Date: October 13th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: What ever happened to those Downing Street meeting minutes? Remember them? Those were the little documents (evidence) that showed how the Bush/PNAC administration intended on fixing (fabricating or manipulating) evidence against Iraq that so that their pre-planned invasion and occupation of Iraq would gain support.

I guess with all the important things going on today the news media does not have time to report trivial news items, like having a presidential administration lie so that they can start a war that destabilized a region of the world and raise global tensions to levels unseen since World War II. I’d rather learn about a single police brutality event in New Orleans. Goodness knows that we need to see the video of the brutal assault over and over. We would not want to interfere with that by wasting time on such trivial issues like starting a war based on lies! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

SPECIAL NOTE: TvNewsLIES RADIO SHOW! Would you listen to me if I hosted another radio program? Well…I’m hitting the cyber space broadcast world again. I was offered a timeslot on an up and coming internet broadcast network and I accepted. I should be launching the program in about a week. Stay tuned to this newsletter and to the website for details! SPREAD THE WORD!!!

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· CIA review faults prewar plans - A newly released report published by the CIA rebukes the Bush administration for not paying enough attention to prewar intelligence that predicted the factional rivalries now threatening to split Iraq.

· Talafar suicide attack 'kills 30' - At least 30 people have been killed by a suicide bomber in Talafar, police said, in the second major attack on the northern Iraqi town in as many days.

· TWO SOLDIERS KILLED BY VEHICLE ROLL-OVER - Two 1st Corps Support Command Soldiers were killed and one Soldier was injured when their vehicle rolled over while conducting a combat logistics patrol near Balad about 7:00 a.m. Oct. 12.

· TWO SOLDIERS KILLED BY IED IN AR RAMADI - Two Soldiers assigned to the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of wounds sustained while conducting combat operations when their vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device in ar Ramadi on Oct. 10.

· UK agrees to pay for Basra damage - The UK Government is willing to pay compensation for the casualties and damage caused in Iraq when two British undercover soldiers were freed.
TVNL Comment: "Two British undercover soldiers were freed"? Don't you think that the article text should mention that they were BROKEN OUT OF JAIL AFTER BEING ARESTED? A bit deceiving, wouldn't you say?

· Taliban rebels ambush police convoy, kill 19 - Southern Afghanistan attack, gunbattle is deadliest in months

· Traumatised young Iraqis turn increasingly to hard drugs - The Ministry of Health has warned that drug abuse is rising steadily among men and women of all ages in Iraq, especially in the capital Baghdad and in the south of the country.
TVNL Comment: Who's better off without Saddam?

· Danish PM faces Iraq war lawsuit - They contend that the prime minister breached the constitution on two counts, taking the country to war without a United Nations Security Council resolution, and devolving sovereignty over Danish troops to a foreign power without the necessary constitutional authority.

· The Iraq Insurgency; A War Profiteer’s Dream Come True! - The companies making money from the prolonged insurgency are owned by friends of Rumsfeld, Cheney and the members of the Bush administration. You can trace many of the war bucks to members of Congress as well. A prolonged insurgency is a dream come true for these war profiteers. Is it any wonder that the entire operation was handled so poorly and that no effort was make to keep the peace once we went it? Is it any wonder why there was never even a plan to keep the peace? Actually there was a plan…it was to prevent peace.




· Libby Did Not Tell Grand Jury About Key Conversation - In two appearances before the federal grand jury investigating the leak of a covert CIA operative's name, Lewis (Scooter) Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Cheney, did not disclose a crucial conversation that he had with New York Times reporter Judith Miller in June 2003 about the operative, Valerie Plame, according to sources with firsthand knowledge of his sworn testimony.

· Lawyers say investigation into CIA leak widens to probe 'broader conspiracy' around Iraq - Lawyers familiar with the investigation believe that at least part of the outcome likely hangs on the inner workings of what has been dubbed the White House Iraq Group. Formed in August 2002, the group, which included Messrs. Rove and Libby, worked on setting strategy for selling the war in Iraq to the public in the months leading up to the March 2003 invasion. The group likely would have played a significant role in responding to Mr. Wilson's claims.

· Cheney's Halliburton stock options rose 3,281% last year, senator finds - Cheney told "Meet the Press" in 2003 that he didn't have any financial ties to the firm. “Since I left Halliburton to become George Bush's vice president, I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest," the Vice President said. "I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't had, now, for over three years.”
TVNL Comment: Blatant lies and war profiteering. Any questions?

· Cheney spokesman departs country as CIA leak investigation wraps up - The chief spokesman for Vice President Dick Cheney, Steve Schmidt, left the United States Oct. 3 and won't return until Oct. 26, well after the investigation into who outed a covert CIA agent wraps up, RAW STORY has confirmed.

