Date: October 7th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: For those of you who still believe the laughable official conspiracy theory explaining the events of 9/11, as told to you by the Bush/PNAC (“new Pearl Harbor”) administration and the American news media… carries several 9/11 documentaries that explore, in detail, the visual evidence of the events of 9/11 as recorded by our corporate media. Several of these documentaries question the very obvious visual anomalies that pose serious questions about exactly what kind of planes hit the WTC and what in the world hit the Pentagon? (Regarding the Pentagon, never in the history of aviation has a plane vaporized as a result of a crash, bomb, fire or anything else, until the events at the Pentagon, so we are told). They also explore the visual evidence that exposed the very likely probability that the WTC buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.

Like many things we never notice even though we see them every day such as the hidden arrow in the FedEx logo (look for it), once things are pointed out to you they will be obvious to you on subsequent observations. Once you are made aware of the anomalies in the video evidence you will never look at the buildings’ collapses the same again. Nor will you view the events at the Pentagon as they were told to you by our media.

The filmmakers have been accused of doctoring the video evidence yet the filmmakers tell you where you can get copies of a great deal of the original footage. This way you can see the evidence right in front of you as reported by our corporate media, who did not realize what they were exposing at the time. A CNN DVD called “America Remembers” was a main source of original footage for these documentaries. In at least one of the documentaries (In Plane Site) the director holds up a copy of this DVD and suggests that you go and acquire a copy and see for yourself. This seems pretty open, honest and fair to me because the filmmaker is not asking you to trust him; he is asking you to investigate his claims.

Well CNN suddenly and inexplicably discontinued the production of their DVD documentary. Why would they do this? Why would they discontinue the production of a documentary about the most important event of our lifetime? (You may still be able to get a copy because some are still at retailers.)

I’ll tell you what I think. I think that the destruction of evidence is continuing. The White House destroyed the bulk of the evidence by getting rid of all the materials from the towers and the Pentagon (which was illegal). They confiscated the videos taken of the Pentagon and they have kept them hidden ever since the event. Bush actually got on TV at one point and asked the media to stop airing footage of the events because America needed to heal. To me this is all a part of the policy of evidence elimination. They are erasing history. They are eliminating the evidence that seems to completely debunk the official story of 9/11.

The fact that CNN discontinued their DVD speaks volumes to me. The 9/11 research community knows very well that CNN’s DVD was a verification of much of their findings and now that has been eliminated.

We’re in big trouble people. Some bad people are in charge and they control our media. The American corporate media is our enemy; it’s time we accept this as fact. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: I wonder if Bush is going to drag out bin Laden in today’s speech so that his ratings go up?

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Destroying "rebuilt" bridges - However, the Iraqi Resistance report that some of these bridges are 'restructured' for use within days. That is why the Americans hit them repeatedly, as in the above case. Hence, one would expect further 'precision stikes' against these same bridges soon.

· NATO to send extra troops to Afghanistan - NATO will send thousands more troops to Afghanistan, boosting the total in the war-torn country to up to 15,000, the group's secretary-general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer says.
TVNL Comment: War torn? Didn't we win? Wasn't this a Bush/PNAC success? That's what they say on TV; shouldn't I believe them?

· TWO MARINES KILLED BY IED - Two Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2d Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action by an improvised explosive device while conducting a combat logistics patrol in the vicinity of al Qaim, Iraq, on Oct. 6.

· FOUR MARINES KILLED BY IED - Four Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2d Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action by an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations near al Karmah, Iraq, on Oct. 6.>

· TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER KILLED - A Task Force Baghdad Soldier was killed when a patrol struck an improvised explosive device while conducting offense combat operations in north Baghdad at 8:15 a.m. Oct. 6.

· US back to the drawing board in Afghanistan - Top Pakistani and US officials are to develop a new consensus strategy to combat the renewed al-Qaeda and Taliban threat as US-led coalition intelligence is convinced that this nexus has consolidated in Afghanistan to such an extent that it is using the country as a sanctuary from which to direct global operations.

· Cheney warns of 'decades of war' - US Vice-President Dick Cheney has said that the US must be prepared to fight the war on terror for decades.
TVNL Comment: The messenger for the military industrial complex of war profiteers.

· God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers - Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm gonna do it.'"
TVNL Comment: We have a madman in the White House!





· FBI Examines Computers in Cheney's Office - FBI agents examined computers in Vice President Dick Cheney's office and talked to former and current White House aides Thursday as they investigated an FBI intelligence analyst accused of passing classified information to Filipino officials.

