Date: August 28th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: "What the American public doesn't know is what makes them the American public, alright?"—Dan Akroyd as Ray Zalinsky, Tommy Boy (1995) – Pretty powerful quote for a comedy, wouldn’t you say? Think about it! Jesse, Editor,

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· 3 U.S. Soldiers Wounded in Kabul Attack - Suspected Taliban rebels on Sunday killed a candidate running in next month's legislative elections, while an attack on a U.S. military convoy wounded three American troops, authorities said.

· Iraq's Sunnis reject constitution - Iraq's Sunni leaders have rejected the Iraqi draft constitution and called for intervention by the UN and Arab league.

· Big Guns For Iraq? Not So Fast. - EVEN though President Bush keeps saying American forces won't leave Iraq until its forces can fight on their own, the United States isn't rushing to give the Iraqi military heavy weapons.





· Investigative Reporter Wayne Madsen Flees Washington Over Assassination Threats Coming From Inside Bush Administration - Although not mentioned by name, Madsen received credible information his life may be in serious danger from his hard-hitting accounts revealing financial corruption in the Bush administration.








9/11 News :


· On the Heels Of Death Threats Coming Out Of Washington, WTC Janitor Has Jersey City Apartment Burglarized - Journalist Wayne Madsen has left Washington over death threats and William Rodriguez, 9/11 truth-seeker, had his apartment burglarized. Both fit the description of the person supposedly targeted by the government.

· Getting Agnostic About 9/11 - Many laws of physics had to be violated if the official story about the collapses is true.

· 9/11 Accusations Fly Within CIA - But CBS News has learned that all of the former top CIA officials singled out in the inspector general's report have already filed strong rebuttals to the agency.
















· White House wants nature off the agenda - The Bush administration, whose pro-business policies on climate change have long rankled environmentalists and U.N. delegates, is pressing to scrap a proposal to have world leaders gathering in New York next month express "respect for nature."





· Britain heads for clash with US - Disagreement over America's bid to derail UN reform

· Sharon son charged in finance row - The son of Israel's prime minister has been formally indicted on corruption charges, the justice ministry has said.

· Government 'wastes' African aid - BBC Radio Five Live found £712,000 was spent on hotel bills and meals for US workers on a four-year-long project.

· Bomb hits Israeli bus station - A suicide bombing has injured at least 10 people at a crowded bus station in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba.

· Chavez challenges the oil kings - On July 14 in the western city of Maracaibo, Venezuelan government tax auditors and a prosecutor went to the offices of Chevron, the second-largest US oil company. - They seized boxes of records to build a case that San Ramon, California-based Chevron and 21 other energy companies owe Venezuela €2.4 billion in back taxes.

· Is Blair ashamed to accept highest honour from US? - This exceptional 772-day delay is beginning to raise eyebrows in Washington, where suspicions are growing that Mr Blair wishes to avoid being photographed receiving America’s highest civilian honour from President Bush.

· Egypt Turns Down Request to Sign Nuclear Treaty, Saying Israel Must Join First - The refusal by Israel, which is believed to possess hundreds of nuclear warheads, to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty has also made the Middle East more insecure, Ahmed Aboul Gheit was quoted by Egypt's semiofficial Middle East News Agency as saying.

· Leak shows Blair told of Iraq war terror link - Despite repeated denials by Number 10 that the war made Britain a target for terrorists, a letter from Michael Jay, the Foreign Office permanent under-secretary, to the cabinet secretary, Sir Andrew Turnbull - obtained by this newspaper - makes the connection clear.

· Britain's elite get pills to survive bird flu - MEMBERS of Britain’s elite have been selected as priority cases to receive scarce pills and vaccinations at the taxpayers’ expense if the country is hit by a deadly bird flu outbreak. - If there is an avian flu pandemic in the coming months there would be enough drugs to protect less than 2% of the British population for a week.





· Army scouting NASCAR circuit - Some critics argue that such Army promotions are targeting job-hungry recruits from rural and economically depressed areas such as Michigan, which has the nation's highest unemployment rate, at 7 percent.





· Was Pat Robertson's Call For Assassination Of A Foreign Leader A Crime? - Had He Been a Democrat, He'd Probably Be Hiring A Criminal Attorney






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· Vatican plan to block gay priests Vatican plan to block gay priests - The new Pope faces his first controversy over the direction of the Catholic church after it was revealed that the Vatican has drawn up a religious instruction preventing gay men from being priests.

· The British army joined in a gay pride march for the first time, an army spokesman said. - The army was out to attract homosexual recruits and show it can be gay-friendly.

· China outlaws sexual harassment - China has for the first time outlawed sexual harassment and domestic violence, establishing gender equality as a national policy.








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