Date: October 16th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL LIVE! It’s official! I will be re-launching my live Internet radio program this Monday at 12 noon ET! Spread the word! Tune in! You can call the show live, e-mail me or contact the show vie AOL Instant Messenger! I’ll post more information here but you can check out Monks Media Radio Network for information on how to listen! or SPREAD THE WORD!

·        Monday’s guest: Brad Friedman from Topic: Election fraud in America.

·        October 24th: Dylan Avery – Director of Loose Change – What if commercial airliners did not hit the WTC?

TVNL Editor's Comments: A the Sunday morning “news” programs proceeded I noticed something very obviously missing. I was glad to see that they were talking about the Plame investigation but I was not surprised to see that every one of these tabloid politic pulp-semi-fiction programs ignored the staged media embarrassment where Bush had a scripted and rehearsed “impromptu” meeting with the troops.

The staged event was of great importance because it is a prime example of how the Bush administration, with the help of the media, had engaged in full blown in your face unadulterated tax payer funded corporate news media supported troop abusing lying to America propaganda.

This was a “caught in the act” example of the Bush administration’s practice of creating a false realty by creating fake news. It was also an example of how the news media is part of the deception by delivering this propaganda without question. That event was of far greater importance than anyone has indicated to date. It is another smoking gun exposing the devious nature of the Bush/PNAC administration and the American news media. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· G.I.'s and Syrians in Tense Clashes on Iraqi Border - A series of clashes in the last year between American and Syrian troops, including a prolonged firefight this summer that killed several Syrians, has raised the prospect that cross-border military operations may become a dangerous new front in the Iraq war, according to current and former military and government officials.

· 'Arms smugglers' seized in Kabul - British and US citizens are among eight people arrested on suspicion of arms smuggling in the Afghan capital, Kabul, Afghan police have said.

· Revealed: IRA bombs killed eight British soldiers in Iraq - This contradicts the British government's claims that Iran's Revolutionary Guard is helping Shia insurgents to make the devices. The Independent on Sunday can also reveal that the bombs and the firing devices used to kill the soldiers, as well as two private security guards, were initially created by the UK security services as part of a counter-terrorism strategy at the height of the troubles in the early 1990s.





· Casualties of the Bush Administration - Since almost the day he assumed power, George W. Bush has left a trail of broken careers in his wake. Below is a listing of but a handful of the most familiar names on the rolls of the fallen:

· FRANK RICH: It's Bush-Cheney, Not Rove-Libby!!!! - But the issue is not just who leaked Valerie Plame's identity- rather- central core of the argument to go to war, says Rich, is the White House Iraq Group's mission to sell the war no matter what.

· George W. Bush, the Pretend President - George W. Bush is a creation of a public relations effort. He is an actor trying to keep up with his lead role when in reality he should be doing what many bad actors do, he should be bussing table.





· It's time to take seriously a US-led global recession Lau Nai-keung - It is well known that the US is the world's biggest economy, taking up about 30 per cent of global GDP, but it is now also the world's biggest debtor country.



9/11 News :








· How a Lobbyist Stacked the Deck - A senior aide to then-Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) helped scuttle the bill in the House. The aide, Tony C. Rudy, 39, e-mailed Abramoff internal congressional communications and advice, according to documents and the lobbyist's former associates.










· Man will 'wipe out' rare creatures of the deep - In a letter passed to The Independent on Sunday, Britain's leading marine scientists have warned these species face extinction because of the global growth in deep-sea trawlers fishing for edible species such as the orange roughy, hoki and round-nosed grenadier.





· Cut summits, urges Colombia head - Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has taken a swipe at what he described as "presidential tourism" on the last day of an Ibero-American summit in Spain. He encouraged the use of teleconferences instead of costly meetings, and said austerity was needed in global diplomatic policy.

· Bush told Blair of 'going beyond Iraq' - Mr Bush said he "wanted to go beyond Iraq in dealing with WMD proliferation, mentioning in particular Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan," according to a note of a telephone conversation between the two men on January 30 2003.





· Army is broken and in need of repair - Now they've broken the Army, and after this administration is history, it will take 12 or 15 or 20 years to repair the damage it's inflicted on an institution that our country desperately needs in a century as dangerous as this one.





· On Liberating Something - To date, since being un-elected to office, Bush has been very successful in setting free, releasing, emancipating, and unleashing the following, some examples:





· After 'NY Times' Probe: Keller Must Fire Miller, and Apologize to Readers - It’s not enough that Judith Miller, we learned Saturday, is taking some time off and “hopes” to return to the New York Times newsroom. As the newspaper’s devastating account of her Plame games -- and her own first-person sidebar -- make clear, she should be promptly dismissed for crimes against journalism, and her own newspaper. And Bill Keller, executive editor, who let her get away with it, owes readers, at the minimum, an apology instead of merely hailing his paper’s long-delayed analysis and saying that readers can make of it what they will.

· PBS battle: Republican plan to cut funding could shoot down Big Bird - "The federal funds by and large pretty much pay for all the PBS programming," the NET general manager said. "In a simple way, all PBS programming would go away. If all PBS programming goes away, we would have a serious problem because it's the bulk of our schedule."

· New York Times statement from editor Bill Keller - We promised our readers a hard look at The Times's part in the White House leak drama as soon as our reporter was out of legal jeopardy. We have delivered on that promise.

· Reporter in leak case to take leave of absence effective immediately - New York Times reporter Judith Miller, who spent 85 days in jail protecting her source in the recent CIA leak investigation, will take an indefinite leave of absence effective immediately.

· The Miller Case: From a Name on a Pad to Jail, and Back - When no evidence was found, her reporting, along with that of some other journalists, came under fire. She was accused of writing articles that helped the Bush administration make its case for war.

· The Media Are Wrong Again - The Emperor Has No Clothes! - A TvNewsLIES Analysis of Media Neglect





· The Fear Contagion - For two years, a deadly strain of chicken flu known as H5N1 has been killing birds in Asia. While slightly more than 100 people are known to have contracted the disease, and 60 of them have died, there is still no sign that the flu has begun to spread from person to person. - That hasn't prevented a recent outbreak of apocalyptic warnings from health officials and experts about the specter of a worldwide pandemic. In Hurricane Katrina's wake, health officials in the United States are talking more and more about pandemic preparation. Some of these ideas -- such as stockpiling vaccines -- are sensible, whether or not bird flu turns into a human disease and begins to spread rapidly.





· US troops 'starve Iraqi citizens' - A senior United Nations official has accused US-led coalition troops of depriving Iraqi civilians of food and water in breach of humanitarian law. - "A drama is taking place in total silence in Iraq, where the coalition's occupying forces are using hunger and deprivation of water as a weapon of war against the civilian population," Mr Ziegler told a press conference in Geneva.

· My Four Hours Testifying in the Federal Grand Jury Room - This is what I told a federal grand jury and the special counsel investigating whether administration officials committed a crime by leaking Ms. Plame's identity and the nature of her job to reporters.





· A SHORT HISTORY OF US GOVERNMENT RESPECT FOR HUMAN LIFE - Ignore for a moment the lies surrounding 9-11, TWA 800, the USS Iowa, and the Gulf of Tonkin, and step back into horrid history with me.



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