Date: October 6th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Some important media deception points:

Porter Goss, our new CIA Director, said yesterday that he will not hold anyone responsible for failures related to the non-prevention of the events of 9/11/2001. What the media has not told you is that on that dreadful morning Goss was having breakfast in Washington DC with the man who was found out to have wired Mohamed Atta $100,000 during the weeks prior to the event. Of course Goss was the natural choice to head the CIA now that we know this. Now he is protecting the rest of the inside crew. Understand this; there are many people in the Bush administration who were either incompetent in preventing or complicit in conducting or permitting the events of that day. They either failed miserably (and catastrophically) to protect us or they intentionally harmed us. There is no in between. The media, the justice system and the majority of Americans have not examined that incompetence or complicity, in essence leaving America vulnerable to the same incompetence or complicity. My new definition for the word “stupid” is “anyone who still believes the official explanation for the events of 9/11.” It is becoming so obvious that there is more to the story than we have been told and that the trail leads to the highest levels of the Bush administration, that there is no legitimate excuse for not being suspicious.

On another note: Yesterday, one of the pathetic news networks (CNN or MSNBC), I forget which, had 2 guests discussing the very important issue of the new Supreme Court Justice nominee. One point I want to make is that you are never told anything at all about the “institutions” or “think tanks” that these “guests” come from. What is the Heritage Foundation or the American Enterprise Institute? Of course you never hear about the Project for a New American Century even though members of that group litter the administration and the TV news shows. The other thing I want to point out about this discussion…even though the guests were only on for about 2 minutes and even though one guest started to say something that sounded like he really wanted/needed to express, the host cut him off and told him that he “had to go!” What was so urgent? What did this network have time for when they could not devote more time to the vital issue of the selection of a Supreme Court Judge? They “had” to address some new female teenage golf pro (Michele Wie). Yes, golf was more important to this 24 hour per day “news” network than the selection of a Supreme Court justice! As a matter of fact CNN is doing a piece on her as I write this!

My web site is littered with my comments about how (non state sponsored) terrorism is not a big threat to us. I keep saying that the biggest threat to us is environmental terrorism in the forms of polluting and global warming, are a much greater threat to life on Earth. I have also pointed out how this fact makes George W. Bush, by virtue of his environmental policies, the greatest terrorist on earth. Well, another, and I repeat, another report came out proving my point. Where is the US media on this issue? Nowhere. For this reason they are complicit in the crimes against life on Earth being committed by our government.

One last note I scanned the 3 criminal news networks at the top of the 10 o’clock hour (ET) last night just to see what their priorities are. CNN was, to their credit, talking about one of the Bush administration spy scandals hitting the fan; I don’t remember which one, there are so many to keep track of! MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough (former Republican Congressman who had a female intern die in his office with none of the media fanfare that Gary Condit, who did nothing wrong, had to go through, turned host of a “news” program) was discussing one of the murdered women stories that have no impact on any Americans other than the friends and families involved. FOX News was also addressing this nationally non-vital issue of a murdered woman. National “news” networks? Who are they kidding? Apparently many people! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: I wonder if Bush is going to drag out bin Laden in today’s speech so that his ratings go up?

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· Blast near Iraq's Oil Ministry kills 10 - A suicide bomber in a car has blown himself up near Iraq's Oil Ministry in Baghdad, killing at least 10 people and wounding eight.

· U.S. general in Iraq: Growing disconnect with Washington - "I'm no longer sure I can look (a soldier or a Marine) in the eye and say: 'This is something worth dying for.'" - "Everything that happens in Iraq is viewed in Washington through a prism of whether it is good for George W. Bush or bad," said a civilian U.S. official, who spoke to UPI on the condition he not be named.





· US officials brace for decisions in CIA leak case - Fitzgerald could announce plea agreements, bring indictments, or conclude that no crime was committed. By the end of this month he is expected to wrap up his nearly two-year-old investigation into who leaked CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity.

· Espionage Case Breaches the White House - "I don't know of a case where the vetting broke down before and resulted in a spy being in the White House," said Richard Clarke, a former White House advisor who is now an ABC News consultant.

