Date: September 28th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Every day I get bombarded with e-mail from different organizations urging me to write to or call my Congress person about one issue or another. I have had enough of this nonsense and you should feel the sameway. Congress does not work for you. You no longer elect them and when they are in office they end up working for the powerbrokers behind the scenes.

How many letters were written to Congress urging them not to give George W. Bush war powers related to invading Iraq? Over 95% of the letters and calls to Congress opposed the move, yet Congress ignored their constituents. They ignore us on virtually every issue. They listen only to the power brokers and money masters. That is a fact. When was the last time a bill that you supported was passed? If you can remember one, take a close look at it and see what pork was included in it that you oppose. Don’t fool yourself, Congress, with several obvious exceptions, is our enemy.

The few members of Congress who still represent their constitute don’t need your calls and letters telling them what to do; they already know. The others could care less. They report to a few people; none of which are you. Be they lobbyists, donors, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Skull & Bones, The Illuminati, the Israeli lobby, take your pick, whom ever they do report to and represent, rest assured that it is not you.

Stop wasting your time with letters and calls. Don’t waste your energy working for the institutions that waste their time coordinating such useless nonsense. Instead you should be educating the masses about what really takes place in America today. Perhaps if enough people know how badly our leaders have betrayed us we would replace them all, for real, by whatever means necessary! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: I would like to thank all the people who sent me letters of support and appreciation related to my trip to DC this past weekend. My thanks extends to the many people who take the time to send me notes of appreciation. I am humbled by and appreciative of your continued support. Thank you…Jesse

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· 'Suicide bomber' strikes in Kabul - There are reports that a number of people, among them Afghan soldiers, were killed or injured in the blast.

· 'Woman bomber' kills six in Iraq - At least six people have been killed by a suspected female suicide bomber in an attack on an army recruitment centre in northern Iraq, officials say.

· ONE SOLDIER KILLED; ONE SOLDIER WOUNDED BY IED ATTACK - One 56th BCT Soldier died as a result of his wounds and one Soldier was wounded as a result of an improvised explosive device attack while conducting a combat logistics patrol at about 10:45 a.m. Sept. 28, near Safwan, Iraq.

· MARINE KILLED NEAR FALLUJAH - A Marine assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died from a non-hostile gunshot wound Sept. 26 at a camp near Fallujah, Iraq.

· MARINE KILLED BY IED IN KHALIDIYAH - A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action by an improvised explosive device on Sept. 24 while conducting combat operations in Khalidiyah, Iraq.





· Bush party faces sleaze charges - With Tom DeLay, the party’s leader in the House of Representatives, already accused of ethics violations, the taint of scandal has now spread to Bill Frist, the Republicans’ Senate leader.

· Bush breaks first commandment of governing - Administration gives us Waste, Fraud and Abuse galore

· Arrests Made in Case Connected to Abramoff - Fort Lauderdale police have arrested three men on murder and conspiracy charges in the 2001 gangland-style killing of a South Florida businessman who sold a casino cruise line to Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, authorities said today.





· Number of millionaires hits record - There are 700,000 more millionaire households this year than in 2004, according to a survey released Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: Add this ti the fact that average income in the
US fell and you have proof that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting much much much poorer. If you have all of this massive wealth and the average incomes still shrink there has to be a lot of shrinkage to hold the average down!

· Income Down From 1999, Tax Data Show - The total income of Americans in 2003, adjusted for inflation, was 4 percent smaller than in 1999, new tax return data showed yesterday.
TVNL Comment: However CEOs went from earning over 300 times more than their average employee to earning over 400 times more than their average employee. Government and policies by the rich, for the rich.



9/11 News :


· Atta known to Pentagon before 9/11 - Four years after the nation's deadliest terror attack, evidence is accumulating that a super-secret Pentagon intelligence unit identified the organizer of the Sept. 11 hijackings, Mohamed Atta, as an Al Qaeda operative months before he entered the U.S.
TVNL Comment: We've been telling you this for 3 years!

· Osama Who? Media Begins the “Protect bin Laden Campaign!” - This, to me, indicates that Osama is indeed being protected by the US. We never intended on getting him. The media is now getting the public opinion in line.






· DeLay Probe Winds Down; Charges May Loom - Conspiracy counts against two DeLay associates this month raised concerns with DeLay's lawyers, who fear the chances are greater that the majority leader could be charged with being part of the conspiracy.

