Date: August 26th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments This morning I was watching an early episode of Happy Days. Richie Cunningham upset his father because he supports a Democrat for president. His father was outraged and he lectured Richie about how Democrats solve all their problems with war and how Republicans are the party of peace and prosperity!!! My brain almost imploded when I heard this!

This TV show takes place in the 50s. My how things have changed! Wouldn’t you say? Think about it! Jesse, Editor,

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· Iraq police find 36 dumped bodies - The bodies of 36 men have been found dumped in a shallow river near the Iraqi town of Kut, police say.
TVNL Comment: Deaths made possible by Bush/PNAC!!!





· Republican Shills - Move America Forward ( the Hate crowd ) was outed today by Keith Olbermann as having been launched by a Sacramento P.R. firm which has strong ties to the Republican party. Later in the segment Dana Milbank said that they were part of the Orin Hatch for President campaign. lol That's grassroots for you.

· Assassination a US fixation - Washington's history of trying to kill foreign leaders is a long and controversial hit-and-miss affair
TVNL Comment: Domestic leaders too. Can you say "JFK?"





· Even in Summer, Americans Dread Winter Heating Bills - With energy costs rising substantially for a second year, and reaching another record on oil markets yesterday, how consumers and businesses respond this winter - whether they curb their energy consumption or not, whether they keep spending on other goods or not - will be critical as higher energy prices slowly ripple through the $11.7 trillion American economy.

· Gas busting budgets across USA - Soaring gas prices are slamming cities, school districts and sheriff's departments across the USA, forcing local governments to scrimp, save and borrow to pay the price at the pump.



9/11 News :


· C.I.A. Report Said to Fault Pre-9/11 Leadership - A long-awaited C.I.A. inspector general's report on the agency's performance before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks includes detailed criticism of more than a dozen former and current agency officials, aiming its sharpest language at George J. Tenet, the former director, according to a former intelligence officer who was briefed on the findings and another government official who has seen the report.

· Fury over loss of 9/11 heroes' health program - Programs were developed to check on the health of every other group that rushed to Ground Zero during and after the Sept. 11 attacks, primarily the World Trade Center Medical Screening Program run by the Mount Sinai Medical Center. Officials involved told The News the feds barred their workers from that program because they were setting up their own. - Unfortunately, that program vanished during the bureaucratic shuffle creating the Department of Homeland Security.

· CIA Panel: 9/11 Failure Warrants Action - The CIA's independent watchdog has recommended disciplinary reviews for current and former officials who were involved in failed intelligence efforts before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, The Associated Press has learned.

· Victims' family groups Statement of September 11th Advocates - We call for the immediate release of this report. To shield CIA officials from accountability and to continue to cover-up deficiencies in that agency puts the safety of our nation at risk. Four years post 9-11 this is truly unacceptable.






· Republican Congressman Breaks Ranks, Joins Demand for Documents on Downing Street Memos - Leach is the first Republican member of Congress to publicly support a demand for an inquiry into the Bush Administration's pre-war claims.





· Library Challenges FBI Request - A member of the American Library Association has sued the Justice Department to challenge an FBI demand for records, but the USA Patriot Act prohibits the plaintiff from publicly disclosing its identity or other details of the dispute, according to court documents released yesterday.

· California Accuses Drug Companies of Fraud - The attorney general of California sued 39 drug companies on Thursday, accusing them of bilking the state of hundreds of millions of dollars by overcharging for medicines.

· U.S. border patrol helicopter downed by illegals - Authorities say smugglers are becoming increasingly willing to use violence against border patrol agents as their trade becomes more profitable, with smugglers able to earn about $2,000 per person.

· FBI Uses Patriot Act to Demand Information with No Judicial Approval From Organization with Library Records - ACLU Seeks Emergency Court Order to Lift Gag As Congress Prepares to Make Patriot Act Permanent

· U.S. Ports Begin New Catastrophic Terrorist Attack Drills - The 40 sets of exercises are being conducted in seaports and inland ports of various sizes and terrorist threat profiles, ranging from Chicago to San Juan, Virgin Islands.

· An American Wants To Know: What Is "Our Way Of Life?" - But I'm totally confused by this constant carping about how the terrorists – or, excuse me, the "enemies of freedom" – want to destroy "our way of life."





