Date: September 29th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: While commenting on the Delay indictment on MSNBC, David Gergen (former presidential advisor) commended the Republican leadership on how scandal free the Republicans have been over the past 5 years. Scandal free? Is he living in the same world that I am in? They have been investigation free, accountability free, penalty free, but the Bush White House was founded on scandal!

Does Mr. Gergen remember how Bush took office? Can you say election fraud? Can you say election fraud 3 times? Can you say CIA operative cover blown? Can you say 9/11? Can you say war based on lies? Can you say Project for a New American Century? Can you say torture and human rights violations? Can you say Patriot Act? Can you count the Iran Contra felons who found their way back into government (Bush appointees)? Can you say forged evidence (Niger uranium)? Can you say John Bolton? Can you say religious right wing fundamentalist lunatics making policy? Can you say ear piece at the debates? Can you say AWOL Bush who can’t even remember his last 2 years of military service and can’t name his commander at the time? Can you say Karl Rove? Can you say missing billions in Iraq funding? Can you say Halliburton and no bid contracts? Can you Can you say Dick Cheney?

Holy cow…this is the dirtiest bunch in our history! Is Gergen on drugs? Is he on a steady IV heroin feed? Has he had a lobotomy?

Gergen’s made a point that he did not intend to…he proved that the American public is comfortably unaware of these scandals thanks to our criminal news media! The only way Gergen could get away with a comment like that about a bunch of thugs and criminals like these is with the help of the media to keep the lies alive! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· MARINE KILLED IN AR RAMADI - A Soldier assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action by small arms fire while conducting combat operations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq on Sept. 27.

· Sinister Events in a Cynical War - Here are questions that are not being asked about the latest twist of a cynical war. Were explosives and a remote-control detonator found in the car of the two SAS special forces men "rescued" from prison in Basra on 19 September? If true, what were they planning to do with them? Why did the British military authorities in Iraq put out an unbelievable version of the circumstances that led up to armoured vehicles smashing down the wall of a prison?





· Woes is them! GOP full of legal & political trouble - "It's like that old '60s saying: They're down so low that everything looks like up," said Stephen Hess, a George Washington University political science professor. - "The Bush Era is over," proclaimed Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne.

· The Last Passion of the Democratic Party - It was, perhaps, the last time that the Democratic Party leadership stood passionately behind an issue that was integral to the preservation of the goals and grandeur of our revolutionary heritage -- and to the promise of our Constitution and democracy.

· Justice Department Releases List of Pardons Granted by President Bush - President George W. Bush granted pardons to the following 14 individuals:

· Bush's Depression: Been There, Reported That - Capitol Hill Blue began reporting on Bush’s mood swings and erratic behavior in June 2004 but the stories of an erratic, moody President circulating within the White House were ignored by the “mainstream media” until recently. Now more and more outlets have begun to report on what many administration staffers say is a President out of control.





· Consumer confidence plummets in September, home sales fall - The decline raised questions about consumer spending for the rest of this year, including the holiday shopping season.

· Credit-card delinquencies hit record - Hit by rising gasoline prices, a record percentage of credit-card accounts were delinquent in the second quarter, the American Bankers Association reported Wednesday.



9/11 News :


· Omissions & Distortions in The 9/11 Commission Report: A Significant Pattern - In examining The 9/11 Commission Report, I have focused on how it dealt with evidence supportive of the alternative theory. I have found that it did so by distorting or simply ignoring this evidence. This is no surprise, because the man running the Commission, Philip Zelikow, was essentially a member of the Bush-Cheney administration. But it is a fact that needs to be brought to light.






· SEC Upgrades Sen. Frist Stock Inquiry - The Securities and Exchange Commission, which is examining a stock sale by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, has upgraded its initial informal inquiry to a formal investigation.

· Senator says storms are punishment from God - "New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast have always been known for gambling, sin and wickedness," Erwin wrote this week in a column he distributes to news outlets. "It is the kind of behavior that ultimately brings the judgment of God."

· DeLay indicted, will step aside as majority leader - Texas grand jury on Wednesday charged Rep. Tom DeLay and two political associates with conspiracy in a campaign finance scheme, forcing the House majority leader to temporarily relinquish his post.

· Congress? Forget Them! They Don’t Work For You! - Congress does not work for you. You no longer elect them and when they are in office they end up working for the powerbrokers behind the scenes.





· U.S. Customs Chief Quits - He and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff have been at odds over issues including whether to transfer control of the civil air patrols over the Washington area from Bonner's agency to the U.S. Coast Guard.





