Date: August 20th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: In today’s radio address Bush repeated his most overused and under-questioned lie about how we have to fight the terrorists in Iraq or we will have to fight them here. This is so wrong on so many levels that I do not know where to begin.

I’ll just make a few points: 1. WE ATTACKED IRAQ! They never in their history started a conflict with us. 2. Iraq was not involved in international terrorism. They were sworn enemies with Al Qaeda. 3. The results of our invasion have clearly led to an increase in terror, even by those who previously were moderates.

Bush’s comments would be laughable if they were not so scary in that so many people believe them thanks to our lying bastards in the media. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· 3 Sunni Election Workers Seized and Killed in Mosul - Three Sunni election workers were kidnapped while tacking up voting posters in the northern city of Mosul and then killed in front of a crowded mosque on Friday, the latest in a series of violent incidents exposing the rift that has opened up among Iraq's Sunnis over whether to take part in the coming elections.

· Iraq 'needs federalism' to prevent civil war - "Without federalism it means that no community interest has been addressed or fulfilled and therefore different communities will try to find and defend and fight for their rights," Mowaffaq al-Rubaie said.

· Ex-Marine Says Public Version of Saddam Capture Fiction - A former U.S. Marine who participated in capturing ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said the public version of his capture was fabricated. - "I was among the 20-man unit, including eight of Arab descent, who searched for Saddam for three days in the area of Dour near Tikrit, and we found him in a modest home in a small village and not in a hole as announced," Abou Rabeh said.
TVNL Comment: The lies never end!





· Bush: Troops in Iraq protect US from terror - "They know that if we do not confront these evil men abroad, we will have to face them one day in our own cities and streets, and they know that the safety and security of every American is at stake in this war, and they know we will prevail,"
TVNL Comment: This is the most often repeat lie of the administration and of the media. It is repeated faily with no explanation.

· Kerry: America doesn't need 'second Republican Party' - Sen. John F. Kerry told state legislators Friday the Democratic Party doesn't need to undergo an extreme makeover, saying "the last thing America needs is a second Republican Party."

· Cheney vs. the Peaceniks - To the extent that Cindy Sheehan and other supporters of an Iraqi pullout aim to start a national conversation about American options in Iraq, Cheney made it very clear that as far as he's concerned, that conversation only extends this far: Are you with us or are you against us?

· It's Becoming Clear That Perjury Charges Are Being Prepared - A daily service of the DNC, "Mr. Bush, Tear Down That Stone Wall!" will highlight a specific fact that has been revealed and what Americans deserve to know about the White House's involvement in the improper and possibly illegal disclosure of an undercover CIA agent's identity for political gain.





· Jobless Claims Rise by 6,000 - The number of newly laid off Americans filing applications for unemployment benefits rose slightly last week but still remained at levels indicating a strong labor market.

· Home prices 'extremely overvalued' in 53 cities - Single-family home prices are "extremely overvalued" in 53 cities that make up nearly a third of the overall U.S. housing market, putting them at high risk of price declines, according to a study released today.



9/11 News :


· New Iraqi War Documents - How Do They Relate To 9/11 - Given the fact that the early stages of planning the Iraq war began so quickly after 9/11, it further goes to show that 9/11 was indeed the 'New Pearl Harbor' mentioned in the document Rebuilding America's Defenses by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).






· U.S. Senator Visits Venezuela, Asks Rumsfeld to Lower Anti-Chavez Rhetoric - A Republican senator asked Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Friday to lower his rhetoric against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to help win Venezuela's support for combating illegal narcotics.

· Sen. Reid Reports Suffering Mild Stroke - Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., saw a doctor after feeling light-headed Tuesday and learned he'd suffered a mild stroke, aides said Friday.





· U.S. Retains Controversial Trucker Rule - Truckers can still spend six days on the road during the week and drive for 11 hours at a time, thanks to a rule the Bush administration decided to leave intact even though truckers and safety advocates say it's unsafe.





· Judges Rebuff Government on Endangered Species - Federal judges on opposite sides of the country ruled Friday that the Fish and Wildlife Service had acted arbitrarily and violated the Endangered Species Act when it reversed its own decisions and cut back on protections for two disparate species.

· A plot to drill Arctic Refuge - CONGRESSIONAL leaders seem to be plotting a budget maneuver that will authorize oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.





· IAEA tests back Iran's nuke explanation: diplomats - Diplomats say the UN nuclear agency has concluded that highly enriched uranium particles found in Iran are from imported equipment and not from Iran's own activities.

