Date: October 23rd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        October 24th: Dylan Avery – Director of Loose Change – What if commercial airliners did not hit the WTC?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

TVNL Editor's Comments: The news media is suddenly declaring that the CIA case is forcing them to RE-examine the justification for the invasion of Iraq. Key word there being “RE”. When the hell did they examine the justification in the fist place? It was only the so-called Bush bashing anti-Americans who were questioning the rational for war. You know, the people like Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon. Actually they/we were not only questioning the rational for war, we were answering those questions. Another thing the criminally complicit media did not do.

Without the complicity of the American news industry the invasion of Iraq would not have been tolerated. The ludicrous notion that “if we knew then what we know now we would not have supported the war” does not hold water because we did know then what we knew now! We have learned nothing new, not a thing. They sold this war for profit. The news industry knows that war = high ratings and newspaper sales. They lied to us so they can make a buck on the greatest strategic disaster in American history.

The American news industry as a whole has Iraqi & American blood on their collective hands and all the spin in the world won’t wash it off now! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Four U.S. Contractors Killed in Iraq - An angry mob of insurgents attacked a convoy of American contractors last month when they got lost in a town north of Baghdad, killing four and wounding two, the U.S. military said on Sunday.

· Leak Case Renews Questions on War's Rationale - The dispute over the rationale for the war has led to upheaval in the intelligence agencies, left Democrats divided about how aggressively to break with the White House over Iraq and exposed deep rifts within the administration and among Republicans.
TVNL Comment: "Renews Questions on War's Rationale?" Who was asking questions? Not the Times! TvNewsLIES and other REAL news sources were answering these so called questions 3 years before the times decided to start asking them!

· TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIER DIES - A Task Force Baghdad Soldier died of a non-hostile gunshot wound Oct. 20 in central Baghdad.

· TWO MARINES KILLED BY IED NEAR AL AMARIYAH - Two Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action while conducting combat operations against the enemy when their vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device near al Amariyah on Oct. 21.

· MARINE KILLED BY EXPLOSION NEAR HAQLANIYAH - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action while conducting combat operations against the enemy when he was hit by an explosion in the vicinity of Haqlaniyah on Oct. 21.

· Colonel quits as troops are denied armoured land rovers in Iraq - THE commanding officer of a battalion serving in Iraq has resigned after failing to obtain armoured Land Rovers for his patrols. Lieutenant-Colonel Nick Henderson, commander of the 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards, is understood to have been furious last week after one of his senior sergeants died as a direct result of the failure to supply “armour protected” Land Rovers for his men, defence sources said.

· Poll shows Iraqis back attacks on UK, US forces - Forty-five percent of Iraqis believe attacks on U.S. and British troops are justified, according to a secret poll said to have been commissioned by British defense leaders and cited by The Sunday Telegraph.

· Blix says US misled itself, the world on Iraq WMD reports, satellite photos called lacking - In addition to the Bush administration, Blix criticized the news media for ''not devoting enough critical thinking" leading up to the Iraq war.





· Letter Shows Authority to Expand CIA Leak Probe Was Given in '04 - The letter specified that he could investigate and prosecute "perjury, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence and intimidation of witnesses."





· The king of real estate's cashing out - Tom Barrack is selling most of his U.S. portfolio. Maybe you should be nervous too.



9/11 News :


· Mission improbable: Author challenges the official story of 9/11 - For more than four years, the public has repeatedly been urged to ignore “outrageous” conspiracies theories about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that set in motion the so-called “war on terrorism.” However, the official explanation that has been provided — and widely embraced — also requires the acceptance of a theory, one involving a massive intelligence failure, 19 Muslim hijackers under the sway of Osama bin Laden, and the inability of the world’s most advanced Air Force to intercept four commercial airplanes. - The bottom line, he informed a packed house in Burlington on Oct. 12, is that “every aspect of the official story is problematic,” contradicting the available evidence and defying even the laws of physics.

· The Story of 9/11 Hero, William Rodriguez, Is Censored Again As Savage Approach Taken To Caller on 'The Savage Nation' Radio Show Silences Real Truth Behind 9/11 - Mason said after trying to explain why she felt 9/11 was an inside job by recounting the story of WTC janitor and national hero, William Rodriguez, Savage became rude and obnoxious, giving her “an earful” about how he doesn’t put up with conspiracy nuts on his radio show.











· Colleges Protest Call to Upgrade Online Systems - The universities do not question the government's right to use wiretaps to monitor terrorism or criminal suspects on college campuses, Mr. Hartle said, only the order's rapid timetable for compliance and extraordinary cost.

· Bush motorcade leaves other folks fuming - For the children of Kenter Canyon Elementary who had planned to see "The Wizard of Oz" at Pepperdine University, their buses were 90 minutes late. They missed the last performance and will not be given a rain check on $6 tickets.










· Labour's war on terror is failing, says leaked report - In its conclusions, the 11- page review states: “The strategy is immature. Forward planning is disjointed or has yet to occur. Accountability for delivery is weak. Real world impact is seldom measured.” The plan’s objectives are dismissed as “vague”.

· Huge alcohol seizure in Pakistan - Police in Pakistan have seized a huge quantity of alcohol stolen from shipments destined for US-led forces stationed in Afghanistan.










· Hey Bush Turncoats: Just Shut Up and Apologize! - The vocal anti-Bush protestors, who have been marching in the streets for years and subjecting themselves to the vile and uninformed ridicule of the blind followers of the Bush/PNAC lie machine, are the only people who should be proud of themselves. Everyone else should just shut about Bush, apologize to the anti-Bush crowd and admit that the anti-Bush community has been correct all along!





· Woman of Mass Destruction - Judy's stories about WMD fit too perfectly with the White House's case for war. She was close to Ahmad Chalabi, the con man who was conning the neocons to knock out Saddam so he could get his hands on Iraq, and I worried that she was playing a leading role in the dangerous echo chamber that former Senator Bob Graham dubbed "incestuous amplification." Using Iraqi defectors and exiles, Mr. Chalabi planted bogus stories with Judy and other credulous journalists.

· Murdoch: Don't Fox With Local News - Fox News Channel's political agenda is coming to a local television station near you. GOP operative and Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes, the architect of the right-wing dominance of cable news, is now remaking 35 local television stations -- broadcasting to nearly 40 percent of America’s homes -- in Fox News Channel’s image.

· The Nobel Prize and Russert’s Lies - In early March 2003, Tim Russert pushed their case further, by repeating lies to “prove” inspections don’t work. Those lies speak volumes about media coverage of the WMD story then and now.

· Leak Case - Media, Not Bush, America's Biggest Problem - But shouldn't it be the U.S. mainstream media that our anger is directed toward? After all, you really can't blame Bush for being Bush.
TVNL Comment: We could not agree more!















· Alaska a magnet for problem priests? - A recent string of lawsuits accusing Roman Catholic priests of molesting children has reinforced suspicions among some critics of the church that remote Alaska was a dumping ground for problem clergy.



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