Date: September 20th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: What happens to a nation that goes broke? If our government keeps spending money without having a plan on how to pay for everything, what happens? I have this feeling that the people who are running the show right now have no intention of paying off the national debt. I have a feeling that these people, who are using American military might as if we don’t have to answer to any other nation for anything, have no intention of ever paying anything to any nation that we owe. I think their plan is to break the finances of this nation and make sure that the individuals who own the private lending institutions (The Federal Reserve & the international bankers), outright own the US. It sure seems like that is what they are trying to do. Is there another explanation for their fiscal irresponsibility? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

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· British troops arrested in Basra - Two Britons have been arrested in Iraq amid reports they fired at police in Basra, the Ministry of Defence says.

· ONE SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - One 56th BCT Soldier was killed by an improvised explosive device while conducting a combat logistics patrol at about 10:50 p.m. September 17, near Al Asad, Iraq.

· What has happened to Iraq's missing $1bn? - One billion dollars has been plundered from Iraq's defence ministry in one of the largest thefts in history, The Independent can reveal, leaving the country's army to fight a savage insurgency with museum-piece weapons.

· Intel experts: 'We are repeating every mistake we made in Vietnam - Time Magazine's Joe Klein reports in the magazine's paid-restricted online edition that senior intelligence officials increasingly believe that the Bush Administration's focus on finding WMDs dramatically reduced their ability to stave off an Iraq insurgency, RAW STORY can reveal.

· Church wants to apologize for Iraq war:- - The proposal for a public apology comes in a new report, in which the bishops plead for more understanding of what motivates terrorists.

· Security Situation in Baghdad Sinking like the Titanic - The situation has deteriorated in Baghdad dramatically today. Five neighborhoods (hay) in Baghdad are controlled by insurgents, and they are Amiraya, Ghazilya, Shurta, Yarmouk and Doura. It is very bad.

· Iraqi MP assassinated, 24 bodies found in Tigris - Insurgents assassinated a Kurdish member of parliament and police found 24 bodies shot to death and dumped in the Tigris River 50 miles north of the capital, where there was no major violence on Sunday for the first time in five days.





· Leaders Who Won't Choose - After 9/11 we have created a new government agency, massively increased domestic spending and fought two wars. And the president did all this without rolling back any of his tax cuts—in fact, he expanded them—and refused to veto a single congressional spending bill. - Whatever his other accomplishments, Bush will go down in history as the most fiscally irresponsible chief executive in American history.

· A Frustrating Week at the U.N. for the White House Team - After weeks of trying to rally international support to confront Iran over its nuclear program and to reform the United Nations, the Bush administration has had an unusually frustrating week, rebuffed by crucial partners and also by a coalition of poor countries increasingly resentful of American power.

· The petulant president - So long as Bush could wrap himself in 9/11 his image was shielded. But once another event of magnitude thundered over his central claim as national defender, the Bush myth crumbled. Now his evocation of 9/11 only reminds the public of his failed promise. The hurricane has tossed and turned the country but will not deposit it on firm ground for at least the three and a half years remaining of the ruined Bush presidency.

· Bush: Katrina Failure = gimme more power - Taken in the context of 100,000 dead in Iraq on a war of choice, could those same twisted decision makers allow thousands to suffer and die as an excuse to gain more power? And knowing the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress, you know this is going to happen.

· Bush Rules Out Tax Hike to Fund Recovery - President Bush on Friday ruled out raising taxes to pay the massive costs of Gulf Coast reconstruction, saying other government spending must be cut to pay for a recovery effort expected to swell the national debt by $200 billion or more.
TVNL Comment: Come Hell or high water, the rich must be protected! (No pun intended!)





· Consumer Sentiment Index Drops Sharply - Separate data showed the U.S. current account deficit, the broadest measure of U.S. trade with the rest of the world, narrowed in the second quarter but remained at levels seen as unsustainable over the long term.

· Gov't Raises Medicare Premiums Again - The 13.2 percent increase in premiums for Medicare Part B was in line with what government actuaries had been predicting.
TVNL Comment: But Bush is working for more tax breaks for billionaires!

· Jobless Claims, Energy Prices Both Soar - Meanwhile, consumer inflation surged by 0.5 percent in August as energy prices shot up by the largest amount in more than two years, even before Katrina hit at the end of the month.



