Date: October 15th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL LIVE! It’s official! I will be re-launching my live Internet radio program this Monday at 12 noon ET! Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! or SPREAD THE WORD!

·        Monday’s guest: Brad Friedman from Topic: Election fraud in America.

·        October 24th: Dylan Avery – Director of Loose Change – What if commercial airliners did not hit the WTC?

TVNL Editor's Comments: For those people who still think that the current occupant of the White house has not been a lying bastard or that he has actually had a thought of his own, the fake “discussion” with troops the other day may finally wake you up! Not only was your wonderful leader caught red handed in another pre-scripted public event but he lied to the American people in the process.

One of the so called troops was actually a PR person. Bush played along as if he recognized her from an event after 9/11 but in reality this person was not exactly who she claimed to be. Bush went along with the script as he helped to deceive the public.

There has not been one single event where Bush was exposed to a public or press that was not carefully screened. Even during public events have been staged so that anyone who objects to the policies of Bush/PNAC, are banished to “free speech zones”. Imagine that; in Bush’s America free speech does not exists so they have to create little pockets for it. For 5 years the public, with complete cooperation and assistance from our corporate media, a false reality has been portrayed to the public.

Bush can’t answer a question on his own, he needed an earpiece to help him through a debate, he needed Cheney by his side for the one hour of his life that he granted the 9/11 Commission and he only accepts questions from prescreened obedient friendly and police reporters. His entire public image is a sham. I would challenge him to a public debate on just about any topic just to show the public how easy it would be to cause him to have a nervous breakdown. George W. Bush is a creation of a public relations effort. He is an actor trying to keep up with his lead role when in reality he should be doing what many bad actors do, he should be busing table.

Not only has America and the world been fooled but the entire tenure of George W. Bush as president of the Unites States has been one big Hollywood screen play. It’s a joke. He is an actor playing front man for PNAC and he is a bad actor at that! It’s pathetic. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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· Few polling sites in western Iraq, activists claim - Human rights activists in Iraq claim there are no polling stations in parts of the predominantly Sunni province of Anbar, in western Iraq, for a referendum today on the country's new constitution.
TVNL Comment: The Bush/PNAC administration have a great deal of experience in controlling voting so that the results favor their agenda. Nobody should be surprised that there are voting problems in
Iraq now.

· THREE U.S. SOLDIERS KILLED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENT - Three U.S. soldiers were killed and one US soldier and one non-U.S. civilian contractor were injured in a traffic accident in Iraq today.

· 3,663 Iraqis Killed in Past 6 Months - Saturday's vote on Iraq's new constitution takes place nearly six months after the country's first elected government took power, and during that period at least 3,663 Iraqis have been killed in war-related violence, according to an Associated Press count.
TVNL Comment: Thousands dead as a result of the Bush/PNAC war based on lies. Killed over lies.

· Norway's coalition to pull troops from Iraq - The left-leaning coalition preparing to form Norway's next government said Thursday it planned to withdraw Norwegian troops from Iraq and from U.S.-led operations in Afghanistan.

· Thatcher reveals her doubts over basis for Iraq war - Although Lady Thatcher remains a strong supporter of the decision to topple Saddam by invading Iraq, it is the first time she has questioned the basis for the war. Yesterday's Washington Post reported that when asked whether she would have invaded Iraq given the intelligence at the time, Lady Thatcher replied: "I was a scientist before I was a politician. And as a scientist I know you need facts, evidence and proof - and then you check, recheck and check again."

· COLONEL'S TOUGHEST DUTY - Battalion commander pays his respects, apologizes to Iraqis whose civilian relatives have been killed by anonymous GIs in passing patrols and convoys





· Next Move CIA Leak Investigation Unknown - Even if Fitzgerald decides not to prosecute anyone, that may not be the end of the matter: The prosecutor could write a final report detailing his investigation. But unlike past special prosecutors, such as Ken Starr in the Monica Lewinsky affair, who operated under the now-expired independent counsel law, Fitzgerald is not required to produce a public report.

· Bush Political Hacks Buried & Doctored Key Outsourcing Report Before the 2004 Election - Manufacturing & Technology News, a well-respected trade publication, has just released an exclusive story about how the Bush administration buried a report on outsourcing before the 2004 election despite congressional legislation demanding it well before then. Worse, now that the government has been forced to release the report, Manufacturing & Technology News also found that the report's analysis by expert analysts was doctored by Bush political appointees in the Commerce Department.

· Bush Launches New Flack Attack - But here's another part of the flack attack you may not know: The soldier on the left side of the front row was actually a flack herself, though she didn't reveal it during the regime's 24-minute infomercial. Her name is Corine Lombardo, and I hope she stays safe in Iraq. - Bush could have told the American people that he had at least one public-affairs person flacking them this morning. I mean, a public-relations person spouting the regime's line back at us? Instead, he pretended that they were all combat soldiers, not spokespeople.

· "No One Could Have Predicted," Bush Claims. - When disaster strikes, George Bush says: “No one could have predicted.” But many had predicted.

· Political Screening For All Park Service Managers Mid-Level Managers Picked for Fealty to "the President's Management Agenda" - The National Park Service has started using a political loyalty test for picking all its top civil service positions, according to an agency directive released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Under the new order, all mid-level managers and above must also be approved by a Bush administration political appointee. - The President's Management Agenda includes controversial policies and proposals such as aggressive use of outsourcing to replace civil servants, reliance on "faith-based initiatives" and rollbacks of civil service rights. Interior Secretary Gale Norton's "4Cs" is a slogan she uses to express her management approach: "4 Cs: communication, consultation, cooperation, all in the service of conservation."





