Date: August 31st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: GMC is advertising its Yukon full size SUV by saying that it has the best fuel efficiency in its class. The Yukon is rated at 16 MPG in the city. That is the best in its class. How many people who own this monster really need a 285 horsepower truck? It’s way past the time to size down our driving habits. Think about it! Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

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· Nuremberg Lesson for Iraq War: It’s Murder - In a famous passage from their judgment of the following year, the four judges of the tribunal (American, British, French and Russian) declared the crime of aggressive war to be "the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole."

· Iraq war costs more per month than Vietnam - report - As a proportion of gross domestic product, the Vietnam War was more significant, costing 12 percent of annual GDP, compared to 2 percent for the Iraq War. However, economists said the Iraq war is being financed with deficit spending and may nearly double the projected federal budget deficit over the next 10 years.

· Heavy Fighting Erupts in Western Iraq - Heavy fighting broke out in western Iraq between pro and anti-government tribes Tuesday, leaving at least 35 people dead from both sides, hospital officials said.

· Sunni call to reject Iraq charter - "We will do our best to make sure this draft fails at the referendum," Adnan Dulaimi told reporters in Baghdad.

· Hundreds dead in Baghdad stampede - More than 600 people have been killed in a stampede of Shia pilgrims in northern Baghdad, Iraqi officials say. - Witnesses said panic spread because of rumours that suicide bombers were in the crowd. Many victims were crushed to death or fell in the river and drowned.

· US Offered USD 75 Million to Iraqi Sunnis for Signature under Constitution - The United States have offered to Sunni representatives USD 75 Million to sign the draft Constitution of Iraq, RIA Novosti announced, citing information of source close to the Constitutional Committee of the country, published in the Saudi daily Al Vatan.
TVNL Comment: Unconfirmed. But if this is true it is yet another indication that "democracy" is not the goal.

· 56 civilians killed in US air strike west of Baghdad - The US air strike early on Tuesday near the Iraqi western town of Qaim killed 56 civilians, said an Interior Ministry source.





· Prominent Mideast analyst says he's U.S. official in case of ex-AIPAC men - Mideast analyst Kenneth Pollack is one of two U.S. government officials referenced in the indictment against two former staffers of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, JTA has learned.





· Ford to Fire 400 White - Collar Workers - It is the first time in 30 years that Ford has forced out so many white-collar workers, spokesman Oscar Suris said.

· Oil, gas shatter records after Katrina - Crude prices settle at highest mark since NYMEX's opening in 1983 as oil firms assess rig damage.

· CEO pay: Sky high gets even higher - A new report shows top-dog pay bites shareholders, and alleges war profiteering among some CEOs.
TVNL Comment: More Bush legacy.

· Poverty Rate Rises to 12.7 Percent - The nation's poverty rate rose to 12.7 percent of the population last year, the fourth consecutive annual increase, the Census Bureau said Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush legacy.



9/11 News :


· Ex-Counterterrorism Chief Cites Rise in Attacks - Richard A. Clarke, the former head of counterterrorism in the White House under presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, said yesterday that there were twice as many attacks outside Iraq in the three years after the 2001 attacks as in the three preceding years.

· Twenty Things We Now Know Four Years After 9/11 - AMERICA OR GERMANY IN THE '30s? - All aspects of the American polity are infected with the militarist Know-Nothingism emanating from the top, with governmental and vigilante-type crackdowns on protesters, dissent, free speech, freedom of assembly, etc. happening regularly on both the local and federal levels. More and more, America is resembling Germany in the early 1930s, group pitted against group while the central government amasses more and more power and control of its put-upon citizens.

· Bush Compares Pearl Harbor to 9/11 Attacks - Bush pegged his remarks to Friday, the 60th anniversary of the Japanese surrender to Gen. Douglas MacArthur — linking the bombing at Pearl Harbor that sparked the U.S. entrance into World War II to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that led to today's campaign against terrorism.
TVNL Comment: It was the new
Pearl Harbor according to PNAC!

· 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB : Everything else is a Distraction, The BRAINWASHING of the American people - There are countless US government and Officials from around the world who have come out and blown the whistle that it was an inside job. That certain factions of the US government helped and allowed it to happen.






· House Republican Joins Dems In Making Bush Turn Over Documents About The Downing Street Memo - Republican Rep. Jim Leach of Iowa wants Bush to answer questions and turn over documents about whether he doctored WMD intelligence to justify the Iraqi War.





· Mayor blasts failure to patch levee breaches - A day after Hurricane Katrina dealt a devastating blow to the Big Easy, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin on Tuesday night blasted what he called a lack of coordination in relief efforts for setting behind the city's recovery.