9/11 News :


· More Damning Bin Laden Revelations Emerge - More revelations emerge that Bush administration is protecting Osama Bin Laden.

· CIA director urged to release agency 9/11 report - Senior Republicans in Congress have joined Democrats in asking CIA director Porter Goss to declassify and release an agency report criticizing the previous director and others for lapses on terrorism ahead of the September 11 attacks, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

· Atta Papers Destroyed on Orders - A Pentagon employee was ordered to destroy documents that identified Mohamed Atta as a terrorist two years before the 2001 attacks, a congressman said Thursday.
TVNL Comment: This indicates that Atta was one of us. He obviously was being protected from the inside. This adds to the case that 9/11 was an inside job and that Atta may have been a patsy.






· Obama says Democrats must hold White House accountable - Sen. Barack Obama urged fellow Democrats on Saturday not to automatically view President Bush's proposed reconstruction of the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast with a cynical eye, but said: "It is absolutely imperative that we call him on his bluff."

· Hastert Says U.S. House to Seek $70 Billion Tax Cuts - U.S. House Republican leaders said they would seek to pass a $70 billion tax-cutting measure that would extend a 15 percent rate on dividends beyond 2008, an effort that faces opposition in the Senate as the costs of Hurricane Katrina escalate.

· Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) Constitution Day Speech - To mark Constitution Day tomorrow, Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-WV) delivers a lecture at Shepherd University. Sen. Byrd ensured that this year's Omnibus Approps. Bill included language requiring educational institutions receiving federal funds to hold educational programs for its students on the U.S. Constitution on or near Sept. 17 each year.

· House GOP Derails Democratic Inquiries - House Republicans derailed Democratic attempts on Wednesday to force the Bush administration to surrender documents on prewar intelligence and the disclosure of the identity of a CIA operative.
TVNL Comment: Criminals protecting criminals. We need to purge our government from top to bottom.





· Commission urges major changes for U.S. voters - Warning that public confidence in the nation's election system is flagging, a commission headed by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III will call today for significant changes in how Americans vote, including photo IDs for all voters, verifiable paper trails for electronic voting machines and impartial administration of elections.

· A disturbing view from inside FEMA - "We told these fellows that there was a killer hurricane heading right toward New Orleans," Leo Bosner, a 26-year FEMA employee and union leader told CNN. "We had done our job, but they didn't do theirs."( Watch video of the whistleblower)

· Ex-Ill. Gov. Goes on Trial for Corruption - Seventy-nine people — including many state employees — have been charged, 73 convicted and none acquitted.

· Nobel winners defend teaching evolution - Thirty-eight Nobel laureates led by Holocaust survivor and noted author Elie Wiesel have turned their attention to the Kansas State Board of Education. - The Nobel Prize winners are asking the board to reject science standards that criticize evolution.

· Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims - In the midst of administering chest compressions to a dying woman several days after Hurricane Katrina struck, Dr. Mark N. Perlmutter was ordered to stop by a federal official because he wasn't registered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. - "I begged him to let me continue," said Perlmutter, who left his home and practice as an orthopedic surgeon in Pennsylvania to come to Louisiana and volunteer to care for hurricane victims. "People were dying, and I was the only doctor on the tarmac (at the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport) where scores of nonresponsive patients lay on stretchers. Two patients died in front of me.

· Gov't condeming Miss. homes with little damage; residents have 3 days to leave - Little or no reason is being given for why intact homes must be destroyed. It seems that the government is using a hammer when they need a scalpel. Some of the homes are large, with antique fixtures. Three days is not enough time to get everything of value out.

· In 4-Year Anthrax Hunt, F.B.I. Finds Itself Stymied, and Sued - A former law enforcement official who keeps up with several investigators said, "From the people I've talked to, it's going nowhere."

· FEMA, Slow to the Rescue, Now Stumbles in Aid Effort - Nearly three weeks after Hurricane Katrina cut its devastating path, FEMA - the same federal agency that botched the rescue mission - is faltering in its effort to aid hundreds of thousands of storm victims, local officials, evacuees and top federal relief officials say. The federal aid hot line mentioned by President Bush in his address to the nation on Thursday cannot handle the flood of calls, leaving thousands of people unable to get through for help, day after day.