· UK police review shoot to kill policy - The news comes as calls mount for the head of the Metropolitan Police, Ian Blair, to resign over his handling of the mistaken killing of Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, in the tense days after July's London bombings.

· Gaza pullout far from enough for peace, Palestinians say - Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has urged Israel to stop all its settlement activity in the West Bank if it was serious about peace as the evacuation of settlers from Gaza was put on hold Saturday for the Jewish Sabbath.

· Iran, Venezuela discuss oil embargo - Chavez said, “Washington’s molestation may cause more serious problems; our two oil tankers going to the U.S. everyday may go to another country.” He added that the “Northern America market is not compulsory for us.” Venezuela exports 1.5 million barrels of oil to the United States daily.





· Rumsfeld's Ray Gun - A non-lethal -- but potentially harmful -- crowd control weapon that heats human skin is bound for Iraq, and possibly to a police department near you.





· YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET - If America and Britain think they have fears of “terrorism” now, all I can say is, “ they ain’t seen nothin’ yet” if they attack Iran.

· Why The United States of America's Nuclear Weapons Are Being - - Guarded - - By Israel - American supporters of Israel were delighted to learn that an Israeli company, Magal Security Systems - - owned in part by the government of Israel - - is in charge of security for the most sensitive nuclear power and weapons storage facilities in the United States.
TVNL Comment: Another good question is why our Congress' phone system run by a company in
Israel? Why is any foreign nation at all overseeing the internal communications in our government?

· What Does the Administration’s Leaked Mea Culpa on Iraq Portend? - So, when a genuine news report comes along, even on the front page of the Sunday Washington Post, we may fail to notice that something significant has actually changed.

· Moral Authority - Speaking only for myself, I will find it very difficult to support any Democratic "leader" who remains silent at this critical moment but who wants to be president in 2008.





· Costas Refuses to Host Show on Holloway - "I didn't think the subject matter of Thursday's show was the kind of broadcast I should be doing," Costas said in a statement. "I suggested some alternatives but the producers preferred the topics they had chosen. I was fine with that, and respectfully declined to participate." - The Holloway case has been a big attraction on cable news networks during a slow news period, with Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren getting record ratings as she's paid almost nonstop attention to it. Reports of Costas' decision first surfaced on the Web site on Friday.
TVNL Comment: During a "slow news period???" Slow news??? They mean NO NEWS! Holy cow, can they be any more obvious about their unwillingness to report real news?

· Why Are the Media Having Such a Hard Time Covering Cindy Sheehan? - It's truly amazing: the MSM want to hold Sheehan's feet to the fire on statements she's denied making about Israel while allowing Dick "last throes" Cheney, Condi "mushroom cloud" Rice, George "slam dunk" Tenet, Alberto "quaint" Gonzalez, and George "Mission Accomplished" Bush a free pass.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· How to grow your own pharmaceuticals - It's very easy to grow powerful medicines that can lower your cholesterol, protect your heart, reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, enhance nervous system function, and protect you from diabetes and many other chronic diseases.





· Speziale boots feds probing alleged abuse of detainees - The explosive issue of whether immigration detainees are being abused in the nation's prisons has flared up at the Passaic County Jail. Sheriff Jerry Speziale ejected federal investigators from the jail last month, accusing them of arrogance and incompetence, his spokesman said Tuesday.

· FBI Investigating Local Homeland Security Agents - Allegations that as many as six federal Homeland Security deportation agents assaulted and tortured a Nigerian man who was shackled at Oklahoma City's Immigration and Customs Enforcement office are being investigated by the FBI, according to a published report.





· Pope seeks immunity in Texas abuse case - Lawyers for Pope Benedict XVI have asked President Bush to declare the pontiff immune from liability in a lawsuit that accuses him of conspiring to cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian in Texas, court records show.
TVNL Comment: The fact that this is even an issue should make you think about what organized religion is really all about.

· Former aide: Powell WMD speech 'lowest point in my life' - "I wish I had not been involved in it," says Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, a longtime Powell adviser who served as his chief of staff from 2002 through 2005. "I look back on it, and I still say it was the lowest point in my life."

· Website Mixes Killing & Evangelism - The website is FORCEMINISTRIES - and sports a flashy animated intro featuring men with automatic weapons ready, willing and able to kill... apparently for Christ! "Imparting" faith in Christ with an AK-47??



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