Date: October 1st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The Government Accountability Office said the administration had disseminated "covert propaganda" in the United States, in violation of a statutory ban. This is something TvNewsLIES and our readers knew without needing to hear it from the GAO. Think about this for a minute; the Bush administration, with the full unquestioning cooperation of the US corporate broadcast news industry, created fake news reports and aired them on news programs as if they were real news. Not a single “journalist” spoke out about this (at least none that we know of).

This is something every single journalist in the world should be outraged about and the American people now have 100% proof of the deception that is taking place at the hands of our leaders and our media. How much more proof do people need before they accept the fact that our leaders and our media are liars? Are the American people so oblivious as to not feel the pain of the bricks of lies hitting them in the head on a daily basis?

Journalists are supposed to protect us. Today they lie to us. American journalists do not stand on principles and it is quite obvious that they do not have any. They have no understanding of what journalism is or what the role of the journalist is. They are there to protect democracy. They are there to hold the world accountable to the people and to hold the people accountable to each other. They are there to set the record straight. They, the media, now have to be held accountable for their gross dereliction of duty. In reality today’s news people are simply out to earn a paycheck. Some are out to spread their personal views. They are not journalists in any sense of the word. No matter how many lives you save, if you murder people you are a murderer. No matter how many real bytes of journalism exist in our media, if deception is taking place, they are deceivers.

The US corporate news media is now the equivalent of a bank security officer who takes payoffs to look the other way and shut off the alarm system of a bank so that criminals can pull off the biggest bank robbery of all time. The only difference is that in the case of the American journalist there is blood involved. There is life involved. There is the global environmental survival involved. The media have not only taken the payoff but they are now part of the hold-up team. Every member of the American corporate news media is a criminal, down to the last copy boy in the newsroom.

No longer is there honor in working for the American news media. Journalism in America has become a shameful profession. They are the child molesters of truth. They are the lowest of the low and they are responsible for the ignorance of the American people to the events taking place at the hands of our leaders.

There is no limit to the outrage the world should feel towards the American journalist. To spit in the face of American journalism would be appropriate but insufficient. I can not think of an inappropriate response to the betrayers of truth in our media. Perhaps an American citizens’ version of the Patriot Act would permit tribunals for the members of the corporate media and we can set up our own version of Abu Graib for them. Even if we used the “eye for an eye” standard of justice, this would not begin to pay the media back for the harm that they have done to my country and to the world that we all share. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor, (I apologize for the angry tone of this message, but somebody has to tell it like it is! Once in a while I feel the need to speak the truths that others are afraid to say. The anger I feel towards the media can not be measured. If I did not have this method of fighting our enemies in the media (through, you might have seen news reports about me by now…thank goodness I have an outlet! If you pay attention and you take a close look…I am sure you will share my rage. Thank you for understanding and for giving me a forum to make this world a better place.)

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Bush claims progress in Iraq as scores are killed in more bombings - The sunny presentation of the situation in Iraq is part of a renewed push by the administration to win support for the war effort from an increasingly reluctant American public. - It conflicts with the news from Iraq and some assessments from top commanders.

· Top U.S. General Says Number of Capable Iraqi Battalions Drops to One - In June, the Pentagon told lawmakers that three Iraqi battalions were fully trained, equipped and capable of operating independently. On Thursday, Casey said only one battalion is ready.

· Officials Fear Chaos if Iraqis Vote Down the Constitution - Approval "is critically important," a senior administration official said, "to maintain political momentum. That is the critical thing for holding this whole thing together.

· Retired general: Iraq invasion was ‘strategic disaster' - The invasion of Iraq was the “greatest strategic disaster in United States history,” a retired Army general said yesterday, strengthening an effort in Congress to force an American withdrawal beginning next year.










· Economy wobbles in wake of Katrina - With savings low, interest rates rising and consumer confidence plunging, analysts are widely forecasting U.S. economic growth to slow through the end of the year, as households and businesses trim nonenergy spending.

· Consumer confidence plummets in September, home sales fall - The decline raised questions about consumer spending for the rest of this year, including the holiday shopping season.



9/11 News :


· Pentagon revokes 9/11 officer's clearance - An officer who has claimed that a classified military unit identified four Sept. 11 hijackers before the 2001 attacks is facing Pentagon accusations of breaking numerous rules, charges his lawyer suggests are aimed at undermining his credibility.
TVNL Comment: The Bush administration attacks another whistle blower!

· FDNY Chaplain Resigns After Remarks About 9/11 Conspiracy Theory - The fire department's Muslim chaplain abruptly resigned Friday after saying in a published interview that a conspiracy, not 19 al-Qaida hijackers, may have been responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
TVNL Comment: questions are not permitted in
America...especially if the answers prove that our leaders are criminals!






