Date: September 20th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The passing of world renowned Holocaust survivor & Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, makes me wonder if our next generation will have the need to produce neocon survivors & hunters? Will people be hunting the criminals within our current government who perpetrated wars of aggression, human rights violations, the dismantling of our Constitution and electoral system and very probably played a major part in the events of 9/11?

If you don’t think that America today is very similar to Nazi Germany just question your friends and neighbors. Here is how you tell if they have the same mindset as the people who supported the Nazi regime. Ask them if they support, condone or cheer actions taken by their leaders that they would not approve of had they been conducted by other nations; Arab nations for example. If they answer yes, even on one minor count, they are paralleling the supporters of Hitler in that they support things that they know are wrong just because their guy is in control. This is not called patriotism it is called nationalism, and it is they same sentiment felt by the supporters of Hitler’s Nazi regime.

While the Nazi’s had a slightly different agenda, and I do mean “slightly” different, they were not as dangerous as the Bush/PNAC administration in that they did not have the means (nuclear weapons) to destroy the planet. Americans should have learned from history, they did not. This makes the people who support this administration worse than the people who supported the Nazis because Americans are letting bed history repeat itself. People who support the massive deaths and torture at the hands of the Bush/PNAC group are clearly as bad if not worse than the people who supported the Nazis because they aught to know better. Will anyone ever hold these people accountable? Will the term neocon-hunter some day become part of the American vernacular? I sure hope so! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL THANK YOU: I would like to thank everyone who wrote to tell me that they missed my newsletter this weekend! I am honored and humbled by your comments! Thank youJ

SPECIAL NOTE TO OUR FRIENDS DOWN SOUTH: My thoughts are with all the victims of Katrina. I wish you all a peaceful resolution to your trying situation.

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· ONE AIRMAN KILLED, TWO INJURED IN CAR ACCIDENT AT EXERCISE - An Air Force officer was killed Sept. 19, and two Airmen were injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident that occurred along the El Alamein Highway, between Cairo West and Alexandria.

· War! What is good for? Never-ending profits! - They have ransacked the Iraqi larder and stripped it of everything they could lay their hands on. They have transferred billions upon billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars into the hands of a few well-connected cronies, secret bagmen, soulless gun-runners and elite investors with nice clean fat white hands.

· Dismay over sliding turnout for Afghan poll - The US military commander in Afghanistan, Lieutenant-General Karl Eikenberry, had rashly predicted a record turn-out ahead of the polls. Some suggested the lower figure meant Afghans were growing disillusioned with democracy less than a year into the experience.

· Democratic Hallucinations in Afghanistan and Iraq - In short, regrettably, neither Afghanistan nor Iraq is yet ready for democracy. Experts on the democratization of countries speak of a democratic culture being required before genuinely democratic institutions and processes can take hold. Afghanistan and Iraq, like South Vietnam in the 1960s and early 1970s, have not developed such a culture.

· British Attack Basra Jail to Free Two - British forces using tanks broke down the walls of the central jail in the southern city of Basra late Monday and freed two Britons, allegedly undercover commandos, who had been arrested on charges of shooting two Iraqi policemen. Witnesses said about 150 Iraqi prisoners also fled the jail.

· Al Qaeda training ground shifts to Iraq - U.N. panel - The chaos in Iraq will thereby likely increase the danger of future terrorist attacks considerably, the panel said in its latest status report to the U.N. Security Council on al Qaeda and Afghanistan's former Taliban leaders. - "Recruits travel there from many parts of the world and acquire skills in urban warfare, bomb-making, assassination and suicide attacks," the panel said.





· Immigration Nominee's Credentials Questioned - The Bush administration is seeking to appoint a lawyer with little immigration or customs experience to head the troubled law enforcement agency that handles those issues, prompting sharp criticism from some employee groups, immigration advocates and homeland security experts.
TVNL Comment: It's not what you know, it's who you know!

· Why Is George W. Bush Above the Law? - For the fourth time in less than five years, the President of the United States and his cohorts been placed above the law. That, in itself, is a major American disaster.

· The Enemy and the Nuremberg Principles - There are insistent voices raised around the world regarding potential criminality among the present administration in the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as the "USA"), and we therefore have to go back over the history of this administration which has been in power, after a very dubious election and with certain fairly minor modifications, since January 2001.

· Key OMB official arrested - David Safavian, who was chief of procurement policy in the Bush administration's Office of Management and Budget until late last week, was arrested Monday on charges of making false statements and obstructing a federal investigation.





· The Coming Depression - Most of the world now realizes that the main reason for the USA to invade Iraq was to take its oil. What most governments, but few citizens, know, is that the rush to war was due to Saddam Hussain’s committing the high crime of accepting Euro dollars for oil under the “Oil for Food” program.



