Date: October 2nd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments When you watch “experts” on a given topic appear as guests on many news programs, take notice as to whether or not they are outside observers or involved parties. Take for example our little war on terror…for 4 years we have heard all the reasons why these mysterious people hate us, Most of the time we hear the George W. Bush version about how these people hate our freedom. Well I have trouble accepting this information from a man who could not even point to Europe on a map.

During all these years the American people never once heard why these people hate us from the people who actually hate us. We have only heard American British & Israeli talking heads tell us that the actual people who hate us are not telling us the real reasons for doing so and that they know better than the actual people who hate us! When a journalist does bring the haters’ voice directly to the public, letting the public hear the reasons from the source, the American media (and government) label that journalist or news organization as anti-American propaganda. They American media does not want you to hear what the actual subjects of the topic have to say. Can misinformation be any more obvious than this?

Think twice when you listen to so called experts. When “experts” are speaking for other people ask yourself why you are not being shown the actual people who are being discussed. Why the middle man? I think you know that answer to that! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor, (I would like to thank all the people who sent me comments of support related to yesterday’s newsletter. I am humbled by your kind words and I am honored to be accepted into your cyber world. Thank you!.)

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Iraqi minister's brother seized - Gunmen in Baghdad have kidnapped the brother of Iraqi Interior Minister Bayan Jabor Solagh.

· Army 'risks being chased from Iraq' - Tony Blair risks a "historic" humiliation over the British Army's continued presence in Iraq, a former colonel said last night.

· American Accused of Shooting Afghan Interpreter May Have Left the Country, Embassy Says - Afghan human rights activists warned Saturday that allegations that an American security contractor killed his Afghan interpreter could hurt the image of the United States here - even as the U.S. military suffers its deadliest year yet fighting Taliban rebels.

· U.S. Forces Raid Homes of Sunni Officials - U.S. forces raided the homes of two officials from a prominent Sunni Arab organization Thursday, arresting bodyguards and confiscating weapons, Sunni officials said.

· Middle-Class Family Life in Iraq Withers Amid the Chaos of War - But frustration is hardening into hopelessness, as families feel increasingly trapped by the many forces that are threatening to tear the country apart.
TVNL Comment: The Bush/PNAC cabal is to blame. They did this. Ignorant Americans who were brainwashed by the
US media supported this and they, along with the media share the blame.

· Danish soldier killed by bomb in Iraq - A Danish soldier was killed and two others were wounded when a roadside bomb blew up alongside their vehicle near Basra in southern Iraq on Saturday, a Danish army spokesman said.

· ONE U.S. SOLDIER, ONE AFGHAN SOLDIER KILLED DURING FIGHTING NORTH OF KANDAHAR - One U.S. Soldier and one Afghan National Army soldier were killed by enemy forces Friday north of Kandahar while conducting combat operations in that area.

· Bush Is Cooking Up Two More Wars - With no US troops available, the Bush administration is revamping US war doctrine to allow for "preventative nuclear attack." In short, the Bush administration is planning to make the US the first country in history to initiate war with nuclear weapons.





· Role of Rove, Libby in CIA Leak Case Clearer - Bush and Cheney Aides' Testimony Contradicts Earlier White House Statement

· As CIA leak probe passes Rove, Cheney is eyed, lawyer says - A lawyer who knows Mr. Libby's account said the administration efforts to limit the damage from Mr. Wilson's criticism extended as high as Mr. Cheney. This lawyer and others who spoke about the case asked that they not be identified because of grand jury secrecy rules.

· Bushco Gets Away With Another Crime - This is another prime example of how the Bush administration has committed a crime with total impunity and without one word one from the corporate news media! Bush supporters continue to support a criminal regime with their eyes and ears closed while the media helps to fill the their world with a false reality.





· Natural gas bills expected to rise 71%, PG&E says - Americans dealing with record high gasoline prices caused by the hurricanes now also face the prospect of a painfully expensive home heating season. Utilities across the country are bracing their customers for increases ranging from 55 to 75 percent.
TVNL Comment: All this while these companies are reporting record profits...that is profits, not record consumption. These people are criminals as are the people in charge of the policies that allow this to happen.



