Date: September 26th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Last night 60 Minutes (CBS) took part in a campaign to make the public think that catching Osama bin Laden is not important. You may see this message in many forms over the next few months. This, to me, indicates that Osama is indeed being protected by the US. We never intended on getting him. This speaks volumes.

Keep in mind that if he is reported killed or caught, we will never be given direct access to him (or his body) for the purpose of verifying his identity. Based on what we have seen for 5 years we must raise our level of skepticism towards this most untrustworthy administration. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· US forces say killed Iraqi Municipal official, policeman - The US army in Iraq announced Saturday its troops have killed last week Municipal Council member, Jabbar Atiyyeah Saud, and a policeman in the Dheloya area to the north of Baghdad.

· £500,000 stolen in attack on convoy as Iraq killing goes on - ROBBERS shot dead two guards and made off with nearly £500,000 in cash after an attack on a convoy of armoured vehicles in Baghdad yesterday. - At least 24 other people were killed in separate violent incidents yesterday, with two suicide bombings and the first outbreak in a year of fighting between United States/Iraqi forces and fighters loyal to the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

· Four killed in Afghanistan bomb blast - Two civilians and two policemen were killed when a bomb ripped through their vehicle in restive south-west Afghanistan, a provincial official said.

· Bomber kills 6 Iraqi oil workers - It is the deadliest attack on Iraq's energy industry since insurgents began blowing up pipelines and killing oil officials after US-led forces ousted Saddam Hussein in 2003.

· TWO U.S. SOLDIERS KILLED IN IED ATTACK - Two U.S. Soldiers died when their vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device early Sept. 26 in western Baghdad.

· 42nd MILITARY POLICE BRIGADE SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - A 42nd Military Police Brigade Soldier was killed 50 miles southeast of Baghdad when his vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device.

· ONE SOLDIER KILLED AND TWO SOLDIERS WOUNDED BY VEHICLE ROLLOVER - One 56th Brigade Combat Team Soldier was killed and two were wounded when their vehicle rolled over while conducting a combat logistics patrol at about 2:30 p.m. Sept. 25, near Trebil, Iraq.

· Iraq arrest warrant for UK troops - An Iraqi judge said on Saturday he had renewed arrest warrants for two British soldiers who were rescued from jail early this week by troops using armor to crash through the prison walls.





· How Many More Mike Browns Are Out There? - A TIME inquiry finds that at top positions in some vital government agencies, the Bush Administration is putting connections before experience
TVNL Comment: This article was written 5 years too late. Start with Condi Rice as National Security Advisor pre 9/11! Why wasn't Time alerting all along? The l"iberal rags" and "left wing anti-American tin foil hat crowd" has been screaming about this for 5 years!!!





· Breton: Greenspan worried about deficit - French finance minister says both men are disappointed over how countries manage their budgets.



9/11 News :








· DeLay’s help was sought - Seeking to bypass Forest Service review of the proposed Village at Wolf Creek, developers sought the help of powerbroker U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, to craft legislation in favor of the controversial development.

· House Hearings Target Leakers - The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has begun a series of hearings on unauthorized disclosures of classified information that may lead to legislation providing more effective ways to prosecute leakers, according to the panel's chairman, Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.).

· Group Lists 13 'Most Corrupt' in Congress - "They all violated ethics rules," Melanie Sloan, the watchdog group's executive director, said of the 13 members of Congress on its list. She criticized both political parties for what she said was a failure to police ethics.

· Frist and Torture: What Did He Know and When Did He Know It? - For months, the Captain says, U.S. soldiers were directed “to conduct daily beatings of prisoners prior to questioning.” In one instance, “a soldier allegedly broke a detainee’s leg with a metal bat.” Other prisoners had “their faces and eyes exposed to burning chemicals.” The Captain revealed this abuse to Human Rights Watch in July 2005. He also reported his charges to “three senior Republican senators,” including Majority Leader Bill Frist and Sen. John McCain.





· U.S. Companies Lag in Responsibility, Accountability - Study - U.S. companies remain less accountable than European and Asian ones despite recent years' damaging revelations of management chicanery involving finances, labor relations, environmental performance, and consumer protection, a global survey said Friday.

· Many Contracts for Storm Work Raise Questions - More than 80 percent of the $1.5 billion in contracts signed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency alone were awarded without bidding or with limited competition, government records show, provoking concerns among auditors and government officials about the potential for favoritism or abuse. - Already, questions have been raised about the political connections of two major contractors - the Shaw Group and Kellogg, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton - that have been represented by the lobbyist Joe M. Allbaugh, President Bush's former campaign manager and a former leader of FEMA.

· A Web of Faith, Law and Science in Evolution Suit - With the new political empowerment of religious conservatives, challenges to evolution are popping up with greater frequency in schools, courts and legislatures. But the Dover case, which begins Monday in Federal District Court in Harrisburg, is the first direct challenge to a school district that has tried to mandate the teaching of intelligent design.

