Date: October 5th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The devastated city of New Orleans took another hit yesterday when they announced the layoffs of 300 city workers. The city is receiving little tax revenue so it can not afford to pay their employees. FEMA can provide funds to pay for overtime pay for workers who work on the recovery process but they are not allowed to pay the base salaries of those workers.

Congress, who has voted to fund the $400 billion destruction and reconstruction of Iraq, did not call an emergency session so that they can provide an emergency appropriation for the city workers of New Orleans.

The US military can not account for over $1 trillion yet Congress continues to increase defense funding and they continue to add special war time appropriations so that we can gorge the military industrial complex.

Halliburton was caught overcharging the US government for services in Iraq by as much as $1 billion yet they received a $72 million bonus. (Imagine getting caught stealing from your company and then getting a huge bonus!)

The CEO of Halliburton made $60 million in profits on his own company’s stock in just 4 months due to the fuel crisis that is endangering our entire economy, let alone the economy of New Orleans.

If we were to locate the $1 billion missing at the hands of Halliburton we can use it to pay those 3000 employees $33K each for 1 year. Had we taken just $5 billion of the money spent on destroying Iraq and killing all those people including journalists and our own troops, we could have paid for 5 years of emergency salaries for the 3000 city workers in New Orleans.

On the other hand, if we can snatch the missing $1 trillion out of the offshore bank accounts of Dick Cheney, US covert black OPS (which operate outside of the US law and do not answer to our elected officials), and Cheney’s friends in the Military industrial complex, we could pay for over 10,000 years of salary for those 3000 workers. Or it would pay for 10 years of salary for 300,000 of those workers. I just thought I would point that out. I realize that $33K per year may not be the ideal salary but it is an ideal alternative to $0.

It is 5 years into this global nightmare called the Bush/PNAC era (or more accurately “error”), and I am still waiting to see what “companionate conservatism” looks like. I am also waiting for the publicly Christian George W. Bush to start acting like one. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Insurgents Attack Afghan Military Base - Insurgents attacked an Afghan military base in the southeastern part of the country on Sunday night, the first serious combat with insurgents since the Sept. 18 elections, a spokesman for the Defense Ministry said Monday.

· Iraq U-turn on charter vote rules - The altered rules would have made it much harder for Sunni opponents of the draft constitution to reject it.

· UN condemns Iraq charter change - The United Nations has criticised changes to Iraq's electoral law that make it harder for Iraqis to reject the draft constitution.

· Iraqi border guards arrest British national in desert - An Iraqi border guards spokesman in Najaf, Saadun al-Jaaberi, said guards arrested "a terrorist group consisting of 10 people, including one British national called Colin Peter, near Mathlum, near the Saudi border".





· President, Citing Executive Privilege, Indicates He'll Reject Requests for Counsel's Documents - "I just can't tell you how important it is for us to guard executive privilege in order for there to be crisp decision making in the White House," Mr. Bush said.
TVNL Comment: It is important to know how the decisions are made so we know that our government is not lying or comitting crimes. That is how our government works. Dicatorships, not democracies, are built on executive privilage.

· Bush's Guard service may affect Miers nomination - A former Texas Lottery official said he wants to talk to senators about the Supreme Court nominee's role in covering up his Bush's record

· President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal? - "Near the end of a round table discussion on ABC’s This Week, George Stephanopoulos dropped this bomb: Definitely a political problem but I wonder, George Will, do you think it’s a manageable one for the White House especially if we don’t know whether Fitzgerald is going to write a report or have indictments but if he is able to show as a source close to this told me this week, that President Bush and Vice President Cheney were actually involved in some of these discussions.
TVNL Comment: Video-

· Source to Stephanopoulos: President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal - This would explain why Bush spent more than an hour answering questions from special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.





· No aid planned to help low-income families, seniors with energy costs - The Bush administration yesterday said it has no plans to ask Congress for additional funds to help low-income families and financially stretched seniors deal with rapidly escalating home heating bills.

· New Orleans sacks 3,000 workers - The US city of New Orleans is sacking 3,000 workers, about half of its workforce, after the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina.

· States Hope to Begin Taxing Online Sales - A coalition of 18 states representing about 20 percent of the nation's population has forged an agreement to begin collecting sales taxes on Internet purchases.
TVNL Comment: They are not trying to tax US corporations who set up headquarters off shore so they don't have to pay tax. They only want to tax the $19K per year school teacher from
Kansas who may want to save $2 on some books or shoes.

