Date: October 20th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        October 24th: Dylan Avery – Director of Loose Change – What if commercial airliners did not hit the WTC?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

TVNL Editor's Comments: While the media is just starting to open their eyes to the devil incarnate, Dick Cheney, remember that we told you all along that he was the ground zero of corruption in this administration. His fingerprints are all over 9/11 as well. Just remember that we were among the first to raise the red flag on Cheney while the news media ignored every indication of the brewing problems.

Remember this?:

Who’s the most trusted name in news? CNN? Maybe it should be! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· SOLDIER DIES FROM NON-HOSTILE GUNSHOT WOUND - A Soldier assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died from a non-hostile gunshot wound on Oct. 18 at a forward operating base near Mosul, Iraq.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED, FOUR WOUNDED IN VEHICLE FIRE - A Task Force Liberty Soldier was killed and four were wounded when their vehicle caught fire near Tikrit at about 6:00 p.m. Oct. 19.

· Baghdad Mayor Killed - The mayor of Baghdad Hatem Mirza Hamza and his driver were killed Wednesday in al-Durra neighborhood in the Iraqi capital, Interfax reported citing a statement of the Iraqi Interior Ministry.

· Nixon's Vietnam-era defense chief calls for Iraq exit plan - The defense secretary who served under President Richard M. Nixon during the Vietnam War is warning that the United States is repeating in Iraq some of the mistakes that led to public disillusionment and ultimate defeat in Vietnam, including the impression that there is no clear goal for victory or a detailed, well-described plan to bring US troops home. - In his view, the Vietnam War and the deployment of US troops to Iraq were both based on faulty assumptions; in Vietnam, the United States misinterpreted the motives of Communist leader Ho Chi Minh and underestimated the Viet Cong, while the Iraq war began with the belief that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. ''Both the Vietnam War and the Iraq war were launched based on intelligence failures and possibly outright deception," Laird writes.





· Cheney, CIA Long at Odds - For more than a decade, Dick Cheney has tussled with the CIA, first as secretary of Defense and later as vice president.

· Chickens Come Home to Roost on Cheney - What follows is a retrospective and prospective, laced with some new facts and analysis aimed at helping us to focus on the forest once we have given due attention to the trees.

· Transcript: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson - But if you want to read how the Cheney Rumsfeld cabal flummoxed the process, read that book. And, of course, there are other names in there, Under Secretary of Defense Douglas [UI], whom most of you probably know Tommy Frank said was stupidest blankety blank man in the world. He was. Let me testify to that. He was. Seldom in my life have I met a dumber man.

· Cheney 'cabal' hijacked foreign policy - Vice-President Dick Cheney and a handful of others had hijacked the government's foreign policy apparatus, deciding in secret to carry out policies that had left the US weaker and more isolated in the world, the top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell claimed on Wednesday. - Condoleezza Rice, the former national security adviser and now secretary of state, was “part of the problem”. Instead of ensuring that Mr Bush received the best possible advice, “she would side with the president to build her intimacy with the president”.

· Second Cheney aide cooperating in leak probe, those close to case say - Now, those close to the investigation say that a second Cheney aide, David Wurmser, has agreed to provide the prosecution with evidence that the leak was a coordinated effort by Cheney’s office to discredit the agent's husband.





· America Online to Lay Off 700 Employees - The cuts amount to about 4 percent of AOL's 20,000 global work force.



9/11 News :


· Agent Reinstated After 9/11 Criticism - The Justice Department ordered the FBI to reinstate a Chicago anti-terrorism agent who had faced possible dismissal for accusing the bureau of not doing enough to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks.

· TOP 9/11 ANOMALIES - 26 Anomalies of 9/11. VIDEO

· 9/11 and American Media - Danny Schechter speaks the truth about the American press and 9/11. VIDEO






· Senate May Postpone Stem Cell Vote - The Senate wouldn't vote until next year on a House-passed bill to expand federal funding of embryonic stem cell research under a deal quietly being suggested by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist.
TVNL Comment: They probably have to spend time reviewing the cheeseburger

· House Votes to Ban Obesity Blame Lawsuits - The Republican-controlled House voted Wednesday to shield fast-food chains from lawsuits that blame them for making people fat.
TVNL Comment: Congress is once again making the best use of their time. They solved a huge problem in this nation and we should all sleep sounder now that overeaters can not sue Burger King for their belly bulges!

· Senate Again Fails to Raise Minimum Wage - Senate proposals to raise the minimum wage were rejected Wednesday, making it unlikely that the lowest allowable wage, $5.15 an hour since 1997, will rise in the foreseeable future.

· Republican senator has harsh criticisms of party - Without naming names, Coburn (Okla.) deplored Republicans' actions on several hot-button domestic issues in a 20-minute speech to College Republicans in the Marvin Center Grand Ballroom.





· Bush vows to oust 'every single' illegal - President Bush said yesterday that his goal is eventually to expel "every single" illegal alien from the United States as his administration pressed Congress to pass a guest-worker program.

· Katrina's big contracts go to companies in political loop - The Pompano Beach, Fla., firm had spent years cultivating its relationship with the federal government, contributing tens of thousands of dollars to the Republican Party and, more recently, hiring a powerful firm to lobby the Army Corps of Engineers on "disaster mitigation."










· Quake 'is UN's worst nightmare' - The UN says the shortfall in aid for victims of the South Asian quake has made the relief situation worse than after last December's tsunami.





· The Costs of War at Walter Reed - Inside Walter Reed Army Hospital is the horrible reality of the Iraq War, a reality that few Americans see, and fewer want to see.

· Spanish Judge Issues Warrant for Three GIs - A judge has issued an international arrest warrant for three U.S. soldiers whose tank fired on a Baghdad hotel during the Iraq war, killing a Spanish journalist and a Ukrainian cameraman, a court official said Wednesday.





· Why Can't the Left Face the Stolen Elections of 2004 & 2008? - Misguided and misinformed articles in both and Mother Jones Magazine indicate a dangerous inability to face the reality that these stolen elections mean nothing less than the death of what's left of American democracy, and the permanent enthronement of the Rovian GOP.





· Fake News - Administration-friendly television broadcasters now air government-produced videotapes under the guise of independent news, and administration-friendly senators may kill the attempt to expose such flagrant propaganda.

· Divine intervention axes school station - Maynard High School's radio frequency, 91.7 FM, is being seized by a network of Christian broadcasting stations that the Federal Communications Commission has ruled is a better use of the public airwaves.










· Film Rolls as Troops Burn Dead - US soldiers in Afghanistan burnt the bodies of dead Taliban and taunted their opponents about the corpses, in an act deeply offensive to Muslims and in breach of the Geneva conventions.

· TORTURE FLIGHTS: THE INSIDE STORY - They are kidnapped in broad daylight, hooded, drugged, shackled and placed on a jet operated by the CIA. When they wake they find themselves in a country such as Morocco, Egypt or Uzbekistan – where torture is the currency of the interrogation room. The CIA hand the captive to the local secret police, and the prisoner disappears off the face of the Earth. If they are lucky, they will emerge a few years later in a cage in Guantanamo Bay, broken by beatings, rape and electrocution ... if they are unlucky, they are never seen again.








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