Date: September 3rd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: So a few members of the TV media have become human beings this week. They left their FOX News and CNN studios and became living citizens. Guess what happens when you do this? You become a liberal. Liberals live in reality. They see things up close. They understand humanity because they are part of it. It is their EXPERIENCE that causes them to become liberal. Only those who are protected from the bulk of reality remain conservative.

Conservatives don’t look at the health of this planet, the suffering people all over the world, the victims of American military and economic domination and slavery or the realities of their leaders. They simply bury their heads in their religious books and they learn how to think and what to believe by listening to their earthly idols in the conservative media.

Neo-conservatives are even worse. They are the Republican version of religious fundamentalist such as the Taliban. They are ideologues. They believe in ideology and have no need to open their eyes and examine reality in order to see if their ideas are working or accurate.

Maybe now a few people will wake up to the insanity.

I am not impressed with the recent trickle of humanity we are seeing from the lying bastards in our media. They have a long way to go before they make up for the very horrors in this world that they have helped to create. Think about it! Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Gunmen Open Fire on Sunni Worshipers in Southern Iraq, Killing One - Gunmen opened fire on worshipers at two Sunni mosques in southern Iraq on Friday morning, killing one and wounding four, as imams across the country devoted their weekly sermons to the nearly 1,000 victims of Wednesday's deadly stampede in Baghdad.

· Taliban claims killing of kidnapped election candidate - The candidate, Khan Mohammad, running for a seat on a council in Kandahar, was captured, along with a district chief and the policemen when they were travelling together in the south of the country on Friday, police said.

· SOLDIERS KILLED BY SMALL-ARMS FIRE NEAR ISKANDARIYAH - A Soldier assigned to 155th Brigade Combat Team, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died from small arms fire Aug. 31.

· TWO TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIERS KILLED - Two Task Force Baghdad Soldiers died after their patrol struck an improvised explosive device at 1:30 p.m. Sept. 1.

· 1 U.S. SOLDIER, 1 AFGHAN INTERPRETER KILLED - One U.S. soldier and an Afghan interpreter were killed in a small-arms fire attack Thursday south of Deh Chopan in the Zabul province.

· Mystery Unfolds Over Hunt for WMD in Iraq - The weapons are out there, Tenet insisted. Go find them. - Veteran inspector Rod Barton couldn't believe his ears. "It was nonsense," the Australian biologist said of that February evening last year, when the then-chief of U.S. intelligence secretly flew to Baghdad and dropped in on the lakeside Perfume Palace, chandelier-hung home of the Iraq Survey Group. - "It wasn't that we didn't know the major answers," recalled Barton, whose account matched that of another key participant. "Are there WMD in the country? We knew the answers."

· Bulgaria to withdraw its troops from Iraq - Bulgaria's prime minister on Friday announced that his government is beginning preparations for the withdrawal of the country's 400 troops from Iraq.





· The questions a shocked America is asking its President - Why has it taken George Bush five days to get to New Orleans?

· Banished whistle-blowers - The Bush administration is making no secret of its determination to punish whistle-blowers and other federal workers who object to the doctoring of facts that clash with policy and spin.
TVNL Comment: The
US has a president who punishes people who try to protect America from criminals in government.

· Rhetoric Not Matching Reality - The Iraqi insurgency is in its last throes. The economy is booming. Anybody who leaks a CIA agent's identity will be fired. Add another piece of White House rhetoric that doesn't match the public's view of reality: Help is on the way, Gulf Coast. - Bush got himself in trouble by trying to put the best face on a horrible situation. The strategy is so common in Washington that operatives have a name for it, "spin," and the Bush White House has perfected the shady art.





· Consumer Index Falls to 93.9 - For the third consecutive day, America's economic confidence has descended to new lows.



9/11 News :


· State of Terror - VIDEO

· Katrina Yes, 9/11 No? - Do you see how the media are all over the administration for not preparing for the disaster in New Orleans? You see how they are asking questions about how everyone knew that this was going to happen?






· Congress Likely to Probe Guard Delay - Several states ready and willing to send National Guard troops to the rescue in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans didn't get the go-ahead until days after the storm struck — a delay nearly certain to be investigated by Congress.





· Homeland Security won't let Red Cross deliver food - As the National Guard delivered food to the New Orleans convention center yesterday, American Red Cross officials said that federal emergency management authorities would not allow them to do the same.

· Daley 'shocked' as feds reject aid - A visibly angry Mayor Daley said the city had offered emergency, medical and technical help to the federal government as early as Sunday to assist people in the areas stricken by Hurricane Katrina, but as of Friday, the only things the feds said they wanted was a single tank truck.

· Ex-officials say weakened FEMA botched response - Government disaster officials had an action plan if a major hurricane hit New Orleans. They simply didn't execute it when Hurricane Katrina struck.

· Evacuees at Cajundome wait for first lady, and for lunch - As the first lady toured the Red Cross shelter at the Cajundome this morning, a line of evacuees waiting to eat their lunch trickled out the door of the Dome.

· Bush faces growing revolt over education policy - Connecticut, taking the strongest stand yet in its lawsuit accusing Washington of failing to pay for the testing and its programs, expects other states to follow its lead, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal said in an interview. - He likened the White House to a bully in the playground.

