Date: October 19th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        October 24th: Dylan Avery – Director of Loose Change – What if commercial airliners did not hit the WTC?

TVNL Editor's Comments: Last night on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Mathews, Pat Buchanan made an excellent point regarding the Plame leak and the NY Times reporter Judith Miller. Mr. Buchanan said that the Bush administration accomplished something that even the Nixon administration, for which he worked, was not able to do. They turned the NY Times into their propaganda tool. Mr. Buchanan went on to say that the NY Times helped sell a war based on false evidence to the American people. This is coming from Pat Buchanan. The transcript will be posted here by tomorrow. It’s worth a read.

Enough can not be said about the betrayal of the American people by the American news media but. Mr. Buchanan’s comments however, should be added to the collective voice of outrage at the media. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Stealing Votes in Iraq? - For Iraqis who'd seen Saddam Hussein, "re-elected" on Oct. 15, 2002 with 100 percent of the vote, there may have been something oddly familiar in the news from the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq, shortly after the polls closed on Saturday, that 99 percent of voters in some provinces in the Shi'ite south had approved the charter.

· UK soldier killed by Basra bomb - A British soldier has been killed by a roadside bomb in Basra, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.

· Opening salvoes of Saddam trial - As with all other appearances since his capture, the dreaded ex-leader was calm and self-assured, the old voice, that once meant fear and utter authority to all Iraqis, instantly recognizable.

· ONE SOLDIER KILLED AND TWO SOLDIERS WOUNDED BY IED ATTACK - One 56th Brigade Combat Team Soldier died as a result of his wounds and two Soldiers were wounded as a result of an improvised explosive device attack while conducting a combat logistics patrol at about 11:00 p.m. October 18, near Al Iskandariyah, Iraq.

· TASK FORCE FREEDOM SOLDIER KILLED - A Task Force Freedom Soldier was killed early morning Oct. 18 in Mosul by small-arms fire. The name of the deceased is being withheld pending notifications of next of kin. The incident is under investigation.

· Many Iraq projects may be dropped - US official - Many rebuilding projects for Iraq will be dropped as security costs drain resources and with the growing awareness that more money must be spent to sustain Iraq's existing infrastructure, the top U.S. auditor for Iraq's reconstruction said on Tuesday.





· White House Watch: Cheney resignation rumors fly - "It's certainly an interesting but I still think highly doubtful scenario," said a Bush insider. "And if that should happen," added the official, "there will undoubtedly be those who believe the whole thing was orchestrated – another brilliant Machiavellian move by the VP."

· Cheney aide cooperating with CIA outing probe, sources say - Individuals familiar with Fitzgerald’s case tell RAW STORY that John Hannah, a senior national security aide on loan to Vice President Dick Cheney from the offices of then-Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs, John Bolton, was named as a target of Fitzgerald’s probe. They say he was told in recent weeks that he could face imminent indictment for his role in leaking Plame-Wilson’s name to reporters unless he cooperated with the investigation.

· Falsified Bush Biography Found on State Department Website (Approved by Harriet Miers?) - On September 29, 2005, investigative journalist Hugh E. Scott found a White House biography on the Internet that claimed President Bush had flown Texas Air National Guard F102 interceptors almost six years when the actual time was 27 months. The text contained other exaggerations as well, says Scott.

· Putting the people last? - Most think politicians represent own interests, poll says





· Company announces closure of 16 Houston area Randalls stores - Safeway Inc.'s third-quarter profit plunged 23 percent as the costs of closing 26 Texas stores and shedding higher-paid workers in Northern California overshadowed an upturn in the long-struggling grocer's sales.



9/11 News :













· A Year Later, Goss's CIA Is Still in Turmoil - At least a dozen senior officials -- several of whom were promoted under Goss -- have resigned, retired early or requested reassignment. The directorate's second-in-command walked out of Langley last month and then told senators in a closed-door hearing that he had lost confidence in Goss's leadership.

· Repression of unions on the rise - Those figures reveal "just how far many governments and employers are prepared to go in suppressing workers' rights to seek a competitive edge in increasingly cutthroat global markets," said Guy Rider, general secretary of ICFTU, a group representing 234 labor organizations globally.





· Ocean warming threatens Antarctic wildlife - Scientists working in Antarctica have discovered an alarming rise in sea temperature that threatens to disrupt populations of penguins, whales, seals and a host of smaller creatures within a few decades.

· Flexible solar panel set to revolutionize renewable energy tapping process! - Imagine being able to paint a renewable energy source on the walls of your house, without having to shell out most of your life's earnings.





· Israel redraws the roadmap, building quietly and quickly - Settler population grows as Sharon grabs more West Bank land than he returned in Gaza





· War's toll on troops revealed in survey - More than one in four U.S. troops have come home from Iraq with health problems that require medical or mental health treatment, according to the Pentagon's first detailed screening of service members leaving a war zone.

· Navy, Marines block commercial e-mail sites - On Tuesday, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps blocked all access to commercial e-mail services, such as Yahoo!, Hotmail, America Online and Google, from overseas government computers.

· Military investigating contractor kickbacks in special forces - The Special Operations Command is investigating whether soldiers received inferior equipment because of a contractor who took bribes from defense companies.





· BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO AMERICAN POLITICS - If you really want the truth about anything involving American politics and current events, you'll need to do some homework. Here's a major tip: look outside of the American mainstream media, which gave up on objective journalism a long time ago.

· Republican Ignorance on Public Display at - While I am not interested in cheering for Democrats, I can say without a doubt that my 3 years covering media deception have clearly proven to me that Democrats who oppose the Bush administration know exactly why they hold their views. On the other hand my experience with Bush supporters share three common traits; blind faith, a lack of information and no curiosity whatsoever! In a nutshell, Bush haters seem to know a great deal more about the Bush administration than do Bush supporters. This speaks volumes!





· Journalists with Security Clearances - In Kubrick's brilliant film, "Full Metal Jacket," "Joker" the enlisted "Stars and Stripes" reporter is told by the Saigon bureau chief, a marine lieutenant, that he is to go out and find good news because the "troops need it." "Stars and Stripes" is a "house" newspaper for the armed forces. - Are the New York Times and other media who have gone out to find "good news because the troops need it? house media of the government?

· Guardian reporter missing in Iraq - A journalist for the Guardian newspaper is thought to have been kidnapped after going missing in Iraq.

· Helen Thomas - When Helen Thomas was sent to the back seat of the White House briefing room because she asked "real" questions, you knew that she wasn't willing to play the banter game with Bush administration press secretaries. That alone set her apart from the rest of the White House press corps, which was content to get by with briefings that revealed and acknowledged nothing at all.

· Times reporter entangled in leak case had unusual relationship with military, Iraqi group - “More than a half-dozen military officers said that Miller acted as a middleman between the Army unit with which she was embedded and Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi, on one occasion accompanying Army officers to Chalabi's headquarters, where they took custody of Saddam Hussein's son-in-law,” the Post reported. “She also sat in on the initial debriefing of the son-in-law, these sources say.”

· C-SPAN introduces online, multifaceted news outlet - Headlines gleaned from print, broadcast and Internet are updated every 15 minutes and will be constantly referred to on C-SPAN's radio and TV broadcasts. In a decidedly MTV-like move, the site also features C-SPAN's "most popular" video clips on demand, plus a daily poll about an issue du jour.















· Sleuths Crack Tracking Code Discovered in Color Printers - It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it isn't. The pages coming out of your color printer may contain hidden information that could be used to track you down if you ever cross the U.S. government.



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