· Employment Slumps, Manufacturing Slows: U.S. Economy Preview - ``We get the first estimates of the job and income losses and they will be huge,''



9/11 News :


· Miers Briefed Bush on Bin Laden PDB, But Papers Handle Photo From That Day Quite Differently - As it turns out, yes, according to Tuesday's Los Angeles Times. An article by Richard A. Serrano and Scott Gold observes that early in the Bush presidency “Miers assumed such an insider role that in 2001 it was she who handed Bush the crucial 'presidential daily briefing' hinting at terrorist plots against America just a month before the Sept. 11 attacks.”
TVNL Comment: Another 9/11 accomplice or incompetent gets promoted!






· Storms Show A System Out Of Balance - GOP Congress Has Reduced Usual Diet of Agency Oversight - Government scholars and watchdog groups say the decline of congressional oversight in recent years has thrown out of kilter the system of checks and balances the Founding Fathers created to keep no one branch of government from becoming too powerful. Whether the Pentagon or the Environmental Protection Agency, if a department does not think Congress is paying attention, it could be more apt to waste money or allow problems to go unaddressed.





· Bolton agitates audience - The audience interrupted Bolton throughout his speech with loud banging on desks and hissing, the typical YPU expressions for approval and disagreement.

· Taft Vows To Stay In Office - Governor Taft is vowing to remain in office even though he's now the first Ohio governor convicted of a crime.





· Call to ban destructive fishing - Conservation groups are calling for a UN moratorium on the fishing practice known as bottom trawling.





· Israeli in Uruguay jail breakout - An Israeli wanted by the United States for questioning about allegations of drug-trafficking has escaped from a top security prison in Uruguay.





· Bush Considers Military Role in Flu Fight - President Bush, increasingly concerned about a possible avian flu pandemic, revealed Tuesday that any part of the country where the virus breaks out could likely be quarantined and that he is considering using the military to enforce it.
TVNL Comment: This is getting too scary. Are we living in a bad movie?





· Can This Nomination Be Justified? - It is not important that she be confirmed because there is no evidence that she is among the leading lights of American jurisprudence, or that she possesses talents commensurate with the Supreme Court's tasks. The president's "argument" for her amounts to: Trust me. There is no reason to, for several reasons.





· Commerce Department tells National Weather Service media contacts must be pre-approved - The Department of Commerce has issued a blanket media policy to employees of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), requiring that all requests for contact from national media be first approved by the Department

· CBS's One-Sided DeLay Discussion - All-Republican panel discusses a "Republican problem"

· Former FOX Reporter: "..Just Make Things Up" - "But the bigger issue was that there wasn't a tradition or track record of honoring journalistic integrity. I found some reporters at Fox would cut corners or steal information from other sources or in some cases, just make things up. Management would either look the other way or just wouldn't care to take a closer look. I had serious issues with that." - "With the change of administration in Washington, I wanted to do the same kind of reporting, holding the (Bush) administration accountable, and that was not something that Fox was interested in doing," he said.

· Understanding The Media's 'Patriotic' Narcolepsy - Members of the media have confirmed they made a conscious effort not to challenge the Bush administration for exactly four years, through and including the 2004 presidential election, until just this past month when it temporarily grew a vestigial spinal column.





· CDC locks up flu data - Amid growing concerns that avian influenza will develop into a deadly pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is under fire by some in the scientific community for hoarding data crucial for vaccine development. The allegations come as CDC has issued new and controversial rules on what data, documents and other information it will — and will not — share with the public.





· Srebrenica massacre list compiled - The Bosnian Serb government has drawn up a list of 19,473 Serb soldiers who operated in the region of Srebrenica at the time of the massacre there in 1995.

· Catholic churches lead signature drive for ban on gay marriage - The campaign to end gay marriage has found traction in the state's churches, with thousands of Catholics and other worshippers lending their signatures to a petition drive seeking to abolish same-sex unions in Massachusetts.
TVNL Comment: Another example of how a religious organization tells others what they may or may not do! Can you say American Taliban?





· Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible - THE hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document instructing the faithful that some parts of the Bible are not actually true.
TVNL Comment: Making up the rules again. It's like little kids playing a game. They change the rules whenever they start to lose.

· Test Results Cited in Delay of Mall Alert - Area health officials were not notified for five days that sensors on the Mall had detected a potentially dangerous bacterium there last month because subsequent tests were not conclusively positive, a federal official said yesterday.
TVNL Comment: Yet the let the protesters expose themselves to this. Or I should say that they ensured that the protesters would get exposed!

· Easy panic instructions from the DHS (not the delivery service) - The US government has a new website, It's another attempt at scare mongering in the style of the old "duck and cover" advice after WWII. The fun thing is that these pictures are so ambiguous they could mean anything! Here are a few interpretations.



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