9/11 News :








· Grand juror: DeLay evidence is there - 'Stacks of papers' support indictment, foreman says; U.S. Rep. says there's no case

· DeLay to serve as GOP adviser - Indicted Texas Rep. Tom DeLay will serve as a ''very powerful adviser'' to the Republican leadership while he battles the conspiracy charge that forced him to step aside as House majority leader, a GOP spokesman said Thursday.
TVNL Comment: Tony Soprano & Uncle Junior;-)

· Senators cut funds for food and heat - Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins faced the uncomfortable choice Friday of either shutting down the federal government or cutting three-quarters of the funding for a program for heating-oil assistance and food banks in Maine.
TVNL Comment: Tax breaks (greed) = Yes; War (murde) = Yes; Food and heat (human compassion) = No! Another Bush/PNAC legacy!





· Options Open, Top Graduates Line Up to Teach to the Poor - For a surprisingly large number of bright young people, Teach for America - which sends recent college graduates into poor rural and urban schools for two years for the same pay and benefits as other beginning teachers at those schools - has become the next step after graduation. It is the postcollege do-good program with buzz, drawing those who want to contribute to improving society while keeping their options open, building an ever-more impressive résumé and delaying long-term career decisions.





· Amazon dries out as worst ever drought hits rainforest - Large parts of the Amazon rainforest are at their driest in living memory, a direct consequence, scientists say, of the severe hurricane season off the US Gulf coast.





· Crisis talks on Turkey's EU bid - EU foreign ministers are due to gather for an emergency meeting which will attempt to break the deadlock over the issue of Turkish membership.

· Galloway Blasts Israel - During the show, broadcast on stations across the US and online Galloway declared that, “Israel and dirty tricks have a long history,” denouncing it as a “little settler state on the Mediterranean” whose purpose was to “act as an advanced guard in the Arab world.”

· EU and U.S. clash over control of Net - The European decision to back the rest of the world in demanding the creation of a new international body to govern the Internet clearly caught the Americans off balance and left them largely isolated at talks designed to come up with a new way of regulating the digital traffic of the 21st century.





· U.S. soldiers get off easy for crimes against Iraqis, review finds - Using previously undisclosed Army records, the Dayton (Ohio) Daily News found that dozens of soldiers have been accused of crimes against Iraqis since the first troops deployed for Iraq. But despite strong evidence and convictions in some cases, only a small percentage resulted in punishments nearing those that civilian justice systems routinely impose for such crimes.
TVNL Comment: And the real criminals in the chain of command get off without so much as an investigation!

· Rumsfeld Refuses To Pay Back Military Families For Lifesaving Body Armor - "How Many Of Those Killed Could Have Been Saved With The Proper Equipment?"





· Christianity and the Demise of America - Real Christians would not tolerate presidents who make war on defenseless people based upon lies and innuendo. Bush and his imperialist polices should be openly and powerfully denounced from every pulpit in every church in the United States, every day.





· Who is Judy Miller kidding? - The story being pitched to the public — that Miller was a heroic, principled martyr who sacrificed her freedom in the name of journalistic integrity, then fulfilled her "civic duty" after she "finally received a direct and uncoerced waiver" from her source — is laughable.

· CNBC’s Ron Insana Propaganda Exposed on Live Radio - When I mentioned the Project for a New American Century Insana hung up on me. He stumbled badly in a rushed inaccurate explanation about the Project for a New American Century being a doccument from 1996 and then he immediately went to commercial even though they had just had commercials one caller prior to me. It was obvious that he was not prepared for my question and that there was confusion in the room among the guests as to how to handle it. So instead of handling my questions they pretended it never happened. When they came back from commercial they took the next call never addressing any of my points.










· Civil Union Law Takes Effect in Conn. - Connecticut became the first state to legalize civil unions without being forced by the courts after lawmakers passed a law endorsing the unions in April. Massachusetts allows gay marriages and Vermont recognizes civil unions because of lawsuits.

· Why not Torture Judith Miller? - The Times' hypocrisy is incidental compared to the inequities of a system that protects criminals like Miller while dispatching Muslims to Guantanamo for lesser offenses





· Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group - LINK - How much influence do private networks of the rich and powerful have on government policies and international relations? One group, the Bilderberg, has often attracted speculation that it forms a shadowy global government. As part of the BBC's Who Runs Your World? series, Bill Hayton tries to find out more.



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