Date: September 7th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Another self investigation has been announced by the Bush administration. Does anyone get it yet? Does anyone see that the criminals are also the judges and juries in our government? Is every last member of the media willing to continue to support this insanity?

Here is what I want to see…I want to see Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld et. al, find tumors all over their bodies. When they rush themselves to the hospital I want the doctors to tell them that they should perform self examinations and they should correct their own problems. Of course the doctors may want to prescribe medications to be taken on a voluntary basis!!! That would fit perfectly in to the Bush administration philosophy. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

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If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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· Four American Contractors Killed in Basra - A roadside bomb struck a convoy of American security guards Wednesday in the southern city of Basra, killing four U.S. contractors, a U.S. Embassy spokesman said.

· SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - A Soldier assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action when the vehicle he was in hit an improvised explosive device Sept. 5. The incident occurred during combat operations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

· 2 TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIERS KILLED - Two Task Force Baghdad Soldiers were killed when their vehicle rolled over after striking an improvised explosive device around 10 a.m. Sept. 6 in central Baghdad.





· In Disaster's Aftermath, the Buck Stops at the President's Desk - President Bush is probably even more resistant than most of his predecessors to admitting error or reexamining decisions.

· Bush launches inquiry and puts himself in charge of it - Mr Bush tried to distance himself from the blame game already in progress. "I'll lead an investigation of what went right and what went wrong," he insisted.
TVNL Comment: If Bush ever gets a big tumor on his head the doctors should tell him to "investigate it" himself.

· Wanna Bet on Bush’s Response to Katrina? - Will the head of FEMA get the ax? Will the press continue to report the truth until Bush is impeached? - Jesse’s predictions: Here what you should place your money on:





· Government Intervention in Stock Market is Detailed by New Report, GATA Says - A major Canadian financial management firm that a year ago published a compilation of evidence of central bank manipulation of the gold price has just done the same in regard to the U.S. stock market and has reached a similar conclusion.



9/11 News :








· Hearings in Government Reform - Henry Waxman, ranking Dem on the Government Reform Committee, demanded hearings earlier today. CNN just reported on television that Republican Chairman Tom Davis - famous for getting the Chairmanship over others with more seniority to reward his partisanship and more recently for threatening Major League Baseball over the prospect of George Soros buying a team - has agreed to hold those hearings. If they seriously investigate the Bush Administration, those would be a first. I'll keep folks abreast of anything I hear.





· Tragic costs of Bush’s Iraq obsession - Supporters of the war in Iraq predicted that the dominos would fall in the Middle East. Instead, the dominos are falling across America.

· Iraq War Splurge Hits Home at 230 kph - The soaring costs of the Iraq war, combined with Bush's huge tax cuts and a dangerously narrow definition of "homeland security", translated directly into sharp reductions in the amount of government money that was made available for the battered area's hurricane- and flood-control projects over the last several years, according to a series of articles published in 2004 and 2005 by New Orleans' largest-circulation newspaper, The Times-Picayune.

· Halliburton to increase prices in October - Halliburton Co. (HAL.N: Quote, Profile, Research) will increase prices across all of its energy services business lines next month, the company's Chairman and Chief Executive David Lesar said on Tuesday, although he declined to specify the sizes of those price increases.

· Katrina - Must see video.

· FEMA Chief Sent Help Only When Storm Ended - The top U.S. disaster official waited hours after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast before he proposed to his boss sending at least 1,000 Homeland Security workers into the region to support rescuers,

· FEMA's Brown Blasted While Dubya Still Refuses Foreign Aid - * Russian rescue crews on four cargo planes with helicopters on board sit idle at an airport near Moscow waiting for green light, - * Cuba has 1500 doctors with 26 tons of medical supplies and Bush is refusing them entry to U.S., - * Venezuelan disaster rescue teams wait for a "go," - * Dominican Republic crews with hurricane recovery experience wait and wait and wait. - It's the same scene at airports around the world.





· Tall grasses set to power Europe - The latest studies suggest one form of elephant grass would make a productive "energy crop" to be burnt in power stations to generate electricity.

· Oyster mushrooms cleaning up oil spills - whatever next? - IT IS MY CONTENTION that mushrooms and fungi are far more crucial to the planet's ecological health than previously thought. We know that many mushrooms have powerful healing capabilities for humans, but what I've learned is that these organisms also appear to serve as primary healing agents for land and ecosystems. My study of fungi and mushrooms has demonstrated powerful new ways of rehabilitating degraded and polluted landscapes and enhancing soil fertility.





