Date: September 26th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Here is how I know that the elections were rigged, the support for the Bush administration has never been large and that the media portrays a false reality to the people of this nation. I have attended several huge demonstrations against the Bush administration in DC & NY. The first one I had attended in DC had several hundred thousand people there. The one in NY must have had a million people or so because there were 3 avenues filled with people for 50 block each. Yesterday’s rally in DC had several hundred thousand people. I know this because I have attended NFL football games where 60 or so thousand people have attended and the crowds at those events did not come close to the crowds I have witnessed. Yet each event was represented by our corporate media so inaccurately that you can taste the deception. Each time the major news organizations have understated the crowd numbers by as much as 90% and if they show pictures of the events they use pictures taken early during the crowd build up, not during the peak hours where you can not find a place to stand because of the huge numbers of attendees.

So I ask you, if the media time and time again lie about the opposition to this administration and understate the global and domestic opposition to them why would I trust them when they tell me that there is domestic support for anything this administration does? Why should I believe their polls? Why should I believe anything they say after I have witnessed their continued blatant lies about the level of opposition to this administration that I have witnessed with my own eyes! The answer is I should not trust them and neither should you. The media is the enemy of the American people and our Democracy. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· US forced to import bullets from Israel as troops use 250,000 for every rebel killed - US forces have fired so many bullets in Iraq and Afghanistan - an estimated 250,000 for every insurgent killed - that American ammunition-makers cannot keep up with demand. As a result the US is having to import supplies from Israel.

· Albright Warns Dark Days Ahead in Iraq - Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright issued a stern warning Saturday about the continuing U.S. role in Iraq, saying "there are no good options at this point and the worst days may be ahead of us."

· CH-47 CRASHES SOUTHWEST OF DEH CHOPAN - A U.S. military CH-47 Chinook helicopter crashed southwest of Deh Chopan today killing all five crewmembers onboard.

· TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER KILLED IN IED ATTACK - A Task Force Baghdad Soldier was killed while patrolling southeast of Baghdad when his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device at around 8:30 p.m. Sept. 23.

· US soldiers kill deputy mayor, two police officers in northern Iraq - A deputy mayor of the Iraqi town of Dhuluiyah, some 100 km north of Baghdad, and two police officers were killed by US forces there on Friday, local policeand witnesses said.

· Saudis warn region is on brink of war - Prince Saud said he was so concerned that he was taking this message "to everyone who will listen" in the Bush Administration. His remarks, some of the most pessimistic public comments on Iraq by a Middle East leader in recent months, were in stark contrast to the generally upbeat assessments offered by the White House and the Pentagon.

· Report attacks 'myth' of foreign fighters - The US and the Iraqi government have overstated the number of foreign fighters in Iraq, "feeding the myth" that they are the backbone of the insurgency, an American thinktank says in a new report.





· The Scrutinizer Finds Himself Under Scrutiny - Joseph Schmitz, for three years in charge of investigating waste, fraud and abuse at the Pentagon, is now the focus of complaints. - When Joseph E. Schmitz took over as the Pentagon's inspector general in 2002, the largest watchdog organization in the federal government was under fire for failing to fully investigate a senior official, falsifying internal documents and mistreating whistle-blowers.

· Dangers of a Drunk Dubya - “Two questions that the press seems particularly determined to ignore have hung silently in the air since before Bush took office,” Dr. Frank told us in August. “Is he still drinking? And if not, is he impaired by all the years he did spend drinking? Both questions need to be addressed in any serious assessment of his psychological state.”





· Heating to crunch fixed incomes - In response, state officials and some lawmakers want to add billions to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program to meet both higher bills and greater demand.



9/11 News :








· Frist Was Updated on Blind Trusts Despite Denials - A possible presidential contender in 2008, Frist now faces dual investigations by the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York and the Securities and Exchange Commission into his stock sales.

· GOP group calls for cuts in federal retirees' benefits to fund Katrina relief - A group of Republican House members called Wednesday for cuts to some federal retirees' benefits to help offset the cost of Hurricane Katrina recovery.
TVNL Comment: How many pay raises has Congress given themselves over the past 5 years? Look it up!





· CIA: 'An Agency Version of the "Jerry Springer Show"' - Personal and political feuding at CIA headquarters is turning into a soap opera. Morale has declined for months as CIA chief Porter Goss has purged senior managers and critics have assailed the agency for fumbling intelligence on Al Qaeda and unconventional weapons in Iraq.

· Farewell to the Democratic Party - The conventional channels for transforming the political organism have all shut down; the system is broken. As soothsayer Chris Floyd said, "We are alone".

· Turnout Huge in DC - Photos, videos, blogs and quotes.

· Antiwar Fervor Fills the Streets - Demonstration Is Largest in Capital Since U.S. Military Invaded Iraq
TVNL Comment: The article says tens of thousands were there. I was there. There were several hundred thousand people there.

· Beatty Rips Schwarzenegger for Policies - Actor Warren Beatty leveled a blistering political assault on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday night, accusing him of governing "by show, by spin, by cosmetics and photos ops" while imposing Bush administration policies on California.

· TVNL REPLAY: A DIEBOLD INSIDER SPEAKS! - DIEB-THROAT : 'Diebold System One of Greatest Threats Democracy Has Ever Known' - Identifies U.S. Homeland Security 'Cyber Alert' Prior to '04 Election Warning Votes Can be 'Modified Remotely' via 'Undocumented Backdoor' in Central Tabulator Software! - The source is acknowledging that the company's "upper management" -- as well as "top government officials" -- were keenly aware of the "undocumented backdoor" in Diebold's main "GEM Central Tabulator" software well prior to the 2004 election. A branch of the Federal Government even posted a security warning on the Internet.