· Two senators question refusal to accept Greece's offer of ships - In a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, Sens. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., asked why the Federal Emergency Management Agency signed a six-month agreement with the cruise line instead of accepting a humanitarian offer from the Greek government.





· Hagan suit to stand; Republicans must open calendars, campaign data - A county judge denied Republican efforts to dismiss Hagan's lawsuit accusing the GOP of trading unbid contracts for campaign cash.

· $2,480 for less than two hours of work to cover each damaged roof in New Orleans - Knight Ridder has found that a lack of oversight, generous contracting deals and poor planning mean that government agencies are shelling out as much as 10 times what the temporary fix would normally cost.

· American Graffiti: Signs of the Times - These are the domain of the freeway bloggers, a breed that have invented a tangible concrete and tarmac version of the internet to make their feelings known about George Bush.

· FBI Admits Mistakes in Security Wiretaps - The FBI says it sometimes gets the wrong number when it intercepts conversations in terrorism investigations, an admission critics say underscores a need to revise wiretap provisions in the Patriot Act.





· La. ecological harm called unprecedented - The environmental damage from hurricanes Katrina and Rita is unparalleled in its scope and variety, scientists say, with massive oil spills blanketing marshes, sediment smothering vast fishing grounds, and millions of gallons of raw sewage scattered in New Orleans and along the 400-mile Louisiana coast.

· House Passes Bill That Would Revise Endangered Species Act - The California rancher contends that the current rules unduly burden landowners and lead to costly lawsuits while doing too little to save plants and animals.
TVNL Comment: So instead of passing a law that does more to save plants and animals, they simply weaken the laws in place. Congress once again acts to destroy life on Earth!





· On world stage, France's role is audience favorite - In the survey of people in 23 countries across the globe, a majority or plurality in 20 described France as exerting a positive influence on world affairs. The US, by comparison, is seen as having a negative impact by majorities in 15 countries.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush/PNAC legacy!

· Chavez: Venezuela Moves Reserves to Europe - Venezuela has moved its central bank foreign reserves out of U.S. banks, liquidated its investments in U.S. Treasury securities and placed the funds in Europe, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday. - "We've had to move the international reserves from U.S. banks because of the threats," from the U.S., Chavez said during televised remarks from a South American summit in Brazil.





· Dismantling VA - The Senator's aide chuckled rather loudly and said, "What VA? By the time this administration is done there won't be a VA." Our conversation had begun with a discussion of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA's) healthcare budget, and quickly came down to a single, simple point. VA is being dismantled.
TVNL Comment: Add this to the long list of "we told you so"s!!!

· How to Pitch the Military When a War Drags On? - With the brutal realities of the ground war in Iraq contributing to a well-publicized drop-off in recruitment, the federal government will roll out a sophisticated and expansive marketing campaign on Oct. 17 that will rely on advertisements like this one to convince parents - mothers in particular - that military service remains a wise choice for their children.





· AIPAC and Espionage: Guilty as Hell - Pentagon analyst plea bargains, threatens to expose Israel's Washington cabal





· Former US military spokesman signs on with Al-Jazeera - In 2003 Rushing, now 33, was a military spokesman at a US Army media center in Doha. He was a central figure in the documentary "Control Room" about the US military's handling of the press during the war which, according to the statement, chronicled Rushing's "struggles as the United States military's lead spokesman to the Arab world during the invasion of Iraq."
TVNL Comment: We offer the documentary Control Room in our donations section.

· Buying of News by Bush's Aides Is Ruled Illegal - In a blistering report, the investigators, from the Government Accountability Office, said the administration had disseminated "covert propaganda" in the United States, in violation of a statutory ban.

· Kristol Clear - Bill Kristol, PNAC, 9/11 & The Media - To know the man, you have to look behind his overt persona. Bill Kristol makes no secret of his views or his philosophy. He has never hidden his affiliation with of the Project for a New American Century PNAC), of which he is a founder. And yet, when introduced to the public, he is never, ever connected to that organization. He is always presented as the editor of the Weekly Standard, as benign an introduction as can be.

· Mike Malloy’s Hammer Nails It Every Night! - For those of you who do not know Mr. Malloy, perhaps it is time that you do. He is an oasis of truth in the vast broadcast desert. He says what needs to be said with the passion that it deserves.










· War crimes warnings over Darfur - The United Nations and UK have warned of possible war crimes prosecutions amid renewed violence in the troubled Sudanese region of Darfur.








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