· Iran Offers 20M Barrels of Oil to U.S. - Iran will send the United States 20 million barrels of crude oil to help it overcome the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, if Washington waives trade sanctions, a senior Iranian oil official said.

· Indian oil search in Cuban waters - The Indian state oil company, ONGC, has come to an agreement with the Cuban government to begin exploring for oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
TVNL Comment: Again we point out why the Bush administration has stepped up pressure on
Cuba. Oil discovery programs have been going on there for several years. Do the math.

· Cuba reiterates medical aid offer to the United States - PRESIDENT Fidel Castro last night reiterated Cuba’s disposition to help Hurricane Katrina victims in spite of the silence of Washington regarding Cuba’s aid offer.

· Israel Conducts 'Silent' Enlargement Plan - Today, the government passed 117 new related projects. - This is an open violation attempt of the “Road Map,” which is an international project to bring permanent peace to the Middle East, it is termed and it is anticipated to receive much reaction from Palestinians. Israel, however, continues to announce settlement enlargements.

· Why does the US need our money? - The Red Cross is appealing for people overseas to contribute money to its Hurricane Katrina Appeal. But why does the world's richest nation need handouts?





· An Irate Soldier’s Open Letter Regarding George W. Bush - If you’re not pissed off, you’re not paying attention. - George Bush is going to go down in history as the President Who Destroyed America. - Oh sure, there were problems before he ever took office. Every nation has problems. But in the year 2000, the USA was at a fairly high point. The economy was growing. Science was moving forward. International relations were fairly good. The future looked bright. And then, an election was rigged, and a "President" who was never properly elected took office.

· Navy Pilots rebuked for saving lives - Two Navy helicopter pilots and their crews returned from New Orleans on Aug. 30 expecting to be greeted as lifesavers after ferrying more than 100 hurricane victims to safety. - Instead, their superiors chided the pilots, Lt. David Shand and Lt. Matt Udkow, at a meeting the next morning for rescuing civilians when their assignment that day had been to deliver food and water to military installations along the Gulf Coast.





· To Those Who Voted for Bush: Do You Get It Now? - But let's move on from America's perennial, always-just-below-the-surface racism and hits-on-the-poor. The point here is that George W. Bush has a reverse Midas touch. Whatever he involves himself in as a leader winds up in FUBAR land. (If you don't know what those letters stand for, ask someone in the military: ---- Up Beyond All Recognition.)

· The real costs of a culture of greed - For half a century, free-market purists have to great effect denigrated the essential role that modern government performs as some terrible liberal plot.

· America, Be Not Proud - We will no doubt see a lot of political congratulations, praise and tributes to the many people who will take part in the effort to normalize the lives of the people displaced by Katrina and many of us will feel a newborn pride in our nation because of this. Don’t be fooled, we have a long way to go before America should be proud. While CEOs of corporations in America earn more that 400 times the salary of their average employee, people in this nation go hungry.





· Fox 5 Refuses To Air Anti-Bush Campaign Ad - The Fox affiliate television station rejected a campaign commercial for a Democrat running in a local race, and the candidate alleges it's because the ad slams President Bush.

· Yahoo 'helped jail China writer' - Internet giant Yahoo has been accused of supplying information to China which led to the jailing of a journalist for "divulging state secrets".

· Memo to the Media: Stop Enabling the White House Blame Game - Well, according to the New York Times, Rove, Bartlett and the damage control boys are at it again, rolling out a plan to hang the post-Katrina debacle around the necks of Louisiana state and local officials… and, in the process, erase the image of a crassly incompetent administration too busy vacationing to worry about the dying in New Orleans.

· 'Wash Post' Runs A Key Katrina Correction - In its Sunday edition, the Washington Post quoted a "senior Bush official" who said that "as of Saturday [Louisiana Governor] Blanco still had not declared a state of emergency." This, of course, was meant to make the governor look foolish and spread the blame around for the disastrous response to the disaster, though it was hard to imagine on what grounds the newspaper would quote an unnamed source in this case.

· IMAGINE ALL THE PEOPLE WHO MIGHT STILL BE ALIVE - HAD THE CORPORATE MEDIA NOT BETRAYED THEM! - There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and to shame the devil.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· US Church backs same-sex marriage - The million-strong United Church of Christ (UCC) has become the first major US Christian denomination to come out in support of gay marriage.

· California backs gay marriage law - The California Assembly has become the first state legislature in the US to pass a bill endorsing gay marriages.

· Life 'worse for world's poorest' - Many of the world's poorest countries are doing worse in 2005 than they were 15 years ago, a major UN report says.








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