Date: August 27th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Where is Cheney? Does anyone keep track of this guy? As many of us know , Cheney pretty much runs the show in the Bush administration. He is indeed the man behind the curtain. Why does he only get the attention of the public when he comes out to go on one of his lying speech tours where he comes out to reiterate what we already know to be untrue, only to vanish without having to answer questions about his claims? Don’t you think the American people should be informed about this lying man and his agenda? Think about it! Jesse, Editor,

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· Iran: America's disastrous 'military option' - Israel is also reported to have plans for targeting Iran's nuclear facilities.

· Nearly 1,000 Released From Abu Ghraib - The move, the largest prisoner release to date, followed appeals by Sunni representatives at the stalled constitutional to the government to start releasing thousands of prisoners who have been languishing in the jail for months without being charged with a crime.

· Shiites and Kurds halt charter talks with Sunnis - With the American ambassador, Zalmay Khalilzad, standing by, Shiite and Kurdish representatives said they had run out of patience with the Sunni negotiators, a group that includes several former members of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party.

· 1 KILLED, 4 WOUNDED IN IED STRIKE - Afghanistan - One U.S. service member was killed and four were wounded when an improvised explosive device struck their up-armored high mobility wheeled vehicle near Khayr Kot district, Paktika province on Friday.

· TWO KILLED DURING INCIDENT AT ALI BASE - At 11:59 a.m. on Aug. 26, three unidentified individuals drove a truck the wrong way into the outbound lane and broke through the first entry control point barrier on Base Camp Adder.

· One hundred thousand Shi'ites protest Iraq charter - A hundred thousand Iraqis across the country marched on Friday in support of a maverick Shi'ite cleric opposed to a draft constitution that U.S.-backed government leaders say will deliver a brighter future.





· Rallying the Troops and Avoiding Reality - Bush's upbeat take collides with recent news reports about events in Iraq as well as with the judgments of senior officials within his administration.

· LaRouche Says 'Georgie Porgie And Hitler' Running Government And Leading World Into Global Disaster - Former Democratic nominee for President and Labor Party Presidential candidate, Lyndon LaRouche, claims martial law is right around the corner if Bush, Cheney and the neo-cons aren't removed from their stranglehold on government.

· Texas Author And Bush Critic Announces New Third Party And Run For 2008 Presidency - Karl Schwarz wants to unite country behind The American Patriot Movement, a new third party bent on ridding America of neo-con control.

· Privatizing the Truth: Bush's War on Information - 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality”. Bush aide; Ron Suskind, New York Times Magazine 10-17-04 - What is meaningful however is that deception is the primary tool for the maintenance of the state.








9/11 News :


· Clinton, Clarke Were NEVER TOLD about ATTA & Gang being in US!! - The Right Wing is trying to lay Able Danger dropping the ball on Atta at the feet of Bill Clinton, but as I theorized before it was actually neo-cons in the Pentagon who blocked the ID from going to the FBI and thus Clarke and Clinton. The brass even told the AD team to put yellow sticky pads over the photos and names of Atta and the Gang!!











· Nat'l Guard in More Surveillance - The California National Guard, already under investigation for allegedly spying on a Mother's Day peace rally, engaged in other surveillance activities involving citizens, a state senator said Thursday, citing a confidential Army report.










· Arab League attacks Iraq charter - Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa has described the Iraqi draft constitution as "dangerous".

· Blame Bush if anything happens to me: Chavez - "He was expressing the wishes of the US elite... If anything happens to me then the man responsible will be George W Bush. He will be the assassin," Mr Chavez said at a public event. - "This is pure terrorism."





· GEORGE BUSH’S SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE - With no public debate, to compensate for inadequate troop strength in Iraq, the Bush Administration has contracted with tens of thousands of mercenaries, who operate outside U.S. control and undermine military morale.










· Finnish TV drops U.S. televangelist's show after call to assassinate Chavez - The only Christian TV channel in Finland said Thursday it will stop airing shows by American televangelist Pat Robertson because of his call to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
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· F.D.A. Again Denies Application for Morning-After Pill - Federal drug regulators today again rejected an application to allow over-the-counter sales of the morning-after pill, saying that they needed 60 additional days to gather public sentiment on the proposal.

· Battle lines drawn over C-sections - At a growing number of hospitals, women are being forced to schedule a repeat cesarean section just because they already had one. Doctors and hospitals say they fear lawsuits if they allow a patient to attempt a vaginal birth after a C-section - called a VBAC - and something goes awry.













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