· A DIEBOLD INSIDER SPEAKS! - DIEB-THROAT : 'Diebold System One of Greatest Threats Democracy Has Ever Known' - Identifies U.S. Homeland Security 'Cyber Alert' Prior to '04 Election Warning Votes Can be 'Modified Remotely' via 'Undocumented Backdoor' in Central Tabulator Software! - The source is acknowledging that the company's "upper management" -- as well as "top government officials" -- were keenly aware of the "undocumented backdoor" in Diebold's main "GEM Central Tabulator" software well prior to the 2004 election. A branch of the Federal Government even posted a security warning on the Internet.

· Halliburton CEO's stock rises by $78 million since Iraq invasion - War and skyrocketing oil prices have been good to Halliburton's CEO David Lesar, whose stock in the company increased by an estimated $78 million since the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003, a HalliburtonWatch analysis reveals.





· Six Senate Democrats Vote to Retain Bush Mercury Rule - The nation's environmental health protections suffered a severe setback this week when six Democratic Senators joined 45 Republicans to defeat an effort to overturn the Bush Administration's new rule regulating mercury emissions.

· Severe Hurricanes Increasing, Study Finds - A new study concludes that rising sea temperatures have been accompanied by a significant global increase in the most destructive hurricanes, adding fuel to an international debate over whether global warming contributed to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina.

· Global warming 'past the point of no return' - Scientists fear that the Arctic has now entered an irreversible phase of warming which will accelerate the loss of the polar sea ice that has helped to keep the climate stable for thousands of years.





· N Korea to 'give up nuclear aims' - In return, the US said it had no intention of attacking the North, which was also promised aid and electricity.

· Lukashenko Urges the UN to Stand Up to Washington - He blamed troubles from Afghanistan to Iraq to the Balkans on U.S. policies, and chided the world's governments for not standing up to the world's sole superpower. The UN has become a "tool" of the United States, he said.

· Blair gave Murdoch 'veto' over EU, says PM's ex-aide - Tony Blair promised Rupert Murdoch that he would be consulted on any change to Britain's policy towards Europe, according to a diary kept by a former Downing Street press officer. But the original entry in The Spin Doctor's Diary was toned down on the orders of the Cabinet Secretary Sir Gus McDonald.

· Summit failure blamed on US - The failure of last week's United Nations summit to deliver an agreement designed to prevent terrorists acquiring 'weapons of mass destruction' was sabotaged by the US, senior diplomats have told The Observer. Officials involved in the negotiations have confirmed that the Bush administration's refusal to countenance any form of disarmament blocked attempts to push measures that would prevent regimes seeking to develop a nuclear capability.





· U.S. soldier pleads guilty to smuggling drugs from Colombia - A U.S. soldier who was stationed in Colombia to help fight drug-trafficking was sentenced to six years in prison Thursday after pleading guilty for his role in smuggling cocaine into the United States using military planes.

· Army Says Better Training Could Have Prevented Abuse - Army officers in Iraq told their superiors last year that soldiers often lacked the training to handle detainees, did not always understand what constituted abuse, and sometimes used techniques against prisoners that they "remembered from movies," according to military records made public today. - Soldiers shot and killed some detainees who had been bound, according to the documents. In one case, officers said the slaying could have been prevented if the soldier "had better training" and understood Army rules.

· Did the U.S. government ever "support the troops"? A look back at the Bonus Army - From Shays Rebellion in 1787 to the quarter-million homeless vets today, generation after generation of U.S. military personnel has suffered a lack of support from their government.





· Is God the ultimate terrorist? - Hey, this is fun! Use your imagination and blast people you do not like. Just say God told you to do so. - Wouldn’t it be nice if the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God of American Christianity could actually speak with a recognizable voice? Isn’t it a bit arrogant for preachers to claim with absolute certainty to speak on behalf of God?

· LIAR, LIAR - If George Bush had encountered the same fate as Jim Carrey’s character in the movie Liar Liar, and had been rendered incapable of lying, America would not have been subjected to thirty minutes of manipulative propaganda on 9/15.

