Date: September 27th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Why is it that I seem to know more about George W. Bush, his father, his administration, Iraq & al Qaeda, than every single Bush supporter that I meet? Perhaps that is the key. Perhaps that proves my point about the media having blood on their hands because had they informed the people of the real truths the people would never support this administration. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

Note: British Member of Parliament George Galloway is the proud owner of a TvNewsLIES tee shirt! Our good friend (who goes by the screen name of Tapirsaver on forums around the web including on our forum), was kind enough to give one to Mr. Galloway this past Saturday. Tapirsaver and Mr. Galloway were both taking part in the weekend of protests taking place in DC. Thanks Tapirsaver!

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· Insurgents seize 5 towns near Syria Militants loyal to al-Zarqawi tell residents in 'death letters' to abandon their homes - A senior U.S. Marine commander said Monday that insurgents loyal to militant leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had taken over at least five key western Iraqi towns on the border with Syria and were forcing local residents to flee.

· New guns, new drive for Taliban - An internal debate within the Taliban - whether to launch increasingly aggressive attacks against the US-led coalition or to allow the insurgency to bleed the Afghan government over time - has been settled this year, according to a rebel commander and Afghan security officials.

· TWO U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS KILLED IN ATTACKS - One U.S. soldier and one U.S. Marine were killed yesterday in separate attacks near Kandahar and Asadabad.





· Demotion of a Prosecutor Is Investigated - The Justice Department's inspector general and the F.B.I. are looking into the demotion of a veteran federal prosecutor whose reassignment nearly three years ago shut down a criminal investigation of the Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, current and former department officials report.

· White House shrugs off anti-war demos - The White House on Monday shrugged off weekend demonstrations that drew tens of thousands of protestors against the war in Iraq, saying they were free to speak out but were wrong about the campaign.
TVNL Comment: These people shrugged off election results, what did you expect them to do about demonstrations!








9/11 News :








· Protecting tax cuts, GOP proposes cuts to military health care - The specifics are ugly.

· Bill would give Bush $50B more for wars - The Senate would give President Bush $50 billion more for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of a $440 billion defense spending measure a panel approved Monday.

· SEC chairman recuses himself from investigating Senate leader - Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox is recusing himself from the SEC's investigation into stock sales made by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, people familiar with the matter told the WALL STREET JOURNAL Monday.





· President Bush Pushing Abortion Ban - The Bush administration is asking the Supreme Court to reinstate a national ban on a type of late-term abortion, a case that could thrust the president's first court picks into an early tie-breaking role on a divisive and emotional issue.

· Michael Brown rehired as FEMA consultant - CBS News correspondent Gloria Borger reports that Michael Brown, who recently resigned as the head of the FEMA, has been rehired by the agency as a consultant to evaluate it's [sic] response following Hurricane Katrina."

· Rebuked, Even Sued, a Board Remains in Place - Hollinger International's prominent independent directors, including Richard N. Perle, Henry A. Kissinger and James R. Thompson, remain in their paid positions more than a year after several were censured for their conduct in an internal company report.

· Cindy Sheehan Arrested in Washington! - Police warned them three times that they were breaking the law by failing to move along, then began making arrests..
TVNL Comment: Apparently there is a "moving away" law!










· Blair in secret Saudi mission - Blair in secret Saudi mission Expulsions link to £40bn arms deal David Leigh and Ewen MacAskill Tuesday September 27, 2005 The Guardian Tony Blair and John Reid, the defence secretary, have been holding secret talks with Saudi Arabia in pursuit of a huge arm

· 'Appalling' anti-terrorism laws draw criticism - Under the laws, which Prime Minister John Howard describes as "unusual", state and territory police will be given extra tracking powers and will be able to detain terrorism suspects for up to two weeks without charge.
TVNL Comment: The rise of the global police state!

· Afghanistan, UN dismiss call for legalising opium crop - A Paris-based group of experts known as the Senlis Council called for the urgent legalisation of Afghanistan's opium industry to turn the impoverished country away from the illegal heroin trade and towards supplying the legal pain relief industry.





· Soldier Convicted of Abusing Iraqis at Abu Ghraib Prison - She was found guilty of six of the seven counts against her, including four counts of mistreatment, one count of conspiracy and one count of indecency.

· Entire 101st Airborne Deploying To Iraq - Around 20,000 soldiers got their final briefing Friday afternoon at Ft. Campbell. It's been two years since the division was last deployed to Iraq.

· US army plans to bulk-buy anthrax - THE US military wants to buy large quantities of anthrax, in a controversial move that is likely to raise questions over its commitment to treaties designed to limit the spread of biological weapons.
TVNL Comment: We may, others may not!





· 500,000 People Vanish in Washington, DC - Imagine 500,000 people marching down the meandering thoroughfares of Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street and Constitution Avenue in Washington, DC. They are headed for a date with destiny and the promise of peace, conjoined with a challenge for justice. How could they vanish from the headlines?





· Mainstream media shows ineptness and irrelevance at the antiwar demonstration in Washington. - “Who’s that?” a middle-aged blond journalist, in an impatient tone, asks me. Her attractive blue eyes are edgy and narrow. I could tell she expected me to give her a quick answer. - “That’s Ramsey Clark,” I say. Only a few feet away, half a dozen reporters are circling the frail elderly statesman of the political Left, microphones are shoved within inches of his face. I fear a over-caffeinated journalist might bash his teeth out.

· Second Reuters cameraman in Iraq held without charge - A second Iraqi journalist working for Reuters has been ordered detained indefinitely by a secret tribunal and the news agency demanded on Monday that he be released or given a chance to defend himself in open court.

· Network news broadcasts give scant coverage to Frist stock scandal - Despite having found the time to cover Kate Moss's purported cocaine use and to put one of its correspondents in a wind tunnel to demonstrate the effects of hurricane-force wind, ABC's World News Tonight has yet to mention the brewing scandal over the sale of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's (R-TN) stock in HCA Inc., the hospital chain founded by Frist's father, just two weeks before a bad earnings report caused the stock price to drop sharply. The nightly news broadcasts of CBS and NBC didn't do much more, both giving the story brief mentions on September 23.





· New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory - Evolution's repeated power to predict the unexpected goes a long way toward explaining why so many scientists and others are practically apoplectic over the recent decision by a Pennsylvania school board to treat evolution as an unproven hypothesis, on par with "alternative" explanations such as Intelligent Design (ID), the proposition that life as we know it could not have arisen without the helping hand of some mysterious intelligent force.





· Torturous Silence on Torture - Where do American religious leaders stand on torture? Their deafening silence evokes memories of the unconscionable behavior of German church leaders in the 1930s and early 1940s.








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