Date: November 21st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News

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TODAY, November 21th – Topic: News Media Deception & Government
• Mark Karlin: From
• Kristina Borjesson: Author of Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press & the newly released Feet to the Fire: The Media After 9/11, Top Journalists Speak Out.

TUESDAY, November 22nd – Topic: 9/11, Unanswered Questions
• Jim Brewster: Jim Brewseter, filmaker, director of 911 Eyewitness

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: If every subscriber to this mailing list donated $1 per week our minimum financial needs would be met. If we doubled the size of our list it would only take $0.50 per week. Being financed to this point would mean that TvNewsLIES could pay for it’s overhead and any money over this amount could go towards hiring reporters and expanding the new radio program. It would also allow TvNewsLIES could repay my original investment so that I can do things like pay the rent and buy food! Just something to think about.

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TVNL Editor's Comments: Chemical weapons, bad; conventional weapons, good? What the hell kind of logic is that? The world has given the Good Housekeeping seal of approval to bullets, bombs, nuclear weapons, missiles and a plethora of devices designed to kill and maim people in the most brutal ways but it will not give the thumbs up to some other ways of destroying life? Where is the logic in this? Are they really concerned over the suffering that people will experience during their last moments of life? Are we all mad? Does anyone think that someone who has had his or her face blown off by an approved weapon experiences an acceptable amount of suffering? How insane is the human race? Doesn’t anyone else see the absurdity in this?

If you are going to permit killing, then permit killing. Stop trying to look like some sort of civilized humanitarian. It’s embarrassing to watch adults talk about which weapons are OK to use while they are obliterating living beings! There is no word in the English language that can accurately describe the levels of absurdity and hypocrisy this issue represents.

A Dutch business man is going to face charges because he sold Saddam Hussein chemical weapons but Donald Rumsfeld, who facilitated arming Saddam to the teeth, will surely get a high paying job at a weapons manufacturer when he leaves the Bush/PNAC administration.

Did you ever hear George Carlin’s comedy routine about the 7 dirty words that we are not allowed to say on TV? The same routine can be performed about weapons.

Imagine that someone is going to kill you and the only unacceptable aspect is this would be if the murder weapon used is not listed in the official catalogue! Unreal! I can not possibly express how insane this is! If it was not so horrific it would this would be laughable! Think about it! – Jesse, Editor,

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If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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• Rumsfeld says he did not 'advocate' invading Iraq - "I didn't advocate invasion," Rumsfeld told ABC television Sunday, when asked if he would have advocated an invasion of Iraq if he had known that no weapons of mass destruction would be found there.
TVNL Comment: Then why did he sign a letter asking Clinton to invade Iraq?

• US army confirms accidentally killed civilians - U.S. troops opened fire on a crowded minivan north of Baghdad on Monday, fearing a car bomb attack, and killed at least three members of the same family, including a child, the U.S. military and survivors said.
TVNL Comment: Oops. Sorry. Here is some money, now go away. Hey soldier who did this, we do not consider your emotional trauma to be an issue so either keep fighting or we will cut off all of your benifits.

• Five Iraqis shot at US checkpoint - Five members of an Iraqi family were killed when US forces opened fire on their vehicle outside a military base near the city of Baquba, police say.

• II MEF MARINE DIES OF WOUNDS - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of wounds received from small arms fire while conducting combat operations against the enemy in al Karmah, Nov. 19.

• White House used 'gossip' to build case for war - The senior BND officer who supervised Curveball's case said he was aghast when he watched Mr Powell overstate Curveball's case. "We were shocked," he said. "We had always told them it was not proven ... It was not hard intelligence."

• Germans: Bush misused data to justify Iraq war - The German intelligence officials responsible for one of the most important informants on Saddam Hussein's suspected weapons of mass destruction say that the Bush administration and the CIA repeatedly exaggerated his claims before the Iraq war.

• Talabani offers insurgents talks - Iraq's President Jalal Talabani has said he is willing to speak to insurgents if they want to talk to him.


• The Rendon Group: Proof The Administration Manipulated Intelligence - The Rendon Group personally set up the Iraqi National Congress and helped install Ahmad Chalabi as leader, whose main goal — “pressure the United States to attack Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein” — Rendon helped facilitate. Pentagon documents show that Rendon has the highest level of government clearance (above Top Secret), which helped it with its INC work — “a worldwide media blitz designed to turn Hussein…into the greatest threat to world peace.” While the White House continues to insist it did not manipulate intelligence before the Iraq war, it sure seems that it hired John Rendon and his group to do just that.

• Lawrence Wilkerson on CNN's Late Edition - Blitzer interviews Colin Powell's former State Dept. Chief of Staff about the "Cheney-Runsfeld cabal" and more

• Door thwarts quick exit for Bush - Mr Bush answered a range of questions before one reporter said: "Respectfully, sir - you know we're always respectful - in your statement this morning with President Hu, you seemed a little off your game, you seemed to hurry through your statement. There was a lack of enthusiasm. Was something bothering you?"


• Car giant GM to cut 30,000 staff - The automotive group, which is struggling to stem huge losses, will also close down nine assembly, stamping and Powertrain facilities.

9/11 News :

• Detroit 'Sleeper Cell' Prosecutor Faces Probe - As hidden evidence spilled out and the Justice Department abandoned the effort, federal investigators began to wonder whether the true conspiracy in the case was perpetrated by the prosecution. - It would be "extremely rare for a prosecutor to face criminal charges for misconduct," said former D.C. public corruption prosecutor Randall D. Eliason. "The key is going to be showing deliberate and willfully corrupt misconduct, as opposed to somebody who was pushing the envelope and got carried away."


