Date: September 6th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The new homeless people of America that were made so by the hurricane will soon be placed in some sort of housing. This nation will rise to the occasion and find housing for as many of these people as possible and hopefully for all of them. We are going to do this very quickly, relative to the scale of the problem. And the city of New Orleans will be rebuilt as fast as humanly possible.

The question I have is why didn’t we do this for the homeless people who have littered the streets of this nation for decades? How many homeless war veterans are there in this nation? How many mentally ill people wander the streets of America shoeless and hungry?

We will no doubt see a lot of political congratulations, praise and tributes to the many people who will take part in the effort to normalize the lives of the people displaced by Katrina and many of us will feel a newborn pride in our nation because of this. Don’t be fooled, we have a long way to go before America should be proud. While CEOs of corporations in America earn more that 400 times the salary of their average employee, people in this nation go hungry.

Religious organizations, mostly Christian and Jewish groups, support politicians who’s policies of greed contradict the teachings of these religions. The Catholic Church alone has accumulated enough wealth to solve many of the problems of society, yet what becomes of this wealth? The Catholic Church owns more real estate globally than any other organization on the planet! Yet, there are homeless people all over the world while the Church earns tax free profits from a great deal of their real estate. The Church does not even pay taxes that may help fund public programs to help house the homeless. This is not to say that Churches do not help the homeless, but I am saying there is a lot more to the picture than what we might think.

This disaster should be a wakeup call to Americans. Tax breaks are immoral while people are in need. Earth has not advanced to the point where paying too much tax can be considered unfair. When everything is taken care of, then perhaps we can discuss greed. Till then stop fooling yourself. America is overwrought with greed & insensitivity for which selective self serving compassion can not make up for. We have a lot to be proud of, but we have a lot to be ashamed of as well. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

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· S Korea may cut troops in Iraq: MP - South Korea, which has the third-largest contingent of foreign troops in Iraq, may cut back by about one-third the number of its soldiers stationed there, a South Korean lawmaker said.

· TASK FORCE FREEDOM SOLDIER KILLED IN IED ATTACK - A Task Force Freedom Soldier died when the vehicle he was in was struck by an improvised explosive device in Tal Afar Sept. 5.

· Claims of Saddam's Genocide Far from Proven - Is it really true that Saddam Hussein "gassed his own people" while committing genocide against Iraqi Kurds, images that have become woven into the fabric of the American perception of Iraq?

· Rumours Of US Troops Mutinies In Iraq - WMR has learned that the US embassy in Baghdad is checking into reports that U.S. troops in Iraq, including National Guardsmen, Army and Marine Corps Reserves, and regular military troops from Louisiana and Mississippi, have mutinied against their officers and are demanding to be immediately sent back home to help their families.





· Science Becomes Just Another Tool in the Radical Partisan Agenda of the Bush Administration, According to Journalist Chris Mooney - "Obviously I'm using a metaphor to describe what is essentially a comprehensive assault on scientific expertise. I don't mean a literal war, but I'm referring to the fact that scientific expertise has been undermined very systematically by the Bush Administration and by the Republican Congress on issues ranging from evolution to global climate change to embryonic stem cell research. I think that it's appropriate to talk about this comprehensive assault, using that kind of figurative language."

· Knight Ridder Exposes Horsey Background of FEMA Chief - So who is Michael Brown, now catching all kinds of criticism for his handling of the catastrophe in New Orleans? It seems his primary career experience before nabbing a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) post was running an Arabian horse association. An article by Matt Stearns and Seth Borenstein for Knight Ridder Newspapers observes, "there was little in Michael D. Brown's background to prepare him for the fury of Hurricane Katrina."

· Feds Spending More Tax Dollars To Hide Information - The government is withholding more information than ever from the public and expanding ways of shrouding data, a coalition of watchdog groups reported Saturday. Last year, for each $1 spent declassifying old secrets, federal agencies spent a record $148 creating and storing new secrets, the groups said. That's a $28 jump from 2003 when $120 was spent to keep secrets for every $1 spent revealing them. In the late 1990s, the ratio was $15-$17 a year to $1, according to the secrecy report card by

· 'My Pet Goat' -- The Sequel - This time, during a catastrophe, the president did not merely dither for seven minutes, but for three days, and his top advisors followed suit. While the media has done a good job in portraying the overall failure of leadership in this weeks hurricane's disaster, it has not focused enough on this deadly dereliction of duty.





· An Embarrassment of Riches - The estate tax affects only the richest 2 percent of Americans. But Congress wants to repeal it to make sure its "base" doesn't pay another penny.

· THE POOR GET POORER - “The rich got richer and the poor got poorer” is a sentence most often used to describe the economic plight of underdeveloped countries. - But last week, it was being used to describe the economy of the world’s lone superpower: The USA.

· In Manhattan, Poor Make 2˘ for Each Dollar to the Rich - The top fifth of earners in Manhattan now make 52 times what the lowest fifth make - $365,826 compared with $7,047 - which is roughly comparable to the income disparity in Namibia, according to the Times analysis of 2000 census data.



9/11 News :


· 9/11 Revealed: Challenging the Facts behind the War on Terror - By allowing the attacks to happen — or in the case of the most extreme theories, by organising them under a “false flag” — the military-industrial complex in America, headed by Dick Cheney and his neocon supporters in the Project for a New American Century, guaranteed that America would stay at war and that profits would stay high. Supporters of this and similar theories point to previous occasions where America has invented incidents to justify continuing hostilities, such as during the Spanish-American conflict or the Gulf of Tonkin incident in the Vietnam war.