· Bible Textbook for Public Schools Planned - An interfaith group released a new textbook Thursday aimed at teaching public high school students about the Bible while avoiding legal and religious disputes.





· No Arctic oil drilling? How about selling parks? Pombo hopes threat will boost bid to tap refuge's resources - House Resources chairman Richard Pombo is circulating a draft of a bill that would sell 15 national parks and require the National Park Service to raise millions of dollars by selling the naming rights to visitors' centers and trails.

· In California, Agriculture Takes Center Stage in Pollution Debate - Fifteen percent of the region's children have asthma, a rate three times the national average. Fresno -- the valley's biggest city -- has the third-highest rate of asthma in the country, and the San Joaquin Valley rivals Los Angeles and Houston for the dubious title of worst air quality in the nation. On bad air days, some schools hoist a red flag so parents can keep their children indoors; on good days, they raise a green flag.

· Blair falls into line with Bush view on global warming - His admission, which has outraged environmentalists on both sides of the Atlantic, flies in the face of his promises made in the past two years and undermines the agreement he masterminded at this summer's Gleneagles Summit. And it endangers talks that opened in Ottawa this weekend on a new treaty to combat climate change.





· Anti-Bush, And Mincing No Words - The government of the United States, that's the empire. We have evidence that there are plans in this country to invade Venezuela. There is a plan called "Balboa." Our intelligence found this plan, and everything is spelled out there -- the target is Venezuela. They have even calculated how many bombings they should do, how many soldiers they will require.

· Deal Is Reached to Drop Debt of 18 Poor Nations - Finance ministers from around the world reached agreement on Saturday on a plan to wipe out as much as $55 billion in debt owed by impoverished countries.










· ‘Bush a greater threat than Laden’ - The report said that the United States is viewed as “less a beacon of hope than a dangerous force to be countered.”

· Peaceful Assault on the Epicenter of Evil - The Washington Post under-estimated the number of people at the demonstration and provided relatively limited coverage. The Washington Times relegated their coverage to the bottom of the front page and grossly exaggerated the impact of the pro-Bush counter-demonstrators. And this was an event that happened in their city! I felt even more disgusted by The Kansas City Star article which awaited me when I returned home. It consisted of about ten short paragraphs on paged two of the front page section. They included one small photograph. Beyond the print media, I struggled to find minor mention of the event on television news.





· Bomb targets Lebanon TV anchor - A Lebanese television journalist has been seriously wounded by a bomb blast in her car north of the capital Beirut.

· 'How can you establish a free media in such fear and anarchy?' - Last week Fakher Haidar al-Tamimi became the 36th Iraqi journalist to be killed since the start of the war. His friend Ghaith Abdul-Ahad explains how, in the postwar carnage, his fellow countrymen have become the softest targets

· Severin's phony Pulitzer - ''What I said was, there is a prize that my editor told me is the equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize for Web journalism," Severin said in an interview. ''That is a hell of a caveat."

· Guantánamo inmate says US told him to spy on al-Jazeera - The US military told an al-Jazeera cameraman being held at Guantánamo Bay that he would be released as long as he agreed to spy on journalists at the Arabic news channel, according to documents seen by the Guardian.

· China tightens noose on media with new web rules - Analysts say the rules issued by the Ministry of Information Industry on Sunday will not change much for authorised, licensed news outlets - already under the thumb of state control - but will extend controls to blogs and Internet-only news sites.

· Saudi Prince Buys Large Share of Fox News - Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal has purchased 5.46 percent of the Fox corporation, according to Gulf Daily News, raising concern that the conservative Fox News may soften its anti-terror stance due to the views of the new shareholder.

· Support for Bush and Media Lies! It’s Obvious!!! - Here is how I know that the elections were rigged, the support for the Bush administration has never been large and that the media portrays a false reality to the people of this nation.

· War? What War? US Media A 'National Disaster' - If you checked the National News anywhere on Sunday, you might not have known the largest antiwar protest occurred Saturday, the largest since before the war.





· L-Theanine: How a Unique Anxiety Reducer and Mood Enhancer Increases Alpha Waves and Alertness - Hundreds of studies exist showing the many health benefits of green tea. But what makes it the most consumed beverage in the world after water is its pleasant taste and relaxation effect. Both of these qualities—and more—can be traced to a unique, neurologically-active amino acid in tea called L-theanine (gamma-ethylamino-L-glutamic acid).





· Iraqi women say freedoms are slipping away - She blamed "imported extremist doctrines, which were never experienced in the past" for the new restrictions.





· 'Little Rascals' Actor Thomas Bond Dies - Thomas Ross Bond, who played Butch the bully in the "Our Gang" and "The Little Rascals" serials of the 1930s, has died. He was 79.



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