Date: October 8th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Yesterday I was talking to a young man who sells me (and recommends to me) many of the documentary DVDs I offer to our donors. Whenever I go visit him I torture the poor guy with some reality based information. I knew that I probably looked a little crazy to him, as I must to many people who are not aware of the reality behind the façade of the mainstream media. He was nice and tolerated my insane sounding reality bytes.

After this past September 11th this nice man told me that he saw one of Jimmy Walter’s Reopen 9/11 Investigation commercials. This made him curious so he poked around Jimmy’s site and he started to ask common sense questions about the event. Last week I gave this nice man a copy of Loose Change (about 9/11) and a CD containing several documentaries.

Well yesterday this nice man told me about his new found curiosity and his new understanding of reality. He also made a donation to and requested the Hijacking Catastrophe DVD about the PNAC neocons and their insane agenda. I took this a very positive sign!

I told him never to believe me, or anyone, just because we say things that he wants to hear. There is enough proof out there to verify information so he does not have to simply trust people who pass information on to him. I told him to stay curious and ask common sense questions. His appreciative response was for me a victory. If I had anything to do with sparking his curiosity I feel that my hard work is having a positive affect on the world. I would like to welcome one more person into our “think for yourself” community! Maybe we can wake the world up one person at a time! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE: TvNewsLIES RADIO SHOW! Would you listen to me if I hosted another radio program? Well…I’m hitting the cyber space broadcast world again. I was offered a timeslot on an up and coming internet broadcast network and I accepted. I should be launching the program in about a week. Stay tuned to this newsletter and to the website for details! SPREAD THE WORD!!!

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· 539 Bodies Found in Iraq Since April - At least 539 bodies have been found since Iraq's interim government was formed
TVNL Comment: The result of American "liberation": mass graves!

· Afghan warlords retain power despite democracy - The warlords who have haunted the political landscape in Afghanistan since the fall of the Soviet-backed regime are set to cling to power once again, after provisional results of the first parliamentary election were declared yesterday.

· The American Iraq - An anonymous expatriate harvests raw images of Iraq taken by American soldiers





· Scope of Plots Bush Says Were Foiled Is Questioned - The White House acknowledged that many of the plots cited by Bush were based on previously known information. But it would not comment on whether Bush and his administration had claimed credit for thwarting terrorist plots in the United States that, in reality, had not risen to the level of a "serious" operational plot at all, as some federal counter-terrorism officials maintained.

· Beware government that spins the news - I t is wrong for the government to disguise positive commentary about its activities as news, and doubly wrong to hide its behind-the-scene manipulations of the data from audiences. When other governments do this -- particularly those in authoritarian or communist countries -- we denounce it as propaganda. That's the word that the Government Accountability Office used to describe a White House campaign two years ago that promoted President Bush's education policies. - - ''Covert propaganda,'' said the GAO report released last Friday. The GAO got it exactly right. The Bush administration should be ashamed even to have come up with this campaign, as it now seems to be. Margaret Spelling, the new Secretary of Education, said the campaign was ''stupid, wrong and ill-advised.'' And President Bush promised changes: ``We will not be paying commentators to advance our agenda. Our agenda ought to be able to stand on its own two feet.'' - That's good to hear, although the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel continued to defend the campaign on grounds that it was ''factual,'' even after the president's pledge to steer a different course.

· 'National Journal': Rove Told Bush He Did Not Leak to Reporters in Plame Case - According to Waas, Rove also did not disclose the Cooper chat to FBI agents in his first interview with. He subsequently changed his account.

· Bush Pick for Justice Job Withdraws Name - Timothy Flanigan, who faced more questions from Senate Democrats about his links with indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff, has withdrawn his nomination for the Justice Department's No. 2 job, according to a letter to President George W. Bush released on Friday.
TVNL Comment: More criminals and their friends.





· Staying warm to cost up to 90% more - U.S. households can expect to pay sharply higher monthly heating bills this winter, with the increases ranging from 45% to 90% in much of the country, utility companies and weather forecasters warn.



9/11 News :


· WILLIAM RODRIGUEZ - An American hero A 20-year employee at one of the World Trade Center buildings hit on September 11, 2001, Rodriguez risked his life in saving many people and was honored for his heroism. And then Rodriguez testified in closed session to the official 9-11 commission (Kean-Zelikow), but his story of what happened that day the explosions in the sub-basements seconds before the plane hit, was suppressed by those whose task it is to cover-up what really happened. Special thanks to INNWorld Report for airing Rodriquez crucial evidence that exposes the Bush administrations lies. (14 min. 646-618-8223 or (call for a free DVD: 800 630-9912)

· Study: Dust from 9/11 collapse causing long-term health problems for NYC firefighters - The dust and debris that billowed into the air when the World Trade Center towers collapsed after the 9/11 terror attacks has had long-reaching detrimental health effects, most notably on firefighters, experts said.
TVNL Comment: It has also affected the editor of this site!

