Date: September 12th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: I find it interesting but not surprising that the American media has started to lay blame on the Bush administration for doing many things that have weakened our nation, yet they have not acknowledged their own violations of public trust for not reporting these things as they occurred. We will hear a lot about how budget cuts, cronyism, fixation on war and terror and general disregard for the common American have lead to many problems in Bushland. The media however, will not remind us of something I have been telling you every day for 3 years…that the media was hell bent on keeping this information from the public for 5 years. The actions that have led to the obliteration of America as we knew and loved it, from the shredding of the Constitution to the economic rape of the poor and middle class, were reported on a daily basis by the liberal rags, Bush haters and conspiracy theorists. The funny thing is the credibility of these un-American traitors is about as high as can be and the rest of the world is starting to realize that.

Credit however will not be granted to the “I told you so” crowd; not even by our close friends who told us that we are paranoid for all these years. And most importantly, the American media will transfer to themselves the free pass that they issued to the Bush administration some 6 years ago. As was/is the case with the Bush administration, thanks to the media, questions about accountability or responsibility for the disasters that took place under the watch, or non-watch of the media, will not be raised. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

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· Militants offer bounty for Iraqi PM: report - An Iraqi militant group has offered up to $US100,000 for killing Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari and top officials who launched an offensive on rebels in a northern town, an Internet statement says.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED BY IED NEAR SAMARRA - One Task Force Liberty Soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device detonated near a Coalition Forces combat patrol near Samarra at about 4:45 a.m. Sept. 11.

· Police general shot dead in Baghdad - Major General Adnan Abdul Rihman, a director of police training at the Ministry of Interior, died instantly when he was gunned down as he walked out of his home in Baghdad's western Ghazaliya district.

· Qaeda group threatens chemical attack over Tal Afar - An Al-Qaeda linked Sunni group in Iraq threatened to use chemical weapons against "occupation" and Iraqi forces unless they halt their offensive against rebels in the northern town of Tal Afar.

· Iraqis To Bush - Where Did All Our Money Go? - I have come to the conclusion that even if I live to be 100, I will never be able to track down every Bush-connected profiteer involved in this phony war on terror scheme. According to a report released in March 2005, by Transparency International (TI), an international organization that focuses on matters of corruption, Iraq could become "the biggest corruption scandal in history."





· All the President's Friends - The point is that Katrina should serve as a wakeup call, not just about FEMA, but about the executive branch as a whole. Everything I know suggests that it's in a sorry state - that an administration which doesn't treat governing seriously has created two, three, many FEMA's.

· We have the most partisan, incompetent, elitist, manipulative, sleazy, dishonest, corrupt White House in memory, and the Democrats get scared that they might be called partisan! - Because he is incompetent; engages in rampant cronyism and corporate campaign contributor profiteering at taxpayer expense; refuses to be accountable for any of his serial failures; allows corruption in government agencies ranging from FEMA to the Pentagon and in lax oversight of corporations; doesn't level with the American people; is chronically dishonest; and has as much integrity as a rattle snake under a rock.

· Bush the war flop - Today marks four years that George W. Bush has been a complete flop as a “War President,” the worst Commander in Chief in US History. On September 11, 2001, Bush’s incompetence -- at very least -- allowed Osama bin Laden’s attacks on America to happen. Imagine the howl from the bloviating right wing if those disasters had happened on Bill Clinton or Al Gore or John Kerry’s watch.

· How Bush Blew It - The reality, say several aides who did not wish to be quoted because it might displease the president, did not really sink in until Thursday night. Some White House staffers were watching the evening news and thought the president needed to see the horrific reports coming out of New Orleans. Counselor Bartlett made up a DVD of the newscasts so Bush could see them in their entirety as he flew down to the Gulf Coast the next morning on Air Force One. - How this could be—how the president of the United States could have even less "situational awareness," as they say in the military, than the average American about the worst natural disaster in a century—is one of the more perplexing and troubling chapters in a story that, despite moments of heroism and acts of great generosity, ranks as a national disgrace. - Congressional investigations will take months to sort out who is to blame. A NEWSWEEK reconstruction of the government's response to the storm shows how Bush's leadership style and the bureaucratic culture combined to produce a disaster within a disaster.








9/11 News :


· Missed opportunities for Osama - The White House and the Pentagon have insisted the U.S. had no knowledge that bin Laden was holed up in the mountains. But now Berntsen and a number of other CIA officials who were involved in the attempts to nab the al-Qaida leader and his lieutenants are challenging the administration's account, saying the United States knew and simply erred in having Afghans conduct the hunt.

· Dutch court loses A.Q. Khan’s files, judge suspects CIA - The Amsterdam court, which sentenced the father of Pakistan’s nuclear program Abdul Qadeer Khan to four years in prison in 1983, has lost Khan’s legal files and the court’s vice-president suspects the CIA had a hand in the documents’ disappearance.

· French Author Thierry Meyssan to Iranian TV: 9/11 Was Carried Out by the U.S. Government - You just asked another question: Was there any indication that Islamists were involved? One might think that the Islamists were drawn into this affair, not as the main planners, but as those carrying out the plan, or as members of one American group against another. Maybe. That's a theory. But this is the only theory raised by the US government. In order to prove this theory, America is giving different indications. The problem is that whenever we look into these indications, they turn out to be false, erroneous, and an afterthought. Ultimately, we have no clear proof about the Al-Qaeda network's involvement. I'm not saying it's impossible, but I'm saying that it does not prove a thing.

· Dutch Television Claims 9/11 Allowed to Happen To Fuel War Plans - Dutch television, prime time news cast, officially declares it *almost certain* the Bush presidency and U.S. Government knew about 911 beforehand and conspired to allow the terrorist strike, using it as a pretext for going to war and spread U.S. political power abroad.

