 miles per gallon? They're doing it - And while the technology has existed for three decades, automakers are beginning to take notice, too.





· Leak disputes Menezes death story - The papers, from the probe into Jean Charles de Menezes' death, and leaked to ITV, suggest he was restrained before being shot eight times.

· Japan voters could deal U.S. a blow in Iraq - Japan's election next month could end up costing the United States another ally in Iraq, a symbolic blow to Washington even if Tokyo's overall pro-U.S. foreign policy doesn't change, experts said on Tuesday.

· Canada suspends softwood talks - Canada has suspended softwood lumber talks with the United States to protest America's refusal to heed a NAFTA ruling that sided with the Canadian position.

· A blow for the 'Prince of Pot' - They say it is wrong for a Canadian to be tried in the United State for selling marijuana seeds from his Vancouver base. The US has far harsher penalties. - "I'm deeply concerned about subjecting a Canadian citizen to the draconian laws of a foreign nation when we don't bother charging this person for violating our laws," Alan Young, an associate professor of law at Osgoode Hall, wrote in the Globe and Mail newspaper.





· Collateral Risk: DU research gap could impact Vermont troops - By the end of June, more than 600 Vermont National Guard members will be deployed in and around heavy combat areas in Iraq, where battlefield exposure to depleted uranium – a highly toxic and radioactive battlefield poison widely used by the United States in combat zones – has now become routine, military watchdogs say.

· Parents of fallen Marine make plea to Bush - The day after burying their son, parents of a fallen Marine stood on their front lawn and urged President Bush to either properly support the troops in Iraq or withdraw them.





· OUR UNFEELING PRESIDENT - But this president does not know what death is. He hasn't the mind for it. You see him joking with the press, peering under the table for the weapons of mass destruction he can't seem to find, you see him at rallies strutting up to the stage in shirt sleeves to the roar of the carefully screened crowd, smiling and waving, triumphal, a he-man.






· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Croc blood may be the magic bullet - Scientists in Australia's tropical north are collecting blood from crocodiles in the hope of developing a powerful antibiotic for humans, after tests showed that the reptile's immune system kills the HIV virus.





· US Troops Hold Children Hostages in Northern Iraq: Police - "The US forces surrounded the village of Mazraa near Baiji and detained five children under 10 years old, calling on the residents by loudspeakers to hand over several other children showed on TV channels celebrating the killing of US soldiers after roadside blast last week," a police source from Baiji told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.








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