Date: October 10th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Last night 60 Minutes continued their PNAC propaganda campaign. They ran a story (one sided) about the actions, or non-actions of the Clinton administration that may have led to the strengthening of al Qaeda. OK…points taken. Now let me ask this…when will the media start looking at the members of presidential administration who seem to have nefarious connections and have been in positions to enable or prevented key many events throughout history? Many of these events are credited to (or blamed on) a president. But who are the people behind the scenes pulling the strings and influencing presidential decisions?

Read the book by FDR’s nephew where he admits that for years he believed that FDR created many historic policies. Eventually he found out that virtually all of FDRs policies and decisions were prepared for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

The Clinton administration was comprised of over 400 members of the Council on Foreign Relations. People from secret societies (yes, CFR is a secret society as is the Trilateral Commission …look it up) seem to dominate every administration regardless of what party holds the presidency. The window dressing changes with each election but the leadership body stays the same. When will the public learn more about the real powers behind our government? When will we learn more about the people who are actually in positions that affect history?

If you notice when I discuss the Bush administration I almost always describe them as the Bush/PNAC administration. I pay attention to the people within the administration who are the movers and shakers. These people impact everything that a President does. This is why I focus on PNAC these days, not so much Bush. It’s time we start looking at the people behind the scenes of all these administrations, Republican & Democratic. I think you will be surprised when you find out how much they have in common and how their connections all seem to lead to the same places; none of which are elected officials.

60 Minutes can slam or praise Clinton all they want to…they can protect or expose Bush if they want to as well…but they still distract you from the real powers behind the presidency…and that my friend is pure and simple deception! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE: TvNewsLIES RADIO SHOW! Would you listen to me if I hosted another radio program? Well…I’m hitting the cyber space broadcast world again. I was offered a timeslot on an up and coming internet broadcast network and I accepted. I should be launching the program in about a week. Stay tuned to this newsletter and to the website for details! SPREAD THE WORD!!!

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· Iraq insurgent attacks kill seven - At least seven Iraqis have been killed in suicide attacks and bombings in various parts of Iraq, reports say.

· MARINE KILLED BY IMPROVISED BOMB STRIKE IN AR RAMADI - A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action while conducting combat operations against the enemy when the vehicle he was in was attacked with an improvised explosive device in Ar Ramadi on Oct. 8.

· Tell us who fabricated the Iraq evidence - Politicians tell us they acted in good faith on the road to war, and maybe they did, but that leaves a prickly question: who was so keen to prove that Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat that they forged documents purporting to show that he was trying to buy 500 tons of uranium from Niger to develop nuclear weapons? The forgery was revealed to the Security Council by ElBaradei. That was not an intelligence error. It was a straightforward lie, an invention intended to mislead public opinion and help start a war.

· Teacher killed by insurgents in front of students at college in Iraq - Suspected insurgents disguised as policemen shot and killed an instructor in front of students at a teacher training college in Iraq on Sunday, police said.
TVNL Comment: Another at
rocity made possible by the Bush/PNAC invasion of Iraq!

· In Basra, an enemy lurks in the ranks - The militia infiltration in Basra's police force and government goes far beyond the Jameat. But it may be the most ominous example of the degree to which militias dominate Basra.
TVNL Comment: Unwinable. The invasion of
Iraq will go down in history as a monumental catastrophe for the US and for peace in the Mideast.





· Patrick Fitzgerald's Mousetrap - Having caught Miller committing perjury, Fitzgerald is now in a position to, in effect, renege on his agreement to ask her only about her conversations with Libby. Under the terms of that agreement, Fitzgerald can't compel her to testify about conversations with other people, but she can of course do so voluntarily. And Fitzgerald can tell her lawyer that if she fails to volunteer, she may be looking at substantially more than 85 days behind bars on charges of perjury, conspiracy to obstruct justice, being an accessory to Libby's violations of the Espionage Act, or being a co-conspirator with him and others in those violations.





· U.S. prepared to cut its farm subsidies by 60 percent - Striking a deal to cut rich nations' agricultural supports and tariffs is seen as vital if world trade talks are to make progress in lowering barriers on goods and services globally and agree on a blueprint for doing so at a



9/11 News :


· Former NY Aux. Fire and Policeman Uncovers Transit Authority Tapes Showing 'Heavy Smoke Condition' Below WTC On 9/11 - More 9/11 evidence has surfaced indicating explosions rocked the North Tower prior to the jetliner striking the top floors, again showing the official government story is nothing more than a pack of lies.











· Officials: NYC Terror Plot Uncorroborated - "The intelligence community has been able to determine that there are very serious doubts about the credibility of this specific threat," Homeland Security Department spokesman Russ Knocke said. "This is after ongoing review and analysis."

· Deficit drives N.J. to consider selling roads - ''People are looking seriously at selling the turnpike because gasoline prices are making a large gasoline tax increase politically more difficult," said Damien Newton, New Jersey coordinator for the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, which advocates for regional transportation improvements.