· Models predicted New Orleans disaster, experts say - Virtually everything that has happened in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina struck was predicted by experts and in computer models, so emergency management specialists wonder why authorities were so unprepared.

· Oh, One More Thing, America... - As you're watching all this footage of people in Louisiana and Mississippi sleeping in overcrowded gymnasiums, their homes destroyed, loved ones missing, jobs lost… just remember that YOUR money is going to pay Gaza "settlers" $200,000 to $300,000 per family to relocate from their cushy housing projects along the Mediterranean.










· Castro offers medical aid to U.S. - At a nightly roundtable program on state-run television Friday, the Cuban leader said his nation was ready to send 1,100 doctors and 26 tons of medicine and equipment. - "Others have sent money; we are offering to save lives," he said.

· Category 5 storm threatens Okinawa islands - A powerful typhoon churning towards Japan's Okinawa islands has strengthened to a category 5 storm, technically the same strength as Hurricane Katrina, which ravaged the US Gulf states.

· Russian UN official charged with money laundering in NYC - Kuznetsov is the second Russian official at the UN to be arrested on corruption charges in recent weeks.

· US won't let Canada help Katrina victims - A specialized urban search and rescue team from Vancouver will be joining the rescue efforts in Louisiana in the wake of hurricane Katrina. - Sounds great! Except for one problem -- this team wasn't allowed to fly into the US, blocked by Homeland Security from entering.





· The National Guard Belongs in New Orleans and Biloxi. Not Baghdad. - Speaking for the Mississippi National Guard, Lt. Andy Thaggard said: “Missing the personnel is the big thing in this particular event. We need our people.” According to the Washington Post, the Mississippi National Guard “has a brigade of more than 4,000 troops in central Iraq” while “Louisiana also has about 3,000 Guard troops in Baghdad.”

· U.S. Won't Relocate Soldiers for Katrina - Lt. Col. Trey Cate said top military officials are exploring ways to bring individual troops home to take care of families in need without altering the balance of forces in the war zones.
TVNL Comment: Exporing ways? Just wait a while as we think about it, OK?

· Pentagon Inspector General Quits - Schmitz is going to be the chief operating officer and general counsel for the Prince Group, according to another defense official who discussed the matter only on condition of anonymity. One of Prince Group's subsidiaries is Blackwater USA, which is under Defense Department contract to provide security services in Iraq.

· Overseas deployments hinder Guard hurricane presence - Some 6,000 National Guard personnel in Louisiana and Mississippi who would be available to help deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina are in Iraq, highlighting the changing role of America’s part-time soldiers.





· WE TOLD YOU SO - Bush, the man your fever dreams built into the next Winston Churchill when he is really the live action Chauncey Gardiner, has failed to everyone, in plain sight, without question.

· United States of Shame - And when you combine limited government with incompetent government, lethal stuff happens.

· Delusions Under Siege - How does he sleep at night? - What is it that enables George Bush to sleep at night when his avarice and iniquity as a ruler exceed that of Marie Antoinette?





· NY Times reprinted without contradiction Bush's false claim that nobody "anticipated the breach of the levees" - In a September 2 article headlined "Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure," The New York Times printed without challenge President Bush's false claim, originally made on ABC's Good Morning America, that "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees" surrounding New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina. In fact, dozens of news organizations had reported on the possibility of a breach well in advance of the hurricane, and even the Times' lead editorial in the same day's newspaper flatly stated that "disaster planners were well aware that New Orleans could be flooded by the combined effects of a hurricane and broken levees."

· Frustrations voiced on tube - Journos question speed, quality of Katrina relief

· Honeyst Makes a Rare Appearance on FOX News - Shepard Smith and Geraldo Rivera were livid about the situation in NOLA as they appeared on H&C. When Hannity tried his usual spin job and said "let's get this in perspective," Smith chopped him off at the knees and started yelling at him saying, "This is perspective!" It was shocking.

· Questions of racism in hurricane photo captions; Yahoo responds - A French news agency has yanked a photograph surrounding the New Orleans hurricane that raised questions of racism, RAW STORY has learned.

· Gallup Refuses To Run Poll Asking Americans If Bush Should Be Impeached - But Gallup officials this week categorically refused to poll Americans, telling Bob Fertik, Democrats for Unity president until impeachment was discussed by congressional leaders or news commentators in the media, it was their official policy to refrain from asking hypothetical questions.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!















· Fox News Series On Israeli Spying In America - There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but investigators suspect that they Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator said there are "tie-ins." But when asked for details, he flatly refused to describe them, saying, "evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified.

· Forget Prayer: God Ain't Listening - God, in my opinion, is not living up to his advertising. In a year that has witnessed the aftermath of the south Asian tsunami (approximately 225,000 deaths), Katrina (118 confirmed dead and rising), and Wednesday's Baghdad bridge stampede (some 953 Shiite religious pilgrims dead), it has become impossible to reconcile current events with the notion of an omnipotent, omniscient, magnanimous deity. "The Almighty" appears to be either an unaware, powerless, and/or misanthropic absentee landlord -- or no one whatsoever.



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