· This is global warming, says environmental chief - As Hurricane Rita threatens devastation, scientist blames climate change

· Global warming's effect on river flow examined - Global warming is almost certain to change the way the Colorado River flows, but rising temperatures do not appear to present a direct threat to Southern Nevada's primary source of water.

· Storms should wake up neo-cons: scientist - The violence of hurricanes Rita and Katrina should at last awake the Bush Administration to the danger of climate change, a leading British scientist said. - "If this makes the climate loonies in the States realize we've got a problem, something good will come out of this situation," Sir John told a meeting of the commission in London.





· North Korea rejects UN food aid - North Korea has formally told the UN it no longer needs food aid, despite reports of malnutrition in the country.

· Sharon orders 'no let up' on Gaza - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has ordered "unrestricted" military strikes against Palestinian militants after rocket attacks from Gaza.

· Thousands expected at anti-war demo - Tens of thousands of people are expected to join another anti-war demonstration in London, sending a message to the Government on the eve of the Labour Party conference that British troops should be pulled out of Iraq.

· Brazil to ask WTO to impose trade sanctions on US - Brazil will ask the World Trade Organization (WTO) to impose sanctions on the United States due to its failure in meeting a trade resolution, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday.





· US army plans to bulk-buy anthrax - THE US military wants to buy large quantities of anthrax, in a controversial move that is likely to raise questions over its commitment to treaties designed to limit the spread of biological weapons.
TVNL Comment: We may, others may not!

· Navy Secretly Contracted Jets Used by CIA - A branch of the U.S. Navy secretly contracted a 33-plane fleet that included two Gulfstream jets reportedly used to fly terror suspects to countries known to practice torture, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

· Officer's Road Led Him Outside Army - # Capt. Ian Fishback repeatedly voiced his concern about prisoner abuse in Iraq to his superiors, but felt he was being brushed off.

· U.S. to Extend Soldiers' Tours in Iraq - About 8,000 U.S. troops in Iraq who were scheduled to come home in January will instead be kept an average of seven to 10 days longer, the Pentagon said Friday.





· No Place for a Poet at a Banquet of Shame - I thought of the chance to sell some books, sign some books and meet some of the citizens of Washington, DC. I thought that I could try to find a way, even as your guest, with respect, to speak about my deep feeling that we should not have invaded Iraq, and to declare my belief that the wish to invade another culture and another country--with the resultant loss of life and limb for our brave soldiers, and for the noncombatants in their home terrain--did not come out of our democracy but was instead a decision made "at the top" and forced on the people by distorted language, and by untruths. I hoped to express the fear that we have begun to live in the shadows of tyranny and religious chauvinism--the opposites of the liberty, tolerance and diversity our nation aspires to. - But I could not face the idea of breaking bread with you. - What kept coming to the fore of my mind was that I would be taking food from the hand of the First Lady who represents the Administration that unleashed this war and that wills its continuation, even to the extent of permitting "extraordinary rendition": flying people to other countries where they will be tortured for us. - So many Americans who had felt pride in our country now feel anguish and shame, for the current regime of blood, wounds and fire. I thought of the clean linens at your table, the shining knives and the flames of the candles, and I could not stomach it.

· A policy of absolute barbarism? - We are only interested in one thing regarding the melee that broke out in Basra following the arrest of two British commandoes on September 20: whether or not the car they were driving contained explosives? The answer to that question could decide the future of Iraq as well as the fate of Bush's war on terror. Nothing should deter us from getting to the bottom of this crucial question and no extraneous fact or fiction should divert our attention from uncovering the answer.

· For Those Who Still Believe Bush Is A Compassionate Conservative Christian - And here we get to the thorny issue that the mainstream press would NEVER mention - the matter of both Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. (and Prescott Bush as well] having taken an oath in an occult black-magic fraternity - which supercedes even the Presidential oath both men took at their respective inaugurations. Skull and Bones is known in the occult world as 'The Brotherhood of Death,' and their initiation ritual involves unspeakable acts involving an open coffin.





· Still Covering for Wal-Mart ABC report has no space for critics - If ABC were open to presenting critics of Wal-Mart's business practices--who aren't hard to find--viewers might have heard a different perspective on just how Wal-Mart is "keeping costs down." Many critics charge that Wal-Mart's practice of pressuring its suppliers to meet unreasonable price goals results in serious labor abuses.





· President Hugo Chavez: "Health is not something to be bought and sold!" - Since he won power in democratic elections and began to transform the health and welfare sector, which catered so badly to the mass of the population, progress has been slow.

· DFAT issues bird flu warning - The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has issued a new warning about the risk of bird flu in 16 Asian countries including Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, China and Japan.





· Vatican 'to ban new gay priests' - The Vatican is to ban all gay men from joining the clergy even if they accept a vow of celibacy, reports say.

· New Accounts of Torture by U.S. Troops - U.S. Army troops subjected Iraqi detainees to severe beatings and other torture at a base in central Iraq from 2003 through 2004, often under orders or with the approval of superior officers, according to accounts from soldiers released by Human Rights Watch today.





· Nigerian lynched for witchcraft - A mob in northern Nigeria has beaten to death a man who police say confessed to involvement in ritual murders.
TVNL Comment: Human beings are the smartest yet dumbest creatures on this planet!



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