• "This Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In Congress In Over A Century" - The Justice Department has signaled for the first time in recent weeks that prominent members of Congress could be swept up in the corruption investigation of Jack Abramoff, the former Republican superlobbyist who diverted some of his tens of millions of dollars in fees to provide lavish travel, meals and campaign contributions to the lawmakers whose help he needed most.

• DeLay Ex-Aide to Plead Guilty in Lobby Case - The deal reveals a broadening corruption investigation involving top members of Congress.




• Internal Federal Memo Casts Doubts on Hudson Cleanup - The official, a coastal resources expert in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said in a confidential memo that General Electric intends to leave substantial amounts of contaminants in the river, capping them with additional material rather than removing them. But the cap could be washed away in a storm, releasing the remaining PCB's beneath, the memo said.

• UN warns of quake 'toxic waste' - The UN has warned that waste and debris left in the wake of the 8 October South Asia earthquake could become toxic and seriously endanger survivors' health.


• Once merely messianic, Blair is now unhinged - Identity cards will not make us safer. That is the view of Dame Stella Rimington, the former head of MI5, speaking in Birmingham last week. That opinion must have earned her the prime minister’s contempt. He likes to cite support from the security services or top policemen each time he devises a proposal to limit our historic liberties.

• Row is all Bush's fault, Chavez tells Mexico - President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has sought to deflect a growing dispute with Mexico by blaming the US for sowing discord in Latin America.

• China will adopt its own path to democracy, Hu tells Bush - Reacting to Mr. Bush's appeal to China to expand religious, political and social freedom, Mr. Hu said, ``China will continue to build up democracy with its own characteristics and improve its people's human rights based on the actual situation and the aspirations of the people''.

• Thousands march to back Chavez - State workers, unionists and students, many wearing red T-shirts, waved flags and anti-U.S. placards as they marched through the capital accompanied by trucks blaring revolutionary songs, Venezuelan folk ballads and Mexican mariachi music.

• Astounded in China - China’s development is stunning and its power is growing quickly; is America about to become a lapdog for the Asian dragon?

• Sharon to Quit His Likud Party - Earlier, the moderate Labor Party voted to leave Sharon's coalition, already weakened by an internal Likud rift over Israel's pullout from Gaza.


• 41 Arrested Protesting Army School in Ga. - School of the Americas Watch, the group that sponsors the annual rally, alleges the school's graduates have committed murders, rapes and tortures in Latin America. Military officials deny the charges.


• Chemical Weapons, Bad; Conventional Weapons, Good? Are We All Insane? - Imagine that someone is going to kill you and the only unacceptable aspect is this would be if the murder weapon used is not listed in the official catalogue! Unreal! I can not possibly express how insane this is! If it was not so horrific it would this would be laughable!

• Tired of Being Lied to? Modern History You Can't Afford to Ignore - A couple years ago, historian Chalmers Johnson predicted that thanks to the "entrenched interests" of the military-industrial complex, the United States can look forward to a future of perpetual war, increased propaganda, fewer Constitutional rights, and a bloated executive branch. America, he warned, "will cease to resemble the country outlined in the Constitution of 1787" unless there is a "revolutionary rehabilitation of American democracy."


• Anonymity: Who Deserves It? - JOURNALISTIC integrity issues involving confidential sources have given The New York Times plenty of headaches in recent years. So it's not surprising that the paper's anonymous sourcing guidelines have been getting major attention from editors.

• State asks '60 Minutes' to hold report on sinking - State officials have asked the CBS television show "60 Minutes" to postpone Sunday's scheduled segment highlighting a scientist's allegations that New Orleans is sinking and that residents should be induced to leave the city.

• A black mark for media - In Plamegate, people see the sausage-making: journalists are part of the establishment they cover. Their ''sources" are government officials who use them to put out negative information about a political adversary. That is very different from protecting a whistleblower who is revealing secrets the public should know.

• Washington Post rebukes Bob Woodward - The Washington Post's ombudsman rebuked journalist Bob Woodward on Sunday for withholding what he knew about the CIA leak probe from his editor and for making public statements that were dismissive of the investigation without disclosing his own involvement.




• Iraq genocide trial for Dutchman - A Dutch businessman has gone on trial accused of complicity in war crimes and genocide for selling toxic chemicals to Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

• UN envoy probes torture in China - The UN rapporteur on torture, Manfred Nowak, has arrived in China for a fact-finding mission to examine allegations of official maltreatment.

• UK is accused over 'torture flights' - Ministers have been accused of turning a blind eye to "torture flights" refuelling at UK airports, despite warnings that they may breach international law.

• Largest-ever gathering of former Guantánamo prisoners and prisoners' families, US must give independent UN experts full access to Guantánamo - Amnesty International and Reprieve today called on the US government to stop blocking meaningful United Nations access to its Guantánamo detention centre and agree to access to all prisoners.


• Following the Money in Afghanistan - The prime contractor for schools and clinics, Louis Berger Group Inc., subcontracted work on 28 buildings to the Reconstruction Development Association in Kabul. Berger hired CHF International, a respected global charity based in Silver Spring, Md., to visit construction sites and regularly file progress reports. In late 2003, a CHF monitor asked an association engineer for money in exchange for positive reports. The engineer responded by rigging a camera behind a potted plant at the association's Kabul office.

• Taiwan victim of setup for "WW4" ? - This scenario, described during 2004, is now closer than ever before, since Taiwan actually now drilled the "flu" threat this month. If anti-war activist leaders are not willing to speak out about the truth on 9/11 (or getting strongly opposed for not doing so) , the scenario or similar ones will successfully proceed. The bogus war on terrorism will continue and the truth about 9/11 never come out...

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