· A Man Called "Scooter" - Who is Lewis "Scooter" Libby? Most of the media reports on the Plame scandal report that he is Vice President Dick Cheney's top aide, but focus more attention on Karl Rove, the president's top advisor. But, in fact, Libby is more than Cheney's top aide. Indeed, a closer examination indicates that Libby may be more powerful than Rove. His ability to remain largely unknown has been a key to his efficacy. Let's take a closer look.








9/11 News :


· INTERNET SWELLS WITH 9/11 QUESTIONS - The discrepancies run the gamut of events that took place on 9/11 and versions put forth by such sites as which utilize the same visual evidence collected by mainstream sources such as CNN News DVD to come up with radically different conclusions. Of late, however, the original sources upon which the alternative analyses relied are beginning to become less available to the general public – including, for instance CNN News DVD, which has reportedly announced product discontinuations.

· Orwell and the 9/11 “Intelligence Triumph - "The other day a reporter friend told me that one of the highest-ranking CIA officials had said to him, off the record, that when the dust finally clears, Americans will see that September 11 was a triumph for the intelligence community, not a failure."






· Republican Congressman Slams Bush On Militarized Police State Preparation - Congressman Ron Paul has accused the Bush administration of attempting to set in motion a militarized police state in America by enacting gun confiscation martial law provisions in the event of an avian flu pandemic. Paul also slammed as delusional and dangerous plans to invade Iran, Syria, North Korea and China.





· Poll: Americans Favor Bush's Impeachment If He Lied about Iraq - The Ipsos poll shows a dramatic transformation in support for Bush's impeachment since late June. (This is only the second poll that has asked Americans about their support for impeaching Bush in 2005, despite his record-low approval ratings.) The Zogby poll conducted June 27-29 of 905 likely voters found that 42% agreed and 50% disagreed with a statement virtually identical to the one used by Ipsos.

· Sources: Tip on N.Y. subway threat a hoax - The sources said an informant in Iraq who provided the tip had told investigators there was a terrorist plot involving New York's subway system. That informant admitted he gave false information, the sources said.





· Army to fight Amazonian drought - Brazil's armed forces are preparing to take water, food and medical supplies to communities isolated by the worst drought in the Amazon for decades.

· Syria warns 'gates of hell will open' if U.S. attacks - In the latest official Syrian comment on the increasing pressure on Damascus, Premier Naji Otari said "all the gates of hell will open on the U.S. if it attempts to attack Syria." Otari was replying to a report this week in Newsweek magazine revealing that Washington had debated launching military strikes inside Syria against camps used by insurgents operating in Iraq.





· Venezuela Warns: Bush Is the True Atomic Threat - Venezuelan authorities denied with indignation an accusation by US Rev. Pat Robertson that Venezuela is preparing a nuclear attack against the United States.

· Departing German chancellor Schroeder takes swipe at Bush - Outgoing German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has aimed a broadside at US President George W. Bush, saying Hurricane Katrina showed what happened when a state neglected its duty.

· Syrian minister 'commits suicide' - Syria's Interior Minister Ghazi Kanaan has committed suicide, the official news agency in Damascus says.





· Special Forces Suicides Raise Questions - They had little in common, other than having served in Iraq with the 10th Special Forces Group based at Fort Carson, Colo. They did not know each other, and they had vastly different duties. - Each, however, committed suicide shortly after returning home, all within about a 17-month period.

· Air Force Personnel Assuming Non-Traditional Roles in Iraq, Afghanistan - In an effort to augment a U.S. Army strained for manpower, the Air Force has begun assigning thousands of ground personnel in combat roles to support Army operations.





· Can a Man Become President? - Real men are not towel snapping bullies like President Bush, whose target is the poor and those least able to defend themselves.

· The Espionage Act - Lots of people are still rooting for the bad guys in the Valerie Plame affair to get away with it, either because their identities stay concealed or because their foul deed didn't quite match the particulars of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. - Here are some words for them (and the bad guys themselves, of course) to ponder. They're from 18 U.S.C. 793 [*], the Espionage Act.





· News Corp in $580m internet buy - It has bought Intermix Media, owner of, the fifth most-viewed internet domain in the US and owner of other sites for $580m (£332.85m).





· The Dangers of Free Trade and Codex - International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice. 'We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom' details the ongoing attempts by multinational pharmaceutical interests and giant food companies — in concert with the WTO, the WHO and others — to limit the public’s access to herbs, vitamins and other therapies.










· Whistleblowers meet to share stories, plot strategies - More than two dozen national security whistleblowers, lawyers and public interest advocates gathered Monday night in a pristine fishing village on Virginia's eastern shore to discuss strategies for strengthening legal protections against reprisal and to exchange stories.

· RFID Chips Are Here - RFID chips are being embedded in everything from jeans to paper money, and your privacy is at stake.



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