Date: August 24th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: CNN now has a segment where a few people (anchors included), sit around and chat (gossip) about things including stories being reported in tabloid newspapers. Miles O’Brien brought up the story about the 9 states that are taking it upon themselves to curb greenhouse gasses. The responses from the 2 women (Soledad O’Brien and Carol Costello were shocking and deplorable (for journalists). Soledad shrugged it off implying that it won’t help especially because only 9 states are doing this. Instead she should have commended these states for taking this initiative. Costello asked Miles if he believed in global warming, as if this should not be the top concern of everyone on this planet who likes to be alive. Perhaps Ms. Costello deserves to be the next victim of the next record breaking hurricane.

This segment exposed the true nature of the people involved in our broadcast news industry. They are ignorant & have deplorable values. Most of all they know nothing about journalism or being a journalist. Think about it! Jesse, Editor,

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If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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· Heavy clashes in Baghdad as rebels attack police - Heavily armed insurgents attacked Iraqi police checkpoints with rocket-propelled grenades in western Baghdad on Wednesday and heavy clashes broke out, police and witnesses said.

· Iraqi base attack leaves 13 dead - A suicide bomber has killed 10 people in an attack on a joint US-Iraqi base in the Iraqi town of Baquba which led to three more "friendly fire" deaths.

· MARINE KILLED BY AN IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE NEAR AL KARMAH - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team-8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action Aug. 21st by an improvised explosive device.

· MARINE KILLED BY AN IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE NEAR FALLUJAH - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team-8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action Aug. 22 when the vehicle he was in was struck by an improvised explosive device.

· Two extra US battalions to Iraq - THE Pentagon plans to deploy two additional battalions to Iraq amid rising insurgent attacks ahead of an anticipated referendum on a constitution, US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today.





· Who Needs History? George Bush! - Arrogance breeds disdain for history which guarantees failure, as George Bush is proving with his disaster in Iraq.

· Bribery, Loan Sharking And Murder True American Foreign Policy, Says Economic Hit Man - Jackals inside the U.S. government’s foreign hit squads recently warned at least six of the major democratic leaders of South American countries, in no uncertain terms, either “play ball or be killed.,” according to John Perkins, best-selling author, whistle blower and self-proclaimed economic hit man..








9/11 News :


· Errors of Commission - The 9-11 Commission was established to get to the bottom of the attacks that day. However, it often skipped over key issues: - Every day it looks as if the government's main probe of 9-11 has turned into a political fix.

· Rice aide hid disbandment of Atta's trackers from 9/11 report - The story is not the sharing of intelligence, it's the fact that Bush cancelled the program! - Wonder why Philip Zelikow might not have wanted the 9/11 Commission Report to include the fact that Able Danger, a program shut down in February 2001 just after Bush took office, had been actively tracking the movements of Mohammed Atta at the time? Think it might have jeopardized his promotion to the State Department after Bush's re-election?











· Militarized Police Storm Utah Rave, Beat Partygoers - Armed with assault rifles and tear gas, the police used dogs to sweep the crowd for narcotics. At least one helicopter was used in the operation.





· 9 States in Plan to Cut Emissions by Power Plants - Officials in New York and eight other Northeastern states have come to a preliminary agreement to freeze power plant emissions at their current levels and then reduce them by 10 percent by 2020, according to a confidential draft proposal.

· Antarctic ozone hole growing - The winter hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica appears to have grown from last year but is still smaller than in 2003, when it was at its largest, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Tuesday.

· Panel Sees Growing Melting Arctic Threat - Within a century the melting could lead to summertime ice-free ocean conditions not seen in the area in a million years, the group said Tuesday. - Melting of land-based glaciers could take much longer but could raise the sea levels, potentially affecting coastal regions worldwide.

· New fuel economy rules unveiled - The Bush administration announced new fuel economy rules Tuesday that require improved mileage for the sport/utility vehicles and other light trucks that have captured a majority of U.S. auto sales.
TVNL Comment: Too little, too late & too many loopholes.





· Chavez offers cheap gas to poor in U.S. - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, popular with the poor at home, offered on Tuesday to help needy Americans with cheap supplies of gasoline.

· US dismisses Iran nuclear report - The United States has criticised an independent investigation which found no evidence that Iran was working on a secret nuclear weapons programme.
TVNL Comment: How many times has this administration simply dismissed any report or discovery that does not comply with their claims? How many times has this administration been wrong on those issues?