· Washington to be sued over global warming - In a landmark judgment, a court in California has allowed a coalition of environmental groups to sue the US government over global warming - the first time a court has recognised the potentially disastrous impact of climate change.

· Controversy Over Plans for Changes in U.S. Parks - A series of proposed revisions of National Park policy has created a furor among present and former park officials who believe the changes would weaken protections of natural resources and wildlife while allowing an increase in commercial activity, snowmobiles and off-road vehicles.





· Bolton throws UN summit into chaos - Bush's envoy demands 750 changes to reorganisation plans

· Police knew Brazilian was 'not bomb risk' - Senior sources in the Metropolitan Police have told The Observer that members of the surveillance team who followed de Menezes into Stockwell underground station in London felt that he was not about to detonate a bomb, was not armed and was not acting suspiciously. It was only when they were joined by armed officers that his threat was deemed so great that he was shot seven times.

· Colombia lawmakers 'use cocaine' - Some of Colombia's elected politicians have used cocaine within Congress itself, the vice-president of the country's Senate has alleged. - The drug is also being sold there, Senator Edgar Artunduaga said.

· In London Neighborhood, a Feeling of Being Watched - "They are stopping me for who I am. It's frustrating. I am trying to put myself in their situation, but I can see why so many minorities are angry."

· New Law slated to install Police State in Canada - Canada is mirroring recent U.S legislation because our government has committed Canada by stealth and backroom deals to a North American Union: US, Canada, and Mexico under US command and control.





· Tommy Franks Invades Logan Street Elementary School - The Militarization of Our Children

· Radioactive Wounds of War - Tests on returning troops suggest serious health consequences of depleted uranium use in Iraq

· Military Academies Faulted on Harassment - Hostile attitudes and inappropriate treatment of women persist at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, a Pentagon task force reported yesterday.

· Uzbekistan evicts US military - The Senate of the Central Asian country of Uzbekistan has given its final approval to an order evicting US military forces, including an air base used for operations in Afghanistan, from the country. - Many lawmakers also demanded financial compensation from Washington for alleged environmental damage caused by the US military presence in the country. - Mr Zayniddinov also said that, contrary to being a stabilising factor in the region, the US military presence had become a major security problem in Uzbekistan. - Independent human rights groups and local witnesses claimed troops opened fire on unarmed civilians in Andijan, killing several hundred people.

· Base panel turns attention to Air Force - Commission earlier agreed with Pentagon to close Walter Reed hospital

· Many Returning US Troops Face Lifelong Health Problems - US combat troops traumatised by their experiences in Iraq may suffer long-term damage to their physical health, as well as known risks to their mental well-being, the British magazine New Scientist warns.

· Abu Ghraib General Lambastes Bush Administration - I had been hesitant to speak out before because this Administration is so vindictive. But now I will ... Anybody who confronts this Administration or Rumsfeld or the Pentagon with a true assessment, they find themselves either out of a job, out of their positions, fired, relieved or chastised. Their career comes to an end.





· With Bush's man installed, is this the end of diplomacy? - Now Mr Bolton is at the UN with a mission. At the end of the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama famously decreed the end of history. We could be witnessing the end of diplomacy.
TVNL Comment: You are witnessing the implementation of a one world government system. One group of people call the shots and they are not elected officials. They are the people behind the scenes such as the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations. Democracy is a mirage at this point.

· Pat Robertson Calls For Murder, Twice - The Christian minister called for the murder of the President of Venezuela, in an apology he repeated the call for murder: is this the voice of Christianity?

· Vanunu: I wanted to prevent the use of atomic weapons - While Iran is being pressured to halt its nuclear weapon program, Israel’s nuclear weapon possession gets close to no attention at all.





· Bush Family Hosts White House Reporters - President Bush played host to the White House press corps Thursday night for a private off-the-record dinner at his ranch.

· US rejects media concerns about Iraq detentions - The U.S. military rejected on Thursday concerns aired by Reuters and other media organisations in Iraq about its detention of journalists, saying it would not consider the special nature of their work in reporting conflict.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· US people getting fatter, fast - Americans are getting fatter at a rate never seen before, a report shows.

· Painkillers can cause fatal stomach bleeding - Approximately one third of all hospitalizations and deaths related to gastrointestinal bleeding can be attributed to the use of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents ( NSAIDs) painkillers like ibuprofen, a study in Spain suggests.













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