Date: August 25th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments All through the decades the US news media turned a blind eye to the land grabs and property seizures committed by the Israelis against the Palestinians. For the first time in ever the Israelis decided to do the right thing and remove their illegal (criminal) settlers from Gaza and the US news media dropped everything to make sure every living human being saw this. The US media praised Israel for their actions. Personally I do not believe that someone deserves public accolades for simply halting their atrocities. Should we thank muggers each time they pass us without robbing us? Let’s face it, Israel deserves credit, but let’s not get distracted from the real picture here.

About 1 day after Israel does something that they should have done decades ago (which may have prevented an inordinate amount of bloodshed), they are committing more crimes against humanity in the West Bank. They are increasing their presence in the West Bank. Where is the media coverage? Maybe they can take 10 seconds away from their search for Doc Gooden to cover the real news in the Mid East and maybe once in a while they can explain the historical perspective in regards to the Israel-Palestine situation. Think about it! Jesse, Editor,

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· The Trillion-Dollar War - All of this spending will need to be financed by adding to the federal debt.

· Iraq ministry official attacked, five guards killed - Resistance fighters attacked the motorcade of Hashim Ibrahim, under secretary of Iraq’s justice ministry, near Khadra in northwest of Baghdad, officials said.

· Downing Street reporter dissects pre-war Iraq intelligence - The most vociferous advocates of an attack on Iraq were Dick Cheney, the vice-president, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Rumsfeld deputy Paul Wolfowitz. They needed Congressional support and set about obtaining it in an aggressive fashion, insisting that not only did Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction threaten America and its allies but that the dictator was closely linked to al-Qa'eda.
TVNL Comment: All 3 are PNAC members.

· War Propaganda by Adolf Hitler - The whole art consists in doing this so skillfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct, etc.

· A Constitution? Iraqis Are Thinking About Their Lives First - "We are fed up with this thing! We would prefer to solve our problems first, such as electricity, water and security. How come they gathered to approve the constitution while Iraqis are slaughtered?

· Iraq Shi'ite militias fight as splits emerge - Fighting broke out in Baghdad and the holy city of Najaf late on Wednesday between rival Shi'ite militias, kindling fears of a renewed uprising by radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr against the U.S.-backed government.

· Six shot dead in Iraqi cafe - Six Iraqi civilians have been killed and 15 others have been wounded, when gunmen burst into a popular cafe in a town north of Baghdad.

· Our mission in Iraq has mutated - One of the oddest features of our strange, strange war in Iraq is that we're still trying to figure out the mission. Oil? Religious zealotry? Revenge? Glory? What? - Some critics say President Bush has failed to define just what it is we're trying to do there, but he and his handlers have defined it over and over. - So media questioners twist themselves into pretzels trying to figure out some polite way of asking them to tell the truth, just once.





· A CIA Cover Blown, a White House Exposed - Beyond the whodunit, the affair raises questions about the credibility of the Bush White House, the tactics it employs against political opponents and the justification it used for going to war.

· Why Roberts’ Affirmative Action File Is Missing - Whatever happened to the Supreme Court nominee John Roberts’ file on affirmative action, it can be definitively stated that this is all President Bush’s fault. Sound a little extreme? Not really.





· Economic Insanity and Political Reality - For those living under the dictates of the IMF and the international banking organism, understanding the systemic divergence between the populace and the privileged is self-evident.



9/11 News :


· The Neo-Con Able Danger Scandal -- Atta Coverup! - DIA Agents were ordered to put yellow Post-its over Atta's face and the faces of 3 other 9/11 terrorists - "We were directed to take those 3M yellow stickers and place them over the faces of Atta and the other terrorists and pretend they didn't exist," the intelligence officer told GSN."











· U.S. Responds to Governors' Illegal Immigration Appeals - Responding to protests from state leaders in the Southwest, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has offered tighter coordination between federal agencies and police in Arizona and New Mexico to deal with problems caused by illegal immigration.





· Administration Announces Weak New Mileage Standards - However, the new standards actually exempt vehicles weighing from 8,500 to 10,000 pounds-- such as the Hummer H2, Ford Excursion, and some models of the Chevy Suburban-- all vehicles that achieve very poor mileage due to their size.





