Date: November 14th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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Monday, November 14th – Topic: George W. Bush, The Case for Impeachment
• Walter Williams: From the International Action Center, founded by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
• David Swanson: Washington Director of and of He is co-founder of the coalition, & creator of
• Jimmy Walters: Founder of Reopen9/
Tuesday, November 21th – Topic: News Media Deception & Government
• Mark Karlin: From

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

NOTE: We have been having problems sending out our newsletter formatted in html. We are working to solve this problem.

TVNL Editor's Comments: The culprits of the bombings in Jordan were named before the smoke at the scene cleared. Interestingly enough the bombings took place on 11/9, the reverse of 9/11. And just like in the aftermath of the events of 9/11 the investigation seemed to have been conducted before the crime was carried out.

Interestingly enough groups like the Freemasons and Skull & Bones are known for their obsessions with numbers, dates and symbols. Take a look at the symbols on our currency and on our government seals, they seem to be riddled with Freemason symbolism. Interestingly enough the announcement of a New World Order was made public by George H. W. Bush on 9/11/91. For those of you interested in numerology, secret societies and sheer statistical coincidence you may find that the number 911 is of greater significance to Freemasons than it is to Islamic fundamentalists.

Here is a little fun for you: ( I found this after I made my observations.)

Does this mean anything? I don’t know…but it is darn interesting;-) Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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• The Iraq Quagmire: Civilians paying the price - The toll of civilian casualties in Iraq prove that what’s taking place in Iraq now is nothing less than a 'crime against humanity,' according to an article from Iraq’s Azzaman newspaper.

• Bodies found in Iraq town after US offensive-doctor - An Iraqi Red Crescent doctor said on Saturday more than 50 bodies had been found in the rubble of a town near the Syrian border which U.S.-led troops swept through this week in an anti-insurgent offensive.


• Libby May Have Tried to Mask Cheney's Role - In the aftermath of Libby's recent five-count indictment, this curious sequence raises a question of motives that hangs over the investigation: Why would an experienced lawyer and government official such as Libby leave himself so exposed to prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald?

• Cheney's 'Dark Arts' - Vice president exposed as being above the law, just like the commander in chief

• Frank Rich on the 'flagrant embrace of torture' - So when you watch the president stand there with a straight face and say, "We do not torture" -- a full year and a half after the first photos from Abu Ghraib -- you have to wonder how we arrived at this ludicrous moment. The answer is not complicated. When people in power get away with telling bigger and bigger lies, they naturally think they can keep getting away with it. And for a long time, Bush and his cronies did. Not anymore.


• Conservatives Wave "Bye" to Manufacturing Jobs - Fox News Channel has a message for all you blue collar workers out there worried about losing your jobs to overseas competition: Tough luck.

9/11 News :

• 9/11 & the Jordan Attacks (on 11/9) - For those of you interested in numerology, secret societies and sheer statistical coincidence you may find that the number 911 is of greater significance to Freemasons than it is to Islamic fundamentalists.

• Iraq and 9/11 myths - Why was Rumsfeld targeting Iraq so early on? Does the group PNAC come to mind? There are great clips from Bush and Cheney trying to link Iraq with 9/11.




• Christian Coalition leader says he influenced effort to shut casinos. - Former Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed claimed in a 2001 e-mail to a lobbyist that he choreographed John Cornyn's efforts as Texas attorney general to shut down an East Texas Indian tribe's casino.

• Confusion Is Rife About Drug Plan as Sign-Up Nears - Enrollment in the new Medicare drug benefit begins in three days, but even with President Bush hailing the plan on Saturday as "the greatest advance in health care for seniors" in 40 years, large numbers of older Americans appear to be overwhelmed and confused by the choices they will have to make.

• Carter 'Disturbed' by Direction of U.S. - "Everywhere you go, you hear, 'What has happened to the United States of America? We thought you used to be the champion of human rights. We thought you used to protect the environment. We thought you used to believe in the separation of church and state,'" Carter said Friday at Unity Temple.