· IS THIS THE DEATH OF AMERICA? - America's sense of itself - its pride in its power and authority, its faith in its institutions and its belief in its leaders - has been profoundly damaged. And now the talking heads in Washington predict dramatic political change and the death of the Republicans' hope of becoming the permanent government.

· Government Can't Explain Increase in 2002 TSA Contract - In the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the government changed a contract to hire federal airline passengers screeners in a way that cost taxpayers an additional $343 million. More than three years later, officials cannot explain exactly why.

· Unauthorized Reproduction bill has been drafted - Republican lawmakers are drafting new legislation that will make marriage a requirement for motherhood in the state of Indiana, including specific criminal penalties for unmarried women who do become pregnant "by means other than sexual intercourse."

· Property grabs and the Gulf - Local governments will likely use eminent domain to rebuild; who will that help?
TVNL Comment: We warned you about this before the hurricane even hit!










· Middle East summit now 'in doubt' - The deadlock comes amid new violence as three Palestinian teenagers were killed by Israeli troops near the Gaza border.

· Guatemala villages 'mass graves' - Officials in Guatemala are calling for a number of remote communities to be declared mass graves, after they were engulfed by landslides.

· 'Whole generation' lost in quake - Pakistan's military spokesman has said an entire generation of young people has been wiped out in the areas worst hit by a massive earthquake.

· AU peacekeepers seized in Darfur - Armed men kidnapped 18 African Union personnel in Sudan's restive region of Darfur on Sunday, but later released some of them, the AU says.





· Marines Who Stormed Fallujah Back in Iraq - But for others, the demands of the overstretched U.S. military are just too much, regardless of the bonuses being dangled before them to re-enlist.





· American debacle - In a very real sense, during the last four years the Bush team has dangerously undercut America's seemingly secure perch on top of the global totem pole by transforming a manageable, though serious, challenge largely of regional origin into an international debacle. Because America is extraordinarily powerful and rich, it can afford, for a while longer, a policy articulated with rhetorical excess and pursued with historical blindness. But in the process, America is likely to become isolated in a hostile world, increasingly vulnerable to terrorist acts and less and less able to exercise constructive global influence. Flailing away with a stick at a hornets' nest while loudly proclaiming "I will stay the course" is an exercise in catastrophic leadership.

· The Truth, The (Less Than) Whole Truth, & (Almost) Nothing But The Truth About Harriet Miers - To set the record straight (and I admit to having previously circulated a few reports from such respected sources as The New York Times that have since been retracted in print) here -- as best as I can determine -- is some of what we do in fact know about the enigmatic Ms. Miers.





· Miller's twisted tale - The refusal of a New York Times reporter to name a government source put her in jail. But on her release, reports Julian Borger, the US press was reluctant to hail her a heroine

· Fox News Admits To Being Aligned w/Rush Limbaugh & to Being Part of a "Conservative Team" Working to Put a Radical Conservative on the Supreme Court - One need only think back to the months before the invasion of Iraq when voices in opposition to it were all but banned from the media, or to last year's presidential campaign and the hateful Swift Boat Veterans whom the media couldn't get enough of, to know that a sudden attention to "detail" and "sympathy" toward the conservative side is fantasy. However, now that two Fox News employees have publicly confirmed that Fox News is aligned with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, that it's part of a "conservative team" that has been "fighting for years" to see an ultra-conservative nominated to the Supreme Court, let's dispense, once and for all, with the "fair and balanced," "we report, you decide" Fox News charade.

· Long an outlet for the GOP message, talk radio undergoes a shift - There are signs that the Republicans could be losing some of their overwhelming edge, however. Ratings for Limbaugh and Hannity slipped this spring in some markets. Liberals such as Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller and Al Franken are carving out their own radio niche. And Democrats argue that they have an edge on the Internet, where explosive growth could dwarf the political impact of radio.





· Japan tests supersonic jet model - The prototype airliner was launched earlier on Friday, for its 15 minute journey at twice the speed of sound.

· World leaders meet in effort to contain bird flu - Neither meeting provided any immediate solutions, but U.S. officials said they served to raise the profile of the potential crisis and start setting up the networks needed to deal with outbreaks.





· U.S. cash fuels human trade - American tax dollars and the wartime needs of the U.S. military are fueling an illicit pipeline of cheap foreign labor, mainly impoverished Asians who often are deceived, exploited and put in harm's way in Iraq with little protection. - The U.S. has long condemned the practices that characterize this human trade as it operates elsewhere in the Middle East. Yet this very system is now part of the privatization of the American war effort and is central to the operations of Halliburton subsidiary KBR, the U.S. military's biggest private contractor in Iraq.





· Ex-UN official: Bush, Blair like Nazis - Ritter was a UN weapons inspector in Iraq between 1991 and 1998, when he resigned, citing a lack of UN and US support for his tough disarmament methods.



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