Date: November 1st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Monday, November 7: Skull & Bones - Secret Societies, Our Real Government.

Guest: Kris Millegan -  Author of Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Skull and Bones, the pirates flag, a poison warning—an icon of death—an interesting symbol for what some say is merely a Yale 'frat' club. Just some college kids and their bizarre hazing humor—having fun. - For almost 170 years that grimacing visage and code of "strict secrecy" has fostered many questions.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

TVNL Editor's Comments: When it comes to crime and punishment I am surely on the conservative end of the political spectrum. In my heart (not my head) in some cases I would rather see street justice practiced than watch a plea bargain play itself out. I do not think the feelings in my heart have a real place in a civilized world however.

That being said…even when it comes to street justice I strongly believe that we must make sure that the target of justice has actually committed a crime. So when the members of the Bush/PNAC administration, most notably the world hypocrisy record holder George W. Bush himself, gets up in front of the world and says (in relation to Scooter Libby) that in America we have a system of law that says a person is innocent until proven guilty I wonder why I feel like kicking him in the nuts! Is he kidding? How much hypocrisy can this guy display before the world just explodes in laughter?

We have a prison full of people who have been locked up for 4 years without even being charged with a crime. They are not allowed to see their lawyers either. We drop bombs and take over nations based on false accusations and no evidence (no due process of any kind). The US has become the prime example of everything we are fighting against and our so called president has the nerve to showcase a relentless flow of hypocrisy to the world as he embarrasses our once great nation. Keep in mind, the rest of the world is not as uninformed as we are…they see the hypocrisy…and with each dose that the Bush administration shoves down the world’s throat America becomes more of a joke in the eyes of the world. Do you really need to look further than our hypocrisy when trying to figure out why anyone would hate this nation? Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· II MEF SOLDIER KILLED IN ACTION - A Soldier assigned to the 155th Brigade Combat Team, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action conducting combat operations against the enemy after being attacked with an improvised explosive device during a foot patrol in the vicinity of al Haswah on Oct. 31.

· MARINE KILLED IN AL AMIRIYAH - A Marine assigned to 2nd Force Service Support Group (Forward), II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action while conducting combat operations against the enemy when his vehicle was attacked with an improvised explosive device in the vicinity of Al Amiriyah on Oct. 30.

· TWO 29TH BCT SOLDIERS KILLED - Two 29th Brigade Combat Team Soldiers were killed by an improvised explosive device at approximately 9:06 a.m. Oct. 31 while on a patrol north of LSA Anaconda.

· 4 TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIERS KILLED - Four Task Force Baghdad Soldiers were killed when their patrol struck an improvised explosive device in the Yusufiyah district southwest of Baghdad Oct. 31.










· US tax panel urges mortgage interest deduction cut - A blue-ribbon panel appointed by U.S. President George W. Bush will recommend voiding most tax deductions and lowering tax rates to make the U.S. tax system simpler and more efficient, its chairman said on Tuesday.



9/11 News :


· THE NEW PEARL HARBOR - Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11
TVNL Comment: On line book.

· Retired Air Force Col: They lied to us about the war and about 9/11 itself - They ignored the warnings, more than that, we have mounting evidence that at least, they made it impossible for those planes to be intercepted.






· Congress to air concerns over Negroponte's office - Among other issues, lawmakers are concerned that Negroponte and top aides have been too secretive in their decision making and that a newly announced national intelligence strategy was insufficiently bold, a House of Representatives intelligence committee official told a symposium in San Antonio.

· Endless sunset - While you were, ah, distracted, Congress was quietly renewing every major provision of the Patriot Act.





· The Digital Money Mill - Now looms a wolfish assault in sheep's clothing: the Online Freedom of Speech Act, which House Republican leaders are suddenly planning to put to a vote on Wednesday so politicians can abuse the Internet as an unregulated outlet for multimillion-dollar advertising campaigns.

· Patriot Act dangers - With that kind of FBI track record, this is no time for Congress to be handing the bureau even more powers to seize private records in the name of fighting terrorism.










· New Australia terror laws delayed - Plans by Australia's prime minister to bring in tough new anti-terror laws have been delayed in parliament due to opposition from regional leaders.





· .50-caliber ammo used so much that supplies run low - Washington- U.S. troops in Iraq are firing .50-caliber machine guns at such a high rate, the Army is scrambling to resupply them with ammunition - in some cases dusting off crates of World War II machine gun rounds and shipping them off to combat units.

· Court-martial call for US soldier - A military investigator has recommended that a US soldier face a court martial over charges he murdered two of his superiors while serving in Iraq.

· Landmark Gulf War Syndrome ruling - The Pensions Appeal Tribunal (PAT) decided Daniel Martin, 35, of Luton, should be given a disability award, using Gulf War Syndrome as an "umbrella term" to cover his ailments, which are attributable to his service in the 1991 conflict.

· Top-ranking officer killed in Iraq - Col. William Wood, commanding officer of the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment, died last week, the highest-ranking U.S. officer to be killed in combat in the Iraq war, the U.S. military said Monday.










· Former Singapore PM defends lack of media freedom - He insisted that a free press does not always lead to a clean and efficient government or contribute to prosperity.

· Milwaukee Paper Apologizes for Accepting 'Cooked' WMD Evidence - The most important newspaper in its region finally apologized to readers for accepting "cooked" evidence about WMD in Iraq that helped lead to war in 2003. No, it was not The New York Times.





· What Is Organic? Powerful Players Want a Say - Some advocacy groups, however, say the amendment will weaken federal organic food standards, first established under a 1990 law. Ronnie Cummins, national director of the Organic Consumers Association, calls the initiative a "sneak attack engineered by the likes of Kraft, Dean Foods and Smucker's."

· World Government - Taking Away Your Vitamins! - Do you realize that a not so secret government body whose goal it is to protect multinational corporations is concocting global laws that will prevent you from being able to feed yourself nutrients? Your house may soon be raided by federal troops who are looking for vitamin C!





· Guantanamo Desperation Seen in Suicide Attempts - The hunger strikers are protesting their lengthy confinements in the island prison, where some have been kept for nearly four years and most have never been charged with a crime.








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