· Consumer Prices Rise Sharply - The CPI increase primarily reflected soaring energy costs, which rose 12 percent last month, the largest monthly increase since the department started collecting data in 1957. Energy costs rose 35 percent in the 12 months that ended in September.



9/11 News :


· PNAC Executive Director and Neo-Con/Nazi Propagandist Called 'Real Terrorist' Behind 9/11 - “According to former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill, the Bush administration was so obsessed with its planned Iraq invasion from the moment it took power that they had no time for other issues. Then in July, 2001, after the Taliban pipeline deal fell through, they committed to invading Afghanistan in the fall, also impossible without 9/11.” - Even though the Bush still plays the terror card justifying his illegal war, prominent Americans from all walks of live, both conservative and liberal, are now calling 9/11 an inside government, citing numerous inconsistencies in the official story making it impossible to believe.

· 9/11 produced by vast conspiracy - German Jews smelled a conspiracy after the Reichstag fire, before Crystalnacht, and many wisely left before the cattle cars came. - The 400 descendants of African slaves who agreed to take part in the Tuskegee experiments begun in the ’30s, in which curious federal health officials allowed black men with syphilis to go uninformed and untreated to their deaths, telling them it was all a “blood experiment” and ultimately causing the infection of many children and wives, did not suspect a conspiracy, but should have.











· Auditor: City may go broke - Without deeper budget cuts, Detroit is sure to run out of money, says its financial watchdog. - With a dwindling tax base, a recalcitrant union work force, and pension and health care benefits it cannot afford, Detroit is running out of money and will not be able to pay its bills if major changes aren't made, according to a report released Thursday by Detroit Auditor General Joe Harris.
TVNL Comment: Thos tax breaks are really having a great effect on the economy!





· WARMEST SEPTEMBER GLOBALLY SINCE BEGINNING OF RELIABLE INSTRUMENTS - The United States experienced its fourth warmest September on record, while global land surface temperatures were the warmest on record for the month, according to scientists at the NOAA National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. Also, three East Coast states had their driest September on record, while the month was the eleventh driest for the nation overall.





· Bil'in residents: Undercover troops provoked stone-throwing - Prison Service troops disguised as Arabs incited Palestinian youths to throwing stones at Israel Defense Forces troops during a weekly demonstration against the separation fence in the West Bank village of Bil'in, village residents said on Friday.

· Death Toll in Pakistan Up to Nearly 40,000 - The death toll in Pakistan's devastating earthquake rose to nearly 40,000 on Saturday, while rain, snow and frigidly cold weather compounded the misery of millions of homeless victims.

· US "private military contractors" already in-country to "deal with" Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez Frias... - Carefully described as "private military contractors" (a.k.a. hired mercenary killers), the PMCs are known already to have conducted several incursions across the Colombia-Venezuela border to link up with rebel units of the Venezuelan military operating along the border badlands between the two countries.

· Summit backs Cuba against US - Foreign ministers from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries have expressed support for Cuba in its battles against the US.










· The Bush Years: Outrage, After Outrage, After Outrage - On one of those television gong shows that passes for journalism, the panelists used to have to pick an Outrage of the Week. Then, each performer would wax indignant about his or her choice for 60 seconds or so. If someone asked me to name the Outrage of the Week about now, I'd have a coronary. How could anyone possibly choose?

· The Young Chickenhawks - Both YAF and College Republicans have staged prowar demonstrations on college campuses across the country. - The even more zealous YAFers have made it clear that they not only support the war but are openly hostile to those who oppose it. - Conservative campus groups like YAF and College Republicans are growing in strength and numbers. And since the start of the Iraq War, these outfits have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Bush to support the war, but they have not stood alongside the soldiers doing the actual fighting and dying. They want someone else to do the hard work.





· Concern pervades New York Times newsroom over Judith Miller - Veteran New York Times reporter Judith Miller’s one-woman quest to protect her White House source in a CIA leak inquiry has stirred passions among Times staffers not seen since the Jayson Blair scandal, when the unsuspecting paper ran dozens of fictionalized articles.

· Journalists and Bloggers, how are they different and can we trust them? - We are entering a crisis today in that the advent of Internet "one to many" publishing for everyone has made differentiating journalists from ordinary people and entertainers too difficult. Who is a journalist and why do we protect them? Should Bloggers be considered journalists? Can either of them really be trusted on name alone? Are the protections journalists enjoy based on our trust, or do they empower us to trust?

· Republican National Committee debuts online news program - The Republican National Committee today unveiled a new interactive Web-based news program entitled "In The Know," seeking to shore up support for Bush court nominee Harriet Miers and efforts to reach out to minority voters, RAW STORY has learned.










· Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract - Chinese workers at a company in Israel have been forced to agree not to have sex with or marry Israelis as a condition of getting a job. - According to a contact they are required to sign, male workers may not have any contact with Israeli women - including prostitutes, a police spokesman, Rafi Yaffe, said.





Former Naval Physicist: Government Can Control Hurricanes - Many scoff at the possibility of weather control and simply refuse to believe it exists. Attempting to even engage such people in conversation on the subject is fruitless because their mind is set. Yet the reality is that weather modification has been in operation and continual development since the 1960s.



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