Date: November 2nd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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Monday, November 7: Skull & Bones - Secret Societies, Our Real Government.

Guest: Kris Millegan -  Author of Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Skull and Bones, the pirates flag, a poison warning—an icon of death—an interesting symbol for what some say is merely a Yale 'frat' club. Just some college kids and their bizarre hazing humor—having fun. - For almost 170 years that grimacing visage and code of "strict secrecy" has fostered many questions.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

TVNL Editor's Comments: Give me a break Harry Reid! Now you ask about the evidence presented to the world related to Iraq? What about the day that it was announced in the UN in front of Colin Powel, that the evidence related to Niger were FORGERIES? You ask these questions AFTER your Congress signed the OK to obliterate Iraq? Hey Harry…do you remember the 130 nations in the UN General Assembly that ALL voted against an invasion of Iraq? Were they fooled? Either you and your pals in Congress are completely incompetent idiots or your are lying bastard criminals. What do I think…let’s just say I don’t think you are idiots.

You still haven’t even looked at the New Pearl Harbor gang’s (PNAC members in the White House) connections to 9/11 so why should we expect anything more from you when it comes to Iraq? If you were a doctor you would probably need to go to the cemetery so that you can dig up the patients that you finally decide to treat. Nice try with your little closed door session; I am sure many democrats fell for it…but the cliché “too little, too late” is an understatement in this case! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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· Civilian contractors in Iraq dying at faster rate as insurgency grows - As of Monday, 428 civilian contractors had been killed in Iraq and another 3,963 were injured, according to Department of Labor insurance-claims statistics obtained by Knight Ridder.

· TWO MARINES KILLED IN SUPER COBRA CRASH NEAR AR RAMADI - Two Marines assigned to the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action today when their AH-1W “Super Cobra” helicopter crashed near Ar Ramadi at approximately 8:15 a.m.

· IRAQ: 'CHILD' BOMBER DIES AS US MILITARY RAISES ALARM OVER ROADSIDE ATTACKS - The report of such a young child being used for terror attacks comes as the US military issued a report showing how difficult it can be for its soldiers to prevent roadside bombs.
TVNL Comment: Keep this in mind: We started this! The US picked a fight. Now the US is in a fight; an ungly fight. The only people to blame are the people who started this.

· The Snake Oil Merchants Who Sold Us A War!! - TvNewsLIES Looks at The White House Iraq Group (WHIG)





· Cheney's Clintonian Lie About Joe Wilson... - We've always been bothered by Dick Cheney's September 14, 2003 statement on Meet the Press when he claimed he didn't even know who Joe Wilson was.








9/11 News :


· The '9/11 Truth Movement' raises questions about 9/11 attacks - One of the major questions being asked is who inside and outside of the U.S. Government had foreknowledge that a terrorist attack was being planned using airliners as weapons, or that such an attack was likely. And if so, did they deliberately allow the attacks to occur so this “new Pearl Harbor” event would create a desired climate in America.

· Pentagon: Top al-Qaida Operative Escaped - Al-Farouq could have been the first detainee to testify against a soldier in the Afghanistan prisoner abuse case.






· Nice Try Harry (Reid) But it Was Too Little, Too Late - Nice try with your little closed door session; I am sure many democrats fell for it…but the cliché “too little, too late” is an understatement in this case! Think about it!

· Democrats in Senate Act as An Opposition Party: Republicans Dumbstruck - In an unprecedented, uncharacteristically daring move, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid forced the Senate into a secret session to demand accountability for the Bushevik lies that led America into the Iraq War.





· FL Secretary of state quits - Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood submitted her resignation Tuesday, saying it is time for her to return to her hometown of Orlando to be with her grandchildren. She will step down Nov. 21.





· Centuries of global warming projected - Overall, the world would experience profound transformations, some potentially beneficial but many disruptive, and all at a pace rarely seen in nature, said the authors of the study, published today in The Journal of Climate.

· New Study Warns of Total Loss of Arctic Tundra - If emissions of heat-trapping gases continue to accumulate in the atmosphere at the current rate, there may be many centuries of warming and a near-total loss of Arctic tundra, according to a new climate study.





· Anti-Bush Protesters Gather in Argentine Resort Ahead of Americas Summit - Waving communist flags and images of famed revolutionary Che Guevara, thousands of people opposed to President Bush and free trade protested Tuesday at a "People's Summit" ahead of this weekend's fourth Summit of the Americas.