· Alaska landscape transformed by warmer climate - Sinking villages perched on thawing permafrost, an explosion of timber-chewing insect populations, record wildfires and shrinking sea ice are among the most obvious and jarring signs that Alaska is getting warmer as the global climate changes, scientists say. - "We are the canary in the mine, unfortunately, and the harbinger of what is yet to come for the rest of the world," said Patricia Cochran, executive director of the Anchorage-based Alaska Native Science Commission.

· Global warming: Death in the deep-freeze - As global warming melts the world's ice sheets, rising sea levels are not the only danger. Viruses hidden for thousands of years may thaw and escape - and we will have no resistance to them.





· This is an act of censorship worthy of Joseph Goebbels - The plan to draw up a list of historical events that people can be prosecuted for celebrating is a sign of a leader losing his grip

· Israel: Stop 'nuclear threat' resolution - Israel urged Arab nations on Wednesday to withdraw a push to have it declared a menace to peace at a 139-nation meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency, suggesting Iran's suspect nuclear programs posed the real threat to the Middle East.





· National Guard took Katrina battering - In interviews, Guard, state and local officials in Louisiana said the Guard performed well, but say it was crippled in the early days by a shortage of troops they blame on the deployment to Iraq of 3,200 Louisiana guardsmen.

· Lynndie England sentenced to 3 years in prison - Lynndie England, the U.S. soldier pictured holding a leash to a naked Iraqi inmate at Abu Ghraib prison in a scandal that prompted global outrage, was sentenced on Tuesday to three years in prison and given a dishonorable discharge.

· Depleted uranium tests for US troops returning from Iraq - US troops returning from Iraq are for the first time to be offered state-of-the-art radiation testing to check for contamination from depleted uranium - a controversial substance linked by some to cancer and birth defects.





· Special Report:Katrina/Rita Fallout Part Two Martial Law: The Pretext Is Now Set - In the Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita it has become obvious that not only will another terror attack on US soil provide the pretext for a police state crackdown, so will a natural disaster.





· US forces 'out of control', says Reuters chief - The Reuters news service chief referred to "a long parade of disturbing incidents whereby professional journalists have been killed, wrongfully detained, and/or illegally abused by US forces in Iraq".

· The End of the Age of Lying - TV, radio and paper news media were created for lying. We are just beginning to find out how much injustice has resulted from that lying. The so-called mainstream media were never designed for truth and justice.

· Hannity to guest: "I don't care about your thoughts" on Iraq veterans protesting the war - On the September 26 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, co-host Sean Hannity interrupted Global Exchange human rights director Ted Lewis's discussion of Iraq war veterans protesting the war. Hannity declared, "I don't care about your thoughts. You can tell them to [co-host] Alan [Colmes]."

· DAN WANTS SECOND GO AT BUSH - DAN Rather wants to reopen the investigation into President Bush and the National Guard story that resulted in the Memogate scandal and led to his early departure from the anchor desk. - But his bosses at CBS have forbidden him to go back at it, he said.





· Complaints that White House blocking health care aid to victims - With Gulf Coast governors pressing for action, Senate Finance Committee members complained Wednesday that the Bush administration is blocking a bipartisan $9 billion health care package for hundreds of thousands of evacuees from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.





· Apartheid-justice in America; Krugal vs. Padilla - In the three years that Jose Padilla has been locked away in solitary confinement, the government has been unable to cobble together enough evidence to even charge him with a crime.

· Key Player in Torture Scandal Nominated to No. 2 Post at Justice Department; ACLU Expresses Deep Concern With Embattled Appointee - "Days after Private Lynndie England was convicted in the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse case, one of the principal architects of that scandal is up for a promotion," said Christopher Anders, an ACLU Legislative Counsel. "If Flanigan is confirmed, the nation’s top two law enforcement officials at the Justice Department will be lawyers who had major roles in creating the very scandal that they should be investigating."

· Turkish Women Blast Karen Hughes With Iraq War Criticism - A group of Turkish female activists confronted Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes Wednesday with heated complaints about the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, turning a session designed to highlight the empowering of women into a raw display of the anger at U.S. policy in the region. - "War makes the rights of women completely erased and poverty comes after war -- and women pay the price," said Fatma Nevin Vargun, a Kurdish women's rights activist. Vargun denounced the arrest of Cindy Sheehan, the activist mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, in front of the White House Monday at an antiwar protest.





· Charges filed over $330,000 in grants - Three people, including the longtime pastor of Second Baptist Church and his wife, were indicted Tuesday on federal fraud charges after authorities accused them of enriching themselves with about $330,000 from grants they obtained under false pretenses.



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