Date: August 19th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The promotion of Cristeta Comerford to executive White House chef might mark the only promotion to take place in George W. Bush’s White House where the person being promoted was not a felon, suspected of or implicated in a scandal or is not a member of a secret society, PNAC or the American Enterprise Institute.

The recent nomination for a new head the Air Force marks yet another promotion of a person with close ties to criminal or questionable activity. It is surreal enough to realize that our Attorney General is the guy who called the Geneva Conventions “quaint” and played a huge roll in creating a policy of torture and inhumane treatment of prisoners, but if you examine the promotions within the Bush administrations it seems like the only way to get ahead is to step outside the lines of legal or ethical conduct. Judging by the plethora of former Iran Contra felons and associates, this administration sets a new standard for the phrases: nice guys finish last” and “crime pays!” Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Stage Set for Fundraising Free-for-All - California congressmen can now raise unlimited amounts to oppose the governor's redistricting measure. There are national implications.








9/11 News :


· GErman court convicts 9/11 suspect after retrial - Presiding Judge Ernst-Rainer Schudt, announcing the conviction of Mounir el Motassadeq after a yearlong retrial, did not immediately explain the Hamburg state court's reasons for the decision.

· Moroccan jailed in 9/11 retrial - LINK - However, the court in Hamburg ruled there was no proof that he knew about the 11 September 2001 plot.

· Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon After 9/11 Indicate Depleted Uranium Used; High-Ranking Army Officer Claims Missile Used at Pentagon, Not Commercial Airliner - “When you look at the whole thing, especially the crash site void of airplane parts, the size of the hole left in the building and the fact the projectile’s impact penetrated numerous concrete walls, it looks like the work of a missile,” said Maj. Rokke from his Rantoul, IL home this week. “And when you look at the damage, it was obviously a missile. Also, if you look at the WTC and the disturbing flash hitting the tower right before the impact of the airplane, it also looks like a missile was used.”

· Close Informant & Friend Of Former FBI Agent John O'Neill, Killed on 9/11, Tells How FBI Higher-Ups 'Shut Him Down' Letting 9/11 Happen - I am not really sure why but the only conclusion I can draw is that they wanted to let 9/11 play out and John and I were getting in the way.






· Support Said Growing for Iraq Exit Plan - Congressman Walter Jones said Thursday he has about 50 co-sponsors on a joint resolution that calls on President Bush to announce by year's end a plan for withdrawal from Iraq.

· CREW FILES FEC COMPLAINT REQUESTING INVESTIGATION INTO FOREIGN DONATIONS TO HASTERT’S CAMPAIGN - CREW based its complaint on an article appearing in the September issue of Vanity Fair in which it was reported that former F.B.I. translator Sibel Edomonds reviewed wiretap recordings involving an F.B.I. target at Chicago, Illinois’s Turkish Consulate, as well as members of the American-Turkish Council and the Assembly of Turkish American Associations. According to Ms. Edmonds, the recordings indicated that an F.B.I. target had arranged for tens of thousands of dollars of campaign contributions to be sent to Rep. Hastert’s campaign committee in small (i.e., less than $200) checks that did not have to be itemized.





· Virus shuts down customs computer system - Travelers arriving in the United States from abroad were stuck in long lines at airports nationwide when a virus shut down a U.S. Customs computer system for several hours, officials said.
TVNL Comment: National security? You can shut down the government with an e-mail!

· Public Hospitals in Poor Suburbs Closing Doors - "This report is a wake-up call. There should be real concerns about availability of hospital-based safety net care, especially in high-poverty suburban areas,"





· Global warming: Will you listen now, America? - Two of the leading contenders to contest the next US presidential election have delivered an urgent warning to the United States on global warming, saying the evidence of climate change has become too stark to ignore and human activity is a major cause.

· Global warming forces Britain's birds to take flight - The report has compelling evidence to indicate that although global warming is widely thought of as a phenomenon of the future, it is already changing the natural world.

