Date: September 13th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The newly elected government in Norway has promised to use more of their oil riches to pay for jobs, education and care for the elderly. I wonder what Sean Hannity and his mindless followers think of this? They probably use words like pinko, commie and the dreaded liberal! I wonder if they know that Saddam used his oil money to pay for infrastructure (before the sanctions), universal health care and free education through college for everyone (including women!) I wonder how the citizens of Sean Hannity’s America convince themselves that the American system of personal greed, most brilliantly exemplified by George W. Bush and his policies, is a more honorable and companionate system? How do they continue to fool themselves into believing that America is the “greatest nation in the world?” I’ll tell you how they do this…they simply ignore what goes on in the rest of the world and for the most part what goes on in America. What they don’t know…can’t hurt them! Or can it? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

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· Sarai State of Affairs - Unfortunately, the only thing these commanders were trying to shape was public opinion back home.

· Karzai urges terror fight rethink - He said there had to be a focus on "the sources of terrorism" where extremists get their training and inspiration.

· History revised: Saddam vanishes from schoolbooks - Iraq's children have returned to school for the start of a fresh academic year with a new syllabus that has all but erased Saddam Hussein from its history.

· Deadly Baghdad restaurant blast - A huge car bomb has exploded outside a popular restaurant in Baghdad, killing at least two and injuring about 15.





· Bush Support Eroding as Christians Condemn Iraq Involvement - "We had no plan for making the peace. We continue as a superpower to be arrogant. . . . And we have acted as though all is well, when, in fact, daily we have reports of suicide bombings and more disruptions in Iraq," said the Rev. Bob Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of Churches, a coalition of mainline Protestant and Orthodox denominations.
TVNL Comment: It's a little late to find religion on this subject. These people supported 5 years of non-Christian conduct; they condemned good people who ran against Bush, they raised funds and told their people to vote for him. Now they speak out, after tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people died as a result of their support? They are as guilty as Bush is!!!





· New Christian Aid Report Accuses Firms of ‘Ripping off Poor’ - A new scathing report from Christian Aid, to accompany a parallel report by pressure group The Tax Justice Network, has harshly criticised multinational accounting firms for “ripping off the poor” and undermining democracy by fostering tax avoidance on an international scale, reports The Herald.



9/11 News :


· 'This war on terrorism is bogus' - Former UK govt minister Michael Meacher was interviewed by Channel 4 about his article published in the Guardian, entitled 'This war on terrorism is bogus'

· George W. Bush’s 9/11 Reichstag fire - Numerous political analysts drew parallelism between the White House’s repetitive 9/11 rhetoric, recrimination and retaliation and Reichstag fire. Actually, a lot of Americans support the theory that Bush’s admin brought down the World Trade Center itself. Let’s look at the similarities between the two regimes.











· National Summit To Save Our Elections - This three day conference will feature some of the nation's leading election reform advocates and renowned independent media personalities. Here are just a few of the election reform movers and shakers confirmed to date:

· FEMA Chief Brown Resigns - Federal Emergency Management Agency director Mike Brown said Monday he has resigned "in the best interest of the agency and best interest of the president," three days after losing his on-site command of the Hurricane Katrina relief effort

· Secret Flight Brings Deadly Ex-Soviet Germs To US - More than 60 dangerous and deadly bacterial strains that are a legacy of the former Soviet Union's elaborate biological weapons program were transferred Friday to the United States from Azerbaijan as part of the two countries' joint fight against the threat of biological terrorism.

· Comparison: USA v. USSR: Is life today in the USA like life yesterday in the USSR? - The centralization of political power in the hands of the federal government has allowed it to create a totalitarian state that in many ways is reminiscent of the old Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.





· White House Threatens Mercury Change Veto - The White House on Monday defended its anti-pollution policies and threatened to veto a Senate proposal to negate new Environmental Protection Agency rules on limiting mercury emissions from power plants.
TVNL Comment: These people are continually promoting a policy of global population control. All of their policies result in massive global loss of life.





· US bars Cuba from UN conference - Washington denied a visa request from Ricardo Alarcon of Cuba to attend last week’s second World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, a meeting sponsored by the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
TVNL Comment: Simply outrageous. We need to remove this global dictatorship ASAP!

· Pakistan Leader Confirms Nuclear Exports - President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan said yesterday that he believed that a Pakistani nuclear expert who ran the world's largest proliferation ring exported "probably a dozen" centrifuges to North Korea to produce nuclear weapons fuel. He added, however, that after two years of interrogations there was still no evidence about whether the expert also gave North Korea a Chinese-origin design to build a nuclear weapon.

· N Korea firm on nuclear 'right' - North Korea has again insisted that its right to develop a civilian nuclear programme is not up for negotiation - just hours before talks in Beijing.

· Norway votes to spend oil riches on welfare state - The alliance wants to spend more oil cash on jobs, care for the elderly and education and a key plank of the parties campaign was that the tax cuts introduced by Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik have served only to help the rich.

