Date: November 9th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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Monday, November 14th – Topic: George W. Bush, The Case for Impeachment
• Walter Williams: From the International Action Center, founded by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
• David Swanson: Washington Director of and of He is co-founder of the coalition, & creator of
• Larisa Alexandrovna: Managing Editor of Raw Story.
• Jimmy Walters: Founder of Reopen9/

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

NOTE: We have been having problems sending out our newsletter formatted in html. We are working to solve this problem.

TVNL Editor's Comments: Last night MSNBC’s Chris Mathews was talking with Tucker Carlson and Ron Reagan Jr. They were almost laughing about the fact that at the start of the Iraq invasion 70% of America thought that there were Iraqi nationals on the list of 19 alleged hijackers on 9/11. They also laughed at the fact that at the time of the 2004 election 70% of America believed that WMD have been found in Iraq.
They acted surprised that people believed this and they seemed to point the blame at the Bush administration. Well guess what…100% of that 70% get their information from the corporate media, not from the Bush administration! Guess what Chris…that’s you!

Hey Mr. Mathews…although you are trying to act like you are a journalist these days you are not fooling me. I watched you take part in the deception. Everyone watched you lie for 5 years. So I’ll tell you what…I’ll come on your program and talk about the 70% of America who were either stupid or duped. I’ll talk about your role in misinforming that 70%. Then we’ll see how giggle worthy the facts are? I’ll bring some bleach so that you can try to wash some of the blood stains off of your hands…but I doubt history will let you do the same. I’ll be waiting for your invitation;-) Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

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• II MEF MARINE DIES FROM IED ATTACK - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died Nov. 8 of wounds received when his vehicle was attacked with an IED in the vicinity of Camp Korean Village during combat operations, Nov. 7.

• Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre - Veteran admits: Bodies melted away before us.
TVNL Comment: This is similar to the reports that came out of Panama after George W. Bush Sr. sent his henchman in there to protect his CIA drug running operation.


• Democrat Kaine Wins Va. Governor Race - Democrat Tim Kaine Wins Virginia Governor's Race, Democrat Corzine Opens Up Lead in New Jersey

• White House keeps dossiers on more than 10,000 'political enemies' - Spurred by paranoia and aided by the USA Patriot Act, the Bush Administration has compiled dossiers on more than 10,000 Americans it considers political enemies and uses those files to wage war on those who disagree with its policies.

• The Lie Factory - A Mother Jones Special Investigation The inside story of how the Bush administration pushed disinformation and bogus intelligence and led the nation to war.

• Letter calls for inquiry into Washington Post story on CIA jails - Senior Republicans are pushing for an investigation into who revealed the existence of secret CIA prisons overseas for "high-value" al Qaeda suspects to the Washington Post, RAW STORY can confirm.



• Markets retreat amid US housing sector concerns - Giant home builder Toll Brothers has issued a disappointing outlook statement for the 12 months ahead.

9/11 News :

• 1 Million Contest - Entrants must prove how the trade towers steel structure was broken without explosives in 8.4 seconds.


• Congress Reps Seek Meeting With Ahmed Chalabi - Today, Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Maurice Hinchey and other Members will send the attached letter to Mr. Ahmed Chalabi asking for a meeting to discuss his role in manipulating the intelligence that led to war with Iraq.

• G.O.P. Leaders Seek Inquiry on Leaks of Government Secrets - A newspaper report that the Central Intelligence Agency had set up secret American prisons in Europe for the interrogation of terrorism suspects drew calls today for investigations into who leaked that information.


• Schwarzenegger's Entire Agenda Is Rejected by California Voters - California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger lost his gamble to go over the heads of lawmakers as voters rejected every measure he offered to change the political, fiscal and educational policy of the most-populous U.S. state.
TVNL Comment: The Teminator's agenda...Terminated!

• ELECTRONIC VOTING 'PROTOCOL BREACH' KEEPS SCHWARZENEGGER FROM VOTING! - It should be further noted, that the Governator was attempting to vote in Sacramento! Not in Los Angeles County! So the "breach" which would have kept a normal citizen from voting in one county, occurred in a completely different county!

• Voters report problems with voting machines in Roanoke Co. - News 7 has received calls from several voters in at least four different precincts who say their votes for Tim Kaine were not recorded or took several attempts to go through. - They contend the electronic touch screens repeatedly indicated they were voting for Republican candidate Jerry Kilgore instead of registering their intended vote for his Democratic opponent Tim Kaine.


• China to spend 180 billion dollars to boost renewable energy use - China said it would spend about 180 billion dollars over the next 15 years to increase its use of renewable energy to 15 percent of the total generated, from the current seven percent.


• Ex-Envoy Accuses Blair on Iraq and Calls Cabinet Aides 'Pygmies' - On Monday, the former British ambassador to the United States accused Prime Minister Tony Blair of squandering a golden opportunity to push the United States to delay the invasion of Iraq. On Tuesday, he characterized Mr. Blair's government as, mostly, "a crowd of pygmies."

• Iran says nuclear offer final chance - Iran's top nuclear official warned an offer to resume stalled atomic talks with Europe was his final attempt to salvage negotiations, insisting Tehran would never renounce its demand to enrich uranium.

• France declares state of emergency over riots - France will impose curfews under a state-of-emergency law and call up police reservists to stop rioting that has spread out of Paris' suburbs and into nearly 300 cities and towns across the country, the prime minister said Monday. He called a return to order "our No. 1 responsibility."






• Hey Chris Mathews…You are a Lying Bastard Too! - AHey Mr. Mathews…although you are trying to act like you are a journalist these days you are not fooling me. I watched you take part in the deception. Everyone watched you lie for 5 years. So I’ll tell you what…I’ll come on your program and...

• Fired CBS News Producer Unrepentant - In her first interview since being fired, former CBS News producer Mary Mapes maintains that her controversial "60 Minutes II" story on President Bush's National Guard service was "true" and that "no one has proved that the documents were not authentic."

• The media are minimising US and British war crimes in Iraq - The reporting of the Iraqi death toll - both in its scale and account of who is doing the killing - is profoundly dishonest

• Don't you dare call me a journalist - We who blog have generally been seen by the mainstream press as having a chip on our collective shoulders. We think the work we do qualifies us as bona fide journalists, and we are not happy when we are not acknowledged as such. Much effort has been expended, by bloggers across the political spectrum, to equate our work with what the big boys and girls do. If the Fourth Estate is a club, bloggers want in.




• Democrats Kaine, Corzine win in Virginia, N.J. - Texas voters overwhelmingly OK constitutional ban on same-sex unions
TVNL Comment: Texas, the Hate State!

• CIA was warned by inspector general that treatment techniques violated international conventions - A classified report issued last year by the CIA's inspector general warned that interrogation procedures approved by the CIA after the Sept. 11 attacks might violate some provisions of the international Convention Against Torture, current and former intelligence officials tell the New York Times for Wednesday page ones.


• Don't Ban Gays from Priesthood, Ban Homophobes Says Former Catholic Leader - "Any deep-rooted prejudice against others, such as homophobia or misogyny, would be grounds for rejecting a candidate for the priesthood, but not their sexual orientation."

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