Date: September 5th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: China just evacuated 1 million people in anticipation of a hurricane. Japan is currently preparing for a hurricane. The US media may want to compare and contrast the actions of our government with the actions of the governments of China and Japan. They may also want to compare and contrast the actions of the leaders of these nations as well. Sean Hannity kept trying to put things into perspective about the relief effort, perhaps this little comparison would help to do so. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

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· Insurgents Seize Key Town in Iraq - A sign newly posted at the entrance of Qaim declared, "Welcome to the Islamic Kingdom of Qaim." A statement posted in mosques described Qaim as an "Islamic kingdom liberated from the occupation."

· Armed assault on Baghdad ministry - At least two Iraqi police officers have been killed and several wounded in a surprise attack by insurgents on the interior ministry building in Baghdad.

· UK troops killed in southern Iraq - Two British soldiers have been killed by a roadside bomb as they travelled in a convoy in southern Iraq.

· U.N. Urges Some Staff to Leave Afghanistan - The United Nations has encouraged some nonessential staff to leave Afghanistan amid security concerns ahead of Sept. 18 elections, and the government warned aid workers Sunday that they are likely targets after a string of assaults on foreigners.





· The Potemkin Photo Op - But from beginning to end, the entire exercise was a series of lies - a Potemkin photo op designed to fool those Americans who were not bothering to look closely at what was going on. Let's look at key aspects of Bush's trip that were covered by television.

· Bush names Roberts top US judge - Democrats will want to question him on issues such as abortion, church-state matters and the environment.

· Bush Administration Puts Katrina PR Campaign Into Overdrive - The Bush administration kept its Hurricane Katrina response and its public relations campaign in overdrive on Sunday, even as first confirmation came from Washington of a dreaded statistic - that the storm probably killed thousands of people.

· New Orleans: Destroyed by Presidential Negligence - Before 9/11 the Federal Emergency Management Agency listed the three most likely catastrophic disasters facing America: a terrorist attack on New York, a major earthquake in San Francisco and a hurricane strike on New Orleans. "The New Orleans hurricane scenario," The Houston Chronicle wrote in December 2001, "may be the deadliest of all."








9/11 News :








· Louisiana Senator Threatens President Bush - Louisiana Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu threatens President Bush with physical violence this morning on ABC's Sunday morning news program, "This Week". - "If one person criticizes our sheriffs, or says one more thing, including the President of the United States, he will hear from me - one more word about it after this show airs and I - I might likely have to punch him - literally," says Landrieu.





· Hurricane Center Director Tells Paper He Briefed Brown and Chertoff on Danger of Severe Flooding - "We were briefing them way before landfall," Mayfield said. "It’s not like this was a surprise. We had in the advisories that the levee could be topped."

· An Unnatural Disaster: A Hurricane Exposes the Man-Made Disaster of the Welfare State - The man-made disaster we are now witnessing in New Orleans did not happen over four days last week. It happened over the past four decades. Hurricane Katrina merely exposed it to public view.

· U.S. considers plutonium space rockets - The United States is poised to produce plutonium-238 for the first time since the end of the Cold War but it will be used for space missions, not weapons, officials said this week.

· Katrina medical help held up by red tape - "We have tried so hard to do the right thing. It took us 30 hours to get here," he said. That government officials can't straighten out the mess and get them assigned to a relief effort now that they're just a few miles away "is just mind-boggling," he said.

· An Angry 'Times-Picayune' Calls for Firing of FEMA Chief and Others in Open Letter to President On Sunday - In an "open letter" to the president, published on page 15 of the 16-page edition, the paper said it still had grounds for "skepticism" that he would follow through on saving the city and its residents. It pointed out that while the government could not get supplies to the city numerous TV reporters, singer Harry Connick and Times-Picayune staffers managed to find a way in.

· Failing at War, Peace and Dignity - The George W. Bush administration focused all of its resources on war and the Department of Homeland Security, yet when a major American city was attacked, albeit by the forces of nature, the government failed to respond leaving at least hundreds, probably thousands, to die, others to suffer in illness and injury, and many more thirsty and hungry. No security in the homeland: a failed state.

· The Two Americas - Last September, a Category 5 hurricane battered the small island of Cuba with 160-mile-per-hour winds. More than 1.5 million Cubans were evacuated to higher ground ahead of the storm. Although the hurricane destroyed 20,000 houses, no one died. - What is Cuban President Fidel Castro's secret? According to Dr. Nelson Valdes, a sociology professor at the University of New Mexico, and specialist in Latin America, "the whole civil defense is embedded in the community to begin with. People know ahead of time where they are to go." - "Cuba's leaders go on TV and take charge," said Valdes. Contrast this with George W. Bush's reaction to Hurricane Katrina. The day after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, Bush was playing golf.










· Iran’s leader calls for greater “jihad” against Israel - Iran’s official policy is to call for the annihilation of the Jewish state.

· Asian nations offer US assistance - Asian countries that have benefited from American aid in the past have been rallying to offer help to US citizens left homeless by Hurricane Katrina.

· Typhoon death toll rises in China - Up to a million people were moved from low-lying coastal flood plains in Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, Xinhua said.

· Axis of evil country, Iran, offers help - "We are ready to help through the Red Crescent whenever we receive an official request (from the United States)," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hamid-Reza Assefi told reporters in Tehran.










· The Longer Bush Stays in the White House, The More That the National Security of the United States is Endangered - Beginning with 9/11 -- and Bush's failure to protect America against hijackings that he and Condoleezza were warned about in advance, but took no security actions to stop, resulting in the September 11th hijackings -- George W. Bush has weakened national security and the U.S. government's ability to protect its citizens at almost every level. This is just a fact.





· Has Katrina saved US media? - Giant corporations own the networks, and Washington politicians rely on them and their executives to fund their re-election campaigns across the 50 states. - It is a perfect recipe for a timid and self-censoring journalistic culture that is no match for the masterfully aggressive spin-surgeons of the Bush administration.
TVNL Comment: How sad a state is our media in that the international press have to discuss saving the
US media?

· Times slams NBC's censoring of West:- The Los Angeles Times Sunday criticized NBC for censoring rapper Kanye West's criticism of President Bush during A Concert for Hurricane Relief.

· Russert tears up Homeland chief on 'Meet the Press' - RUSSERT: How could the president be so wrong, be so misinformed? Mr. Secretary... are you planning your resignation?

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· Wendys and Halliburton among small percentage of Fortune 500 companies not protecting gays - According to a report released today by the Philadelphia-based Equality Forum, while policies to protect gays and lesbians from job discrimination have been put into place at over 90% of Fortune 500 companies, giant firms such as Halliburton, Exxon Mobil, and Wendy's International still have no such rules in place.





· The Israelis get a wall and New Orleans gets flooded - The Israeli wall is 455 miles - To put a wall around New Orleans would be 50 miles - American taxpayers gave $10 billion in 1991 to relocate millions of Russian Jews. The American taxpayer gave Israel an apartheid-enforcing wall, built them scores of house in Gaza, and now they get $2.2 billion to move out of their illegal settlements.



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