Date: October 24th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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·        TODAY October 24th: Dylan Avery – Director of Loose Change – What if commercial airliners did not hit the WTC?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

TVNL Editor's Comments: Who let the dogs out on George W. Bush all of a sudden? Who gave toe OK for the media to finally inform the public that people, Republican people, are less than thrilled with the criminally insane leadership of the Project for a New American Century? Who OK’d the release of 5 years worth of information on which the media has been sitting?

There is virtually nothing new taking place right now. We know the war was based on lies. We knew about the lies. We knew about Cheney and his thirst for unaccountable executive power. We knew about the fact that Bush is a moron and he is kept isolated and fed selected bits of information that will cause him to make the decisions his feeders want him to make. We knew that Bush is nothing without Rove and that Cheney has run the show. We knew that every single public event was staged or childproofed so that George W. Bush did not have a nervous breakdown. We know that his cabal exposed the identity of a CIA operative and we knew that anyone who told the truth about this administration was going to fall victim to them. We know that torture and other violations of domestic and international law, were approved all the way up the chain of command.

We knew that the Bush/PNAC agenda has permitted the Bush/PNAC affiliate partners to profit beyond their wildest dreams without every having to answer for their blatant overcharging of the US taxpayers. There is nothing new being discussed. What is new is that the people who were speaking out are now being presented to the public. Remember all of those former US diplomats and senior military leaders who tried to warn the nation about this administration? Well you never saw them on TV did you? Why all of a sudden are we permitted to see the critics? Who gave the OK to dust off 3 year old information and show it to the people?

The only new event that has taken place recently is that someone gave the OK to regime change in the US. The people behind the scenes, perhaps the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations must have made the decision to dump this administration and the media is following orders and helping that to happen.

The people behind the scenes made their decision. They decided to let the people see a little of what has gone on. That is why we are now seeing on TV what the readers of and other real news sites have known all along and you are witnessing the power behind the scenes in action. This makes me wonder if they will ever approve the release of the real story of 9/11 for public consumption. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

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· II MEF MARINE KILLED IN ACTION - A Marine assigned to the 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action by small-arms fire during combat operations against the enemy in ar Ramadi, Oct. 23.

· Iraq Insurgency Shows No Signs of Abating - Experts think the country's increasingly regional-oriented politics will fuel the insurgency and even spread it further inside Iraq. Others put forward a simple, disquieting scenario: So long as U.S. and other foreign troops remain in Iraq, the insurgency will continue.





· Brent Scowcroft "Breaks Ranks" with George W. Bush in Major New Yorker Article - In "Breaking Ranks: What Turned Brent Scowcroft Against the Bush Administration?", Jeffrey Goldberg coaxes Brent Scowcroft to delineate his differences with the foreign policy proclivities of George W. Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Cheney, and others. And in the piece, George H.W. Bush is interviewed about Scowcroft -- and while Bush 41's comments are more elliptical, he stands clearly by Scowcroft's side in clear criticism of the decisions his son made

· Conservatives fear increase of dissent in the ranks - And among conservative books in the works are these sour titles: ''Can This Party Be Saved?" and ''Imposter: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy."

· NEWSWEEK: Vice President Cheney and Close-Knit Group of Advisers Aggressively Advanced Case for Iraq War, Chasing Down Critics and Setting the Stage for the CIA Leak Case - LINK - Soon after 9/11, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, began routinely calling intelligence officials, high and low, to pump them for any scraps of information on Iraq. He would read obscure, unvetted intelligence reports and grill their authors, but always in a courtly manner, report Newsweek's National Security Correspondent John Barry and Investigative Correspondents Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball in the October 31 issue (on newsstands Monday, October 24). The intel officials were often more than a little surprised. It was extraordinarily unusual for the vice president's office to step so far outside of channels and make personal appeals to mere analysts. "He was deep into the raw intel," one government official tells Newsweek.
TVNL Comment: We knw this before the invasion! Why are all these "news" organizations pretending to be journalists all of a sudden?

· Report: Abramoff Sought Help From Reed - Jack Abramoff, the GOP lobbyist under investigation by federal authorities for fraud, repeatedly sought the help of Bush strategist Ralph Reed to open doors at the White House for his business clients, according to e-mail made public Sunday.

· Many Players Emerging in CIA Leak Drama - In a way, the whole Wilson saga can be traced back to Cheney and Bush. It was Cheney's interest in the alleged Iraq-Niger deal that led the CIA to dispatch Wilson to Africa. And it Bush's use of the debunked claim in his State of the Union address that led Wilson to publish his doubts.