· Tape Released: American al Qaeda Member Warns of Attacks - "Yesterday, London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne, God willing. At this time, don't count on us demonstrating restraint or compassion," the tape warns. "We are Muslims. We love peace, but peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam, not the so-called peace of occupiers and dictators."






· Congress probes hurricane clean-up contracts - Companies winning work include US contracting giants Bechtel and Halliburton. Halliburton, formerly headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, is facing questions for allegedly overcharging on work done in Iraq. The Department of Defense was criticised for awarding Iraq reconstruction contracts to these two companies without competition.

· Conyers rises to take on Bush - Conyers, arguably President George W. Bush's harshest congressional critic on Iraq policy, openly proclaims that his goal is nothing short of impeaching the president.





· Mercenaries guard homes of the rich in New Orleans - Hundreds of mercenaries have descended on New Orleans to guard the property of the city's millionaires from looters.
TVNL Comment: And the poor people will lose their land due to the new eminent domain laws.

· Katrina Leads a Lobbyist to Reevaluate His Priorities - How could lawmakers be asking for money for their reelections, he asked himself, when thousands of Americans were desperate for aid along the Gulf Coast?

· "IT" Is Happening Here!! - Heavily armed mercenaries, authorized to kill, roving US streets.

· US Military, Killing Dogs and Lying About It. - If the government will lie about that, what else will they lie about?





· Prescott in climate swipe at US - Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has criticised the US's record on combating global warming in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans.





· JAGGER SLAMS BLAIR OVER IRAQ - He says, "At the time of the Iraq invasion, "I was ambivalent; getting rid of Top of Saddam Hussein was a gift for humanity and I thought that there was a coherent plan to put Iraq back on its feet. (But it) shocked me to know that Blair already knew that the weapons of mass destruction were simply an excuse and that there was nothing planned for the day after (the invasion)."

· Britain now faces its own blowback - The videotape of the suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan has switched the focus of the London bombings away from the establishment view of brainwashed, murderous individuals and highlighted a starker political reality.

· Japan's Koizumi wins election landslide - Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's long-ruling party won a stunning landslide victory in Sunday's general election, Japanese media said, giving the U.S. ally a broad mandate to press on with market-friendly reforms.

· Musharraf to confront Pakistan's image issues in U.S. - President Pervez Musharraf left for New York on Sunday with a mission to counter criticism of Pakistan's record on women's rights, to improve Muslim-Jewish relations and to boost a flagging peace process with India.

· Typhoon slams into eastern Chinese city - A typhoon made a direct hit on Sunday on a sprawling city in prosperous eastern China where nearly a million villagers and farmers had been evacuated from flimsy huts to safety.

· EU, US face uphill battle on Iran at IAEA-diplomats - More than half a dozen countries on the IAEA's 35-nation governing board, which meets on September 19, believe there is no justification for a referral, they said.





· U.S. Mulling New Generation of Land Mines - According to the United Nations, more than 110 million unexploded land mines litter the planet, with mines a threat in at least 68 countries. The worst casualties from them have occurred in Afghanistan, Angola and Cambodia.





· A Letter to All Who Voted for George W. Bush from Michael Moore - How does it feel to know that the man you elected to lead us after we were attacked went ahead and put a guy in charge of FEMA whose main qualification was that he ran horse shows?

· Rehnquist's Legacy - In 33 years of interpreting the law on the Supreme Court, William Rehnquist displayed an unwavering antagonism towards the less-privileged.





· 'NY Times' Public Editor Rips Paper for Past New Orleans Coverage - In his seventh column since assuming the ombudsman-like role last spring, Calame said the Times should have done more in recent years to bring the Crescent City’s weakening levee problem to national attention and highlight the problems of low-income residents.

· Police in Haiti Arrest Two Journalists at Church of Jailed Priest - The officers also detained Jean Ristil, a Haitian who was working for The Associated Press, as he tried to take photographs of police leading away a handcuffed Pina.

· NBC's Williams: Journalists' Gloves Off - NBC's Brian Williams says the lasting legacy of Hurricane Katrina for journalists may be the end of an unusual four-year period of deference to people in power.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Doctors call for help amid encephalitis outbreak in India - The death toll from an outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in northern India has risen to 664 with 18 more deaths, as doctors appeal for more ventilators to save the lives of young patients.

· Cure Interrupted? - Parkinson’s patients who say a clinical-trial drug helped them now feel used by the drug maker which is denying them the drug for safety reasons.





· Locked-up peace activist mounts legal challenge - "The Govenrment must answer, why is peaceful protesting in Australia enough to justify deporting Mr Parkin? "No Australian government should deport a person merely for their political beliefs.''

· Orders from Washington behind deportation: Brown - An American peace activist facing deportation from Australia may have been arrested for political reasons on orders from Washington, Greens leader Bob Brown said tonight.

· Australia arrests US citizen for protesting Halliburton - A US citizen was arrested by Australian authorities yesterday after attending a series of protests against Halliburton. - The Department of Immigration ordered the deportation of Scott Parkin of Houston, Texas, after deciding his presence is a "national security threat."

· IDF general returns from U.K. before plane lands, fearing arrest - The rumors stemmed from a war crimes suit against Almog being filed by a London-based organization representing Palestinians.

· Diplomats stage walk out as UK and US are accused of terrorism - BRITISH and European diplomats walked out of a human rights conference in Malaysia yesterday, after the country's former prime minister claimed that the United States and the UK were "terrorist" states and that air force pilots whose bombs killed Iraqi civilians were murderers.





· Cigarettes, the CIA and Iran-contra - Their cloak-and-dagger enterprise flourished for three years, playing a role in the U.S. arms-for-hostages schemes that turned the Reagan administration inside out.



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