• Plaintiffs Blocked During Discovery Phase of New Mexico '04 Election Lawsuit - We've failed to report too terribly much on it to date, but there is a very important law suit quietly proceeding in New Mexico which is challenging the results of the 2004 Presidential Election there. The final result of that election was very close, and Election Reform advocates -- and indeed a great deal of evidence -- suggests that something was amiss there. Michael Collins wrote a good article about the suit a couple of weeks ago for New Zealand's SCOOP.




• Kazakh leader's critic found dead - An outspoken critic of the president of Kazakhstan has been found dead at his home in the former capital, Almaty.

• Israel Labour leader threatens PM - "I have political means to act and I will not allow Sharon to behave as though political ground is his private property," he said.

• Blair faces new inquiry into Iraq war - MPs organising the campaign to impeach Tony Blair believe they have enough support to force a highly damaging Commons investigation into the Prime Minister’s pre-war conduct.

• Britain's Blair admits he facing "very rough ride" - Prime Minister Tony Blair, battling to maintain his authority after being defeated in parliament over new anti-terrorism powers, admitted he now faced a "very rough ride" pushing through reforms.


• Any soldier will do for the Pentagon - Last week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative unit of Congress, released a report indicating that the Pentagon has been calling up reserve soldiers who are ill or medically unfit to serve. The reservists are serving primarily in Iraq and Afghanistan.

• Retired General Urges Better Vets Benefits - Speaking on the Veterans Day weekend, the former U.S. military commander in the Middle East said "President Bush has consistently refused to provide enough" money for veterans' health care.


• Right Wing Cowards Killing Americans, Destroying Families - They say theys support our troops. That's a lie. They say they are patriotic. That's an abomination. These right wing supporters of Republicans and republican-like democrats are causing millions of soldiers who fought for America to roll over in their graves.

• A Pact With the Devil - The Bush administration is guilty; the mass media is guilty; and – if you supported this vile crime against humanity – you too are guilty. I pray to God every night that all the guilty will receive their proper judgment and the sooner the better.


• Firm helps U.S. mold news abroad - The Rendon Group, directed by former Democratic Party political operative John Rendon, has garnered more than $56 million in Pentagon work since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. - Those contracts list such activities as tracking foreign reporters; "pushing" news favorable to U.S. forces; planting television news segments that promote U.S. positions; and creating a grass-roots voting effort in Puerto Rico on behalf of the Navy, Pentagon records show.

• Four Simple Suggestions for Bloggers - The name "Bush," not "Republicans," often gets much of the blame directly in the Blogsphere. We must help everyone remember that Bush is a REPUBLICAN president and can't do much with out his friends in the REPUBLICAN controlled congress. So here are my suggestions for bloggers:


• Caution over HIV 'cure' claims - Doctors say they want to investigate the case of a British man with HIV who apparently became clear of the virus.


• Civil Rights Focus Shift Roils Staff At Justice - The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, which has enforced the nation's anti-discrimination laws for nearly half a century, is in the midst of an upheaval that has driven away dozens of veteran lawyers and has damaged morale for many of those who remain, according to former and current career employees.

• Guantanamo inmates to lose all rights - Human rights campaigners are calling it the 'November surprise' - a last-minute amendment smuggled into a Pentagon finance bill in the US Senate last Thursday.


• Habakkuk on "Leo Strauss and the World of Intelligence" - What is clear, and in some ways frightening, is the shamelessness. In her 1988 study of 'The Political Ideas of Leo Strauss', Shadia Drury portrayed Strauss as an interesting if deeply flawed thinker, but suggested that what was fundamentally unfortunate about him was that 'he corrupts'; more specifically, he 'seduces young men into thinking that they belong to special and privileged class of individuals that transcend ordinary humanity and the rules applicable to other people.'"

• Irish Report on Sexual Abuse by Priests Stokes Outrage - The report, by a three-member panel appointed by the Irish government, showed that the Catholic Church hierarchy in Ireland was only one part of a system that enabled cover-ups allowing known sexual predators to retain their positions within the church - and their access to young victims.

• Is having God on your side always advantageous? - The broad ranging study compares data from 18 developed democracies and it shows societies with higher levels of belief also have higher levels of societal dysfunction.

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