· Corzine hit with ethics complaint - An ethics complaint alleging Sen. Jon Corzine failed to disclose a $470,000 mortgage loan in 2002 to his then-girlfriend, a powerful state union boss, was filed Thursday with the Senate Ethics Committee by a public interest attorney.

· Wexler Calls for FEMA Director's Resignation - - Today, Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL) sent the following letter to President George Bush requesting that he immediately remove Michael Brown from his position as head of the Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
TVNL Comment: Note the date of this request.





· FEMA Turned Away Aid, Rescue Crews, Cut Emergency Communication Lines: Witnesses - In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, several witnesses have alleged that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) turned away volunteers who were ready to help New Orleans residents people trapped in their flooded homes. Other witnesses have said that FEMA turned away offers of aid, prevented water and fuel from reaching people on th

· First responders warned of change in training - The Bush administration was warned by congressional investigators this summer that some first responders were concerned that their training and equipment was tilting too much toward combating terrorism rather than natural disasters.

· FEMA puts Nevada convoy to Gulf region on hold at last minute - Shortly before they were set to leave for Hurricane Katrina-battered states, a group of about 100 law enforcement officers from across Nevada was told to stay put by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

· Jailed for saving lives - He found an abandoned bus in New Orleans, packed it with survivors, and drove it to the Astrodome. The reaction of the officials? They're going to charge him with theft. Unbelievable.

· In French Quarter, community refuses to fall into abyss of savagery - While mold and contagion grew in the muck that engulfed most of the city, something else sprouted in this most decadent of American neighborhoods - humanity. "Some people became animals," Vasilioas Tryphonas said Sunday morning as he sipped a hot beer in Johnny White's Sports Bar on Bourbon Street. "We became more civilized."





· Climate change may leave another 50m hungry - Scientists predict about 50 million more people, most of them in Africa, could be at risk of hunger by 2050 due to climate change and reduced crop yields.

· Report 'whitewashes' Chernobyl impact: Greenpeace - "It is appalling that the IAEA is whitewashing the impacts of the most serious industrial accident in human history," said Jan Van de Putte, a Greenpeace nuclear campaigner, in a statement released by the organisation's headquarters in Amsterdam.





· Iran nuclear weapons 'years away' - Iran is still several years away from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability, according to a study published by an influential London-based think tank.

· Israel plans expansion of West Bank settlement - Israel has confirmed it plans to build more than 100 new homes in one of the West Bank's largest Jewish settlements. The move comes in spite of a commitment to freeze settlement construction under an international peace plan.

· Arroyo survives impeachment attempt - Attempts to impeach the Philippines President Gloria Arroyo for allegedly stealing last year's elections have failed. Opposition politicians have conceded defeat after losing a vote in Congress.

· Hurricane relief may cut into U.S. pullout aid for Israel - The scope of the disaster relief that the U.S. government is preparing for the areas hit by the hurricane is likely to reduce the amount of American aid to be transferred to Israel, Army Radio reported Sunday, citing unnamed White House officials.










· Monument to a Rotten System - Governmental hypocrisy is personified painfully in the monument to corporate greed that has rapidly become the earth's most damnable homeless shelter: the Louisiana Superdome.

· Thank God for George W. Bush’s Freedoms - Why should it be the Iraqi’s only who can enjoy the freedom of having no clean water and no electricity? Why should the Iraqi’s have all the fun of chaos and being able to run wild in the streets looting the local Big 5 Sporting Goods Store? Why should it be the Iraqi’s who have no place to stay and no food to eat? Why should it be just the Iraqi’s who can look forward to being dirt poor and starving and having cholera and dysentery? Why shouldn’t George W. Bush’s America share in the fun of having children dying of disease and malnutrition? Why should the Iraqi’s be one of the few who enjoy having a winter of ravaging diseases to look forward to that will decimate the economy and kill half their children?





· Olbermann's Who's To Blame Commentary - MUST SEE VIDEO

· Military releases seep into Katrina news articles - Though the mainstream media’s aggressive reporting from the storm-ravaged Gulf Coast has been demonstrably critical of President Bush, federal officials, and the speed of disaster relief, some reporters have taken to drawn military press releases rather than filing first-hand reports.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· Soldiers' assault 'killed Iraqi' - An 18-year-old Iraqi man was killed during an "unjustified" and "gratuitous" assault involving seven British soldiers, a court has heard.





· Barbara Bush: Things Working Out 'Very Well' for Poor Evacuees from New Orleans - "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."

· Can Hurricanes Be Used As Weapons Of Mass Destruction? - Nikola Tesla, one of the most incredible inventors of all time, developed this 'scalar technology' in the early 1900's. He created one device, about this size of a pack of cigarettes, which nearly brought down a New York highrise before he reportedly smashed it with a hammer to stop the vibrational energy which was beginning to shatter the building. In fact, many major technologies currently being used today were invented by Tesla including alternating current, light bulbs, robotics etc. etc. Tesla also invented an advanced technology to provide Free Energy to the entire planet, anywhere, and mainly for this reason the "powers that be" eliminated Tesla's name from history books.

· Katrina comments from BBC readers - Please correct me if I'm wrong... but I'm sure it was only a year or so ago that a hurricane hit a string of Caribbean islands. Before the hurricane had hit the Royal Navy sent ships to the area which arrived within hours of the hurricane passing. How come the American government didn't have the foresight to do the same?



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