· Former Bush Official Indicted in Probe - The Bush administration's former chief procurement official was indicted Wednesday by a federal grand jury on charges of making false statements and obstructing investigations into high-powered Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

· Franklin admits: I gave Israel secret material - Former Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin admitted in court Wednesday he passed classified information to Israeli diplomat Naor Gilon and to two former AIPAC officials, Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman.
TVNL Comment: Spying at the highest levels of government and our news networks are keeping us informed about a boating accident in NY.





· A Doozie of a Recession - Recessions begin when consumers suddenly discover they can no longer keep pace with their bills. And this one has already begun.



9/11 News :


· · No disciplinary review for 9/11 failures of Tenet - - CIA director bars accountability review for his predecessor, others
TVNL Comment: On the morning of 9/11/2001 our current CIA Director, who just let his predecessors of the hook, was having breakfast with the man who wired Atta $100,000 just prior to the event. This is another example of the people involved in conducting or permitting the events of 9/11 to unfold, being rewarded or protected. These people are either incompetent or complicit. Either way they have no business being in government.

· Clearing the Baffles for 911 - Top officials of the George W. Bush and, to a lesser extent, the Clinton administration, stymied a number of coordinated intelligence and law enforcement activities that could have prevented both the 911 attacks and the attack, eleven months before, on the USS Cole. - The element that is common to both the Bush II and Clinton administrations is a group of neo-conservatives who signed on to the PNAC dream of “some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor" to advance their agenda in the same way the German Nazis torched the Reichstag building to advance their agenda. Then the bogeyman of convenience was the Communist Party, today, it is Al Qaeda.






· DeLay, Successor Blunt Swapped Donations - Tom DeLay deliberately raised more money than he needed to throw parties at the 2000 presidential convention, then diverted some of the excess to longtime ally Roy Blunt through a series of donations that benefited both men's causes.





· Oregon woman kicked off flight in Reno over offensive shirt - The shirt had pictures of members of the Bush Administration, and a phrase based on the movie "Meet the Fockers," but with one crucial vowel changed.
TVNL Comment: Freedom? It's OK to have a bunch of assholes in the White House, it's just not OK to say it!

· Student Brutalized by Cops, Right-Wing Students, for Protesting Recruiters At George Mason University - Describing the atmosphere, Wells said a number of right-wing students were cheering on police officers who were attacking Khan, exclaiming, "Kick him!" She claimed most of the crowd appeared to be on the side of the police. "It was disgusting," she said. Another student who witnessed events, David Curtis, said some students initially implored the police to let Khan go, but others soon arrived to support the police, chanting "Kick his ass!"

· AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites - Nationwide blackout a clear attempt to shut down free speech





· Climate change and pollution are killing millions, says study - More controversially, the report, released yesterday in New York, links cancers to environmental conditions and says global warming has a major impact on health. "For almost all forms of cancer, the risk of contracting this disease can be reduced if physical environments are safe for human habitation and food items are safe for consumption," says the report.





· Italy Orders Further CIA Warrants - An Italian court has issued three more arrest warrants for suspected CIA agents accused of helping to kidnap a Muslim cleric in 2003.





· Anatomy of a peace movement: Military families increasingly raising voices against war - “There is no doubt that the president has lied to us on several occasions,” he added. “That’s what it boils down to: accountability.”





· Halliburton Vs. New Orleans: Halliburton Wins! - If we were to locate the $1 billion missing at the hands of Halliburton we can use it to pay those 3000 employees $33K each for 1 year.















· US Senate moves to ban prisoner torture - The US Senate has explicitly barred US soldiers from torturing or maltreating prisoners, in a measure outlining strict military interrogation guidelines.

· Soldier Reports More Abuses to Senator - In separate statements to Human Rights Watch, Captain Fishback and two sergeants related their experiences as they recounted how members of the First Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry, had repeatedly beaten Iraqi prisoners, exposed them to extremes of hot and cold, and stacked them in human pyramids at Camp Mercury, a forward operating base near Falluja.





· A MASS OUTPOURING OF RESISTANCE TO THE BUSH REGIME - "November 2 must be a massive and public proclamation that WE REFUSE TO BE RULED IN THIS WAY." From the Call for The World Can't Wait! Drive out the Bush Regime



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