· Chinese Defense Minister Gives Speech About WAR plans against the United States - Says China can only afford to wait another 5 to 10 years before being forced to attack to gain "living space"





· US Army chaplain convicted of sodomy, sentenced to five years in prison - A US Army chaplain was sentenced yesterday to five years in prison after pleading guilty at his court-martial to three counts of forcible sodomy against enlisted men.
TVNL Comment: Christianity...saving us all!





· BIGGER THAN WATERGATE - To weigh the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame against historical standards, consider that no leader of the Soviet Union--including that master of ruthlessness, Josef Stalin--ever arranged for the name of a KGB operative to appear in a newspaper. Adolf Hitler had countless millions murdered, yet getting at a political enemy by endangering agents of the Sicherheitsdienst, the Nazi intelligence service, didn't cross his mind. In this respect, not even the worst tyrants have stooped to the level of George W. Bush.

· Hiding the Gulf of Tonkin Lie - Of course, it makes perfect sense for the NSC to hide the findings, especially now as the American people are beginning to realize Bush and crew “deliberately distorted critical intelligence” (in other words, they lied) in regard to the fantasy Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. “This material is relevant to debates we as Americans are having about the war in Iraq and intelligence reform,” Matthew Aid, an independent historian, told the Times.





· ALTERNATIVE MEDIA CENSORSHIP: SPONSORED BY CIA's FORD FOUNDATION? - The multi-billion dollar Ford Foundation's historic relationship to the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA] is rarely mentioned on Pacifica's DEMOCRACY NOW / Deep Dish TV show, on FAIR's COUNTERSPIN show, on the WORKING ASSETS RADIO show, on The Nation Institute's RADIO NATION show, on David Barsamian's ALTERNATIVE RADIO show or in the pages of PROGRESSIVE, MOTHER JONES and Z magazine. One reason may be because the Ford Foundation and other Establishment foundations subsidize the Establishment Left's alternative media gatekeepers / censors.

· What Judy forgot: Your right to know - It is deeply disturbing that the public was left uninformed about such key information because of the posturing of news organizations that claimed to be upholding the free-press guarantee of the 1st Amendment.

· CBS' Mary Mapes, in 'Vanity Fair,' Defends Role in 'RatherGate' - "If I was an idiot, it was for believing in a free press that is able to do its job without fear or favor. ...I didn't know that the attack on our story was going to be as effective as a brilliantly run national political campaign, because that is what it was: a political campaign."

· The Return of Jeff Gannon! Ex-White House Favorite Finds New Outlet in Gay Papers - Gannon became famous earlier this year when -- after he asked President George W. Bush a Republican-slanted question at a press conference -- reporters discovered he had been credentialed despite using an alias, and working for an organization, Talon News, that appeared more dedicated to supporting Bush than gathering news.
TVNL Comment: He was a fake reporter for a fake news organization that was involved in a propaganda campaign by the most dishonest administration in American history!










· CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons - The CIA has been hiding and interrogating some of its most important al Qaeda captives at a Soviet-era compound in Eastern Europe, according to U.S. and foreign officials familiar with the arrangement.

· Where atrocity threatens to become official U.S. foreign policy - Actually, for all practical purposes we already have a torture czar . . . it's the Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney.





· Another London 7/7 ‘False Flag’ Looming! - Blair Orders ‘FALSE FLAG’ Mini-Nuke to Bomb Houses Of Parliament, at 4.00 PM, on 5th November, 2005
TVNL Comment: These days anything is possible. Interesting ...just in case it is true.

· Germany In 1933: The Easy Slide Into Fascism - The parallels are not exact, of course; America in 2003 and Germany seventy years earlier are not the same, and Bush certainly is not Adolf Hitler. But there are enough disquieting similarities in the two periods at least to see what we can learn — cautionary tales, as it were — and then figure out what to do with our knowledge.

· Nazification - The foisting of the totalitarian pattern on a country, including state support for corporations, militaristic imperialism, suppression of constitutional freedoms, and the seizure of dictatorial power by the regime in control. - "Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the citizen is totally subject to absolute state authority in all aspects of day-to-day life. The term was created by Hannah Arendt in order to illustrate the commonalities between Nazism and Stalinism."



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