· George Bush’s “Major Speech” Resets the Terror Trap! - The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. – Heinrich Himmler

· Indictments in Plame Case Could Come Any Time - O'Donnell also predicted that at least three administration officials would be indicted.

· Rove Said to Testify in CIA Leak Case - Federal prosecutors have accepted an offer from presidential adviser Karl Rove to give 11th-hour testimony in the case of a CIA officer's leaked identity but have warned they cannot guarantee he won't be indicted, according to people directly familiar with the investigation.

· Bush: Radicals Seek to Intimidate World - "We are facing a radical ideology with immeasurable objectives to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world," Bush said.
TVNL Comment: Is he talking about his own Project for a New American Century (PNAC) administration? Most of what he said is describing his own administration! It's laughable!





· Employment Situation Summary - Nonfarm payroll employment was little changed (-35,000) in September, and the unemployment rate rose to 5.1 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today.

· Effectiveness of Tax Breaks Is Questioned - The biggest beneficiaries could turn out to be companies from outside the devastated areas that have big federal contracts to carry out cleanup and reconstruction work.



9/11 News :


· 9/11 Security Courtesy of Marvin Bush - Marvin Bush was in New York on 9/11

· Getting full story of 9/11 attacks - It's amazing to think — nearly four years after 9/11 and one year after the National 9/11 Commission Report — that not a single American official has been held accountable for the tremendous intelligence failures that might have prevented the attacks.
















· Japan Ships Uranium-Contaminated Soil to U.S. for Disposal - The Japan Atomic Energy Agency sent 290 cubic meters (10,150 cubic feet) of radioactive soil from the port of Kobe, part of 3,000 cubic meters (105,000 cubic feet) of contaminated soil from a uranium ore plant in western Japan, said Atsushi Oku, an official of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology which oversees the agency.





· Nicaragua party 'outraged' by US - Nicaragua's opposition Liberal Party has condemned criticism by a US diplomat as "outrageous interference".

· Iran warns Israel against attacking nuclear sites - Iran's parliament speaker warned Israel against any attempt to attack its nuclear facilities, and promised to "teach it a lesson" if it did.





· Air Force Sued Over Religion - A New Mexico man sued the Air Force on Thursday, claiming Air Force Academy senior officers and cadets illegally imposed Christianity on others at the school.
TVNL Comment: Christianity in the Air Force? Hmmm...God want's these people to drop bombs on other people? Sounds like more abuse of religion.





· Martial Law and the advent of the Supreme Executive - The intention to use the military in a "policing role" creates a permanent state of martial law that can't be fully grasped out of context. In the last few months the administration has made a number of dramatic changes to the system which have upset the critical balance between the co-equal parts of government.

· Something Wicked This Way Comes - The `crazies' in the basement of the Reagan White House have taken over the insane asylum. Their dominionist, Pax Americana vision of global conquest is as alive, vibrant and achievable as it ever was.

· Truth emerging on terror, Iraq - The war on Iraq has been a great success for those who began it, because their goal has been accomplished: to get the perpetual contracts to rebuild the devastation they wrought.

· Will Harriet Miers vote to overturn Bush’s conspiracy conviction? - One key question must be asked: as a Justice, would she soon be asked to rule on a conspiracy conviction against her present boss? - In light of the new indictments against former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, the question may not be so far fetched.





· David Frost joins al-Jazeera TV - Sir David is to appear on al-Jazeera International, the pan-Arab news network's new English-language channel, due to be launched next spring.

· Koppel to Anchor Last 'Nightline' in Nov. - Several reports have also suggested Koppel will be replaced by multiple anchors; ABC News has declined to talk about its "Nightline" plans until they are complete.





· Plane Carrying Viruses Crashes in Canada - A cargo plane carrying small amounts of flu virus crashed on railway tracks near Winnipeg's city center Thursday, killing the pilot but missing buildings and vehicles, authorities said.

· The real reason why processed meats are so dangerous to your health - The first problem is found in the fats of these processed meats. The problem isn't the fat molecules themselves, but rather the toxic chemicals, heavy metals and environmental pollutants that are found inside those fat molecules.





· Bush will veto anti-torture law after Senate revolt - The Bush administration pledged yesterday to veto legislation banning the torture of prisoners by US troops after an overwhelming and almost unprecedented revolt by loyalist congressmen.
TVNL Comment: This is a man of God? He can keep this God for himself; count me out.





· IAEA chief ElBaradei wins Nobel Peace Prize - The UN nuclear watchdog and its head, Mohamed ElBaradei, have won the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to limit the spread of atomic weapons.
TVNL Comment:
George W. Bush is trying to increase the number of nuclear weapons in our arsenal.



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