Date: November 4th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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Monday, November 7: Skull & Bones - Secret Societies, Our Real Government.
Guest: Kris Millegan - Author of Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Skull and Bones, the pirates flag, a poison warning—an icon of death—an interesting symbol for what some say is merely a Yale 'frat' club. Just some college kids and their bizarre hazing humor—having fun. - For almost 170 years that grimacing visage and code of "strict secrecy" has fostered many questions.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

TVNL Editor's Comments: Bill Maher helped FOX News’ Tony Snow continue to lie to the public about Iraq. On Maher’s HBO show Tony Snow stated that women in Iraq are now permitted to attend college and they were not allowed to do so under Saddam. This is a lie and Maher let him get away with it. Women had equal rights under the Law when Saddam was in power. Women were permitted to attend college and hold any job that a man could hold including positions in government. They were not subject to Islamic laws that treat women like possessions owned and ruled by men. Another little tidbit that Snow left out was that a college education in Iraq was FREE and it was funded by oil money. Where do American oil profits go? Saddam may have been a tyrant, but there is more to the picture than the good and evil image that has been painted for us by the media. Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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• Morning ambush kills Iraqi police - Six Iraqi police have died and another 10 were wounded as insurgents attacked a checkpoint in Buhriz, near the central Iraqi city of Baquba.

• SOLDIER DIES FROM NON-BATTLE RELATED CAUSES - One 1st Corps Support Command Soldier died as a result of non-battle related causes Thursday at about 11:15 p.m. near Tallil, Iraq.

• Italy Warned U.S. That Documents About Purported Iraq Uranium Deal Were Fake - Italian secret services warned the United States months before it invaded Iraq that a dossier about a purported Saddam Hussein effort to buy uranium in Africa was fake, a lawmaker said Thursday after a briefing by the nation's intelligence chief.

• SOLDIER KILLED IN ACTION - A Soldier assigned to the 43rd Military Police Brigade was killed in action while conducting combat operations in the vicinity of Baqubah, located north of Baghdad, Nov. 3.


• Prosecutor Narrows Focus on Rove Role in C.I.A. Leak - The prosecutor in the C.I.A. leak case has narrowed his investigation of Karl Rove, the senior White House adviser, to whether he tried to conceal from the grand jury a conversation with a Time magazine reporter in the week before an intelligence officer's identity was made public more than two years ago, lawyers in the case said Thursday.


• Pay Gains Are Lagging Inflation: Just A Blip Or Enduring Trend? - But stagnating wages don't help the consumer, especially when it comes to spending on discretionary items like vacations and holiday sweaters.

9/11 News :

• 9/11 firefighters show long-term lung damage - The latest follow-up report on lung function in New York City firefighters shows that firefighters who served in rescue efforts in the World Trade Center collapse are showing "accelerated pulmonary function decline."


• Republicans plan to cut 40,000 kids from school lunch program to pay for ANOTHER tax cut in the next month - They're asking the poor to suck it up and do without because of those critical tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate welfare and a failing war of convenience are more important than food for the poor. How long before they change the child labor laws so the kids can go out and work for their food? Nice compassion and isn't it great to see that we're all in this together?


• Denver votes to legalize marijuana possession - Voters here approved making Denver the first major city to legalize small amounts of marijuana, but the mayor warned that state law still makes possession of the drug illegal.

• The Missing Money - "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions" - Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense - CBS News, January 2002


• Habitats May Shrink by Leaps, Bounds - # Officials want to reduce sanctuaries for frogs and other species by 150 million acres.
TVNL Comment: Kill kill kill kill, profit profit profit profit! That is the GOP marching tune!

• US Senate rejects Alaska oil ban - But opponents say it would threaten a key habitat for migratory birds, polar bears, caribou and other animals.

• Centuries of global warming projected - Overall, the world would experience profound transformations, some potentially beneficial but many disruptive, and all at a pace rarely seen in nature, said the authors of the study, published today in The Journal of Climate.


• Anti-Bush Demonstrators Take to Streets - A crowd of 10,000 people chanting "Get out Bush!" swarmed the streets of this Argentine resort Friday, hours before the hemisphere's leaders sat down to debate free trade, immigration and job creation at the fourth Summit of the Americas.

• Battle ahead at Americas summit - Leaders from 34 nations have begun arriving in Argentina for the fourth two-day Summit of the Americas.




• How To Resist Propaganda - We ought to know what propaganda is. We have just lived through a massive propaganda campaign that launched the Iraq War. Our topmost government officials lied so much, jumping from one lie to the next, that they made it difficult for many to believe they were lying.


• Former CPB Chairman Ken Tomlinson Resigns - The board has been reviewing a CPB Inspector General's report--called for by a pair of congressmen--on Tomlinson's relationship with the board stemming from Tomlinson's attempts to add more conservative programming.

• Appeals Court Refuses to Block Journalists' Testimony - A federal appeals court has refused to block an order requiring four journalists to testify about their confidential sources in reporting on former nuclear scientist Wen Ho Lee.

• Knight Ridder Reporter Warns of Hostile Takeover--with Political Twist? - As reports swirl that KR could or should be sold, under new pressure from what he calls a "pro-GOP" big investor, a longtime Philly Daily News scribe charges that this would be "bad news" for the chain--and all of American media.

• Fox News Paid for DeLay's Travel - Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) "filed a report with the Clerk of the House of Representatives indicating he received free travel valued at $13,998.55 from Fox News Sunday for 'officially connected travel' on October 1-2, 2005, from Sugarland, TX to Washington, D.C. and back to Sugarland, TX. Rep. DeLay appeared on Fox News Sunday on October 2, 2005, the weekend after his indictment on September 28, 2005."


• Americans overpay for low-quality health care, survey finds - Results show treatment often falls short, costs more than that in other nations

• Smoke-free zones extend outdoors - "We feel an obligation, as a health care leader, to set high standards for a safe and healthy environment," says Sid Ramsey, vice president of Iowa Health System, which owns three hospitals and will ban outdoor smoking starting in July.


• CIA prisons 'in Poland, Romania' - FLIGHT records and other evidence points to Poland and Romania as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to hold top suspected al-Qaeda captives, Human Rights Watch said overnight.

• Iraq murder trial charges dropped - he charges against seven UK soldiers accused of murdering an Iraqi civilian have been dismissed by a judge at a court martial in Colchester, Essex.


• Rabbi, Teacher Lose Jobs After Taping - A rabbi for a national youth group based in Rockville and a Prince George's County special education teacher have lost their jobs after they were allegedly videotaped by a hidden camera as part of a forthcoming "Dateline NBC" story about men who try to solicit sex from minors online, officials said yesterday.

• State lawmaker steps down after sexual assault conviction - A top Republican lawmaker said Monday he will resign from the Hawaii Legislature on Dec. 1 because he was convicted of fondling a woman on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu.

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