Date: September 10th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: So an American can get handcuffed and detain for speaking. This is the America Bush supporters have helped to create. How do they fool themselves into thinking this most anti-democracy regime is good for America or good for anything? I wonder how supportive they would feel had a Democrat banished them to special free speech zones; little roped off areas of the nation where people are allowed to be free? Democracy in America? Can somebody please ask these Bush supporters to show me the democracy; or at least tell me what they think democracy is?

By the way, did you notice that there is a direct correlation between actual news getting reported, which has been the case with the hurricane, and Bush’s approval ratings dropping? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE 9/11: For those of you who would like to meet me: I will be attending several events on 9/11 in New York. I will be at ground zero at approximately 8:30 AM handing out free “Confronting the Evidence” DVDs. Dylan Avery, writer and director of the DVD Loose Change, is also planning meeting me at ground zero, although I am not sure what time he will be there. If I have definitive information regarding my agenda for the day I will post it on my blog.

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Suicide car bomber targets American agents near Baghdad hotel - A suicide car bomber detonated his explosives-laden BMW in the center of the capital today, targeting a passing convoy of private American security agents — the second attack in a week near the heavily fortified Sadir Hotel.

· U.S. Forces Chase Ghost Fighters Amid Iraqis - The episode underscored what many U.S. troops have said is among the most difficult tasks they face in battling the insurgency across Iraq: identifying fighters who blend seamlessly into the local population.

· Major attack on Iraq 'rebel town' - The BBC's Jonathan Charles in Baghdad says the operation in Talafar is the biggest against rebels since the assault on Falluja last year.





· Katrina rips Bush a new one - All the elements that George W. Bush and Karl Rove had exploited for political gain — a timid and kowtowing mainstream media, a deafening silence about America’s growing underclass, the fear that criticizing the White House in the era of Al Qaeda was tantamount to treason, and Bush’s can-do, cowboy image — were shattered by the same winds and rains that savaged casinos in Biloxi and homes in Jefferson Parish.

· "Smoking gun" documents nail FEMA, Chertoff, and Bush - He's just posted a letter to Secretary Chertoff from Ranking Member Waxman and Chairman Davis which describes documents from the Department of Homeland Security that show that FEMA was aware in 2004 that a "catastrophic hurricane" could hit New Orleans and "trap hundreds of thousands of people in flooded areas and leave up to one million people homeless." FEMA officials wrote: "the gravity of the situation calls for an extraordinary level of advance planning."





· Analysis Sees Deficits Growing Under Bush - By 2015, the deficit would hit $640 billion under CBO's study.



9/11 News :


· Program Failed to Monitor 9/11 Workers, Report Finds - Thousands of federal workers who helped untangle the wreckage of the World Trade Center may have never been examined or treated for medical problems stemming from the disaster, a Congressional report has found.

· 9/11 Conspiracy Theories on Arab and Iranian TV Channels - VIDEO






· Republicans Still Plan to Cut Spending - Republicans are going ahead with long-standing plans to trim Medicaid, food stamps and other benefits, even though party moderates are balking at cutting programs that aid the poor while hundreds of thousands are homeless from Hurricane Katrina.





· Physician who told Cheney to go F*ck Himself Lost his Home in Katrina, Detained, Cuffed by Cheney's M-16-carrying Goons - So let’s get this straight: A physician with a newborn baby loses most everything he owns in the hurricane, does what most of us WANT to do and “echoes” Cheney’s words he spoke on the Senate floor last year, walks away harmlessly, mission accomplished, and then once the media cameras leave, he is treated like a foreign terrorist as Cheney’s goons waving M-16s handcuff him in front of his destroyed home? Had it not been for the media cameras filming the initial scene, I doubt Cheney’s goons would have just let Marble go after 20 minutes.

· US emergency aid chief sidelined - The top US emergencies official has been removed from his role managing the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.





· California Eases Gasoline Pollution Standards - State air quality officials today temporarily relaxed gasoline evaporation standards to help avoid shortages and price spikes resulting from hurricane-related disruption of Gulf Coast oil operations.

· 'Help needed' to save great apes - Ministers from 23 countries in Africa and south-east Asia have appealed for international help to save the world's great apes from extinction.





· Defeating terror may mean giving up rights, MI5 warns - Dame Eliza does not specify which human rights need to be compromised to help the intelligence agencies and police to cope with the threat of attacks, but her intervention is certain to intensify the debate among MPs and human rights groups.
TVNL Comment: Can you say "police state?"

· German plane with Katrina aid turned back from U.S. - A German military plane carrying 15 tons of emergency rations to survivors of Hurricane Katrina was turned away by U.S. authorities, officials said Saturday.

· Wider U.S. Net Seeks Allies Against Iran's Nuclear Plan - Stymied in its effort to rally a worldwide coalition to press Iran, the Bush administration has opened an unusual diplomatic struggle with Russia, China and India to have Iran's suspected nuclear weapons activities brought before the United Nations Security Council for possible sanctions.
TVNL Comment:The headline should read: "PNAC Continues to Push for War and P
roceed With Their Plans for Global Domination!"

· US warns Nicaraguans against coup - Nicaragua faces isolation if opposition forces depose President Enrique Bolanos, a top US diplomat has warned.
TVNL Comment: The only good coup is an American sponsored coup!





· Iraq hurt Katrina response, general says - Lt. Gen. Steven Blum, chief of the National Guard Bureau, said that "arguably" a day or so of response time was lost due to the absence of the Mississippi National Guard's 155th Infantry Brigade and Louisiana's 256th Infantry Brigade, each with thousands of troops in Iraq.

· Military using Katrina to Recruit - They said the military is now recruiting at the Astrodome. Could this be true? How horrible and clever of them"





· Point Those Fingers - To understand the history of the Bush administration's response to disaster, just follow the catchphrases.





· Judge supports CNN request to cover Katrina's toll - At the request of CNN, a federal judge in Texas Friday night blocked emergency officials in New Orleans from preventing the media from covering the recovery of bodies from Hurricane Katrina.

· Editor Says 'Times-Pic' Newsroom is Feeling Post-Katrina 'Paradigm Shift' - Donley, who is now working out of rented office space in Baton Rouge, says there has been a "paradigm shift in the newsroom" over the past week as the paper's print journalists have come to rely on the Web more than ever in getting the news out.

· Associated Press says cameraman injured in Iraq - An Associated Press cameraman was injured in the Iraqi city of Samarra, the news agency said on Thursday, the latest in growing list of casualties among journalists in the war-torn country.

· The Power of the Internet “Movement” News - Recently, the power of the Internet-based “Movement” news outlets is making it difficult for Corporate media to spin news developments in favor of Bush Republicanism. The Bush Republicans has given huge tax breaks to large corporations that currently dominate mainstream media from newspapers to cable news channels to talk radio. Republicans have severely undermined all anti-monopoly laws and regulations that once insured diversity in broadcast and print media. Corporate control of media played a direct role in the increasing Corporate control of American politics and government.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· UN torture expert in Nepal visit - The United Nations official in charge of investigating instances of torture around the world has arrived in Nepal for a week-long visit.








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