Date: October 9th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Are you buying the notion of a conservative revolt over the selection of Harriet Miers for Supreme Court justice? To me this stinks of a well organized misdirection campaign.

The Rove led Republican party have been locked in step as they have followed 5 years of scripted talking points as dictated by Rove. The same phrases and positions appeared simultaneously throughout every level of the Republican party on issue after issue. The right wing media pundits are also recipients of these talking points. Remember when phrases like “class warfare” and “flip flopper”, proliferated the airway in a blink of an eye. The same can be said for many of the positions and PR campaigns emanating from the White House. Now, without an obvious reason, the conservatives are revolting over a Bush pick. What’s to revolt? Are they kidding me? We are talking about Bush’s personal council here. What do they think her positions are? Do you think she would have allowed a recount and let Al Gore take the oath that this nation elected him to take?

William Kristol for example, appeared on virtually every network, either in person or by reference, voicing his feelings of betrayal by Bush with the Miers pick. Am I expected to believe that the chairman of the Project for a New American Century, the think tank that owns and operates George W. Bush, is being betrayed by Bush? Nonsense.

In my opinion this entire revolt thing will vanish before your eyes when it comes down to the actual vote on Congress. I think this may be a psychological ploy to make liberals and people who still cherish their civil rights, think that Miers will not march this nation towards a radical religious right wing theocracy. That is exactly what she will do. The unsuspecting liberals and true patriots will take the revolt as a sign that the left should be comfortable with the pick and they will support her selection without ever actually checking into her true positions or history.

I admit that I may be wrong on this one but if I have learned anything over the past 5 years is that the Republican leadership has a vice grip on their party. This vice grip is so tight that the Republicans and Conservatives have advanced 5 years of agenda that go against virtually every conservative Republican principle yet the religious agenda has been advanced along the conservative line without a hitch. For 5 years they have followed their leaders, not their principles. Why would I believe that something has changed? Roe Vs. Wade is history if she gets in and everyone knows it. To me…it’s a new tool in their brilliantly designed bag pf tricks. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE: TvNewsLIES RADIO SHOW! Would you listen to me if I hosted another radio program? Well…I’m hitting the cyber space broadcast world again. I was offered a timeslot on an up and coming internet broadcast network and I accepted. I should be launching the program in about a week. Stay tuned to this newsletter and to the website for details! SPREAD THE WORD!!!

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· Four Britons hurt by suicide attack in Afghan south - The incident, the second suicide car attack against westerners in less than a week in Kandahar, happened in heavy traffic on a main road about 1 km (half a mile) from a U.S. military base, not far from the city center.

· Guard: Hostile Fire Caused Copter Crash - Military investigators have determined that a helicopter crash that killed five Army National Guardsmen in Afghanistan last month was the result of hostile fire, not an accident.

· UK forces 'destabilising Basra' - The governor of Basra province has accused British forces of destabilising security following the arrest of 12 people over attacks against UK troops.

· THE MYTH - Let’s look at the statement about the world being better off without Saddam Hussein. It seems that few people have challenged that statement and it has been taken for fact. However, the facts do not justify the statement.





· Fomer ambassador mashes Bush, GOP - "This president has no credibility, he has failed us," Wilson said. - He said the "president's men" have "defamed and slandered citizens who have done nothing more than bring truth to power," in a reference to attacks against him after he accused the White House of manipulating intelligence information to justify the Iraq invasion.

· CIA Leak: Karl Rove and the Case of the Missing E-mail - Why didn't the Rove e-mail surface earlier?

· Prosecutor in CIA case taking new tack, lawyers say - The prosecutor in the CIA leak case is exploring a range of possible crimes, lawyers in the case say, suggesting that the investigation has moved well beyond its initial focus on whether anyone in the Bush administration illegally disclosed the identity of a CIA operative.





· Job fears? Don't open e-mail - Opting for the efficiency of technology, the state this week sent out a mass e-mail to 2,582 Health and Human Services Commission employees alerting them they'll likely be sacked.



9/11 News :


· FBI Claims 84 Videos Show NO Flight 77 Impact - Photos taken after the Pentagon crash do not support the Government conspiracy theory that Flight 77, a Boeing 757 airliner, demolished a major portion of the masonry structure:











· War-dead Web site leads to Polk obscenity arrest - Polk County officials arrested a Lakeland man on obscenity charges Friday after investigating his graphic Web site, which has gained international attention for allowing U.S. soldiers to post pictures of war dead on the Internet. - The charges against Christopher Michael Wilson, a former police officer, are likely to reignite the debate about obscene material in the Internet age. It also raises questions about whether the federal government played a part in motivating the prosecution.










· Guatemala storm deaths increase - Guatemala's losses, said to include many children, bring the overall death toll to at least 610 with El Salvador apparently hit the second-hardest.

· Pakistan puts quake toll at 18,000 - The Pakistan earthquake toll has reached 18,000 dead and 41,000 injured, Pakistan military spokesman Maj. Gen. Shaukat Sultan has told CNN.

· Europe ice mission lost in ocean - The satellite fell into the Arctic Ocean minutes after lift-off from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia.

· Venezuelan Gasoline Arrives in Houston - Citgo's parent company, Petroleos de Venezuela SA, sent the shipment as part of its pledge to provide 1 million barrels of gasoline to help alleviate fuel shortages in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.





· DoD finally issues policy to reimburse troops for body armor, equipment - Under pressure from Congress, the Department of Defense has belatedly issued its policy for reimbursing service members who supplied their own protective, health or safety equipment for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan.

· New Torah For The Pentagon - “There is no better way for Jews to express their gratitude to America than to place a Torah in the Pentagon, which has preserved our freedom,” said Hank Sopher, a prominent New York real estate magnate and owner of Quik Park garages.
TVNL Comment: I can think of a better way...many better ways. Stop spying on us. Stop asking us for money. Stop getting us into wars. Stop violating UN resolutions. Stop calling everyone who points out your at
rocities anti-Semitic. Is a Torah the best you can do?





· The Police State Is Closer Than You Think - President Bush claims the power to set aside habeas corpus and to dispense with warrants for arrest and with procedures that guarantee court appearance and trial without undue delay. Today in the US, the executive branch claims the power to arrest a citizen on its own initiative and hold the citizen indefinitely. Thus, Americans are no longer protected from arbitrary arrest and indefinite detention.





· Metro strike day 12: Protesters descend on Sentinel - There, protesters broadcast through a megaphone their visions of democracy and taking back the media.










· 'Do-it-yourself' euthanasia clinic to open in Britain - The move comes as Britain's most senior church leaders this weekend mounted a concerted campaign to counter fresh moves in Parliament to legalise assisted suicide.








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