· REMEMBER: Bush budget not expected to diminish New Orleans district's $65M - Unfunded projects include widening drainage canals, flood- proofing bridges and building pumping stations in Orleans and Jefferson parishes. The Corps also wants to build levees in unprotected areas on the West Bank.
TVNL Comment: Keep this in mind as your tax money goes to Halliburton and the people of
New Orleans suffer.

· Scientific Savvy? In U.S., Not Much - While scientific literacy has doubled over the past two decades, only 20 to 25 percent of Americans are "scientifically savvy and alert," he said in an interview. Most of the rest "don't have a clue." At a time when science permeates debates on everything from global warming to stem cell research, he said, people's inability to understand basic scientific concepts undermines their ability to take part in the democratic process.

· Law could mean death penalty for doctors - Texas doctors who perform abortions without parental approval or after the third trimester could face capital murder charges because of a new law that takes effect this week, a prosecutors group says.

· Fletcher Announces Pardons To Everyone In Hiring Scandal But Himself - Fletcher says he is granting blanket amnesty to any member of his administration who might be charged with breaking state merit system laws. But Fletcher says he will not pardon himself.

· Judge: Bush Plot Case Evidence Classified - The judge in the case of a man accused of joining al-Qaida and plotting to assassinate President Bush said Monday he possesses evidence that could help the defendant, but that he can't turn it over to defense lawyers because they lack required security clearances.
TVNL Comment: How's that for abuse of power?





· New Rules Could Allow Power Plants to Pollute More - The Bush administration has drafted regulations that would ease pollution controls on older, dirtier power plants and could allow those that modernize to emit more pollution, rather than less.

· Major ozone loss over Antarctic - New readings from the European satellite Envisat suggest that this year's southern hemisphere ozone hole may be one of the largest on record.

· Gas prices fuel fears for GM - General Motors Corp., which will soon roll out a new lineup of full-sized pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles, acknowledged Tuesday that it was worried about high U.S. gasoline prices.
TVNL Comment: How many years have we been waiting for fuel efficiency?

· Timing is everything: Jeep unveils full-size SUV - As gas prices rise and SUV sales fall, Jeep unveils new full-size model
TVNL Comment: Conservation? Who cares? Not

· Biodiesel revolution in US cradle of anti-war, anti-oil activism - Converting vegetable oil to use in diesel engines is a matter of thinning it by mixing it with methanol, then adding lye as a catalyst, she explained.





· Poland marks Solidarity's birth - Foreign leaders are in Poland to mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of Solidarity - the first free trade union in the former Soviet bloc.

· CIA banned from Danish air space - The government has told the United States that the CIA can no longer use Danish airspace for flights to transport suspected terrorists around the world, reported the Copenhagen Post.

· Weapons Sales Worldwide Rise to Highest Level Since 2000 - The value of military weapons sales worldwide jumped in 2004 to the highest level since 2000, driven by arms deals with developing nations, especially India, Saudi Arabia and China, according to a new Congressional study.
TVNL Comment: This is one of the reasons 9/11 was permitted or conducted. Under
Clinton the military industrial complex was not thriving, so they tried to get rid of him. Now they run the White House.





· Decorated veteran, and lifelong Republican, says new Abu Ghraib photos must be released - In an exclusive interview with RAW STORY, retired U. S. Army Colonel Michael Pheneger explained why he submitted testimony in support of the ACLU's lawsuit seeking new Abu Ghraib detainee abuse documents, saying "the only way to assign accountability is to conduct a thorough investigation of every aspect of these deplorable episodes."










· NY Times Skews the News… Again - The New York Times, sheltered by its legendary but mythical "liberal" reputation, has become increasingly bold and transparent in its defense of President Bush and his policies, both foreign and domestic. This support is not found, of course, on the labeled editorial pages (which can be discounted as mere opinion), but on the attention-grabbing front page and in other news sections.

· The MSM as the president’s enabler - As long as Mr. Bush’s fantasies, self-delusions, false optimism and surrealistic take on the world are passed along with little or no correction by the mainstream media, a passable base of public support for the war can remain and Americans will continue dying in a hopeless cause. It’s that fact behind the missing analysis that is critical.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Malaria drug gets recommendation - The World Health Organization said it will recommend artesunate, a drug derived from traditional Chinese medicine, for severe malaria.





· Lawyers Seek Release of U.S. Detainee In Iraq - An Iraqi-born U.S. resident who was arrested in Baghdad in April after a mortar attack on American forces has been detained for months despite a finding by a military tribunal that he had nothing to do with the attack, according to the man's attorneys.

· Two million fall victim to slave trade each year, says UN - Human trafficking is a term for the illegal smuggling of people, not as refugees but as cheap or slave labour.





· FBI document links former Green Beret to McVeigh, bombing - An FBI report of investigation (FD 302) obtained by this newspaper contains never-before-published information and allegations regarding links between a former member of the Army's elite special forces, Timothy McVeigh, and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.



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