Date: September 30th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: I was getting my daily dose of reality last night by listening to Mike Malloy on Air America Radio, and lo and behold I heard him mention my name! Mr. Malloy has mentioned in the past and he has read some of our articles on the air before, but last night he read my blog, which was about David Gergen’s ludicrous comment about how the Republicans have been scandal free for the past few years.

At the conclusion of Mr. Malloy’s reading he kindly noted that “Jesse nailed it”, referring to the accuracy of my comments. I consider that high praise especially when you take into consideration that this praise is coming from, Mr. Malloy who “nails it” every single night! For those of you who do not know Mr. Malloy perhaps it is time that you do. He is an oasis of truth in the vast broadcast desert. He says what needs to be said with the passion that it deserves.

While this note may sound like a “thank you, please mention me on the radio again” note to Mr. Malloy ( I can only say it is not. I am thanking him for what he does every night, not just last night. This is an overdue acknowledgement of a person who brings complete honesty and valuable, uncensored information to a relatively mainstream (Air America Radio) broadcast forum. This is something that appreciates. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· The U.S. Has Plans to Invade Iran Before Bush's Term Ends - But it is America's greater misfortune today to be informed by a so-called "watch dog" mainstream news media that supinely reports this war party's will to kill without insisting upon the hard evidence necessary for justifying war.

· Car bomb hits market in Hillah - A car bomb has exploded in the Iraqi town of Hillah south of Baghdad, killing at least 10 people and injuring more than 30 others.

· Iraqi security capability shrinking, US general says - The number of Iraqi security battalions able to fight without help from American forces has shrunk, senior US generals have said, arguing that this was not a backward step.

· Triple Iraq bombs 'kill dozens' - At least 60 people have been killed in three coordinated car bombs in a city near Baghdad, Iraqi police say.
TVNL Comment: None of these people would have died had the
US not invaded Iraq with no plan to keep the peace.





· Scholar says Bush has used obscure doctrine to extend power 95 times - The Bush administration has been using an extreme version of an obscure doctrine called the Unitary Executive Theory to justify executive actions that far exceed past presidents' power, RAW STORY has learned.
TVNL Comment: This is being pushed and excecuted by Dick Cheney.

· Pentagon Analyst to Plead Guilty to Leak - A Pentagon analyst charged with providing classified information to an Israeli official and members of a pro-Israeli lobbying group will plead guilty, according to the U.S. District Court clerk's office.








9/11 News :


· Al-Qaeda cleric exposed as an MI5 double agent - ONE of al-Qaeda’s most dangerous figures has been revealed as a double agent working for MI5, raising criticism from European governments, which repeatedly called for his arrest.






· VIDEO: Tom DeLay Exercises His Right To Incriminate Himself - Each of the points below were spoken verbatim by DeLay during an interview last night on Fox News (we’ve compiled them all into a single video). If this is his “defense,” he’s in serious trouble.

· Senators ask for probe into FDA's chief resgination - According to an open letter sent Thursday by Committee Chairman Michael Enzi and Ranking Member Edward Kennedy, the committee is particularly interested in whether Crawford had any financial conflicts of interest during his tenure with the FDA.

· Company run by Frist's brother made $630m deal two days before he announced he would be leader - The timing of the agreement could raise further questions about Frist's ties to the company. Given that the Justice Department had been investigating HCA since 1993 -- some 120 months -- the coincidence of a settlement date so close to Frist's leadership election is striking.





· Roberts Takes Oath as Chief Justice - John G. Roberts Jr., a conservative protege of the late William H. Rehnquist, succeeded him Thursday and became the nation's youngest chief justice in two centuries, winning support from more than three-fourths of the Senate after promising he would be no ideologue.
TVNL Comment: A man who helped steal a presidential election is our Supreme Court Chief Justice. No comment.















· Army Faces Worst Recruiting Slump in Years - The Army is closing the books on one of the leanest recruiting years since it became an all-volunteer service three decades ago, missing its enlistment target by the largest margin since 1979 and raising questions about its plans for growth.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush/PNAC legacy!

· Survey: 60 percent of National Guard and Reserve female veterans say they were sexually harassed - Six in 10 women who have served in the National Guard and Reserves said they were sexually harassed or assaulted, but less than a quarter reported it and many who did were encouraged to drop the complaint, according to a survey released Thursday.

· Republicans See Signs That Pentagon Is Evading Oversight - The lawmakers said they believed that some intelligence activities, involving possible propaganda efforts and highly technological initiatives, might be masked as so-called special access programs, the details of which are highly classified.

· Soldiers still waiting for armor reimbursements - Pentagon fails to figure out how to pay back troops' personal expenditures

· Iraqis call Lynndie England jail term travesty - "America should be ashamed of this sentence. This is the best evidence that Americans have double standards," said Akram Abdel Amir, a retired bus driver in Baghdad. - "There are Iraqis in jail without any charge, just based on suspicion. But when it comes to Americans, the matter is totally different."

· Nelson: MacDill unit hid millions - The senator says the Pentagon used the Special Operations Command to create a $20-million slush fund.

· Army Interrogator Sentenced to Five Months - An Army interrogator was sentenced to five months in prison Wednesday for assaulting a detainee in Afghanistan who later died.





· Kiss of Death - Does Zarqawi have an infinite supply of lieutenants/deputies/aides/associates/second-in-commands, etc., or do we just arbitrarily declare that every 100th insurgent we capture or kill is "a top aide" to Zarqawi?





· Rumsfeld to Address Reporters' Safety in Iraq - "I've discussed it with the secretary. He's going to take it under immediate consideration," he said.
TVNL Comment: Immediate consideration? What does that mean?

· 'NY Times' reporter freed from US jail - Miller was released from a jail near Washington after a telephone conversation with Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported, citing unnamed sources.





· Canadian provinces cleared to sue tobacco giants - Provincial governments estimate they have spent nearly $100 billion treating lung cancer and other diseases often caused by smoking.

· Bird flu pandemic could kill 150m, UN warns - A global flu pandemic could kill as many as 150 million people if the world fails to prepare for an expected mutation of the bird flu virus, enabling it to spread from human to human, the United Nations said.










· Religious Right ‘Too Busy to Comment’ on Pat Robertson, Quick to DeLay’s Defense - Prominent Religious Right groups went days without saying a word in defense of Pat Robertson after his assassination gaffe.



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