Date: October 4th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Just some general babbling today:

On Bush’s choice for Supreme Court Justice…I suppose if there was a grand jury looking into the crimes of my administration and if my administration was the most corrupt in history, I would want my personal lawyer to be the judge in any potential court case.

On MSNBC…The other day this so called “news” network ran an vital in depth news story and interview with the latest person to get “fired” by Donald Trump on his television reality show. How’s that for vital news?

On CNN…Surprisingly CNN permitted an interview with a soldier returning from Iraq who got in trouble for posting information about the many civilian deaths caused by American military. Not surprisingly Soledad O’Brien was virtually silent during the interview, asked very few questions and showed absolutely no curiosity about what the soldier had to say. This was quite a departure from the tenacity she shows during interviews related to issues like Scott Peterson, Martha Stewart and the latest hit movie, whatever it may be.

On the White House press corps…David Gregory, NBC/MSNBC White House correspondent and member of the WH press corps, filled in for Matt Lauer on the Today Show. Is this a job for a journalist? This proves my point that TV news “journalists” are not in the journalism business, they are in show biz! They are entertainers. They aspire to be high paid TV personalities and the TV networks evaluate their TV journalists on the basis of this un-natural career path, not on the basis of their journalism credentials or ability. These TV journalists do not aspire to make their mark in history by reporting vital information to the public and the real journalists have no voice in today’s broadcast news industry. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

(I would like to thank all the people who sent me comments of support related to yesterday’s newsletter. I am humbled by your kind words and I am honored to be accepted into your cyber world. Thank you!.)

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· How the world was duped: the race to invade Iraq. - When Colin Powell made his notorious final pitch for war at the UN Security Council, Robert Fisk was there. In the latest extract from his explosive new book, he recalls a tragi-comic occasion
TVNL Comment: Nobody was duped...we were forced into war. The overwhelming majority of the world opposed the invasion and it took place anyway. Most people outside of our ingorant nation were not duped!

· Ike Was Right About War Machine - The following is a weekly 60 Minutes commentary by CBS News correspondent Andy Rooney

· UK yet to decide strength of Afghanistan deployment - "It won't be 4,000 ... but it is right that we will be sending further troops, because we've always agreed we will take over the headquarters from the Italians next year of the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) mission there."

· Three killed in Baghdad car bomb blast - A car bomber has driven into Baghdad's heavily-fortified Green Zone complex with a convoy of other vehicles and blown up, killing three people and wounding four others.

· II MEF MARINE KILLED IN ACTION - A Marine assigned to 2nd Regimental Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action by an improvised explosive device during Operation Iron Fist in Karabilah, Iraq on Oct. 3.

· II MEF SOLDIER DIES FROM IED - A Soldier assigned to 2nd Regimental Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of wounds sustained from an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations in Haqlaniyah, Iraq Oct. 3.

· TWO SOLDIERS KILLED IN HAQLANIYAH - Two Soldiers assigned to 2nd Regimental Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action by an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations in Haqlaniyah, Iraq Oct. 3.

· ONE SOLDIER IS DEAD AS A RESULT OF GUNSHOT WOUND - A 56th Brigade Combat Team Soldier is dead as a result of injuries sustained from a gunshot wound at about 8:45 a.m., Oct. 3, 2005, near Taqaddum, Iraq.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED BY MINE - A Task Force Liberty Soldier died of injuries sustained when a combat patrol struck a mine near Bayji at about 12:00 p.m. Oct. 1.

· TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - A Task Force Baghdad Soldier was killed when a patrol struck an improvised explosive device at 8 a.m. Oct. 1 in central Baghdad













9/11 News :


· Newsday Shields Long Island Readers From 9/11 Skeptics - Newsday's follow-up coverage in the Saturday/"Early Sunday" Long Island editions featured almost two full pages on Habib's ouster. A box with more than enough space for the Hurtado article was devoted instead to a potpourri of unrelated anecdotes about "controversial remarks by prominent figures," some dating back as far as 1976. (Newsday, "Some who put their foot in it," Oct. 1)






· Six Democratic War Vets Seek House Seats - Given their experience in Iraq, the six Democrats in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia say they are eminently qualified to pose the tough questions.

· DeLay faces money laundering charge - A Texas grand jury brought a charge of money laundering Monday against Rep. Tom DeLay, the former House majority leader indicted last week on conspiracy charges stemming from a campaign finance probe.

· Tom Delay’s Achilles’ Heel - Perhaps more troubling for Delay than the civil verdict are the documents the case produced, some contradicting his claim that he wasn't involved in day-to-day operations of TRMPAC or didn't solicit corporate contributions.





· Miers Led Law Firm Repeatedly Forced to Pay Damages For Defrauding Investors - In case anyone thought Harriet Miers wasn't a corporate-shill-in-White-House-clothing, take a gander at how Miers did her best Ken Lay impression while heading a major Texas corporate law firm.










· US consults Israel over Syria regime change: report - US officials have held talks with Israeli counterparts about the prospect of a regime change in Damascus and possible successors to President Bashar al-Assad, a newspaper report said.
TVNL Comment: Do you realize how outrageous this is? 2 nations deciding the internal affairs of a third nation! American and
Israel are out of control!

· Vancouver named 'world's best city' - With three Canadian cities in the top ten, residents of Toronto and Calgary also have reason to cheer, as their cities are ranked ninth and tenth respectively.
TVNL Comment: Not a single American city was in the top 10 yet we keep saying that we are the greatest! Greates what? Greatest threat to life on Earth!!!

· UN worker shot dead in Somalia - It has witnessed a string of assassinations in recent years, some directed against foreign targets and blamed on Islamic militants.

· China tightens Internet controls - The rules bar postings of news that goes against "national security and the public interest".





· Why I No Longer Support The Military! They Have Betrayed Us! - Our military is now in the hands of enemies domestic and they are doing nothing to fight this enemy. As a matter of fact they are not even willing to examine the question of whether or not enemies domestic exist. That in itself is clear evidence that our military is not protecting us and has betrayed us by refusing to act as a sentinel and guard us from enemies domestic. They are ignoring their sworn duty and they are betraying us by this inaction.





· FEMA, Capitalism, and Karl Marx's Crystal Ball - The message is simple: In times of trouble, you're on your own. If you're wealthy enough to escape, you'll be fine. Otherwise, expect to be corralled into feces-infested encampments; barricaded by the agents of the state.
TVNL Comment: I havbe said many times that the GOP mantra should be "I got mine, you get yours!"





· FAIR Calls for De-Funding CPB - But the broader issues remain overlooked: Is public broadcasting delivering on its promise of offering a true alternative to commercial broadcasting?





· Exercise lowers Alzheimer's risk, research finds - The researchers found that people who exercised at least twice a week in middle-age were half as likely to develop dementia as they grew older.





· Protest is criminalised and the huffers and puffers say nothing - The police abuse terror and harassment laws to penalise dissent while we insist civil liberties are our gift to the world








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