· Venezuela slams Robertson over remarks - "The ball is in the U.S. court, after this criminal statement by a citizen of that country," Rangel told reporters. "It's huge hypocrisy to maintain this discourse against terrorism and at the same time, in the heart of that country, there are entirely terrorist statements like those."





· Pentagon inspector general probes Tillman death - The Army determined almost immediately after Tillman's death that he had been killed inadvertently by fellow Rangers in a confused spree of gunfire in a remote canyon near the Pakistani border, according to Army investigators. - But Pentagon officials said in June that the investigation found that the Army also kept the fact from his family and the public for weeks and even destroyed evidence.

· Warner: Defense Closures 'Rigged' - Virginia Sen. John W. Warner (R) said that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and a senior aide improperly manipulated the national base realignment plan announced earlier this year to compel the movement of more than 20,000 defense jobs away from the Washington area.

· Confidence In Military News Wanes - The U.S. public's confidence that the military and the media keep them informed about national security issues has eroded significantly over the past six years, according to a new poll that shows 60 percent of Americans believe they do not get enough information about military matters to make educated decisions. - Similarly, the public grew increasingly skeptical of the news media's efforts, with 61 percent of Americans saying that the media keep them well informed on military and national security issues, down from 79 percent in 1999.

· Vets see protests as attack on policy - Rallies not taken as personal slight - "I have run into people who don't support the president's views on Iraq or our objectives, but I haven't run into a single person who said (he or she) doesn't support the troops," said Jason Crawford, a Purple Heart recipient who was shot in the face by opposition forces in December 2003 while in Iraq.





· The Wolves of Democracy - Democracy can be brutal on minorities and reduce their freedom, while consensus government can protect minorities from the tyranny of the majority.

· The Rise of the Democratic Police State - One of my books, The New Rulers of the World, was also apparently confiscated. It is not known whether the police have yet read the chapter that documents how the Americans, with help from MI6 and the SAS, created, armed and bankrolled the terrorists of the Islamic Mujahideen, not least Osama bin Laden.





· CBS Affiliate Will Not Air Sheehan Ad Because There Is “No Proof” Of Absence Of WMD In Iraq... - “If it was not known until after we took to war then it’s hard to understand how someone could have lied…hindsight is always 20/20…that’s our point.”

· NBC, CBS, ABC Reject Ad Criticizing Their News Coverage - American Progress created a television advertisement for, our netroots campaign that calls out the television news media for their deplorable coverage of the genocide in Darfur. Over the last few days, three Washington DC television affiliates, NBC-4, CBS-9, and ABC-7, informed us that they refuse to air the ad.

· North Carolina Supreme Court Candidate Fires Back At Neo-Con Bill O'Reilly - Former Republican loyalist, Rachel Lea Hunter, who recently referred to the Bush administration as a Nazi regime, claims her highly popular web site was recently terrorized and destroyed by neo-con techno criminals.

· Media Matters Calls on ABC Family to Discontinue Robertson Broadcasts - Following his Aug. 22 call for the United States to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Media Matters for America is urging ABC Family to stop showing Pat Robertson's The 700 Club. ABC Family shows The 700 Club three times a day. - In addition to urging the assassination of a foreign leader, Robertson has blamed gays for divorce, abortion, and September 11, said that a gay-oriented event would bring about "terrorist bombs ... earthquakes, tornadoes, and possibly a meteor," and stated that liberal judges are a bigger threat to society than Al Qaeda.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Obesity Rates Up in Most States - The percentage of Americans with bulging waistlines is growing in just about every state, with residents of Alabama joining the obesity ranks the fastest. Only Oregon failed to fatten, according to a report released Tuesday.










· Poll finds regular worshipers more supportive of war in Iraq - A new poll finds that the more often Americans go to church, the more supportive they are of U-S foreign policy, including the war in Iraq.
TVNL Comment: This is because religion teaches you to stop thinking for yourself and not to question what your leaders tell you no matter how unbelievable it may be. These people have good hearts but they are trusting people who are intentionally taking advantage of the religious trust factor in society. This is the main reason why someone like
George W. Bush can get Christians to support the most un-Christian actions imaginable such as killing and war.



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