· China deploys ships to area Japan claims - Tensions rise as fleet of warships appears near disputed gas field just days before election and a few weeks before drilling is to begin - In a muscular display of its rising military and economic might, China deployed a fleet of five warships on Friday near a gas field in the East China Sea, a potentially resource-rich area that is disputed by China and Japan.





· Army Expects to Miss Goals for Recruiting - The Army posted its best recruiting month in four years in August, but will still miss its annual recruiting goal for the first time since 1999, officials said Monday.





· The Unconstitutional FEMA - Bush has dropped every ball thrown to him throughout his life. But he's a hell of a cheerleader. It's almost like being back in college. In an instant, Bush can whip a crowd into a frenzy, armed with nothing but a bullhorn and a shell-shocked firefighter. He can divert the attention of an entire nation from what is happening on the field by locking it into one massive, cheering "wave." Life is a game. Go Team. - It was a stroke of genius in 2000 to rig the election and put George Bush in the Cheerleader in Chief role. Bush is mean-spirited, vindictive, greedy, incapable of feeling empathy, easily manipulated, desperate for attention – even adulation – and has no qualms with playing the God card for political gain.

· Finally fooling none of the people - The war on terror is, after all, George W. Bush's obsession, obliterating any other consideration of the nation's well-being.

· Karl Rove: The Psychology Behind His Katrina Strategy - “In order to escape the accountability for his crimes, the perpetrator does everything in his power to promote forgetting. Secrecy and silence are the perpetrators first line of defense. If secrecy fails, the perpetrator attacks the credibility of his victim. If he cannot silence her absolutely, he tries to make sure that no one listens.





· Philly radio host calls hurricane survivors - Then, he noted that it took him about a year "to start hating the 9/11 victims' families," a nice observation on the very week that so many Americans are mourning the fourth anniversary of the day that terrorists killed a family member or a friend. - But now, 11 days after the worst natural disaster in U.S. history, Beck said he's starting to hate the Hurricane Katrina survivors. In fact, he called them "scumbags." (Apparently, this is the word that Beck likes to use to describe people who lost a loved one though tragedy or terrorism, because last year he called the father of Iraq beheading victim Nick Berg "a scumbag.")

· The Media Grants Themselves the Free Pass That They Had Issued to Bush - I find it interesting but not surprising that the American media has started to lay blame on the Bush administration for doing many things that have weakened our nation, yet they have not acknowledged their own violations of public trust for not reporting these things as they occurred.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Giant Solar Flare Hits U. - A rowdy sunspot cluster hurled a record-breaking flare into space on Wednesday, blacking out all high- and low-frequency radio communications on both American continents, causing power surges, blinding satellites and lighting up aurorae, and more trouble is likely on the way, say experts.

· MSG - The Slow Poisoning Of America - MSG Hides Behind 25+ Names, Such As 'Natural Flavouring' MSG Is Also In Your Favorite Coffee Shops And Drive-Ups





· MPs from all parties prepare campaign to halt CIA terror flights from Britain - MPs from all parties are planning to campaign against the CIA's use of British airports and RAF bases when abducting terrorism suspects who are then flown to countries where they are allegedly tortured.

· World Summit, MDGs and Israel - As a result of these occupation conditions, 75 per cent of Palestinians live below the poverty line, which means they live on $2 dollars per person per day; and 65 per cent of Palestinians suffer from unemployment.* While at least 30 per cent of Palestinian children suffer from chronic malnutrition, more than 20 per cent suffer from acute malnutrition. Malnourished children are at higher risk for child mortality. Other issues that impact Palestinian child mortality rates are lack of access to medical clinics caused by the movement restrictions. Children need shots and without them they are susceptible to preventable diseases. When Palestinian women are in labor, Israeli Forces have a history of denying them passage through checkpoints so they can reach hospitals.





· COVERUP: The dynamiting of the New Orleans levee system - Our article, "The Great New Orleans Land Grab" proposes that the sabotaging of the levee system had already been planned. They were just waiting for the right hurricane to implement it. Katrina provided just the right cover. The ultimate purpose is to rid New Orleans of poor Black folks and take their valuable land away. We are already seeing the plan take fruition. Banks and mortgage companies are now foreclosing on homes and properties because poor Black in diaspora are unable to make mortgage payments.
TVNL Comment: Unconfirmed but interesting.

· Israel's History of Ethic Cleansing -TEDDY KATZ: TANTURA Israeli historian, peace activist and a leading member of Gush Shalom tells the story of his political awakening, and then his discovery of a great, great lie. "I grew up in Israel. I spent my first 40 years eating and swallowing everything I was given to swallow, without any questions." Then, In his early 40s, Katz went back to school -- Haifa University for a masters in history. Katz learned -- on his own -- that one of the very first decisions new Jewish State made was to make an ethnic cleansing of their own, of the Palestinians. Katz wrote his thesis on the massacre of Tantura, one of the 553 Palestinian coastal villages demolished in 1948 (3 parts / 30 minutes each).



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