9/11 News :


· 911 Lies Under Fire - Truth Finally Emerging - "The 9-11 truth will be told. Bush and Cheney will be indicted for treason and murder. And immediately . . .the killing and illegal war in Iraq [will be stopped]."






· House GOP Scraps Plan for Joint Probe on Hurricane Response - The Democratic leadership has refused to appoint members to a joint committee, citing the lack of equal representation of Democrats on the panel, and the lack of power to issue subpoenas that the majority opposed. Democrats also have insisted on an independent inquiry.





· Blanco says feds pledged buses - On the day of the storm, or perhaps the day after, FEMA turned down the state's suggestion to use school buses because they are not air conditioned, Blanco said Friday in an interview.

· Police forcibly break up Cindy Sheehan rally - The New York City Police Department forcibly broke up this afternoon's rally for Cindy Sheehan, moving in as Cindy was speaking at about 3 p.m. in Union Square.

· FEC Sues Pro-Republican Political Group - Federal election officials Monday sued a political group to try to force it to comply with campaign finance limits, the first lawsuit of its kind to arise from big-money fundraising during the 2004 elections.

· State GOP: 4,755 deceased people cast ballots in November elections - More than 6,500 voters cast ballots both in New Jersey and another state in last November's election, while 4,755 ballots were cast by deceased voters, Republican State Committee Chairman Tom Wilson said.

· TVNL REPLAY: A DIEBOLD INSIDER SPEAKS! - DIEB-THROAT : 'Diebold System One of Greatest Threats Democracy Has Ever Known' - Identifies U.S. Homeland Security 'Cyber Alert' Prior to '04 Election Warning Votes Can be 'Modified Remotely' via 'Undocumented Backdoor' in Central Tabulator Software! - The source is acknowledging that the company's "upper management" -- as well as "top government officials" -- were keenly aware of the "undocumented backdoor" in Diebold's main "GEM Central Tabulator" software well prior to the 2004 election. A branch of the Federal Government even posted a security warning on the Internet.





· Scientists urge rescue of amphibians from extinction - Scientists have proposed a vast plan to rescue amphibians from planetary extinction, warning that inaction could have disastrous environmental consequences.










· Hey Troops...You are being murdered by your government! - Depleted Uranium! Your ticket to an early grave!





· Why people still support Bush. - I am bewildered by the magnitude and extremes of which Bush supporters will come up with in order to try and justify or excuse the most pathetic lack of leadership in America in the past generation. This of course has lead me to wonder why, as even a rat knows to leave a sinking ship.

· Millennium Flop - Foreign aid was invented in 1948 with President Truman’s Four Point Program. In almost six decades, some 2.3 trillion dollars have been dished out worldwide to poor countries by rich ones—about half the cost of World War II! In that time, not a single country has significantly reduced poverty as a result of foreign aid. - If we examine U.S. foreign aid in the last decade, we find that there is no relation between these transfers and the reduction of poverty.

· An Elementary Moral Truism - What is right for us is right for others: if it is right for our Western governments to reserve the right to attack a sovereign nation for either perceived crimes committed or possible future crimes, then it is right for the enemy to do the same. In this case, Iran would be well within their rights to attack the US, pre-emptively, now.

· The United States Is In Deep Doodoo! - Our government engages in a practice politely called "deficit spending". Other terms which would aptly describe the practice include "counterfeiting" and "check kiting", but it all comes down to the same thing; spending money one does not actually have.

· VOTE FRAUD AND THE BANKRUPTCY OF THE UNITED STATES - In summary, the combined state and federal debt of the United States now stands at $14 trillion. The United States, the world's largest creditor nation when Ronald Reagan took office, is now the world's largest debtor nation.





· The Media Are Knocking Bush -- and Propping Him Up - The mainstream U.S. press is ill-suited to challenging the legitimacy of the Bush administration.

· IRAQ: NEW YORK TIMES REPORTER SLAIN - The body of an Iraqi journalist working for the US daily New York Times was found abandoned in a street near the southern city of Basra on Monday.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Study: Stem Cells May Repair Cord Damage - Injections of human stem cells seem to directly repair some of the damage caused by spinal cord injury, according to research that helped partially paralyzed mice walk again.

· While we're at it, let's look at FDA incompetence, too - The FDA has given politics a veto over science. They have used the teenage cover story to keep emergency contraception out of easy reach of women of any age. Teenagers first. That's just the beginning.










· Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal dies - Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal, an untiring campaigner who helped track down hundreds of Nazi war criminals, has died in Vienna aged 96.



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