· World running out of time for oil alternatives - "If we run out of fossil fuels -- by the time the oil price hits 100 dollars or plus, people will be screaming for alternatives, but whether they will be available at that moment of time -- that's my biggest worry," Hoff said.





· Jordanian soldier killed in twin rocket attacks near US ship - One Jordanian soldier has been killed after unidentified attackers fired rockets from Jordan near a US warship in the port of Aqaba and on a neighbouring Israeli resort in apparently coordinated strikes.

· Bush's Aid Cuts on Court Issue Roils Latin America - The United States has since cut aid to some two dozen nations that refused to sign immunity agreements that American officials say are intended to protect American soldiers and policy makers from politically motivated prosecutions.
TVNL Comment:It also prevents legitimate prosecutions which in essence protects criminals.

· Protests halt Ecuador oil exports - Ecuador's state oil company says it is suspending crude oil exports following five days of protests in two provinces that have slashed production.

· US man held on China spy charge - A US businessman is under arrest in China, accused of spying for Taiwan, according to the US embassy in Beijing.

· Brazil team to probe Tube death - Investigation papers leaked to the media this week seemed to contradict the police version of events.

· Jordan missile attack on US ship - At least one missile has been fired at a US Navy ship docked in the Jordanian port of Aqaba, officials said.

· Russia and China join forces to send US message - RUSSIA and China today launched unprecedented joint military exercises involving air, sea and land forces, aimed at sending a message to the United States about their growing influence.





· Bush nominates official cited in Air Force leasing scandal - President Bush's choice to head the Air Force is a longtime Pentagon official whose nomination will get strong scrutiny because of his role in a scuttled airplane lease deal that resulted in a prison term for a former top Defense Department official.

· Armed Forces Medical Plan Limits Abortions - A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that U.S. armed forces medical benefits should cover abortion costs only when a mother's life is at risk, a decision that the judges acknowledged was ''callous and unfeeling.'' - The ruling by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals came in the case of a Navy sailor's wife whose fetus had a fatal birth defect. She had an abortion five months into her pregnancy, but coverage for the procedure was denied.

· No jail for US soldier in Afghan abuse - A US military jury has spared an army reservist jail time but reduced his rank for assaulting a prisoner who later died at a detention centre in Afghanistan.

· Texan who fought in Iraq denied in-state tuition rates - A decorated Marine enrolling in college was surprised to learn his Texas driver's license, car registration and bank records weren't enough to qualify him for the lower-priced state resident tuition.





· Has America Found Its Own Chou En-lai? - But make no mistake, China will not be stopped. They are comprised of 1.3 billion hard-working, disciplined people. China is critically important to funding America’s reckless indebtedness. This is a nation armed with nuclear weapons, and this week, in a major story here in Asia, engaged in a first time ever joint military exercise with Russia.

· Blaming the Antiwar Messengers - Right now, the pro-war propaganda arsenal of the world’s only superpower is drawing a bead on Cindy Sheehan, who now symbolizes the USA’s antiwar grief. She is a moving target, very difficult to hit. But right-wing media sharpshooters are sure to keep trying.






· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· LIES YOUR DENTIST IS FORCED TO TELL YOU - So-called “silver” dental fillings are an amalgamation of 50% pure elemental mercury, 35% silver, 13% tin, 2% copper, and a trace of zinc - thus the name amalgam fillings. While mercury fillings are classified as a hazardous material in the work place by the federal government’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and dentists can get shutdown if they get caught throwing old mercury fillings down the sink by the Environmental Protection Agency and other government agencies, somehow, magically, these same fillings are perfectly safe in our teeth.

· Secondhand smoke costs nearly $10 bln in U.S.-study - The Society of Actuaries said that the direct costs of secondhand smoke exposure are $4.98 billion, including expenses related to the treatment of heart disease, chronic pulmonary disease, lung cancer, asthma and other sicknesses.













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