· America Has Fallen to a Jacobin Coup - The most important casualties of September 11 are respect for truth and American liberty. Propaganda has replaced deliberation based on objective assessment of fact. The resurrection of the Star Chamber has made moot the legal protections of liberty. - The US invasion of Iraq was based on the deliberate suppression of fact. The invasion was not the result of mistaken intelligence. It was based on deliberately concocted "intelligence" designed to deceive the US Congress, the American public, and the United Nations.

· The Christian Paradox - Three quarters of Americans believe the Bible teaches that “God helps those who help themselves.” That is, three out of four Americans believe that this uber-American idea, a notion at the core of our current individualist politics and culture, which was in fact uttered by Ben Franklin, actually appears in Holy Scripture. The thing is, not only is Franklin’s wisdom not biblical; it’s counter-biblical. Few ideas could be further from the gospel message, with its radical summons to love of neighbor. On this essential matter, most Americans—most American Christians—are simply wrong, as if 75 percent of American scientists believed that Newton proved gravity causes apples to fly up.





· Murdoch hits Chinese 'brick wall' - Rupert Murdoch has claimed his business interests have "hit a brick wall" in China after the government changed its policy on foreign media expansion.

· Columnist Who Condoned Arab Profiling Fired for Misleading Sources - Coletta said he did not fire Bandes for her views, but because all three people she quoted in the column -- students Sherief Khaki and Muhammad Salameh and professor Nasser Isleem - thought they were to be interviewed about Arab-American relations after Sept. 11, 2001, not a column in support of racial profiling.

· NBC, CNN Say They're Opening Full-Time News Bureaus in New Orleans - Anticipating that the Hurricane Katrina recovery will be a big story for months to come, both NBC and CNN said Thursday they are opening full-time news bureaus in New Orleans.

· The print media get picky about a story involving police forcing evacuees back into New Orleans. - The trickle of coverage could trigger an official inquiry of some sort, forcing the big boys to finally write the juiciest story to date of Hurricane Katrina.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Food Combining for Health - If you eat too many different food groups at the same time you a) make complete digestion impossible, b) upset digestive enzymes, c) prevent nutrient uptake and d) risk a host of ills including bloating, heartburn, indigestion, malabsorption, constipation, cramps, flatulence or worse.

· Stem cell patients 'are healthy' - Blood cancer patients who had stem-cell transplants are virtually as healthy as their peers 10 years later, an American study has found.

· California bans school junk food - Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed legislation to ban some junk foods from California high schools, in an effort to stem child obesity.

· Mice Infected With Bubonic Plague Missing - The mice were unaccounted-for at the Public Health Research Institute, which is on the campus of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and conducts bioterrorism research for the federal government.
TVNL Comment: Would that be state sponsored bio-terrorism?





· Pinochet acquitted in rights case - Chile's Supreme Court has upheld the acquittal of ex-military ruler Augusto Pinochet in a human rights case.

· No Rice at U.N. dinner on women's rights - Diplomacy's most powerful woman, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, has turned down a dinner date with other female foreign ministers to discuss women's rights, citing a busy schedule.

· People with blood-soaked hands. - The following is the text of a controversial speech by Mahathir Mohamad at Suhakam’s Human Rights Conference on 09/09/05, which led to the walkout of a number of diplomats and made news all over the world.

· 21 prisoners hospitalized in Guantanamo hunger strike: defense official - he hunger strike began August 8, apparently in protest against conditions at the camp and the prisoners' indefinite detention without charges.

· Court Says West Bank Barrier Must Detour by 5 Arab Villages - They said it left them in a tiny enclave, making it difficult and sometimes impossible to reach jobs, schools, farm land, hospitals and commercial centers. - "The enclave creates a chokehold around the villages," the court ruled. "It seriously damages the entire fabric of life."





· Jeb Reveals That Imaginary Friend ‘Warrior Chang’ Guides His Every Move - It’s a scary place inside Jeb Bush’s head. This insight into his twisted psyche explains a lot.

· Jeb Bush's son arrested for public intoxication, resisting arrest - It's not the first time Florida's first family has experienced legal problems with one of their children.
TVNL Comment: Drugs are part of the Bush family tradition. Be it selling them to find the Contras or using them in preparation to be appointed president by a family friend on the Supreme Court, the Bush's and drugs have a long healthy history together!



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