Date: August 22nd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: If you are paying attention you will see that the media is trying to “prepare” the American people for a new Islamic Republic called Iraq. The spin machine is on and it is starting to present an Islamic ruled Iraq as a victory in the PNAC war for global domination. On Meet the Press yesterday one of the guests actually said” "In 1900, women did not have the right to vote. If Iraqis could develop a democracy that resembled America in the 1900s, I think we'd all be thrilled. I mean, women's social rights are not critical to the evolution of democracy. We hope they're there. I think they will be there. But I think we need to put this into perspective." This comment went unchallenged by the host.

The corporate media seems to have to limits to what they are willing to say in order to sell this administrations lies and crimes. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· G.I. Death Toll in Afghanistan Worst Since '01 - This year is already the deadliest for American soldiers in Afghanistan since the war of 2001, and the violence is likely to intensify before the nation's legislative elections on Sept. 18.

· Electricity Cut Halts Iraq Oil Exports - Iraq's oil exports were shut down Monday by a power cut that darkened parts of central and southern Iraq, including the country's only functioning oil export terminals, Iraqi and foreign oil officials said.

· Rebels kill six Iraqis, kidnap five including Turkish engineer - Rebels killed six Iraqis, including three policemen and kidnapped five, including a Turkish engineer.





· Karl Rove's War Against Cindy Sheehan - To slander opponents so their political positions are discredited -- Karl Rove's doctrine has been immensely effective in defeating Bush's challengers; will it now be effective in defeating grieving mother Cindy Sheehan?








9/11 News :


· September 11 panel received no Pentagon data on key hijacker: ex-chairman - The panel investigating the September 11 attacks in the United States was not given details of a Pentagon program that allegedly marked suspected ringleader Mohammed Atta as an Al-Qaeda member a year before the attacks, the commission's ex-chairman said.

· 9/11 factors boost Gulf economies - "The Americans shot themselves in the foot by being so harsh," said Beshr Bakheet, owner of Bakheet Financial Advisers in Riyadh. "Do you want to put your money in a country that is involved in wars all over the globe? Not only Saudis, but a lot of people aren't comfortable with this."

· 9-11 commission chair wants Bush response:- - Time magazine reports Thomas Kean wants President Bush to confirm whether a document linking Atta and al-Qaida was given to Deputy National Security Adviser Steven Hadley by Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa. - The commission reported that hijacker Khalid Almihdhar was out of the country from the summer of 2000 until the summer of 2001 but a Florida identification company reports they issued him an ID card, the magazine said.











· BUSH KEEPS S.F. AT BAY - President hasn't participated in 75-year tradition of visiting city -- and he has no plans to do so - In all, 20 presidents have visited the city, including every chief executive for the past 75 years. Except George W. Bush.

· Treasury Claims Power to Seize Gold & Silver -- and everything else - And ordinary citizens with no particular interest in gold and silver may want to ask their members of Congress to reconsider these statutes simply for being wildly tyrannical.





· African fish industry 'in crisis' - The Fish For All summit, beginning on Monday in the Nigerian capital Abuja, will seek sustainable ways of reviving Africa's dwindling fish stocks while protecting employment in the industry.





· Posada may testify about the 1963 assassination of a US president in Dallas... - There are all kind of things that Posada can testify about, such as, for example, the financial sources for his 1997 and 1998 bombing "operations" against the Havana hotels which include some the big-named members of the drug dealing and GOP-supporting Miami Mafia. - Posada may testify about the CIA shipments of cocaine from Central America for sale in the United States to finance the Contra war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. - Posada may welcome the opportunity to testify at the retrial of the Cuban Five because that will get him back to his beloved state of Florida ... though not the city of Miami ... where his powerful friends in the Miami Mafia can still "fix" things for him because the judicial and electoral system in Florida is the most corrupt in the United States.





· Marine Charged in Shooting Saw Death Up Close in Iraq - But after he returned late last year from a 10-month tour in the Marines' mortuary affairs unit, Cotnoir's patience snapped.

· U.S. asks court to dismiss ex-soldier's injury lawsuit - The federal government is asking a judge to throw out a lawsuit filed by a former soldier from Kentucky who is suing the Army and Navy for injuries he received during a training exercise at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.





· Mr Bush must start to tell America the truth - Dodgy rhetoric and tactical silences have been an enduring feature of the enterprise. Doublespeak was employed to get us into the war. Subsequent progress reports have been bathed in high-beam optimism. When nothing good can be found to say, the policy has been to say nothing at all.

· Wrong Religion - Fear drives people to dogma, dogma drives people to stop thinking, both deliver people to leaders who promise to protect and to do good but will most likely do neither.

· Democracy is an Illusion - A tiny cabal of international bankers chooses our "leaders". This clique, which subtly controls every significant facet of our society is gradually establishing an Orwellian global police state. Much of the ruling class has been duped to think they are building a better world.





· Muslim Group Slams BBC Portrayal of Islam - Britain's most powerful Islamic body criticized a television documentary broadcast Sunday that accused the country's Muslim leaders of ignoring the spread of extremism within their communities.

· BUSH CAVES IN TO ISLAMIST CONSTITUTION FOR IRAQ -- AND THE U.S. PRESS BLOWS THE STORY - If the Bush administration brokered a deal in Occupied Iraq to enshrine Islamic law as the guiding principle of the new Iraqi Constitution, you'd think it would be headline news in the U.S. media, wouldn't you? Well, that's what has happened -- yet you canIraq_flag search the Sunday papers in vain to find this sell-out to the Islamists clearly portrayed -- or, in some cases, even mentioned.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
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· Britain's organic food scam exposed - Farmers, retailers and food inspectors have disclosed a catalogue of malpractice, including producers falsely passing off food as organic and retailers failing to gain accreditation from independent inspectors. The findings raise concerns that consumers paying high premiums for organic food are being ripped off.





· DIPLOMATIC ASSURANCES -- WORTHLESS - Countries that rely on ‘diplomatic assurances’ that other countries won’t torture transferred prisoners “are either engaging in wishful thinking or using the assurances as a figleaf to cover their complicity,” a new report from Human Rights Watch (HRW) charges.








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