· BUSH'S BASTARDIZED 'CONSERVATISM' - A rebellion appears to be brewing among conservatives. Not unpredictably, Bush has hit them where it hurts — the Supreme Court — and, thankfully, this has been “the final straw,” the title of a column by the brave Bruce Bartlett.








9/11 News :


· Positive ID - The 911 South Tower Airliner 'PODS' - A Boeing machinist with 30 years of manufacturing experience including machining the wing spars in the large Boeing airliners weighs in on the crashes into the World Trade Center on 9/11. With intimate knowledge of the strength of structural components of Boeing airliners he is qualified to estimate how these components would react in a crash:






· Kucinich Uses House Procedure To Demand Documents From White House Iraq Group - “For two-and-a-half years Congress has sat on the sidelines neglecting its oversight responsibility when it has come to Iraq,” continued Kucinich. “We owe it to the American people to hold this Administration accountable and to find out the truth.”

· Senate Nixes Boost in Heating Assistance - or the second time this month, the Senate voted against putting more money into a program that helps low-income families meet home heating costs.
TVNL Comment: Can we call them bastards yet?





· Contractor Accused Of Overbilling U.S. - Federal auditors say the prime contractor on a $1 billion technology contract to improve the nation's transportation security system overbilled taxpayers for as much as 171,000 hours' worth of labor and overtime by charging up to $131 an hour for employees who were paid less than half that amount.










· U.S. Widens Campaign on North Korea - The Bush administration is expanding what it calls "defensive measures" against North Korea, urging nations from China to the former Soviet states to deny overflight rights to aircraft that the United States says are carrying weapons technology, according to two senior administration officials.

· Europe is hanging by a thread - The European Union today is a bit like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Tom has run over the cliff edge chasing Jerry and his legs are still pumping furiously in thin air; he's yet to plummet to earth to meet some grizzly end. The EU has gone over the cliff edge, its legs are still pumping, but there's no realisation among its leaders or the wider public that a vertiginous plummet is imminent.

· Will the French Indict Cheney? - Yet another sordid chapter in the murky annals of Halliburton might well lead to the indictment of Dick Cheney by a French court on charges of bribery, money-laundering and misuse of corporate assets.





· Pentagon program costing taxpayers millions in inflated prices - The Pentagon paid $20 apiece for plastic ice cube trays that once cost it 85 cents. It paid a supplier more than $81 apiece for coffeemakers that it bought for years for just $29 from the manufacturer. - That's because instead of getting competitive bids or buying directly from manufacturers like it used to, the Pentagon is using middlemen who set their own prices. It's the equivalent of shopping for weekly groceries at a convenience store.

· U.S. Troops Try to Maintain Morale in Iraq - "A lot of people don't want to be here, but they're here because it's their job," said Staff Sgt. Anthony Rayner, of Atlanta, as he slowly ate shrimp in a mess hall on a support base on the edge of Baqouba, a town of central Iraq plagued by insurgent attacks.





· Hey Bush Turncoats: Just Shut Up and Apologize! - The vocal anti-Bush protestors, who have been marching in the streets for years and subjecting themselves to the vile and uninformed ridicule of the blind followers of the Bush/PNAC lie machine, are the only people who should be proud of themselves. Everyone else should just shut about Bush, apologize to the anti-Bush crowd and admit that the anti-Bush community has been correct all along!





· Colleagues call for removal of New York Times journalist in CIA leak case - The New York Times continued to implode under the weight of internal criticism yesterday as the public clamour for one its most prominent reporters, Judith Miller, to be removed from her job gained pace.

· MSM-MEDEA ARE BAD CAR DRIVERS... - What might be the reason that the "MSM-Medea" is turning most of yesterday's "conspiracy-theories" into the "BREAKING" NEWS of the day? - Did those "Journaillists", living in their wellfunded ivory-towers, find NEW EVIDENCE all at sudden - or are they writing exactly that what was SUPRESSED before and had been labeled by them as a contemptuous "Conspiracy-Theory"?

· After 'NY Times' Probe: Keller Should Fire Miller--and Apologize to Readers - As the devastating Times article, and her own first-person account, make clear, Miller should be promptly dismissed for crimes against journalism -- and her own paper. And her editor, who has not taken responsibility, should apologize to readers

· Text of e-mail sent by NYT executive ed. - Text of an e-mail sent to the staff of The New York Times by Bill Keller, the paper's executive editor:










· Police to probe US ‘torture flights’ landing in Scotland - SCOTTISH police are to launch an investigation into CIA “torture flights” which fly in and out of Glasgow and Prestwick airports, ferrying kidnapped war on terror suspects around the world.








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