· With Hand on Heart: Pelosi Admits Israel Comes First - Despite the fact that AIPAC was recently busted for spying on the United States, Pelosi, along with many other top bureaucrats from Washington, gushed effusions of praise on the foreign power. - "One thing, however is unchanged," Pelosi added. "America's commitment to the safety and security of the state of Israel is unwavering. America and Israel share an unbreakable bond: in peace and war; and in prosperity and in hardship."





· New Orleans police chief resigns - New Orleans police chief Eddie Compass has unexpectedly resigned, four weeks after law and order broke down in the city following Hurricane Katrina.





· Arctic ice 'disappearing fast' - The area covered by sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk for a fourth consecutive year, according to new data released by US scientists.

· Green rules seen on "chopping block" post-Rita - House Republicans on Wednesday will launch a rapid-fire assault against environmental protections on the pretext of helping the U.S. oil and gas industry recover from hurricane damage, environmental groups charge.

· Bush wastes roughly $170,000 in jet fuel as he urges nation to conserve - Just one day after President Bush urged Americans to cut back on needless travel and promised that the federal government would do the same, he boarded Air Force One for a trip to inspect hurricane damage that will burn up roughly 11,437 gallons of jet fuel, worth about $24,590 at today's record high fuel prices.





· No deportation for Cuban militant - The judge said Luis Posada Carriles - wanted by Caracas over a 1976 plane bombing which killed 73 people - faced the threat of torture in Venezuela.- The Venezuelan government reacted angrily to the ruling, accusing the US of having a "double standard in its so-called war on terrorism".
TVNL Comment: This is so ridicules that I can't think of where to begin!

· Amnesty warns on Congo war threat - Growing tensions in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo threaten to re-ignite widespread fighting, Amnesty International has warned.

· UK rules out Iran military action - The UK foreign secretary says military action is still inconceivable against Iran and he hopes diplomacy can solve deadlock over its nuclear programme.

· Oil could spark WWIII - Dr Doom - Hong Kong-based analyst Dr Marc Faber - better known as "Dr Doom" - says a tug of war over oil resources between the US and China could spark World War III.

· Israel pushing Palestinians out of Jerusalem - Israel is striving to reduce the number of Palestinians living in Jerusalem while increasing its Jewish population to undermine claims on East Jerusalem as the capital of an eventual Palestinian state, a U.N. human rights investigator said on Monday.





· National Guard took Katrina battering - In interviews, Guard, state and local officials in Louisiana said the Guard performed well, but say it was crippled in the early days by a shortage of troops they blame on the deployment to Iraq of 3,200 Louisiana guardsmen.

· Lynndie England sentenced to 3 years in prison - Lynndie England, the U.S. soldier pictured holding a leash to a naked Iraqi inmate at Abu Ghraib prison in a scandal that prompted global outrage, was sentenced on Tuesday to three years in prison and given a dishonorable discharge.

· Depleted uranium tests for US troops returning from Iraq - US troops returning from Iraq are for the first time to be offered state-of-the-art radiation testing to check for contamination from depleted uranium - a controversial substance linked by some to cancer and birth defects.





· New 'Hate' Bill Means Funeral For Freedom Of Speech - If this amendment is approved, FCC restrictions will soon descend on American talk show hosts, with lists of banned topics. Hosts will be fined or imprisoned and stations will lose their broadcast licenses, just as in Canada, if they violate these restrictions.

· If it's freedom and success 'they' hate, why aren't 'they' attacking Norway? - Most Americans like to believe they live in the best country in the world. They don't. According to the United Nations Human Development Report for 2005, Norway is number one. Why? It's a welfare state.





· Reuters says U.S. troops obstruct reporting of Iraq - The conduct of U.S. troops in Iraq, including increasing detention and accidental shootings of journalists, is preventing full coverage of the war reaching the American public, Reuters said on Wednesday.

· Public Broadcasting Meets the New Boss - Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, who had led a charge against what he called the liberal slant in public broadcasting, ended his tumultuous two-year term as chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting on Monday, yielding the gavel to another Republican appointee with similar views if not a similar style.





· What the FDA isn't telling - The use of trade-secret laws to conceal deaths and serious side effects linked to drugs has the obvious flaw of putting profits before public health.










· The Virus Cancer Program - The man-made theory of AIDS is generally dismissed as "conspiracy theory." Nevertheless, AIDS researchers and writers like myself, Dr. Leonard G Horowitz, Dr. Robert Strecker, Professor Robert Lee, and others have proposed for two decades that HIV was seeded into gay men when they volunteered for the experimental hepatitis B vaccine experiment which took place in Manhattan, beginning in November 1978.



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