· CNN Continues the 9/11 Cover Up! - For those of you who still believe the laughable official conspiracy theory explaining the events of 9/11, as told to you by the Bush/PNAC (“new Pearl Harbor”) administration and the American news media…






· DeLay Seeks Dismissal of Texas Charges - The motion filed in a state court in Austin is DeLay's latest attempt to throw out charges that forced him to resign the U.S. House of Representatives Majority Leader's position last week.

· House narrowly approves bill to help US refineries - Democrats say refiners are loath to build new facilities amid record-high profits, while Republicans say permitting and environmental requirements keep them from expanding.
TVNL Comment: Congress gave our money to the oil companies even though they have been earning record profits. At the same time they cut funding for food and heating for poor people. There was a time where American justice would have resulted in lynch mobs for the members of Congress who are such vile enemies of the people they are supposed to represent!





· Obscure Texas Case Offers Peek Into Role Of Court Nominee - President Bush cites many accomplishments of Harriet Miers to explain her nomination to the Supreme Court. One the White House doesn't mention is her successful argument during the disputed 2000 election that Dick Cheney is definitely not a Texan.

· GOVERNMENT AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS CAUGHT INSTALLING HARD-WIRED KEYSTROKE LOGGERS INTO ALL NEW LAPTOP COMPUTERS! - Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the internet!

· Civics Student...or Enemy of America? - After a Wal-Mart employee turned in a high school student's anti-Bush poster to the police, the Secret Service came calling.
TVNL Comment: Democracy in
America or the oppression of Stalin's Russia?





· Clean coal isn't climate-friendly yet - The world's first substantially cleaner coal plants are being planned in the United States, but they may do little to cut global warming risks until the U.S. forms climate regulations, experts said.





· Japan eases A-bomb payout rules - Japan's government has said it will change a requirement that atomic bomb survivors living abroad must travel to Japan to claim benefits.

· Hundreds die in South Asia quake - Pakistan says more than 1,000 people may have died in a powerful quake that also hit north India and Afghanistan.

· Powerful Quake Rocks Pakistan, Afghanistan, India; Pakistan's Army Fears Massive Casualties - A powerful 7.6-magnitude earthquake reduced villages to rubble in Pakistan and India on Saturday, killing hundreds of people. Pakistan's army described the damage as widespread and said it included villages buried in quake-induced landslides.





· Marine who inspired sister to enlist dies - Cpl. Kenny was in his second tour in Iraq. The first brought him to the city of Fallujah, not far from the spot where he died.

· Pentagon seeks power to gather secret intelligence in US - The US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is seeking authority to secretly collect information about US citizens and emigres, a deaprtment official told The Washington Post.





· Cheney: Prepare for Decades of Mass Murder - It seems we, the people of the United States, will accept whatever nonsense our rulers dispense, and without asking serious questions. For instance, Bush, speaking before “a pro-democracy group,” as the New York Times describes the National Endowment for Democracy, a subversive group that specializes in meddling in the elections of other countries and installing neolib sycophants, “used some of his toughest language… to assert that the war in Iraq was vital to a crucial struggle against terrorists,” for instance terrorists created by the CIA and its helpers in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

· Terror in NYC? - "Rove and Libby appear on the verge of being indicted by a Federal Grand Jury, DeLay has already been indicted, and other GOP operatives are being dragged out of the shadows. Support for Bush's war is bottoming out [actually, his approval hit an embarrassingly low 37% yesterday] and his SCOTUS nomination looks to be in trouble. And suddenly... BANG! 'The terrorists are going to blow up the subway!' How terribly convenient."





· Reporter finds earlier notes in CIA leak case - New York Times reporter Judith Miller discovered notes from an earlier conversation she had with Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff and turned them over the prosecutor investigating the leak of a covert CIA operative's identity, legal sources said on Friday.

· BBC shies away from Bush story - BBC programme editors turned lukewarm on a claim by a BBC2 programme that George Bush believed God told him to invade Iraq and Afghanistan after a strong denial by the White House.





· Health secretary says no one prepared for bird flu - The top federal health official says "no one in the world is ready" for a massive outbreak of the bird flu, but experts are on the job.
TVNL Comment: Another example of how the Bush administration has not kept us safe from the REAL THREATS! They only keep us scared of the boogie men...and those boogie men might even be part of the Bush/PNAC crime family! Can you say "false flag terror?"

· Aspartame Industry Seeks To Block NM Hearings - Critics of the sweetener have claimed it causes cancers and other health problems, despite the fact that it has been approved as safe in countries around the world.










· · Ex-UN official: Bush, Blair like Nazis - Ritter was a UN weapons inspector in Iraq between 1991 and 1998, when he resigned, citing a lack of UN and US support for his tough disarmament methods.

· Communion only for good politicians - Vatican City, October 7 - Politicians whose actions undermine the traditional family based on marriage should be refused Communion, a top Vatican cardinal said on Friday .
TVNL Comment: What about the politicians who start wars where none existed? Or what about the politicians who vote to slash food funding for the poor while they increase funds to the record rich oil companies? Christianity, like most religions, has become a fountain of hypocrisy and a source of the most un-Christian acts in history. I wonder what Jesus would say? These people better hope that they never have to find out!



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