· U.S. Wants Changes In U.N. Agreement - Less than a month before world leaders arrive in New York for a world summit on poverty and U.N. reform, the Bush administration has thrown the proceedings in turmoil with a call for drastic renegotiation of a draft agreement to be signed by presidents and prime ministers attending the event.

· Khan 'gave N Korea centrifuges' - Disgraced Pakistani scientist AQ Khan supplied North Korea with centrifuges and their designs, President Pervez Musharraf has confirmed.
TVNL Comment: Why isn't the IS interested in bringing this man to justice?

· Britain Ready to Act on Extremism Law - Britain is ready to act within days against ``a number'' of people to either deport them or bar them from the country under new anti-terrorism measures aimed at extremists, the government said Wednesday.

· Israel Seizes Land in West Bank - A day after completing its historic evacuation of Gaza and the West Bank, Israel on Wednesday ordered the seizure of Palestinian land to build its separation barrier along a route that would effectively annex the largest West Bank Jewish settlement to Jerusalem.
TVNL Comment: Where is the TV news coverage of this?

· Abbas accuses Israel of wrecking peace - Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has accused Israel of wrecking the prospects of peace after soldiers killed five militants and officials unveiled plans to expand the largest West Bank settlement.





· U.S. approves full new warhead production - The "thermobaric" Hellfire AGM-114N warhead creates an intense, sustained pressure wave that can strike around corners in "caves, bunkers and hardened multi-room complexes," the manufacturer, Lockheed Martin Corp., said.

· Troops' Gravestones Have Pentagon Slogans - Unlike earlier wars, nearly all Arlington National Cemetery gravestones for troops killed in Iraq or Afghanistan are inscribed with the slogan-like operation names the Pentagon selected to promote public support for the conflicts.





· Who Will Say 'No More'? - History will deal with George W. Bush and the neoconservatives who misled a mighty nation into a flawed war that is draining the finest military in the world, diverting Guard and reserve forces that should be on the front line of homeland defense, shredding international alliances that prevailed in two world wars and the Cold War, accumulating staggering deficits, misdirecting revenue from education to rebuilding Iraqi buildings we've blown up, and weakening America's national security. - But what will history say about an opposition party that stands silent while all this goes on?

· Fascism in America - Is America going fascist? Or has the cursed event already happened? It depends on your definition of fascism. What usually occurs in a fascist scenario?





· Only One Thing Left to Conclude: The Media Want the War - In the last 48 hours, we've seen the "objective" mainstream media now openly attacking people who oppose the Iraq War. Mind you, these aren't the editorialists or the opinion pundits, these are the people who are supposed to be telling the objective truth -- and instead they are literally attacking war critics.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· The Cure Con: how you're being deceived by charities that claim to be racing for the cure for cancer and other chronic diseases - Researchers have been searching for a cure for cancer since the late 1960s, and for other diseases since at least the 1970s. At that time, they said cures were right around the corner; it was just a matter of a few more dollars; then they would have the cures available. Well, here we are, 30 or 40 years later, with still no cures. We've been running this race for decades, funding it with literally billions of dollars. If all this money has gone to the race to find cures for these diseases, then where are the cures?





· Expulsions illegal, UN tells Clarke - A senior UN representative last night threatened to cite the British government for violation of human rights over its planned deportations of alleged terrorist sympathisers.

· Muslims, rights groups attack UK deportation plans - Muslim groups and human rights organisations have criticised a new plan by the British government to crack down on Islamist extremists in the wake of the London terrorist attacks.

· Karzai criticises US soldiers' sentences for abuses - The government of Afghanistan says it is disappointed by what it calls the unexpected leniency shown to American soldiers convicted of abusing two Afghan prisoners who later died.
TVNL Comment: Unexpected? The Bush administration has spent 5 years making sure that they were not accountable to the International Criminal Court, the Geneva Conventions or international (or domestic) law; what makes anyone think that they were interested in holding their own criminals accountable?

· US soldier sentenced for Afghan prisoner abuse - A soldier from a United States intelligence unit has been sentenced to two months in prison for abusing an Afghan detainee who later died.








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